2032 Uppsatser om Perceptions and middle managers - Sida 19 av 136
...egentligen har jag väl alla möjligheter... : -En kvalitativ studie om upplevt handlingsutrymme hos enhetschefer.
Our study aims at investigating the unit manager?s, within LSS, perceiveddiscretion, when people with Down´s syndrome develop Alzheimer?s disease. We wanted to know what they perceive as limiting factors or facilitators in order to meet changing and/or emerging needs, as well as how they interpret their discretion in relation to this. We have conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with five unit mangers within LSS.When analyzing the interview material, we have used a theoretical approach from a street-level bureaucracy and from the unit managers? perceiveddiscretion point of view.Our study?s result demonstrate that the unit managers are experiencing a wide discretion and do not feel a need to widen their identifieddiscretion..
"Tears are not a Momans Only Weapon" : En historiebruksanalys av HBOs tv-serie Game of Thrones
The middle ages is a time in our history that is often used as a frame when portraying fantasy on tv. HBOs immensely popular series Game of Thrones could easily be counted as one of these. But to what extent does the creators of the series approach the history of our world while creating their own? The aim of this essay is to analyse a number of characters from the tv- series out of gender- and their place in the social structure and then compare the findings with the image of the middle ages that is given in academic research. By analysing the two released seasons of Game of Thrones the study has shown that there are many similarities between the fictional world and the actual world but that it also differs through choices made by the creators of the series. .
Ett sviktande hjärta : patientupplevelser av att leva med en kronisk hjärtsvikt
As the occurrence of obesity increases amongst young people, so increases the risk of more people suffering from heart failure as early as during middle age. The aim is to describe the life experiences of middle aged persons living with chronic heart failure. The literature study is based on twelve published, qualitative, and scientifically proved articles derived from MedLine and Cinahl using queries representing the subject, as well as from manual searching in ScienceDirect and LIBRIS. These articles have been analyzed from a life world perspective. Four main themes and four sub themes were identified from the articles' results.
Ledarskap i offentlig sektor : Organisationsfaktorer, ledarskapsmodeller, förutsättningar och medarbetarens hälsa
The purpose of this study was to examine leadership in the public sector based on leadership models, organizational factors, conditions and health of employees. The study was divided into sub-study one and two. In sub-study one the design was an observational study using cross sectional design in which 67 first line managers in the public sector answered a survey about conditions and leadership models. Sub-study two was an observational study using case-control design focusing on a health promoting leadership intervention in the municipal sector. Two semi-structured interviews and 41 surveys were collected.
Generation Y:s föreställningar om chefer och ledare : En studie med utgångspunkt i de ekonomistuderande inom generation Y
Syfte Syftet med studien är att beskriva och förstå generation Y:s föreställningar om chefer och ledare, med utgångspunkt i generationens ekonomistuderande.Problem Vilka föreställningar har dagens ekonomistudenter i Sverige om chef- och ledarskap?Metodologi Denna studie är baserad på kvalitativ metod. Enskilda intervjuer har gjorts med tio olika personer från generation Y som studerar ekonomi, varav fem män och fem kvinnor.Teoretisk referensram I denna studie används ledarskapsteorier, avseende perspektiv som individer kan appliceras på ämnet. Individernas föreställningar beskrivs på ett djupare plan genom individernas olika bakgrunder.Slutsats Ett antal föreställningar var möjliga att se i det genererade materialet. Det individcentrerade perspektivet var framträdande, men även delar av det kontextuella perspektivet markerades.
Finansiering av små tillverkande företags tillväxtmöjligheter i revitaliseringsfasen : Finansieringsprocessen
In 2014-2015 a large-scale Ebola epidemic occurred in West Africa. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency was given the order to conduct the Swedish response. The purpose of this case study was to investigate the impact on project planning of the three factors: the nature of the crisis, political initiative and developing countries. In this case study the crisis was an epidemic, and the project was initiated by the Swedish Government and conducted in two developing countries. The results were intended to contribute to developed understanding and recommendations for future project managers in similar projects.
Intuition : En studie av beslutsfattande i mindre svenska företag
Background: Previous studies have shown that intuition occurs in decision making in small enterprises. However, these studies have not illuminated which decision attributes leads to intuitive decision making.Purpose:The purpose with this study is to contribute with an increased understanding of which decision attributes leads managers in small enterprises to use intuition in decision making and why these decisions attributes have an impact on the role of intuition. The follow-ing research question will be answered in our study: Which decision attributes leads to intui-tive decision making in small enterprises, and why?Method: To answer the research question we have conducted semi structural interviews with managers in small enterprises to achieve a deeper understanding of the role of intuition. We have also used a method called Visual Card Sorting as a complement to the semi structural interviews.Result/conclusion: The result of our study indicates that the relevance and the uncertainty of a decision have the greatest significance in the use of intuition in decision making in small enterprises.
