

4572 Uppsatser om Perceived occupational status scale - Sida 58 av 305

Parkens belysning :

In the city of Kungälv, there are many important green areas without park lightning. This makes it unsafe to walk through the city's most attractive surroundings during many parts of the year. Partly in general and partly specifically for Kungälv, this paper shows that there are strong long-term arguments for making parks available by the use of lightning. This is not about lightening up the whole city, but finding the important green communication paths and parks. This paper also reflects upon how to lighten up these green communication paths and parks for best result. That is a question about creating good sight conditions ? safe and attractive parks which attracts people to use them. Offering a city's inhabitants good and attractive alternatives to using the car is an important task for city planers.

Dekonversion och självuppfattning : En religionspsykologisk studie av dekonvertiters berättelser

This study focuses on aspects of cult experiences, given by deconverted formermembers of closed religious movements. Their testimonies were published inbooks or interviews. The aims of the study were to understand the interactionbetween the religious group and its members, living in high tension towardsmainstream society and their testimonies of altered self-esteem during attraction,membership, deconversion and defection. The purpose was to understand how aperson´s self-esteem is affected by inner mechanisms of closed religiousmovements and how these experiences affects a persons identity. Another aspectwas whether there might be differences in altered self-esteem, between those whoenlisted as adults, and those who were born into the closed religious contexts.Social Identity Theory, Sigmund Freud´s and Carl Rogers models of personal egowere used as models of interpretations.

Moderskapets gra?nsvakt? : En semiotisk analys av fo?rhandlingar om det goda moderskapet i reality-tv-serien Ensam mamma so?ker

Uppsatsen behandlar moderskapsrepresentationer i det svenska reality-tv-programmet Ensam mamma so?ker. Syftet a?r att belysa hur diskurser om moderskap fo?rhandlas genom dessa representationer. Med en representationsanalys och semiotisk analys har jag tittat pa? mitt material utifra?n tva? tematiseringar med respektive underkategorier: 1) Tva?samhet: (hetero)sexualitet, monogami, ko?n och genus; 2) Funktion: social status, familjens och moderskapets funktion.

Relationen mellan flyktingkonventionenoch barnkonventionen : Det internationella skyddet för ensamkommande barn under asylprocessen

AbstractMany of the refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

Barns samspel i den fria leken : en observationsstudie

Syftet med undersökningen är att jag ska få kunskaper om hur fyra- och femåringar samspelar i den fria leken. Jag har formulerat följande frågeställningar: Hur ser samspelet ut mellan barnen i den fria leken? Hur får barn tillträde till lek? Hur agerar de barn som inte får tillträde till lek?Som metod i min undersökning har jag använt observationer där jag dokumenterat genom att anteckna. Jag har sett fler exempel på samspel mellan barn där leken och fantasin har blommat ut. I samspel som fungerat sker leken på samma villkor för de inblandade och barnen spinner vidare på varandras idéer.

Operationsklinikers riktlinjer och arbete med oavsiktlig anestesiinducerad hypotermi.

Background: Students, at a secondary upper school, attending a practical programme have a lower physical capacity than students from theoretical programs. Our physical self-esteem has a great significance for our motivation in being physically active and thereby also for our health. The purpose: of this study is to find out if there is a difference between perceived physical self-esteem and objectively measured physical activity between students attending a practical programme and a theoretical programme. Method: Four classes, in a medium-sized town in the southeast of Sweden, participated in the study, two classes from practical programmes and two classes from theoretical programmes. All the students were in their final year at the upper secondary school, when they were part of the study during the autumn of 2011.

Björkbarksextrakt, BBE : en lönsam lösning på betningsproblematiken?

The calculations in this thesis are evaluating the profit as a consequence from treating young stands of pine in Sweden with birch bark extract, BBE. Treatment is to be done with the object to lower or fully reduce the moose browsing on pine. The study is made in three versions. The results from each version separately will follow below. Version I.: The size of the moose population is in no way affected by the reduced resources of food as a consequence of large scale treatment with BBE on pine. Results show profit at a 3 percent level of interest with the exception of treatment program with more than 4 treatments all together and with the exception of Västerbottens Län with an early first treatment. Version II.: The population of moose decrease from 10 to 5 individuals per 1000 ha as a consequence from large scale treatment with BBE on young pine stands.

Kvinnors roller i vikingatiden : utifrån exemplet Birka och skriftliga källor

This essay discusses the issue of the role of women and also whether they could obtain a strong social position during the Viking Age. Moreover, it does discuss the question of how frequent women were present in Viking Age scriptures, art and archaeological artefacts in comparison to our view of women and her position in the modern society. The archaeological material used is in majority that found in Birka, such as burial and habitational findings. These objects, as well as other comparable and similar findings from other places, when put together with written sources, show that women had different roles in the society. She was able to have a strong social role during the Viking Age not only becauseof the status her family had but also because of her own merit depending of her skills and ability.The archaeological findings found in female graves and other findings in the area, suggest a specializing within both textile production and trade for the women.

