

1634 Uppsatser om Performance Indicators - Sida 23 av 109

Att få stroke i Örebro län - Uppföljning av vårdkvalitet och upplevelser av stöd, vård och rehabilitering

Background: Various follow-up studies show that there are deficiencies in the care of patients affected by stroke. In order to provide good care according to the National Board of health and welfare and national guidelines for stroke care systematic quality audits need to be carried out.Purpose: To investigate if the local guidelines for stroke care in Örebro County are followed and to explore how people with stroke experience care and rehabilitation in hospital, primary care and community.Method: Primary health care records were reviewed using quality indicators in the local stroke guidelines. Samples of patients were obtained from the County´s three hospitals. Differences between men and women, younger and older, were analysed with chi-squared test. Eleven people were interviewed about their experiences of care, rehabilitation, support and participation.

Students balancing human capital through scorecard - a study of non-profit organizations

PURPOSE: By analysing collected data using theory, we aim to interpret the design, implementation and the usage of BSC in NPO?s to be able to contribute to the research. METHODOLOGY: A case study design has been made through semi-structured interviews and backed up by a quantitative survey and internal documents. THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES: Based on the sources given from the creators of the scorecard together with some sceptics and some followers, we have outlined the bases of balanced scorecard. To map out the non-profit sector and its strategic needs, the theories have tried to settle the specific need for the strategic tool given.

Konstruktion av fackla för biogas

Värmekollektor in Sunne is a company whose main occupation is to collect the gas produced inlandfills. The gas contains about 50 % of Methane which is a greenhouse gas 20 times worse than CO2and should therefore not be allowed to leak into the atmosphere. The Methane is in as large amount aspossible used in different plants for example heating of households. But there are occasions when aflare is needed to burn the excess gas at standstills or testing of new landfills. The Flare only burns themethane to reduce the hazarder?s effect of the environment, it does not take advantage of the energy inthe gasThe goal of this master thesis was for me to create a foundation for an in-house production offlares for Värmekollektor.

Leveransprecisionsmätning : en företagsstudie på Sanmina-SCI

Performance measurements have become very important tools for companies because of ever increasing global competition in today?s market. Delivery dependability is one of the three most important performance measurements for companies to focus on and that makes this analysis, of the dependability, both very interesting and up to contemporary. In this rapport different aspects of delivery dependability will be dealt with, and a weight will be on what to measure and how to measure it together with how to present the outcome of the measurements. A discussion has also been held regarding what goal the company should have on its dependability.

Testikelstörningar hos hingstar i Sverige

This project was initiated by a veterinarian, that at stallion performance tests for breeding during a number of years, noted breed differences in various types of testicular disorders. Therefore it was of interests to examine the proportion of testicular disorders within certain breeds. The aim with the project was in a first part to study cryptorchidism in common horse breeds in Sweden. Information about castrations of stallions performed during a 10 year period (2000-2009) was collected from computerized case records at five animal hospitals. The case records showed the numbers of castrations, normal cases and cases preformed on stallions with cryptorchidism, abdominal respectively inguinal.


The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.

Solvärme på Utö

The guest harbor on Utö, Utö Gästhamn, is currently using electricity for heating all of the water used in the showers and taps. Because of the large amount of visitors, especially during the summer months, the hot water usage gets very high and that is also the case for the electrical bills. During the year of 2011 the cost of electricity for Utö Gästhamn reached a total of 257 500 kr. Out of these 257 500 kr approximately 142 000 kr, 55 % of the total cost, were because of the water heating.The report is the result of a cooperation with Skärgårdsstiftelsen, the Green Islands-project and Utö Gästhamn where the mutual goal is to dimension a solar energy system, to promote the sustainable development.Initially the different techniques for the solar energy system are researched. The techniques are plane solar collectors, evacuated tube collectors, pool collectors and photovoltaic cells.

Minnesväskor och Per-Albintorp : En jämförande studie över Norrbottens museums och Jamtlis sätt att samarbeta med äldrevården

Denna uppsats handlar om hur två länsmuseer samarbetar med äldrevården. Anledningen till att jag valde detta ämne var att jag upplever att äldre personer och äldreboenden sällan diskuteras i litteraturen och undervisningen. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur samarbetet mellan äldrevården och respektive museum ser ut samt att på ett mer teoretiskt plan undersöka vilka minnen som stimuleras och hur man kan koppla teman och föremål till Performance theory. Mina frågeställningar överensstämmer med syftet, de handlar alltså om hur samarbetet ser ut, vilka minnen museerna vill stimulera och hur man kan koppla teman och föremål till performance theory. Mina teoretiska utgångspunkter har således varit performance theory, teorier om personligt och kollektivt minne samt reminiscensmetoden.

