

773 Uppsatser om Performing arts - Sida 3 av 52

Jämförelse av icke-kryptografiska hashfunktionerför användning i hashtabeller

This report examines some common or otherwise interestingnon-cryptographic hash functions with respect to the number of collisions when used in hash tables for different types of hashkeys. The report answers which of the examined hash functions can be seen as the best performing for the chosen hashkeys. To compare the different hash functions, an experiment which studies avalanche effect behaviour is carried out. The experiments also calculate the fraction of colliding hashkeys, and the distribution of hashkeys in hash tables is studied using Karl Pearson?schi-squared test.

Low-performing pupils at the construction programme

Low- performing pupils at the construction programme.

Gregorius : Bengt Ohlssons roman Gregorius i dialog med Hjalmar Söderbergs Doktor Glas

This thesis is about the interaction between composition, notation and interpretation and what occurs between the fields with an extended notation.The purpose of my thesis is to examine the possibilities tothoroughly describe and map the sounding samples through composition prototypes.The thesis has a qualitative approach, and the empirical material consists of different documents about notation and from interviews with musicians and students about the instruments used in the thesis.It also consists of 17 compositions recorded at Örebro University School of Music as an appendix.The analysis shows that the context in which the symbols are found, play an important role in performing them. It also shows that the performers are rooted in a traditional way of performing..

Musik i rörelse : Fyra lärares uppfattning om och användande av rörelse vid lärande av musik på estetiska programmet, inriktning musik

The purpose of this study is to shed light on how teachers on the upper secondary Arts with Music programme use movement in their teaching of music, and how they approach movement as an educational tool, by investigating the following three issues:1. What significance does movement have for teachers on the Arts with Music programme?2. How do teachers on the Arts with Music programme regard movement as an educational tool in the teaching of music?3.

Design and performance of Small scale sensory consumer tests

Small scale internal consumer tests provide a company with a cheap way to get valuable information regarding their products advantages and flaws. Therefore the demand for possibilities to do this kind of test has increased. This report is part of a new sensory project at Unilever. It presents a method for sensory comparison of the company?s own products with the corresponding competitor products.

Framtidens Teater finns inte. En beskrivning av ett icke-linjärt projektarbete

This is a non-traditional examination paper written after three years of studies at Malmö University and the Kaospilot Program. It is written in Swedish and in the spring of 2009. It describes a non-linear project based on a process-orientated theory called Theory-U by Otto C. Scharmer (2009). The project aims to investigate the changing conditions of Stage Theatre and deals with non-linearity as phenomena.

Elever i behov av särskilt stöd på bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet

Low- performing pupils at the construction programme.

Estetiska lärprocesser i förskolan : Att använda sig av pedagogisk dokumentation för att synliggöra barns lärande i bild, dans och musik

The purpose of this thesis is to find how to work with pedagogical documentation with the aesthetic subjects of dance, music and visual arts. The study also aims to investigate how teachers themselves believe that documentation of these subjects make visible the children?s learning processes. Also to explore if there are any differences in how teachers document the various subjects, and if so, how they can learn from each other to develop the work with pedagogical documentation. I have chosen to use qualitative interviews with a selection of three pre-school teachers who have been working with either dance, music or visual arts.

Bara en flickvän som bor långt bort : En studie av tjejers datormedierade relationspraktiker

In this study ? Just a girlfriend who lives far away? ? I interview fifteen girls about their experiences with computer mediated relationships. From a queer theoretical perspective I examine how these girls do and talk about their relationships, in relation to norms about relationships and sexuality as well as notions about online and offline.My aim is to discuss in which ways the performing of these relationships both reproduce and challenge norms about relationships and sexuality. The girls I interview attempt in different ways to show that doing relationships online is just as ?normal? as doing them offline.

Kanal 1 i Kanal5? : En kvantitativ studie om studenters attityder gentemot att public service utför marknadskommunikation

In recent years, the digitalization and media convergence has increased, which has made the market for public service- medias more competitive. Perhaps this is why public service has chosen to communicate with recipients outside their own channels.The purpose of this quantitative study is to find out how students attitudes looks towards the fact that public service are performing marketing communication. To find out, we conducted a survey, as 256 students of Linnaeus University in Kalmar answered. Together with the study we have used different theoretical references in order to analyse the responses from the survey, and obtain our conclusions.By analysing the empirical material we came to the conclusion that the majority are in favour of public service performing communication outside its own channels. But we also noticed that the communication needs to be in a certain way for the students to be positive.

