

8926 Uppsatser om Performance time - Sida 32 av 596

Dialog - The creative mind playes with the things it loves

Mitt examensarbete kom till slut att bli en performance som handlar om keramikkonst genomen annan konstform, teatern. Jag ville skapa ett verk av flera beståndsdelar som enbart existerari nuet. Ett verk i förvandling. Jag kallar mitt examensarbete för Dialog eftersom jag har arbetat idialog mellan olika material och mellan olika konstformer. Verket handlar även om arbete, tid ochhur vi värderar olika sysselsättningar.

Energikartläggning hos RostiGP i Gislaved

In today?s modern age, energy consumption has become a major issue, both from an environmental viewpoint and cost perspective. Because of a rapid technologic change and increased costs of production of electricity, the demand to develop effective methods for energy efficiency industries have grown.The electricity-intensive industries, such as plastic industry, the demand to reduce energy consumption has grown significantly over the past 10 years, which have led to the development of different methods to determine and locate energy-consuming parts in the industry. This also means being able to prioritize and organize activities in the industry.In this study the measurements of voltage, current, power and PF performance on injection molding machines (K-TEC 275 form Ferromatik Milacron in Germany) with a focus to locate, within a machine, various measures that could improve energy use in the plastics industry, in this case RostiGP in Gislaved. These measurements have been carried out with the help of a power quality clamp meter to carry out time logs of the machines for some time during normal word rate.

Simulering av simulinkmodeller med Extended Kalman Filter

Simulations of simulink models using Kalman filters are often very time-consuming. This problem depends mainly on the fact that the Kalman correction has to be performed at each sample instance through the whole simulation. The goal for this thesis work is to reduce that time-consumption for the filtering part (the integration partis treated in a complementary report) of a simulation. Furthermore a Matlab routine to perform parameter tuning and finally a graphical user interface is developed.The filtering part of the simulation in this thesis is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The time optimization of this filter considers searching for the possibility to replace the today?s existing Matlab functions that is used to perform the filtering calculations.

Hur enkel- & dubbelportsturbin i kombination med två olika avgassamlare påverkar gasväxlingsprestanda på en Scania V8

The exhaust arrangement on a Scania V8 consists of one manifold at each bank connected to a twin entry turbine (8-2-2). A study in GT-Power has shown improved performance and reduced cylinder to cylinder variations using two manifolds at each bank in combination with a single entry turbine (8-4-1). This thesis work analyses the difference in performance shown in simulation and verify it by engine test.The initial work was focused on simulation in GT-Power. Investigating how exhaust manifold volume and pulses effects the turbine efficiency and the mean effective pressure during the gas exchange. To verify GT-Power simulations four engine tests with different exhaust arrangement have been made.The results from GT-Power simulation indicate that a larger exhaust volume improve the turbine efficiency.

Anytime-whatever : Om narrativ struktur och temporal upplösning i Stig Larssons Autisterna

This essay is reading the Swedish author Stig Larssons debut Autisterna [The Autists] (1979) in the light of Gérard Genettes narratology and the time philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. The focus of the essay is time and how it is seemingly dissolved. The essay maps out a chronology of the non-chronological novel and from there discusses the breaking up of the empirical time. The essay uses Deleuze to explore the time-image of the novel to see how it is built up in the text for example by literary anyspace-whatevers. Hence the title, Anytime-whatever.

Bio min bio: En fördjupning kring kunders reaktioner till ett erbjudande ur ett upplevelseperspektiv

In the end of the 20th century, there was an increased interest in creating customer experiences, especially in the service sector. At the same time, the number of visits to the Swedish cinemas is decreasing due to new distribution channels on the market. This study aims to deepen the knowledge of customer reactions towards offerings with an experience approach, by studying similar reactions in cinema visitors. Furthermore, the study examines the contagiousness of the emotions elicited by the experience. The study approaches the problem by using a quantitative method by conducting a survey of cinema visitors.

Butiksupplevelsens påverkan på prestationen - En kvantitativ undersökning av hur en butiks ekonomiska prestation påverkas av konsumenternas upplevelse i butiken

It is important for every store to have a good financial performance which can be affected by the average purchase and the number of customers in the store. Customers shopping experience can affect both of these factors and therefore it is important for retailers to know about how an in-store environment can affect this experience. The purpose of this study is to give retailers an indication of the importance of consumers' shopping experience and how this may affect the store's financial performance. To study this subject an in-store survey was conducted in four grocery stores in Stockholm where a total of 320 consumers answered a total of 41 questions about their shopping experience. By sales data it was possible to conduct a statistical analysis to see which variables regarding consumers shopping experience influenced the average purchase.