Relationen mellan familjehem & biologiska föräldrar: En (o)komplicerad relation? Synen på familjehemmens kontakt med barnets biologiska föräldrar, samt det stöd som ges från familjehemssekreterare i denna kontakt.
With this research we aim to examine foster parents and social workers perceptions about the relationship between foster parents and the foster child?s biological parents and their perceptions about the support to the foster parents in the contact with the child?s biological parents. The research will provide a deeper understanding of the actors? perceptions and explain possible differences in their opinions. This study has a qualitative approach and contains eight semi-structured interviews with foster parents and social workers in a smaller town in the south of Sweden.
Från föreställningar till relevanta system - Linköpings universitetsbibliotek analyseras med hjälp av Soft Systems Methodology
The background to this thesis is the impact of information technology on libraries and librarywork. If information technology causes changes in the tasks and work of libraries, thenlibrary organisations should also change. It is important to engage and inform the staff if suchchanges are to succeed. This thesis investigates the notions about library tasks and librarywork among eight "middle-managers" at Linkopings universitetsbibliotek.The investigation is based on interviews and then analysed with Soft Systems Methodology(SSM). By identifying the "Weltanschauung" of the staff, the thesis tries to create logicallydesirable and culturally feasible models of systems relevant to the situation at Linkopingsuniversitetsbibliotek.
Agricultural and forestry business owners? perceptions of banks
Over the course of the past the agricultural sector has been characterized by radical market changes. Changing market conditions have forced owners of agricultural and forestry businesses to make further investments. This increase in investments has led to a greater need for external capital, which has increased the relationship between banks and owners of agricultural and forestry businesses. The financial sector is characterized by strong rivalry, which forces banks to create strategic positions in the financial market. Since agricultural and forestry businesses are generally seen as secure customers by banks, due to high property and land values, the competition between banks with agricultural and forestry businesses as customers has amplified.
Informationskompetens : En fenomenografisk undersökning av skolledares uppfattningar om informationskompetens
The aim of my ?two years master thesis? was to examine school administrators perceptions about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control, perceptions about what role the teachers and the librarians have in teaching students information literacy and perceptions about the collaboration between these groups. My questions have been: Have the school administrators reflected upon the conception of information literacy? What conceptions do school administrators have about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control? What role do they consider the teachers and the librarians to have in making all students information literate? How do they consider the collaboration between the teachers and the librarians work? What role do they consider themselves to have on a management level to make all students? information literate? I used a phenomenographical method and carried out six qualitative interviews with school administrators from five senior high schools in the municipality of Gävle. Both public schools and independent schools were included in the study. Most of the school administrators considered information literacy to be the same as criticism of sources, which they also considered as one of the most important information literacy skills.
Franskt ledarskap i företag i Sverige : En kulturkrock?
The most recent couple of years the boundaries of the world have been erased and we have come to live in a more global environment. It has been even more evident since the European Union has got a more prominent role in the society. It appears as obvious for most of us that we live in a changeable time and that a new, global perspective has been developed. Companies have to focus on the effect globalization and differences in culture have, to be competitive in the market today. Because of that business managers more often can come to work in other countries than their country of origin, it becomes interesting whether these managers adapt their management style or if they continue to work the same way as they did in their native country.This thesis aims to investigate if business managers with a foreign background bring along their national culture when managing a company in Sweden.
Chefsförsörjning: Rekryteringsproblem vid tillsättning av mellanchefer
Human Resource Management (HRM) has an increasingly strategic role in today?s organizations as the supply of managers is an integral part of the strategic work. In order to retain competence and knowledge, firms are usually designed so that the employees can develop their careers within the firm. Company X is a company in the financial sector and is an example of such firm. However, at Company X: Department Y, very few employees apply for the management positions when they are announced.
Färre och färre händer : intervjuer om morgondagens landskapsförvaltare i det småskaliga odlingslandskapet
This degree project is based on my personal relation and engagement to the small-scaled cultural landscape. My viewpoint is the village Torpa in Östergötland. My observations of the changes and development together with the stories of the village people has lead me to the questioning about the future prospects of the small-scaled cultural landscape. The rationalization of the society and our urban culture has lead to big changes in the cultural landscape and the people have reduced to a small crowd. Fewer and fewer hands are managing the small-scaled cultural landscape and fewer and fewer young people have connection to this kind of landscape and its management.
Outsourcing till Indien : För små och medelstora företag
Outsourcing has grown more so than any other sector of IT services. According to a research by the analytic company Gartner soon four of ten jobs in the IT sector will be outsourced. For a nation like Sweden that means about 40,000 jobs going abroad. Business managers look to outsourcing as a means of reducing their operating cost and their need for capital spending. Companies turn to outsourcing to save money and seek expertise outside.