

1634 Uppsatser om Performance Indicators - Sida 37 av 109

?Läsförståelse är grunden för hela skolans arbete? : Två rektorers tankar om läsförståelse

Do the principals who have the pedagogical responsibility of the school find reading comprehension important? This is the underpinning of my thesis for the special teacher-training program. The survey was conducted through interviews with two principals. The results show that they believe reading comprehension is important but it has not been given priority in the organization. The essay could form the basis for further research into reading habits, home environment influences and other factors that may contribute to improve reading comprehension performance..

Sambandet mellan indikatorer och aktieavkastning vid nyemissioner : En undersökning på den svenska marknaden

Syfte: Studien undersöker om det finns ett samband mellan ekonomiska indikatorer och den årliga aktieavkastningen ett år framåt på den svenska marknaden för företag som genomfört nyemission och jämförs med en benchmark som består av företag som inte genomfört nyemission.Metod: Uppsatsen utgår från en kvantitativ undersökning där multipel regressionsanalys används för att undersöka sambandet mellan indikatorer och aktieavkastningen vid nyemissioner under tidsperioden 2002 ? 2010.Slutsats: Utifrån resultaten kunde vissa signifikanta samband konstateras mellan indikatorerna och totalavkastningen för nyemissionsgruppen. Det visade att totalavkastningen sjunker det året företag genomför nyemission jämfört med totalavkastningen året innan nyemissionen. Det kunde konstateras att marknaden är ineffektiv till en viss utsträckning i samband med nyemissioner. För benchmark kunde resultaten dock inte säkerställas på grund av att statistisk felkälla förekom i regressionsmodellen..

Kvinnor i kommunala nämnder : En kvantitativ studie i kvinnopolitisk representation

Over the last decades there has been a steady increase in the representation of women on the political arena. Despite of this there are still fewer women in comparison to men in political organs particularly at the municipal level. It is therefore of great importance to examine which different factors that tend to effect the female representation at this level. Doctor of philosophy at Umeå University Jessika Wide presented in a study from 2000 that the share of women in the municipal councils tended to depend upon cultural, socio-economical and political factors. Other scholars also mean that women have specific interests and therefore are more represented in some areas.

Effektiva godstransporter : kartläggning av bakomliggande faktorer på transporters utförande

The society of today can?t manage without transportation. We need transports to getfood, to go to work and to create new products. The transportation ofgood is thus an important part in the function of the society and they?ll increase, bothin number and in amount.

Leken som undervisningsmetod : En studie om pedagogers syn på leken

AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between off-ice horizontal jump tests and on-ice skating among students at hockey high schools. Questions: What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters standing start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools? What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters flying start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools?MethodStudents at three ice hockey high schools in the Stockholm area participated in the study. Two schools were national approved sports educations and one at lower level. All 50 students (41 at national approved sports educations and 9 lower level) that were included in the study were men and went year one and two in gymnasium.

Off-ice vs. on-ice : Hopptesters samband med skridskoåkning i ishockey

AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between off-ice horizontal jump tests and on-ice skating among students at hockey high schools. Questions: What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters standing start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools? What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters flying start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools?MethodStudents at three ice hockey high schools in the Stockholm area participated in the study. Two schools were national approved sports educations and one at lower level. All 50 students (41 at national approved sports educations and 9 lower level) that were included in the study were men and went year one and two in gymnasium.

En experimentell studie av vulkaniseringstidens och vulkaniseringshastighetens påverkan av värmeväxlarpackningar

A two-factor design of experiments done on GGAB for the identification of two selected factors influence on the length of the scattering of heat exchanger gaskets. The work consists of four parts: study, choice of survey method, the performance of investigation and analysis of the results. Chosen factors on the study are considered to be the most effecting of the length distribution of seals during the production of GGAB. The study is the first of its kind both in GGAB and in the rubber industry and has an experimental nature..

Skolan och stress : En studie om skolpersonalens syn på elevers stress

AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between off-ice horizontal jump tests and on-ice skating among students at hockey high schools. Questions: What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters standing start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools? What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters flying start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools?MethodStudents at three ice hockey high schools in the Stockholm area participated in the study. Two schools were national approved sports educations and one at lower level. All 50 students (41 at national approved sports educations and 9 lower level) that were included in the study were men and went year one and two in gymnasium.

Scenografi för en landskapsarkitekt :

Stage Design is design for action and contains décor, side-scenes and properties, as well as costume and grease-paint. The one responsible for this is the Stage Designer, who together with the Director, creates the best conditions for the actors to perform in. The stage, where the play takes place, could be either in a theater, an auditorium, or in another sort of room, at another place, inside or outside, and where the place itself inspires to theatrical performance and expressions. This type of theater is called Site-specific theatre. Two examples of this is the workshop ?Skogen sjunger? (eng.


