2032 Uppsatser om Perceptions and middle managers - Sida 28 av 136
Vad betyder tecknen i bilden? : Paragrafigurativa element i kinesiskt tuschmåleri. En visuell kultur-undersökning.
Due to lack of knowledge about motivation in Swedish for adult immigrants (SFI ), I have chosen to write about motivation. Motivation is a complex concept to understand. It has different meanings depending on what context the term is put in. In this study , you will read about the external and internal motivation . But also about integrative and instrumental motivation.
Att leva i symbios; kultur och kläder : Påverkan av kulturen i Mellanöstern på internationella klädföretag
More and more companies open up facilities and stores in countries all around the world. Entering a new country means a new culture, a new language, different norms and values and new people with a different way of thinking unlike what you are used to. In order to survive and be successful in this new country means that you have to adapt to the new culture and its components you encounter.The purpose of this thesis has been to identify possibilities and barriers in the Middle Eastern culture affecting international clothing companies. Furthermore it has been investigated how these companies must adapt their products and promotion to this culture.In order to obtain relevant data for achieving the purpose of the study interviews and observations was made at three international clothing companies in Tehran, Iran. These were Mango, United Colors of Benetton and adidas.
Personligt Varumärke och Ledarskap : En kvalitativ studie om hur företagsledare använder sig av personligt varumärke i sitt ledarskap
The meaning of being someone and standing for something is getting more important today in the Swedish business market. Our thesis has a qualitative approach that aims to study the usage of personal branding in the upper-management of Swedish organizations. Theories collected from literature and articles include marketing branding, personal branding and leadership. Our main target is to identify components that obtain usage of personal branding which are, attributes and strengths, communication, values, and vision and mission. The empirical data is gathered from six personal interviews with managers.
Stress och alkoholbruk : En studie om manliga och kvinnliga chefer på en socialförvaltning i Skåne
Occupational stress and the use of alcohol to reduce stress are both separately common in our society. A few researchers have combined the two factors.The aim of this essay was to obtain an increased understanding of how male and female managers estimate their alcohol habits in relation to their occupational stress.We have interviewed nine managers who work at a social services department in Scania. Our main theories were the theory of psychosocial work environment of Lazarus, Karaseks demand/control model, epidemiology- and cultural perspective.Our results were;· Psychosocial work environment contributes to if the interviewed people experienced stress at work.· The grade of control has great influence if the interviewed people experience stress.· There weren't any correlation between stress and increased consumption of alcohol..
EQ - det nya skolämnet? : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar om arbetet med social och emotionell intelligens i skolan
This essay aims to investigate the perceptions of responsible personnel in a primary school about the use and importance of EQ, emotional intelligence, in the school's early years. With a hermeneutic approach and by qualitative interviews, we have taken note of the respondents perceptions about EQ. The result shows that EQ can be understood in different ways. Instead of having a common understanding of what EQ is the respondents mention that there are different areas associated with EQ. Two major results are 1.
Patients´ perceptions of preoperative information in connection with elective surgeries
Background: For an individual a surgery may involve strains and risks. Many patients experience a loss of its own identity and often an inability to control the situation while going through a surgical operation. Fear of pain or to not wake up from the anesthetic or that the surgery will fail are worrying factors that some people experiences. Purpose: The purpose was to describe patients? perceptions of preoperative information in connection to elective surgeries.
Empowerment och paternalism på jobbet : En studie kring självbestämmande och delaktighet för brukare i daglig verksamhet enligt LSS
During the latter part of the 20th century the situation for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden changed and developed. Clients have the right to participation and self-determination in society and in applied measures under the law of individual rights legislation; LSS. The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how team-leaders and managers in day-centres in a municipality works with participation and self-determination for clients, and what the professionals consider affects the client's possibility to self-determination and participation. The research questions intended to be answered are:? How does the team-leaders and managers work to enable self-determination and participation of the users in the public day-centres?? What does the team-leaders and managers describe and understand as enabling and limiting factors for the client?s possibility to self-determination and participation?The study is qualitative and interviews have been held with eight interviewees, which I contacted through snowball sampling.
Det gör ont när stockar spricker!
The aim of this study was to provide SCA Forest Norrbotten District with material to assist in their work towards decreasing the frequency of bucking splits in their saw timber logs. SCA Forest supplies the Munksund sawmill with pine timber. Periodically the sawmill experiences problems related to bucking splits in their logs.
The purpose of this study was to find an available method to measure the occurrence of splits directly on incoming timber. The ambition was also to gain some knowledge about possible variations between different logging crews in terms of split frequency. If possible, this information could be used to investigate if certain crews produced more splits than others, and thereby making it possible to provide feedback to the logging machine operators.
The study consisted of two major parts, a literature review, and a practical sawmill study.
Case Management: arbetsmodeller och uppgifter
Intresset för ämnet uppstod efter en lång yrkesverksamhet i människobehandlande organisationer och den brist på samverkan och förståelse för andra yrkesområdens perspektiv som framkommit i den dagliga verksamheten. En önskan att se hur samverkansarbetet praktiseras, hos dem i vars uppgifter samarbete över institutionsgränserna ingår som en central del. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur case managers organiserar sitt arbete utifrån frågetällningarna: vilka uppgifter har en case manager? Hur beskriver de sin respektive arbetsmodell och vilka för- och nackdelar ser de med sitt arbete?
