

1460 Uppsatser om Performance art - Sida 44 av 98

Ekonomistyrning i primärvården - En jämförelse mellan privata och offentliga utförare

The aim of this thesis is to analyze and explain the similarities and differences in management control between a private and a public primary care company. A comparative case study was developed based on one public and one private primary care company in Stockholm County Council. The framework of Otley (1999) was used to define and limit the area of management control systems, according to his five factors. For the analysis of the empirical results Hood's (1995) seven doctrines of New Public Management was applied, and customized to fit the purpose of the study. The results indicate that the differences between the two organizations are very limited.

Brand equity and corporate responsibility : a review of brand valuation methods

During the last decades, brand equity has been a priority topic for both practitioners and academics. In accordance with the structural changes in the economic settings caused by the so-called "new economy", corporations being confronted with a shift on perceived business value structure from tangible assets to intangibles. On the other hand firms increasingly are adopting more responsible behaviour towards their societies. In this context, one critical question is to understand how corporate conduct may affect brand equity. The purpose of this study was to find how brand equity (BE) measurement methods embrace corporate responsibility (CR), based on a literature review.

Generell begåvning och personlighetsdrag i Femfaktormodellen : Träffsäkra prediktorer för konsulters arbetsframgång?

Avsikten med denna studie var att undersöka om generell begåvning (GMA) och personlighetsdragen i femfaktormodellen (FFM) kan predicera arbetsprestation bland konsulter. Tidigare studier har visat att mätningar av GMA och personlighetsfaktorerna i FFM, i synnerhet samvetsgrannhet, är framgångsrika variabler att testa för i rekryterings- och urvalssammanhang. Predicting Job Performance, PJP, är ett psykometriskt test som integrerat mäter personlighetsfaktorer i FFM samt GMA. PJP har genomförts av 26 verksamma konsulter på ett specifikt företag för uppskattning av faktorerna. Vid en multipel regressionsanalys erhölls inga signifikanta värden mellan faktorerna i PJP och arbetsprestationsmåttet.

Är det svårt att hitta i en mobitelefonmanual? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om informationssökning och användbarhet

This master thesis states the following questions: Is it easy or difficult to retrive information from a mobile phone manual? How can the search process be described among user for a mobile phone manual? What similarities and differeces can be identified between users? Arhe there any variables that affect search performance such as reading skills or technical domain knowledge? Eight mobile phone users participated in an empirical observation and the scope was to find information in a paper version of a mobile phone manual according to given tasks. The results shows that some users has problems to retrieve information due to that the correct page in the mobile phone manual could not be located. The results show that the user is using several search strategies, for example the table of contents and the index, when trying to locate information. The results also revel that the user initiates multiple search steps before the correct information can be located.

Inre och yttre motivation : Hur upplevs de och hur relateras de till prestation?

Motivation är ett centralt begrepp inom psykologisk forskning och är väsentligt i organisationer för att skapa förståelse om hur aktiviteter på arbetet påverkar anställdas motivation och prestation. Motivationsfaktorer förklaras bero på både inre och yttre drivkrafter. De inre drivkrafterna styrs av individens intressen och tillfredsställelse i arbetsuppgifter på arbetet, medan de yttre förklaras som exempelvis belöning och att uppnå företagsmål. Denna studie bygger på åtta intervjuer där syftet var att undersöka subjektiva upplevelser av inre och yttre motivation på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av metoden meningskoncentrering vilket uppvisade 4 teman i faktorn inre motivation: frihet, välbefinnande, mål och delaktighet.

Var är svänget? - En undersökning av hur afrokubanska musiktraditioner kommer till uttryck i Ñico Rojas musik

The purpose of this study has been to examine how Afro-Cuban musical traditions and concepts are integrated in compositions for solo guitar by the Cuban guitarist and composer Ñico Rojas and how this can be expressed in the performance of his music by a classical guitarist. For this purpose a guide to Rojas music, which is included in this report, was written based on literature about Afro-Cuban music. Then a classical guitarist learned to play a piece by Rojas with help from the written guide. The result was examined using recordings of the guitarist's interpretations and an interview with him. The conclusion is that different aspects of the Afro Cuban musical tradition are present in Rojas? music, but that the concept of the clave was the most useful aspect for the classical guitarist that interpreted the music of Ñico Rojas in this study..

Ledningens skådespel: Hur tolkar aktieanalytiker bolagsledningars framföranden?

There has been an increase in the importance and amount of information concerning publicly traded stocks in recent years. When analyzing and valuing stocks finding new ways of collecting information has therefore increased in importance. This thesis aims to explore how meetings with management can impact the stock valuation done by the security analysts. Furthermore the case study examines what kind of information analysts can receive by interpreting management at these meetings. This case study of ten Swedish security analysts show that the analyst?s stock valuation is directly or indirectly affected by the meetings.

Stolt över mitt jobb : Vilka faktorer påverkar yrkesstoltheten?

För många är arbetet den mest centrala delen ilivet där de flesta av dygnets vakna timmar spenderas. Studiens syfte var attundersöka yrkesstolthet och identifikation med arbetet. Enligt KASAM- teorin, känslaav sammanhang, är meningsfullhet en viktig komponent för individens yrkesstolthet.Åtta individuella kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med åtta deltagare iåldrarna 40 till 65 år med varierande yrken. Ett heterogent urval användes föratt få en så stor variation som möjligt. Resultaten visade att den viktigastekomponenten för yrkesstolthet var upplevelsen av att få göra gott i mötet medandra människor samt att arbetet känns meningsfullt.

