

8926 Uppsatser om Performance time - Sida 45 av 596

Belöningssystem : - en studie av börsnoterade företags rörliga ersättningssystem

AbstractMaster Thesis in business administration, School of Business and Economics at the Linneaus University, financial control, spring 2010Authors:Stefan Hellman and Ewa Warnquist Supervisor:Magnus Willesson Title: Reward systems - a study of public companies? variable compensation system Background:Our interest of the variable compensation system in public companies was brought by the recent extensive discussions of bonuses in the time of a financial crisis. This has led to that the word bonus has been given a negative connotation and we wanted to find out how the system of variable compensation is structured in the companies at Stockholm Stock Exchange. Problem:How is the variable compensation system structured in public companies? Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to study how the variable compensation in public companies is structured.

Alkoholkonsumtion - irrationell eller rationell : En studie av priselasticiteter och konsumtion av en beroendeframkallande vara

The aim of the study was to describe parents' experiences of empty nest. The sample consisted of individuals who had experienced one child moving out of the parental home. Data were collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by using thematic analysis. The thematic analysis revealed four themes, Concerns about the new time in life, Changing roles, Socializing in the family and Testing the relations. Due to the themes participants' stories reveal anxiety facing the time that will come when children takes the step to leave the nest.

Key Performance Indicators och Kraljics matris : Verktyg för att realisera inköpsstrategier inom Saab

I takt med att inköp har fått en allt mer betydande roll inom företag krävs det också att strategier för inköp utformas på ett sätt som möjliggör att de kan efterlevas och följas upp, framförallt när det rör sig om koncernövergripande strategier som kräver samordning. I dagsläget är det inköpsrådet på Saab som styr över och samordnar projekt och initiativ som sker inom inköp. Inköpsrådet ansvarar även för framtagandet av inköpsstrategier och arbetet utifrån dessa för hela koncernen. En första klassificering av Saabs leverantörer utefter Kraljics matris genomfördes år 2010 och i samband med detta har ett ökat intresse påvisats för att på ett differentierat sätt mäta och följa upp leverantörer. Syftet med studien är därmed att se vilka Key Performance Indicators (KPI:er) som är tillämpliga i en indelning av leverantörer enligt Kraljics matris, det vill säga om olika KPI:er är fördelaktiga för att genomföra mätning och uppföljning av olika typer av leverantörer enligt Kraljics matris.En betydande slutsats med indelning av KPI:er enligt Kraljics matris är att studien ska påvisa vilka mätetal som är mest väsentliga att ha vid uppföljning av leverantörer kopplade till respektive kvadrant i Kraljics matris.

Folkligt deltagande & regional utveckling

The residential yard at Kvarteret Landsfiskalen 1, in the area Herrgården in Rosengård, Malmö was built in 1971 and has since then been reconstructed twice, in 1984 and 2008. The yard is found in an area which was built during the years 1965 ? 1974, a period in which the swedish goverment approved a decision to build one million homes, and much of the events in this particular yard is also typical for the process in many other areas built during the same period.At the original construction the design of the yard was entirely incused by the pressure in time and finance, one was under at that time, in order to over- come the housing shortage. The design it has nevertheless been given, reflects the esthetic ideals of that time well.The building of the area was barely finished when the swedish authori- ties started handing out grants in order to support the rearmament of the outdoor environment in the areas built during the so called ?million program?.

Prestanda och precision pa? en enkortsdator i ett system med realtidskrav

The report aims to investigate how well a certain type of affordable embedded single board computer can hold up against today's more expensive computers in a computer system by doing various tests on a system with the specified requirements. The system has a Raspberry Pi as the single board computer which task is to control a camera based on coordinates obtained from a server as well as capture and stream a video signal on a network.The researches were conducted to check how much network traffic a single-chip computer sent in different video formats and how much CPU utilization was required. Studies were also made to ensure the accuracy of the camera control. The researches have been experimental, where several tests have been performed and analyzed.The results show that a sufficiently good accuracy can be obtained from the camera steering unit, in which two different servos have been investigated. When the video format MJPEG and H.264 are used, the single-chip computer is able to transmit a video signal up to 1280x720 at 15 fps.

Fritidspedagogers ochgrundskollärares föräldrakontakt : Likheter eller skillnader i den verbala kommunikationen

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there are any similarities or differences between leisure-time pedagogs and primary school teachers' verbal communication with parents. Questions we ask ourselves is how the verbal contact looks like today, the desire for how it should be and the importance of verbal communication has.We chose to make a qualitative questionnaire study in the form of open questions to three leisure-time pedagogs, three primary school teachers and eleven parents were asked to answer.The results show that leisure-time pedagogs, primary school teachers and parents believe that verbal communication is important and significant. They believe that it is working well today, whether is via face to face, telephone or email. The verbal communication should be honest and straight between all parties. Parents believe it is important to know leisure-time pedagogs who take care of their children, in order to create a sense of security among parents.

Tidsstudie av containerhuggbil

The fork lifter chipper truck is a concept which has been developed for harvest and transport of bio fuel. The system consists of one fork lifter chipper truck and 1, 2 or 3 transport lorries, usually two, which serves the fork lifter chipper truck. The system is driven by the fork lifter chipper truck that produces chipped material into a container on the truck. When the container has been filled the truck drives to the landing site where it?s offloaded.

