

1634 Uppsatser om Performance Indicators - Sida 8 av 109

Nominalfrasers inverkan på återvinningseffektiviteten i ett probabilistiskt IR-system

The purpose of this study is to examine the difference between three query strategies with respect to retrieval effectiveness. The thesis aims at examining how two types of noun phrases containing a modifier to the head word, which is a noun affect the retrieval performance with regard to recall and precision. The noun phrases in the thesis are of two types: 1) noun phrases containing a modifier to the head word (which is a noun) and which are not dictionary phrases (NF) and 2) dictionary phrases. Both types of noun phrases in this thesis contain at least two words. The queries were executed in Query Performance Analyser, QPA, containing the InQuery system and a sub collection of TREC-Uta documents with its topics.

Expansion av sökfrågor med Svenskt OrdNät som termkälla

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the performance of queries that are expanded by synonyms and hyponyms from Svenskt OrdNät, the Swedish version of the Princeton WordNet. Four different types of queries were constructed: a baseline query S1, the baseline query expanded with synonyms S2, the baseline query expanded with hyponyms S3 and finally the baseline query expanded with the synonyms and hyponyms used in S2 and S3. The terms for expansion were picked by hand. The queries were executed in the Query Performance Analyser QPA, a tool used in IR education and in experimental IR research for analysing and comparing the performance of individual queries. 20 topics from the test collection GP_HDINF were chosen for the experiment.

Syskonplacering, studieresultat och prestationsbehov hos gymnasieelever

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between birth order, academic performance and need for achievement. 166 students from Alvesta Gymnasium/ High school and Växjö Fria Gymnasium/ High school participated in the study. The result showed a significant correlation between birth order and study result, but unlike previous studies this study showed that it was the youngest siblings that had the best academic performance. Furthermore, a significant correlation between academic performance and need for achievement was found, also that higher need for achievement results in higher academic performance. The study also showed that there is a significant correlation between birth order and need for achievement, and it is the youngest children that have the highest need for achievement.

Metodutveckling av självskattningsformulär för prestationsmätning av flygledare innan skiftstart

This paper was part of the ongoing cooperation between the Swedish Civil Aviation Authority and the Department of Psychology at Lund University. The purpose of this study was to develop a self-report measure regarding human factors, for the air traffic controllers to fill out before they start their working shift. This in order to aid the team leaders in their judgment regarding the air traffic controller's ability to perform at the right safety level. The self-report measure would also serve as an aid for the air traffic controllers who have a responsibility regarding their own performance. If successful this self-report measure would make it easier for the air traffic controllers to be alert regarding certain factors that can have a large impact on their performance.

Bättre strategiska beslut i dagligvarubutiker- En arbetsmetod där finansiell information kombineras med marknadsinformation

The thesis tries to answer how a combination of financial metrics and marketing metrics can improve strategic decision making. The purpose is to develop a strategic working method for general dealers. The method is based on the two theoretical frameworks "The strategic resource model" and "The importance-performance matrix". The suggested method is being tested in a small retail store environment on the Swedish market. The result of the test shows that a better suited strategy can be developed when this strategic method, which combines financial metrics with marketing metrics, is being used.

Personlighets och självkänslas samband med psykisk ohälsa hos studenter vid Lunds universitet

The purpose of this study is to examine whether personality traits, self-esteem, performance-based self-esteem and demographic data relate to, and can explain the variation in psychological ill-health among students at Lund University. A questionnaire was distributed to students attending the Psychology program, Bio-technology program, Theologian program and Law program. There were 247 respondents to the questionnaire, mainly attending their second or third semester. General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), Rosenberg's Self- Esteem scale, Hallstens scale measuring performance-based self-esteem, questions relating to demographic data and a short version of the personality inventory scale Big Five were included in the questionnaire. Positive correlations were found between psychological ill-health and the variables neuroticism and performance-based self-esteem.

Metodik för detektering av vägåtgärder via tillståndsdata

The Swedish Transport Administration has, and manages, a database containing information of the status of road condition on all paved and governmental operated Swedish roads. The purpose of the database is to support the Pavement Management System (PMS). The PMS is used to identify sections of roads where there is a need for treatment, how to allocate resources and to get a general picture of the state of the road network condition. All major treatments should be reported which has not always been done.The road condition is measured using a number of indicators on e.g. the roads unevenness.

Prestanda på luftfilter : En jämförelse mellan olika filter till bil

This reports goal is the give BSR AB more information that's useful towards their customers in marketing of their products.It involves tests of different air filters designed for cars and 3D-modelling of Opti-Flow systems. The three models thats being tested is SAAB (93SS), VAG (1.8T) and Volvo (S60). To every brand there are three different models. A orginal- , sport- and an open cone air filter (Opti-Flow).The results indicate that the open Opti-Flow filter has better performance compared to the other cased filters. The sport filters for SAAB and Volvo has better performance then the original filter.

