

1631 Uppsatser om Performance Indicators - Sida 2 av 109

Analys av kundorderuppfyllelseprocessen på Pallco AB

This thesis has been performed as a part of the Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering and Management at the School of Engineering in Jönköping. The thesis is written on behalf of Pallco AB, which is an engineering company that performs subcontracting, surface treatment, and assembly of components, mainly in steel and aluminium. The thesis focuses on identifying and analyzing the customer order fulfillment process of three customers at Pallco AB.The main objective of the thesis is to distinguish time differences in the company?s administrative work for each of the three customers. Furthermore, Lean thinking is following as a thread through the whole thesis.

Finns det ett samband mellan börsnoterade företags resultat och dess värdering?

Background: What is a share and what determines the value of a company? This is a constant issue that many in the financial world are facing. Many argue that there has been some decoupling between stock valuation and how the company in question is developing operationally after the financial crisis that the world faced during 2008-2009.Problem: It is important to distinguish between the company and the share. A company that is good and well maintained may not be worth buying only because of it. The share is judged by other elements also.

Miljömålsindikatorer för kommunala planbestämmelser En studie av indikatorsystem för uppföljning av delmål 2 inom miljömålet God bebyggd miljö

The purpose of this study is to propose and formulate quantitative indicators to help measure an aspect of the Environmental Objectives in Swedish legislation: ?A Good Built Environment, Interim Target 2.? The governmental bill 2004/05:150 suggests changes to Interim Target 2: By 2010 built environments of cultural heritage value will be identified and placed under long-term sustainable management. Following the revised formulation regarding sustainable management, indicators should be formulated to measure the fulfilment of sustainable management of built environments of cultural heritage value. An important part of management takes place at the municipal level of planning, where detailed development plans include regulations to protect built environments of substantial cultural heritage value. As a result, this study is focusing upon the regulatory function of the Swedish Planning and Building Act in respect to the built environments of cultural heritage value.

Konsten att förutspå konjunkturen - Hur användbara är enkätbaserade snabbindikatorer?

Foreseeing future changes in economic activity is of up most importance to a wide array of actors. The time lag in the presentation of official GDP statistics means that to somewhat accurately capture a tendency of where the business cycle is heading one need turn to qualitative sentiment indicators such as Purchasing Managers? Index (PMI) and official sentiment indicators for valuable clues. This thesis uses in-sample and out-of-sample methods to evaluate how well PMI and official Business Tendency Surveys (BTS) in Sweden and Denmark fair against the year-on-year growth rate of industrial production. Moreover, various Swedish regional sentiment indicators get examined and a case study of the indicator for the Öresund region is performed.

Effektiv försvarslogistik?

Försvarets materielverk (FMV) står inför en omfattande ominriktning av verksamheten med tillhörande omorganisation. Den nya verksamheten innefattar att leverera tjänsten försvarslogistik till Försvarsmakten (FM). Då det inte finns någon entydig definition för vad försvarslogistik är så har detta arbete inriktats att utarbeta ett förslag till en sådan definition. Dessutom har en procedur skapats som identifierar relevanta prestandamått för ett godtyckligt försvarslogistiskt system, s.k. Key Performance Indicators (KPI), som kan användas för att påvisa om försvarslogistiken är effektiv eller inte.

Key Performance Indicators och Kraljics matris : Verktyg för att realisera inköpsstrategier inom Saab

I takt med att inköp har fått en allt mer betydande roll inom företag krävs det också att strategier för inköp utformas på ett sätt som möjliggör att de kan efterlevas och följas upp, framförallt när det rör sig om koncernövergripande strategier som kräver samordning. I dagsläget är det inköpsrådet på Saab som styr över och samordnar projekt och initiativ som sker inom inköp. Inköpsrådet ansvarar även för framtagandet av inköpsstrategier och arbetet utifrån dessa för hela koncernen. En första klassificering av Saabs leverantörer utefter Kraljics matris genomfördes år 2010 och i samband med detta har ett ökat intresse påvisats för att på ett differentierat sätt mäta och följa upp leverantörer. Syftet med studien är därmed att se vilka Key Performance Indicators (KPI:er) som är tillämpliga i en indelning av leverantörer enligt Kraljics matris, det vill säga om olika KPI:er är fördelaktiga för att genomföra mätning och uppföljning av olika typer av leverantörer enligt Kraljics matris.En betydande slutsats med indelning av KPI:er enligt Kraljics matris är att studien ska påvisa vilka mätetal som är mest väsentliga att ha vid uppföljning av leverantörer kopplade till respektive kvadrant i Kraljics matris.

Goodwill, aktieägarens vän eller fiende? : En kvantitativ studie av hur goodwillpostens storlek pa?verkar fo?retags fo?rma?ga att ge avkastning till aktiea?garna

We investigate if the size of goodwill compared to total assets has any effect on the shareholders return on companies listed on the Swedish Stock market. We put up two different hypotheses with a foundation from previous research and later dismiss one of them. Our evidence does not show any indicators that the size of goodwill have an effect on the shareholders return, which brings us to believe that there, from a share holders point of view, isn?t any need for concern regarding the standards about accounting for goodwill as stated by IFRS. .