Väntetidsrelaterad frustration på akutmottagningen

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe what nurses experienced in connection with waiting time related frustration among patients and relatives in the emergency department and also what strategies nurses use to manage waiting time related frustration.Background: The numbers of emergency department visits are increasing and lead to waiting times which can cause frustration among patients and relatives, a frustration that nurses encounter in their everyday work and need strategies to deal with.Methods: This is a descriptive qualitative study. Interviews are conducted with five nurses, transcribed and analyzed by qualitative content analysis.Findings: The nurses feel inadequate and powerless when they meet patients and relatives frustration. In order to deal with patients and relatives frustration, they use the strategy of participation, which implies to involve and meet patients and relatives needs for information and to be seen. In order to prevent themselves becoming frustrated they use adaptability, by creating an inner calm, not take it personally and to distance themselves from the frustration.Conclusion: The result highlights the importance of managing the activity to reduce waiting time related frustration, for example through reflection and working for reducing waiting times. Further research is also needed..

Mjölkraskvigors tillväxt på naturbete :

To turn the dairy heifers out on pasture is the most natural way for the cattle to get feed. At the same time it is cheap and if it is right treated a feed of high nutritive value. The problem today is to get dairy heifers to grow enough when they are grazing at natural pasture for the entire summer. Therefore, the opinions differ whether pasture is a resource or a problem. The increasing interest of pasture production is due to the fact that you can receive grants for preserving valuable natural assets and cultural landscape elements in the pasture land. A high grazing pressure is necessary to preserve an open landscape and a great variety of species. In the same time the heifers have to supply their nutritive needs in order to grow and be large enough to show heat and be pregnant in right time to calve with a sufficient body size and at an economically right age. This paper includes a literature review on natural pasture, pasture production, and growth of dairy heifers together with own interviews with dairy farmers about their point of view to the pasture husbandry on the farms, how they plan for pasture, look after natural pasture, treatment areas and take care of the calves and heifers. The results indicate that the time it takes and the demanded work are the biggest factors to how and why the farmers do as they do..

Kinematisk och dynamisk modellering av den haptiska enheten TAU i sex frihetsgrader

The thesis presents an optimally designed kinematic structure for a new 6-DOF haptic devicebased on TAU configuration. The configuration of the TAU-2 proposed by Suleman Khan andKjell Andersson [1] was modified and its mobility was verified by using Grübler criterion tohave a 6 DOF. Analytical kinematic models for the inverse and forward kinematics weredeveloped for the haptic TAU configuration to determine a set of optimal design parameters.Kinematic performance indices such as volume of the workspace, kinematic isotropy and payload index, were defined based on the singular values of the Jacobian matrix. The Jacobianmatrix was scaled to homogenize the physical units. The Jacobian matrix dependent on theposition and orientation of the end-effector gives local isotropy and pay load index, so globaldesign indices were defined, which represent the performance of the mechanism in the wholeworkspace.

Vill du ha en snigel på ögat? : En kvantitativ undersökning om svensk public service-televisions innehåll över 34 års tid.

Our study shows if and how Swedish public service television has changed its content from the time when SVT had monopoly until this day when the competition is greater than ever. We got an insight in what has been presented to the audience by studying TV schedules from 1975 to 2009. The study examines four weeks during the years when the two main channels SVT1 and SVT2 have been broadcasting. One week each of these following years have been examined: 1975, 1985, 1995 and 2009. These years have been chosen to get an insight in what content the TV schedules presented before and after SVT got competition in the Swedish TV market.

Fingerräkning : Lärarerns roll och betydelse för att ge elever en god taluppfattning

 AbstractThe aim of this essay is to look into how teachers view pupils who use finger arithmeticduring mathematic classes. How do these teachers help them to move on with their learning,what information and problem-solving material do they use?I made qualitative interviews with grade two- and grade three teachers, in three schools.The interviews showed that the teachers find it difficult to adopt a suitable attitude towardsfinger arithmetic. In addition, lack of time for planning and lack of knowledge about variousexperimental methods caused further predicaments. The teachers were aware that arithmeticexperimental material was attainable at the schools, but time to learn about it and how to useit was lacking.

Lärare och elevers attityder kring feedback - En studie inom SO på mellanstadiet

Swedish school children's results have deteriorated in recent years and formative assessment is, in accordance with previous research, a way to develop students' learning and performance. A part of formative assessment is based on feedback that students should receive before, during and after a new assignment. In this study, we want to find out how students and teachers apprehend students' development in relation to feedback and what general attitudes towards feedback can be seen in both parties. The literature and theory discussed is linked to formative assessment, both at international and national level where many important aspects of formative assessment are essential in relation to pupils' further development. The theories are based heavily on human interaction and socio-cultural perspective as a concept.

Word sense disambiguation med Svenskt OrdNät

In information retrieval there is a problem with ambiguous words. To solve this problem word sense disambiguation WSD is used. Few studies combining information retrieval and word sense disambiguation have been conducted with Swedish words. The purpose of this thesis has been divided in two. The first purpose was to examine Swedish information retrieval and disambiguation in the query phase.

Utvärdering av ett IR-system i en informationssökningsprocess ett holistiskt perspektiv

The research objective of this thesis was to conduct a holistic evaluation of an operational information system. By holistic evaluation we mean that an equal focus was placed on both the system system perspective and its users user perspective, in the actual environment where the system and its users function contextuality. In addition, the methodological objective of the study was to test a new research approach in a real life setting. The participants of the study were twenty newspaper journalists employed at Göteborgs-Posten GP. The information system NewsLink is a manually indexed full-text database containing all articles published in GP since 1994.

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