En vanlig risk för organisationer är att användare inte har tillräcklig kunskap omdatasäkerhet vilket kan medföra att känslig information når obehöriga via internet.Administratörer i organisationer har fått ökade problem på grund av att användarna ärden svagaste länken i systemet. En vanlig orsak till detta är att användare i allt störreutsträckning utsätts för nätfiske-attacker.Arbetets syfte är att är att undersöka möjligheten att utforma ett test som undersökerkopplingar mellan personlighetstyper enligt Myers-Briggs Type Indicators ochanvändares förmåga att identifiera nätfiske-attacker. Testet som tagits fram består avtre delar. Första delen är ett MBTI-test, andra delen syftar till att se användarnaskunskap om nätfiske-attacker och tredje delen visar användarnas attityd till nätfiskeoche-postsäkerhet.Resultatet visar att det existerar skillnader mellan personlighetstyper vilket är enindikation på att metoden och testet kan användas för att se en koppling mellanpersonlighetstyper och förmåga att identifiera nätfiske-attacker. Skillnaderna kundeses i användarnas kunskap och attityd till nätfiske..

Public Welfare vs Return on Shareholders´Equity -A Case Study of the Translation & Implementation of the Management Control Systems in Systembolaget

Background and problem: Higher and other demands are made on management control systems in organizations which have a superior non-financial objective. Systembolaget, a state-owned company with monopoly to sell alcoholic beverages in Sweden, combines two main objectives which can be considered as conflicting, one financial target and one superior non-financial public welfare target. The research questions are focused on the translation of information through the organization?s levels and if the management control system makes it possible to run the organization according to both of the two main conflicting objectives.Purpose and Delimitations: To describe, analyze and evaluate how management control can be used in an organization, which is not profit maximizing and has both non-financial and financial objectives. The essay does not try to describe or draw generalized conclusions regarding general perspectives on Systembolaget?s assignment and objectives.Method: A qualitative and evaluative case study based on interviews with five employees at different levels in Systembolaget has been carried through.

Att använda ornament som pedagogiska verktyg : för att utforska arkitektur och design ur olika perspektiv

The aim with this master's thesis is to describe the work process with the graduation film Player, by a composers perspective and given conditions. It provides a detailed insight into how the work was done from the script stage to the end result, scene by scene reflecting about both the musical performance and the collaboration between the director and me as a composer. The work was done during the spring term of 2012 at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts..

Ekonomisk värdering av användandet av underbett på timmerbilar

Holmen Skog has in some places in their operation area access to timber trucks with centre mounted scrapers. They make transportation more flexible and reduce reliance on contractors for road maintenance. The trucks with centre mounted scrapers have a higher tare weight, making them less productive and therefore they receive compensation with a 0.75 % increase on transportation price. The purpose of this study was to investigate what actions a timber truck with centre mounted scraper can perform with acceptable quality in winter, and to examine if it is an economically profitable solution for the truck operator and charterer. The study was done in three stages; interviews, performance analysis of the transportations carried out and an economic analysis with the help of Sven Erik Gilles spreadsheet tool. The study included the districts Delsbo and Hudiksvall.

Kaijsers algoritm för beräkning av Kantorovichavstånd parallelliserad i CUDA

This thesis processes the work of developing CPU code and GPU code for Thomas Kaijsers algorithm for calculating the kantorovich distance and the performance between the two is compared. Initially there is a rundown of the algorithm which calculates the kantorovich distance between two images. Thereafter we go through the CPU implementation followed by GPGPU written in CUDA. Then the results are presented. Lastly, an analysis about the results and a discussion with possible improvements is presented for possible future applications..

Kvalitetsindikatorer vid schizofreni : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Schizofreni är en sjukdom som drabbar cirka 1 % av befolkningen, men en evidensbaserad, effektiv behandling med få biverkningar saknas. Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att kartlägga kvalitetsindikatorer som utgör grunden för en god omvårdnad av patienter med schizofreni. Syfte: Att sammanställa och belysa kvalitetsindikatorer som förväntas säkerställa en god kvalitet i omvårdnad och bemötande av patienter med schizofreni. Design: Litteraturstudie Metod: Litteraturstudie av 17 vetenskapliga artiklar, en review-artikel samt fyra debattartiklar om behandling av schizofreni, som analyserats och kvalitetsgranskats för att kunna belysa vilka faktorer som utgör kvalitetsindikatorer vid omvårdnad av patienter med schizofreni. Resultat: Kvalitetsindikatorer vid omvårdnad av patienter med schizofreni är ett holistiskt synsätt där patienten står i centrum och vården ges av välutbildade vårdgivare.

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