Sambandet mellan oral hälsa, oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet och socioekonomi

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka sambandet mellan socioekonomiska faktorer, oral hälsa och oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Material och metod: Det gjordes en systematisk litteratursökning som gav totalt 454 träffar varav 24 artiklar var relevanta. Artiklarna granskades efter relevans och kvalitet och inkluderades därefter i studien. Resultat: Socioekonomiska faktorerna inkomst, utbildning, yrke, social status, kön och etnicitet var associerade med oral hälsa, dock var inkomst och utbildning det som var mest korrelerat med oral hälsa. Sämre oral status kunde verifieras med klinisk undersökning som oftast undersökte antal tänder, karies och parodontit, vilket antogs kunna påverka oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet.

" ...köra lite på intuition" - Sjuksköterskors attityder och kunskaper om intimt partnervåld - en empirisk studie.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects both men and women, in homo- as well as heterosexual relationships. The most recognized form of IPV is violence against women. The proposition "Kvinnofrid" was approved by the Swedish parliament in 1998 and proposed an extensive effort to increase knowledge and awareness of IPV among occupational groups, mainly in the health care system. These professionals are also often directly involved in the care of victims of IPV. The main purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes and level of knowledge among nurses about violence in an intimate relationship.

Val av källor : En studie av de anställdas informationssökning inom företaget Viking Line

Nine out of ten larger companies have an intranet today which is supposed to improve the communication withinthe company and save money. A great part of these intranets were established in the beginning of the 1990?swithout giving any thought to the users and their needs. How does the communication inside the corporationslook like when the intranets that are supposed to be the source for every information request, aren?t usable? Whatother sources do the users use and how much?The aim of this master thesis is to examine information source selection at a specific company.

Grön omsorg på gård : meningsfull omsorg, aktivitetsvärdet i lantbruksmiljön

Daglig verksamhet på gård har högt aktivitetsvärde och upplevs som meningsfull. Lantbruksmiljön tillgodoser många av målgruppens behov och kvalitéerna i lantbruksmiljön bidrar till upplevelsen av delaktighet, valfrihet och självständighet i aktivitet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka upplevelsen av aktivitetsvärdet i lantbruksmiljö för personer i daglig verksamhet på gård enligt LSS och diskutera relationen mellan miljöns betydelse samt personens upplevda aktivitetsvärde. Teorierna i miljöpsykologin fokuserar på naturens och trädgårdars kraft att återställa människans balans, att naturen och miljön som helhet kan få en personen att reflektera och att växa. Grön Omsorg är meningsfull sysselsättning på gårdar i lantlig miljö för människor med behov av särskilt stöd.

Kommunikation i operationsmiljö : en litteraturöversikt

AbstractAim: The aim of this study was to investigate if treatment with ?dry needling? in myofascial triggerpoints (MTrPs) in the rotatorcuff muscles may affect impingement symptoms such as pain during provocative tests, shoulder mobility, and function. The research questions were: Does the value of pain change on the Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS) between before and after treatment? Do the positive provocative tests for impingement change between before and after treatment? Does the active shoulder mobility change between before and after treatment? Does the self-rated function change between before and after treatment?Method: The study was a prospective randomized intervention study and 19 persons with impingement symptoms (mean ± standard deviation; 58 ± 18 years, and shoulder pain duration 3.9 ± 1.6 months) were randomized into two groups. The groups were tested before, directly after and 3 weeks after treatment.

"En avancerad lek" : En fenomenologisk studie om improvisationsteater

I uppsatsen undersöks upplevelser av improvisationsteater. Syftet är att beskriva och förstå improvisationsdeltagares upplevelse av vad som sker i improvisationsteater. Ett övergripande syfte med detta är att bidra till att tydliggöra dramapedagogik i relation till improvisationsteater. Ansatsen i uppsatsen är kvalitativ och metoden är fenomenologisk. För insamling av data har intervju och fokusgruppssamtal använts.

Måltiden som symboliskt kapital - en etnologisk studie av mat, medelklass & identitetsskapande

This paper aims to investigate how human beings uses food to found an identity, with regards to how social class affects their choice of food and if trends play a part when it comes to cooking and purchasing food. The paper applies theorist Pierre Bourdieu's concepts such as habitus, capital and field.The main part of the material is composed of four interviews with seven informants; all of which is middle class. The paper also looks at how lifestyle, taste and attitudes to consumption are used when the informants build identity. The empirical part is split into three main subjects, where I first seek to find each informants food habits. What do they eat, and what do they not eat?It showed that a large part was due to their varied lifestyles, however generally speaking the day to day meals should be quick while meals during the weekends could take longer and also cost more.

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