Närståendes behov av stöd vid palliativ vård

Background: Relatives are those persons who are closest to the patient, regardless of relationship and included into the patient´s life world. When a person is in a palliative stage this affects not only the patient but also the relatives, as it implies such a big change in life for all. The nurse has an important role for both the patient and the relatives. Aim: The aim is to highlight the relative´s needs of support for palliative care. Method: A literature review based on previous research. Ten articles were found, nine with a qualitative approach and one with both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results: The analysis resulted in six themes, these were the result of the study. The six themes were, ?to be seen an confirmed?, ?good communication?, ?continuous information?, ?availability and continuity?, ?to participate? and ?to share responsibility with the staff?. Conclusion: As a nurse we come in contact with relatives of patients in a palliative setting in any form.

Identifikation av produktionsstörningar och obalanser vid tillverkning av golvskenor

Our report procedure identification of instability and disturbance in an automatic manufacturing line of processing and assembling of chair sliding rails at Sapas manufacturing department in Vetlanda.To obtain a stabile ground we have mapped the material flow to receive a comprehensive view and to visualise connections.We have examined cycle times at different stations in purpose to identificate bottlenecks. The result of our examination showed that the bottleneck of the line was the brush station. This leads to that the expected bottlenecks identificated by Sapa gets a delay time and by that a longer cycle time.Interruptions has a clear negative influence at the line performance so we have also assemble data through the operators report list and compiled these in order to find out the interruptions effect on the line. The outcome during our assembled period was that the reported interruptions corresponded about 30 percent of the total available production time. This has a clear negative effect on the line productivity and efficiency as we have calculated in order to get the present status..

Testbänk för luftlager

Test bench for air bearingsThis thesis work consisted of bringing forward and defining the test parameters relevant for a test bench and constructing a test bench that can test and verify the largest existing air bearings that are of use in Micronic Laser Systems AB machines. Because the knowledge about air bearings is limited it is thought that with the help of the test bench the knowledge would increase and in that way improve the air bearings.After learning more about air bearings and their purpose at Micronic Laser Systems AB, I started the concept phase for the test bench. For each part in the test bench I consulted my two tutors, Torbjörn Hedevärn and Johan Bergqvist, at Micronic Laser Systems AB. The final concepts where documented as 3D-modells in Solidworks and some of them have been tested in Solidworks FEM-program.The test bench is designed so that, with the help of a pneumatic cylinder, 25 kilo weights are placed on the air bearing to test its stiffness, damping and the pressure performance under its surface area. To test these parameters the test bench has to have a pressure meter, accelerometer and a microcator.

Bio min bio: En fördjupning kring kunders reaktioner till ett erbjudande ur ett upplevelseperspektiv

In the end of the 20th century, there was an increased interest in creating customer experiences, especially in the service sector. At the same time, the number of visits to the Swedish cinemas is decreasing due to new distribution channels on the market. This study aims to deepen the knowledge of customer reactions towards offerings with an experience approach, by studying similar reactions in cinema visitors. Furthermore, the study examines the contagiousness of the emotions elicited by the experience. The study approaches the problem by using a quantitative method by conducting a survey of cinema visitors.

Performance Control in Multinational Corporations - A case study of SCA Packaging

Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för aspekter gällande ekonomistyrning och dess utveckling gällande alternativa mätmetoder i multinationella företag på dagens mogna marknader. De teorier som används är ekonomistyrning i allmänhet relaterat till ekonomistyrning i multinationella företag samt presentation av traditionella och nya mätmetoder. Vi har utgått från en modell av Anthony & Govindarajan, vilken vi sedan utvecklat till ett teoretiskt ramverk. Vår studie bygger på intervjuer med 17 personer på olika nivåer och i olika positioner inom vårt fallföretag SCA Packaging. Dessa personer har befunnit sig i Sverige, Tyskland, Storbritannien och på huvudkontoret i Bryssel.

Spelroll "At Heart" : Spelrollers inverkan på erfarna spelares problemlösningsförmåga i vardagen

Games offer a safe and motivational environment that allows and encourages trial and error. A gamer can act in the game without any real consequences in real life. Thereby a gamer is offered the opportunity to develop a broad set of skills. Games have earlier been proven to develop gamer?s problem-solving skills.

Utvärdering av bibliotek för generering och "parsning" av JSON

Målet med denna undersökning har varit att ta fram lämpligt bibliotek i programspråket C för generering och parsning av JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). Biblioteket ska användas för att bygga ett nytt API mot Svenska Spels transaktionssystem som ska underlätta för klientutvecklare att anropa systemet. Undersökningen har begränsats till utvärdering två utvalda bibliotek, YAJL (Yet Another Json Library) och Jansson. För att kunna jämföra och analysera dessa har jag implementerat ett testprogram som mäter deras prestanda vid generering och parsning av ett antal utvalda JSON objekt. Jag har även undersökt biblioteken utifrån användarvänlighet och robusthet.

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