Ett vidgat textbegrepp

Denna studie avser att undersöka och analysera fyra verksamma lärares uppfattningar om det vidgade textbegrepp som uttrycks i kursplanen i svenska 2000 och vilken betydelse deras uppfattning om det begreppet får för elevers undervisning i svenskämnet. Studien ska dessutom undersöka och analysera deras uppfattningar om hur ett vidgat textbegrepp kan förstås och relateras gentemot styrdokumenten i svenskämnet. För att fånga fyra lärares uppfattningar om ett vidgat textbegrepp och vilken betydelse deras uppfattning får för deras elevers svenskundervisning, har intervjuer genomförts i grundskolan med fyra lärare i år 6-9. Förhoppningen var att dessa intervjuer skulle ge en bild av verksamma lärares uppfattning om ett vidgat textbegrepp och hur det gestaltas i deras undervisning. Resultatdelen i uppsatsen upplyser om de fyra lärarnas olika uppfattningar om ett vidgat textbegrepp och vilken betydelse det får för elevers undervisning i svenskämnet.The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the understanding, of four teachers, about the wide text concept as it is put in the Swedish curriculum of 2000, and what meaning their opinion has for their teaching in Swedish arts.

Kraftskillnad i olika Muay Thai tekniker: händer armbågar och sparkar mot huvudet

Background: In the martial art of Muay Thai, techniques are used with hands, elbows, knees and kicks. The contestants are divided into different weight classes and experience levels. The Swedish martial arts association has decided that techniques with elbow are not allowed in B-class. Why is it so?Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the martial arts delegation decision to restrict techniques with elbows to the head in the B-class is justified.

Sissinghurst Castle Garden : en arts -and -craftsträdgård

Sissinghurst är en vacker trädgårdsanläggning som ligger i grevskapet Kent i sydöstra Storbritannien.Syftet med detta arbete var att studera Sissinghursts historia, design och växtslag men även att undersöka vad som gör Sissinghurst till en typisk arts -and -craftsträdgård.Trädgården köptes på 1930-talet av skriftställaren och diplomaten Harold Nicolson och författarinnan Vita Sackville-West. En ordentlig upprustning gjordes av Sissinghurst och sedan skapade de tillsammans den mest berömda och besökta arts -and -craftsträdgården i England.Trädgården användes som om den hade varit ett hus. Övre gården utgör hallen där höjdpunkten är den purpurröda rabatten med blad som har en silvergrå nyans. Vita trädgården är matsalen som är det mest berömda trädgårdsrummet på Sissinghurst. Den innehåller bara vita blommor med ett inslag av ljust rosa.

Elevrekrytering? - Tre kontrabaslärares tankar kring barns och ungdomars första tid på musik och kulturskolor.

Student recruitment? - Three teachers? thoughts concerning children's first experiences in municipal arts and music schools. The aim of this thesis is to explore three teacher' experiences of recruitment of students to arts and music schools. The thesis includes thoughts about how teachers can inspire students and why the orchestral string bass is an infrequent choice of instrument to study. I have examined the issues through a qualitative study where I have interviewed three licensed string bass teachers of different ages and backgrounds.

Innehållsanalys av begreppet ?Det vidgade textbegreppet? : ? I kursplanerna för Svenska och Bild, respektive Filosofi och Religionskunskap

AbstractThe name of this essay is: A content analyze of the expanded conception of text ? in the School curriculum?s for the subjects Swedish, Arts, Philosophy, and Religion by Maria Tollstedt (spring semester 2008), supervisor is Heike Graf.This essay is about the expanded conception of text. The theory for this work is the professor in literature Marshall McLuhans theories about Media being extensions of our bodies from the book Understanding Media (1964). The essay also discus and gives examples of definitions of what a text can be. This work examines and analyzes in what way the expanded conception of text implicitly and explicitly is being used in different Swedish governing school documents.

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