För att svara på frågorna genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med sju case managers i tre skilda arbetsmodeller: klinisk case management, personligt ombud och Assertive Community Treatment (ACT). Teoridelen består av en sammankoppling av de tre begreppen: biopsykosocialt perspektiv, samverkan och människobehandlande organisationer.
Predikaren och jakten på mening : En undersökning av intertextualiteten mellan Predikaren och filmerna Under solen och Sånger från andra våningen
The purpose of this study is to explore active after-school teacher?s perceptions of the concept of meaningful leisure time. The purpose of the study is also to investigate if the interpretations of meaningful leisure time affect the perception of their work roles and after-school teacher?s actual work in a leisure activity. The study also provides an insight into how afterschool teachers perceive their roles in general.
Teknik i förskolan : En studie om hur 4 - 5 åringars uppfattningar om material och dess egenskaper kan utvecklas genom en pedagogisk aktivitet
The purpose of this work is to investigate how 4-5 year olds perceptions of materials and material properties can be developed through an educational activity. The study is based on two interviews with eight children in that age category. The interviews were conducted before and after an activity where the children were first introduced to the subject by the tale of The three little pigs (Harris, 2009) and then given the opportunity to explore various materials related to the book. The kids got to experiment and explore how water affected materials and to compare different materials properties. The children were also attracted to build and create the material that was offered during the activity.
Den kommunalt fängslade mellanchefen : En kvalitativ beskrivning av mellanchefers utövande av ledarskap
Titel: Den kommunalt fängslade mellanchefen: En kvalitativ beskrivning av mellanchefers utövande av ledarskap. Inledning: Kommunal verksamhet är starkt påverkbar av sin omgivning och måste kontinuerligt anpassa sig till denna samtidigt som den strävar efter en förutsägbarhet. Denna komplexa miljö inverkar på mellanchefers möjlighet att utöva sitt personliga ledarskap, och därför ställs det krav på att man som chef är anpassningsbar och medveten om sitt personliga ledarskap.Problemformulering: Hur ser chefer i olika hierarkiska positioner på sin möjlighet att utöva sitt personliga ledarskap?Syfte: Syftet med vårt arbete är att undersöka, beskriva och skapa en förståelse för chefers möjlighet att, på olika hierarkiska nivåer, utöva sitt personliga ledarskap i ett sammanhang påverkat av inre och yttre faktorer.Metod: För att besvara vårt forskningsproblem valde vi att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod. Genom ett hermeneutiskt tolkningssätt och ett abduktivt angreppssätt så analyserade vi de sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer vi utförde.Slutsats: Den slutsats vi drog är att ledarskapsutbildningens utformning och den begränsade rörelsefrihet som ges, resulterar i en konflikt mellan organisationens mål och en chefs möjlighet att utöva sitt personliga ledarskap. .
Design management i produktutvecklingsföretag : Samarbetet mellan en design manager och en designkonsult
Design management är ett arbetssätt som har börjat tillämpas av allt fler företag de senaste åren, men det kan fortfarande vara svårt att förstå betydelsen av design management. I uppsatsen undersöks det vilken betydelse en design managers kompetens och position har för samarbetet mellan det designköpande företaget och en designkonsult under ett designinköp. Genom ett flertal intervjuer, utifrån både design managers och designkonsulters perspektiv, undersöks det hur samarbetet fungerar mellan dessa parter. En analys av intervjumaterial med hjälp av en teoretisk referensram bestående av design management-teori, design som en integrerad process och beslutsrollsteori har lett fram till ett antal slutsatser om design management. Några av slutsatserna är att design management, enligt teorierna, som arbetssätt inte är så vanligt och att det finns en viss samarbetsbrist enligt de intervjuade designkonsulterna, som i viss mån underlättas om design managern har kunskap om vad design innebär..
"Man kan inte ge de det de behöver" : En studie om arbetet och synen på äldres psykiska ohälsa i äldreomsorgen
The aim of this study was to understand how care staff in residential care perceive and work with elderly mental health and how these perceptions and work is related to aging. We have gathered our empirical material through eight qualitative interviews and vignettes with care staff in residential care. The study was conducted in a municipality with 10 000 to 20 000 inhabitants in southern Sweden. The material was analyzed with use of ageism as a theoretical frame of reference. The results showed that the care staff had different perceptions of mental illness in general and regarding the elderly.
Motivation för kreativitet : - En studie om hur ledare kan påverka produktiviteten i svenska medieproducerande företag
Since the mid 1900s the organizational perspective in media producing companies has changed. The focus has shifted from just being a laborer to the person behind the effort. The most important for an efficient and smooth organization is the motivation of the employees and the social working environment. Former research argues that managers must be coaches and that crucial factors for the survival of organizations are creativity, innovation and adaptability. With this study we investigate what motivates employees to use their creative skills.