Att mäta eller inte mäta? : En kvalitativ undersökning om prestationsmätningar på en av Blekingesjukhusets kliniker

Blekinge Hospital suffers from a budget shortage of 100 million SEK, while the government now requires that hospitals will no longer be running a deficit. Blekinge Hospital will then use their limited resources to survive in the future and the activity must be enhanced in order to keep costs low without having to lay off personnel. The idea is that the organisation should be more efficient with a more efficient resource usage. Performance measurement systems are important tools for achieving the policies set out within an organization, measuring and evaluating performance is a way to see where improvements in efficiency may be necessary in the business. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is one of several measuring systems, where the focus is on measuring non-financial performances.


Bakgrund: Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) ?r en behandlingsmetod d?r arbetsterapeuten guidar patienten att hitta egna strategier f?r att n? sina m?l. Syfte: Syftet med den h?r intervjustudien ?r att unders?ka arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att anv?nda Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) som behandlingsmetod f?r vuxna. Metod: Inklusionskriterier f?r urval av deltagare var leg. arbetsterapeuter med erfarenhet av att anv?nda behandlingsmetoden CO-OP med vuxna patienter. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom kvalitativa intervjuer, datan bearbetades genom kvalitativ inneh?llsanalys. Resultat: Utifr?n analys av den insamlade informationen fr?n intervjuer framkom fyra kategorier och nio underkategorier.

En studie kring välfärdsindikatorer i mjölkproduktionen : förslag till hur Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB kan arbeta för en god djurvälfärd på certifierade gårdar

In this final thesis a study about welfare indicators in the Swedish milk production has been carried out. The system Swedish Animal Welfare Monitoring Scheme developed by the Swedish Dairy Association has been used as a base and the EU project WELFARE QUALITY® has also been used as a source of information. Focus groups have been used as a qualitative investigating method. This included four focus groups, two with farm auditors from the two different dairies and two with dairy farmers. This method was chosen because in this way one can study how a conversation about a given subject takes form in a respectable way.

Performance Management : ? En kvalitativ studie av ledares upplevelser av målstyrningsverktyget Performance Management

Performance Management är en process som syftar till att säkerställa att alla inom en organisation arbetar i samma riktning. Detta uppnås genom att öka tydligheten kring organisationens strategiska mål samt koppla dessa till medarbetarens individuella mål. Vidare är det viktigt att kommunicera vad som förväntas av medarbetarna i termer av arbetsprestationer samt hur detta skall uppnås för att lyckas med uppdraget att minska gapet mellan medarbetares arbetsprestationer och ledningens ambitioner (Armstrong & Baron, 2005).Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att undersöka vilka erfarenheter ledare inom det multinationella telekom- och IT-företaget Logica har av att arbeta med Performance Management samt vilka delar av implementeringen som har varit lätta respektive svåra att genomföra. Vidare vill jag undersöka hur organisationen ytterligare kan förstärka arbetet med Performance Management-processen baserat på ovanstående.Den empiriska undersökningen har genomförts med kvalitativ metod i form av tre stycken fokusgruppintervjuer med ansatsen Experiential Focus Group. Som komplement till fokusgruppintervjuerna har analys av interna dokument som beskriver Performance Management-processen inom Logica, genomförts.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att ledarnas upplevelser av Performance Management-processen varierar beroende på vilken typ av arbetsgrupp man är ledare för.

Uppleva eller leva upp till? : En studie om hur gymnasieelever upplever prestationskrav i idrott och hälsa.

AimThe purpose of the study was to investigate how upper secondary school students experience performance demands during their physical education and health classes (PE-classes). The questions were as following: Are there differing perceptions between the sexes whether students experience performance demands? In what situations do the students feel that the demands on their performance are high during PE-classes? Do the students experience of demands on performance differ whether the physical education and health teacher is male or female? Do students feel unfairly treated by the physical education and health teacher during PE-classes?MethodSeven upper secondary schools in Stockholm?s administrative district were randomly selected to participate in the survey. The principals were contacted for further information and to set a date for performing the survey. The project leaders were present during the days the surveys were taken by students in the social science and natural science programs.

Att mäta eller inte mäta? : En kvalitativ undersökning om prestationsmätningar på en av Blekingesjukhusets kliniker

Blekinge Hospital suffers from a budget shortage of 100 million SEK, while the government now requires that hospitals will no longer be running a deficit. Blekinge Hospital will then use their limited resources to survive in the future and the activity must be enhanced in order to keep costs low without having to lay off personnel. The idea is that the organisation should be more efficient with a more efficient resource usage. Performance measurement systems are important tools for achieving the policies set out within an organization, measuring and evaluating performance is a way to see where improvements in efficiency may be necessary in the business. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is one of several measuring systems, where the focus is on measuring non-financial performances.

Analys av institutionell kapitalförvaltning: Stiftelserna som bildades ur de forna löntagarfonderna

This paper studies the research foundations created in 1994 from the former wage earners? funds out of a portfolio management point of view. Firstly it describes the seven largest foundations and their different portfolio management structures. Secondly it analyses the performance of these foundations measured as the intercept, Jensen?s a, in a linear regression of the excess returns of a portfolio versus a proxy for the market, as well as the Sharpe-ratio.

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