Den pedagogiska samlingen i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarnas tankar kring samling

The purpose of this work is to explore and illuminate the circle times function and importance of preschool by the pedagogue perspective and the circle time design in relation to children's age group composition. The study questions are:What is the purpose of circle time in preschool educational activities according to the teacher and how does the teacher look at his own role?How do the teachers plan, design and perform the circle time of small children and big children's section? What similarities and differences exist?This is a qualitative study based on interviews with four preschool teachers and observations of their circle times. Research and theories showed that the circle time is a social training, provide a sense of community and is a ritual that gives a good daily rhythm.The results of the study demonstrate that the circle time is an important routine that occurs for a short time daily in early childhood education. The circle time organizes and structures the day for both children and staff group.

Fritidspedagogens ansvar inför den fria leken

As a leisure time pedagogue I find it hard to have an insight into what children are playing, and how they play when it comes to free play. My experience is that in some free play, conflicts arise, which reveal hierarchies and power structures containing violations, whereas other occasions of free play suddenly come to an end as the pedagogue interferes. In this essay I investigate my responsibility as a leisure time pedagogue during children´s free play, based on two differing play situations. I also investigate the play as a phenomenon by looking into previous research on children?s play and development psychology.

Prestationsångest : Yttre faktorer som relaterar till upplevd press i studier hos unga studerande män

I denna studie har prestationsa?ngest underso?kts i relation till tre olika typer av socialt sto?d och tva? faktorer inom tidspress. Tidigare forskning pekar pa? att socialt sto?d spelar en betydande roll fo?r minskad prestationsa?ngest i studier, samt att tidspress ger en o?kad effekt. Underso?kningen hade 151 manliga studenter fra?n tva? olika program pa? en ho?gskola.

Därför flyttar vi till Nyköping : En studie av Nyköpings kommuns positiva flyttnetto

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Kommunikation av hållbarhetsfrågor : Jämförande analys av hållbarhetsredovisningar från SCA och Sveaskog

The aim of this study is to find out if there is any difference between how a state-owned company and a publicly listed private company communicate its sustainability performance in its sustainability report. It also aims to find out if the communication regarding sustainability has changed over time. The poll was conducted in two Swedish companies, Sveaskog AB and AB SCA, operating in the forestry industry and through a quantitative content analysis, the companies' sustainability reports from 2005 and 2010 were examined. To get a result, the reports has been examined by the GRI framework (Global Reporting Initiative) and an assessment of the communication was made based on a scale of 0-3. The results has been evaluated based on stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory and the growing interest in CSR. The analyses found evidence that there is a link between the form of ownership of the company and how it communicates regarding sustainability.

Kroppsuppfattningen hos kvinnliga och manliga högskolestudenter. -En kvantitativ undersökning.

Introduction:A good work environment and good resources among district nurses? and general nurses? are important in the provision of good nursing care. For patient security it is also very important that resources and time are used in an appropriate way. A lot of time is spent on non-core activity, for example administration takes more and more time, which can result in feelings of stress.Aim:The aim was to describe how district nurses? and nurses? in primary care perceived their work environment, how their worktime content was distributed and if there was some connection between perceived work environment and the distribution of work time.Methods:A mapping of the content of the work was made in two parts.

Servostyrning med binaural ljudlokalisering

People are usually directed towards each other in conversations, to make it easier to hear what is being said. Algorithms for voice and speech recognition works in a similar way, regarding the microphone direction towards the sound source. In this thesis in electronics has therefore a servo control with binaural sound localization been implemented on a microcontroller connected to two microphones.When people perceive sound, the brain can estimate the sound source direction by comparing the time taken by the sound reaching one ear to the other [1]. The difference in time is called the interaural time difference, and can be calculated using various techniques. An exploratory comparison between the techniques cross-correlation and cross-spectrum analysis was carried out before implementation.

Kundcentrerade miljöåtgärder - En studie av Pan Nordic Logistics kunders krav på miljövänliga transporter : Customer centered environmental measures - A study of Pan Nordic Logistics customers demand for environment-friendly transport

Traditional product features such as price, quality and supply service have been extended and nowadays includes environmental aspects as well. It raises new and increasing demands on haulier companies. The transport sector is responsible for a large part of the pollutants causing today?s environmental problems. The business is being closely monitored and to operate environmental friendly is seen as one of the most important elements for the industry?s future development.

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