Referensintervjuer på folkbibliotek: En intervju- och litteraturstudie

This thesis examines the subject of reference interviews and the ways librarians form an opinion of users information needs. Using literature and interviews with three librarians I look at the questions below: - Why and when are reference interviews needed? - What significance do they have? - What ideas exist about the performance of reference interviews? - Are there any differences in librarians views of the questions above compared to views in the literature? Results from literature studies and interviews show that reference interviews can be important when librarians try to find out more about users information needs. However its neither necessary nor possible to analyse all reference questions. Librarians therefore need to determine if a reference interview is needed or not.

Träd och buskar i kantzoner : en undersökning av kanteffekter i några av östersjöregionens skogar

Around the world, forests are generally being fragmented and as plant populations decline in both sizeand number of individuals, the genetic variation will also decrease whitch in the end leads to totalextinction of the plant. In this paper, I wanted to investigate what specific species of trees and shrubsyou usually find in the edge and core habitats in some of the forests in the Baltic Sea region. I alsowanted to identify the edge effects and their sources and finally compare the results between thedifferent regions.The data sources used are derived from the ongoining research project Landscape structures, patterns ofbiodiversity and conservation strategies in the Baltic Sea region by Kari Lehtilä, Patrik Dinnétz ochTiina Vinter who have made a record of all herbaceous plant species in four randomly chosen forestregions situated around the Baltic Sea: Estonia, Skåne, Södermanland and Germany. I made statisticalanalyses, using the computer program R, concerning the distribution of species in the edge habitats ofthe forests as well as in the core habitats. I performed generalized linear models and then variationanalyses with the factors light and biomass in order to investigate wether edge effects might appear dueto these factors.

Hedge Fund Style Analysis, Is an Index-Based Approach Viable?

This thesis aims to open the Pandora?s Box of hedge fund styles through an index-based style analysis. This information asymmetry is due to both less strict disclosure requirements and inherent nature of hedge funds. We employ a multiple unconditional linear regression model wherein 23 Swedish hedge funds are regressed on 10 style indices. In addition to the increased interest in hedge funds and their performance drivers, our unique approach with regressing return on return motivates this study.

Akuta effekter av assisterade hopp på kvinnliga idrottares hoppförmåga

Vertical jumping ability is an essential skill in many sports. The aim of this study wasto investigate the acute effects of assisted jumps on subsequent countermovementjump (CMJ) performance by female athletes. Nine healthy, trained female subjectsvolunteered to participate in the study. In a randomized order, they performed oneregular warm up protocol before testing their CMJ baseline value, and one warm upprotocol with an addition of five assisted jumps at 30% body weight reduction beforeanother CMJ test. Elastic cords attached to an overhead pulley system and to aharness around the subjects' upper body were used to reduce the body weight.Significant improvements were noted in jump height, 2.3 cm (7%), positive forceimpulse, 4.7 Ns (2%), vertical take off velocity, 0.1 m/s (3%), countermovement time,0.1 s (12%) and breaking time, 0.1 s (14%), p.

?Wie waren die Tempi??: Ett försök till ett ?historiskt informerat? framförande av Ludwig van Beethovens op. 57, första satsen, i avseende på hans vilja rörande tempoaspekter

An attempt were made to record the 1st movement of Beethoven?s Op. 57, with the objective of performing it as close to Beethoven?s will as possible, in the tradition of the ?historically informed performance? movement.The result of evaluating source material rendered a list of the most relevant material for this study, and hopefully that might prove useful for other studies with similar objective concering HIP and composer-intention based ?autenticity?.However, Beethoven?s will was only vaguely captured in the limited source material accounted for in this study, rendering it moderate-to-small reliability. It?s probably possible to achieve a higher degree of goal achievement, given more time and through the utilization of music psychology to further extrapolate the detailed parameters of Beethoven?s presumed extramusical will.The recording made was not to my satisfaction and has strengthened my view that the interpreter should take council from the collected knowledge of scholarly sources but must ultimately remain free in whether and how to utilize that knowledge.Lastly, I?ve measured the bpm in the resulting recording with a error margin of ±0,02 s.

Varför väljs nativeapplikationer istället för hybridapplikationer? : Prestandaskillnader hos hybridapplikationer

The development of applications for mobile devices has exploded in recent times. This has also led to the introduction of several new mobile operating systems. To streamline application development for multiple platforms, techniques have been developed to be able to reuse the same application regardless of the operating system. If the same application can be used on multiple platforms it will save both a lot of time and money. Today there are three types of techniques to develop an application; web, hybrid and native application, where the latter is specific to the operating system it has been developed to.

Totalresultatet ur ett annat perspektiv -En studie om Latour

Purpose Based on the new comprehensive income due to changes in IAS 1, the authors aim to describe how a listed corporate accounting is affected by IAS 1 and the new income statement.Methodology This study uses an inductive approach with a combination of qualitative and quantitative data, using financial rapports from the investment company Latour. This case study is based on Latour?s all published financial statements under the period 2008 to 2012.Result The study resulted in different observations of Latour's operational and financial performance, share price trends as well as ratios. The study's authors can see that Latour's net income and comprehensive income differ due to changes in IAS 1. They can also observe the effect of clean surplus in Latour?s income statement.

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