Att indexera hållbarhet : En metautvärdering av Miljöaktuellts rankning av svenska kommuners hållbarhetsarbete

This Bachelor's thesis in Environmental Science studies the quality of an index of performance measurement of Swedish municipalities' sustainability governance offered by the environmental magazine Miljöaktuellt. Executed for six consecutive years, this evaluation is arguably the most comprehensive and widely spread local sustainability assessment in Sweden. Contextualizing this quantitative measurement tool in the paradigm of New Public Management, the research questions posed are: 'to what extent does the index employed by Miljöaktuellt correspond to the requirements of a set of quality criteria for sustainability assessment?' and 'is the index appropriate as a measure of, or a goal for, Swedish municipalities' internal sustainability efforts?' Through the perspective of evaluation theory, Miljöaktuellt's index is seen as a performance evaluation, thus categorizing this study as a meta-evaluation. Through a qualitative thematic approach, the index is analyzed using the 8 BellagioSTAMP-principles that were developed as tools for assessing quality of sustainability assessments as themes for the analysis.

Ha?llbarhetsredovisning i bostadsfo?retag : En rekommendation

This project was conducted on behalf of the organization SABO (Swedish Association of Public Housing Companies). The aim of this project was to investigate which relevant environmental aspects and indicators there are for housing companies to present in their sustainability report. The project consists of three main goals: to decide if there is a need for common guidelines when conducting a sustainability report, determine appropriate environmental indicators and to create a simple model of how the companies can present them. This was done by a literature study, analysis of 13 sustainability reports and interviews with seven housing companies. The result of the project suggests that there is a need for common guidelines to, among other things, make it easier to make a comparison with other companies.

Uppföljning inom ett vårdvalssystem - En fallstudie av uppföljningen av husläkaruppdraget i Stockholms Läns Landsting

This study aims to examine the effect the evaluation system used by the Stockholm County Council, has on how the healthcare providers themselves conduct the evaluation regarding their own operations. This is done through a qualitative case study of the evaluation systems of the Stockholm County Council and of four primary healthcare producers concerning one primary healthcare contract. The evaluation systems were analysed using Merchant and Ver der Stede's (2007) framework for different types of control. In order to give a more detailed picture this framework was complemented with different types of performance measurement. The evaluation that the Stockholm County Council conducts was found to have little influence on the providers own evaluation with the exception of the quality indicators that are rewarded with a monetary bonus..

Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till sina mål och hur dessa följs upp

SAMMANFATTNING/SUMMARY Titel/Title: Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till sina mål och hur dessa följs upp./ How government authorities define their Performance Indicators and measure them up in relationship to the goals. Författare/Author Almaliki, Rayya; Hulaj, Anita; Nepola, Fisnik Handledare/Supervisor: Gyllberg, Henrick Sektion/Section: Sektionen för Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola./ The Section of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology. Kurs/Course: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi (FEC007), 10 poäng./Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration (FEC007), 10 credits. Syfte/Purpose: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur statliga myndigheter definierar och följer upp sina prestationer, i förhållande till uppsatta mål för verksamheten./ The main purpose with this thesis is to research how government agencies define their Performance Indicators and measure them up in relationship to the goals.

Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till sina mål och hur dessa följs upp

SAMMANFATTNING/SUMMARY Titel/Title: Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till sina mål och hur dessa följs upp./ How government authorities define their Performance Indicators and measure them up in relationship to the goals. Författare/Author Almaliki, Rayya; Hulaj, Anita; Nepola, Fisnik Handledare/Supervisor: Gyllberg, Henrick Sektion/Section: Sektionen för Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola./ The Section of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology. Kurs/Course: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi (FEC007), 10 poäng./Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration (FEC007), 10 credits. Syfte/Purpose: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur statliga myndigheter definierar och följer upp sina prestationer, i förhållande till uppsatta mål för verksamheten./ The main purpose with this thesis is to research how government agencies define their Performance Indicators and measure them up in relationship to the goals. Metod/Method: Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ fallstudie, där vi har utfört sex semistandardiserade intervjuer på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola och Boverket. Det material som vi har fått från intervjuerna samt annat sekundärt material, utgör grunden för vår analys och slutsats./ We have done a qualitative case study, where we did six semi standard interviews at Blekinge Institute of Technology and Boverket. The material we got from the interviews and other secondary material make up the ground, for our analysis and conclusion.

Utvärderingsmodeller, Hur några av Göteborgs universitets- och högskolebibliotek har utvärderat sina IT-tjänster

The main subject with this master thesis is to take a closer look on how some of the university libraries of Gothenburg have evaluated their electronic services (such as search-systems, Internet-based services, CD-ROM etc.). The information technology has made its way into the library field during the past century and needs to be evaluated and quality measured to ensure the best possible service to the users. Since evaluation of electronic services is a new area in the evaluation field, some problems has arisen in terms of choosing evaluation strategies and finding the appropriate Performance Indicators for the evaluation process. The main questions asked in the thesis are; - Which are the most common theoretical strategies for evaluation? - How do some of the university libraries of Gothenburg perform evaluation in practice? - How does the various strategies for evaluation apply to the context of this thesis? The results show that specific strategies for evaluation aren't used in the reports discussed in this thesis.

Markberedning med traktorgrävare, prestation och kostnad

This study investigated the performance and cost of scarification with a tractormounted excavator. Due to variations in terrain conditions the performance variedbetween 0.08 and 0.11 ha/E15h and, with a machine cost of 366 SEK/h, the cost ofscarification varied between 3 330 and 4 750 SEK/ha..

Effektiv prestationsmätning : en studie av prestationsmätning i kund-leverantörsrelationer

Background: Performance measurement as a management control tool has received considerable academic attention. As the number of inter-organisational relationships, such as customer-supplier relationships, increases, there is a new scope for performance measurement as a management control tool. In order for a company to assess the effectiveness of its supplier relationships it has to define, measure and evaluate variables that are critical for the success of the relationship. The role of management control, and thereby of performance measurement, has increasingly been discussed in theory. However, empirical research in this area is still somewhat limited.

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