1843 Uppsatser om Perceived norms - Sida 49 av 123
Normalitet i adoption och föräldraskap : En kvalitativ studie av socialtjänstens medgivandeutredningar av ensamstående som vill adoptera
The aim of the study was to illustrate how single parents who want to adopt a child are described in consent investigations made by the social service. The methodology for this study was document analysis. The analysis material consisted of 23 consent investigations from family courts in 12 different municipalities and district administrations. The theoretical starting point of the study was the perspective of social construct of reality. Based on the issues of the study, background on international adoptions, theory of norms and deviation and past research the documents were analyzed.
En uppsats om kontraheringsplikten för dominerande företag
In organizations today Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming a common means to try to gain legitimacy and credibility for their business. A successful CSR strategy has the potential to generate positive outcomes for a company and reaching out to stakeholders about the corporation?s contribution in the field is an important part of the work. In this study I examine how the employees at Max Hamburgare receive the corporation?s efforts within sustainability, how it is perceived and what this means to the employees.
A world of illustration - Ett utforskande projekt om Illustration som begrepp och koncept, dess gällande och möjliga användningsområden samt utformningen av en arbetsprocess
It is not about the perfect tune or pretty picture.It is always, always about the story. (Is or ought to be)When we release a new album, publish a book or show a brand newcollection of clothes or furniture etc. it is (or ought to be) because we havesomething to say (tell/share). The choice of language, in which we tell our stories,is vital for how they will be perceived.This is where illustration comes in. Illustration is a tool for storytelling, for contributingto the world in the most legible way.Illustration is legibility, it is the italic, the underline, the ?quotation mark?, the exclamation mark!It is not about the pretty picture.I want to talk about this.
Ett rättfärdigt felande? Om civil olydnad inom den demokratiska staten
Civil disobedience constitutes an interesting ethical phenomena in the democraticstate since the people performing it consciously brakes laws and norms in societyfor purposes they themselves judge to be morally good and just. This thesisexamines whether the phenomena of civil disobedience is justifiable in ademocratic society.In this study civil disobedience is analyzed on two levels. First the problem isanalyzed on a theoretical level in relative to the three, by us established, values:respect for the law, the will of the majority and equality. Second, civildisobedience is analyzed on a more practical level where we test our theoreticalline of argument with the help of two example groups who engages in civildisobedience. The justification of civil disobedience is also analyzed through twoethical perspectives on acting, deontology and consequentialism.Our conclusion is that civil disobedience is justifiable on a theoretical level inrelative to the values we discuss.
Självskattad stress och prestation i experimentella minnestest
I en delstudie till IDA-projektet har 185 kvinnor i 40-årsåldern skattat sin stress med PSS (Perceived Stress Scale) och genomfört fyra episodiska minnestest. Ett omvänt U-format samband med PSS som oberoende faktor och prestation i de olika minnestesterna som beroende faktor har prövats. Ett linjärt samband har sökts post hoc. Både explicit och implicit minnesprestation har mätts, liksom primär- och sekundärminnesprestation. Hög- och lågutbildade deltagare analyserades separat.
Att förstå medborgardialoger från olika perspektiv
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the problems caused by students that characterize themselves as highly sensitive. The issue of high sensitivity and other categorizations are fiercely debated in the research. This empirical study was conducted in light of literature about high sensitivity, pedagogies, and interview methods. The students answered questions about what makes them categorize themselves and how they believe that the categorization affects their learning and social development. They also responded to questions about what they consider appropriate measures to improve their situation.
Moraliska normer och information : En ekonomisk analys av källsortering i Linköping
Den svenska lagstiftningen lägger en stor del av ansvaret och kostnaderna för källsortering på hushållen trots att det inte finns några formella tvång. Den här uppsatsen bygger på en enkätundersökning som utförts på hushåll i Linköping och undersöker varför många hushåll frivilligt källsorterar och bidrar till den kollektiva nyttan miljön. Detta analyseras först utifrån individens ansvarskänsla för miljön, där syftet är att undersöka om detta kan fungera som en förklarande faktor till att individer källsorterar. För att få in ytterligare ett perspektiv på analysen beaktas även individens uppfattning om att han gör nytta när han källsortera, genom ett experiment där respondenterna får ta ställning till hur han förhåller sig till källsortering efter ny kritisk information.Respondenternas uppfattning om att källsortering är miljövänligt verkar ha betydelse för deras motivation till att källsortera. Vidare kan ansvarskänslan och vilken information respondenterna har tillgång till mycket väl vara viktiga faktorer för deras källsortering, även om detta inte med säkerhet går att visa i undersökningen..
"They Don't Know About Us" : Fanbloggandets vad, hur och varför på Tumblr
This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an open-ended questionnaire.
Den nationella värdegrunden : en kritisk granskning av implementeringen av äldreomsorgens värdegrund i en kommun
The aim of the study was to investigate how a community motivates and ensures the implementation of its values and how this document affected personnel of meaning, vision and daily operations. The study was based on semi-structured interviews, in which nine respondents were interviewed in a city in southern Sweden. Interviews dealt with three different themes, all concerned organization or set of values. The analysis was based partly on how organizations and institutions build up and maintain their legitimacy. The analysis was also explained by the new institutional theory and its concepts isomorphism.
Ormens metaforiska skepnader
The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.
Påverkar grad av self-efficacy samt fysisk aktivitet studenters upplevelse av stress?
Stress är idag ett område som är allt mer omdiskuterat och anses ha inverkan på den psykiska hälsan. Många studerande på universitetsnivå upplever någon gång under utbildningen stress, och detta kan bland annat förklaras utifrån tidspress, ny stad samt ekonomi. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på huruvida stress hos studenter kan förklaras utifrån self-efficacy och fysisk aktivitet, samt om det finns någon skillnad i upplevd stress mellan manliga och kvinnliga studenter. Det var 76 av 92 tillfrågade studenter som svarade på hela enkäten (39 män och 37 kvinnor) som innehöll två standardiserade tester, General Self-Efficacy Scale respektive perceived stress scale. Resultatet visade ett signifikant samband mellan variablerna stress samt self-efficacy.
"A Queer Fish" : En Queerläsning av John Galsworthys The Forsyte Saga.
This paper aims to examine the heteronormativity that is present in John Galsworthy?s The Forsyte Saga. This is achieved by performing a queer reading of the text with the help of Swedish Queer theorists Fanny Ambjörnsson and Tiina Rosenberg. I study the norm and how it is enforced by law, society and family. To get a complete image of the heteronormativity I also need to analyze the gender presented in the saga.
Det offentliga rummets dragningskraft : En gestaltande fallstudie om offentliga rum i Hässleholm
The thesis is a case study that deals with public space based on how people use them. Public spaces are an important part of our city life and everyday life. Quality public spaces and places are due to its design and use, which are the primary aspects of this study. Hässleholm has been the location for the case study inventory items. Five different methods have been the basis for the study, and through them it has been possible to study what makes a room usable and unusable and what criteria is necessary for people to want to stay in the public rooms.
Chefskap, administration och IT - Hur går det ihop? : En kvalitativ studie av hur enhetschefer inom kommunal verksamhet upplever IT-system
The increasing administration in IT-systems is the target of much debate today. It is viewed as taking time from what is considered to be managers? real tasks as well as resulting in an ineffective and stressful work environment. This view of IT-systems as problematic and time consuming can also been found among unit managers in a municipality in the north of Sweden. To be able to understand why IT-systems are perceived in this way this study?s aim has been to find what leads to this view.
Ledarskap på distans : Att arrangera och upprätthålla
This essay aims to create an understanding of how leadership can be arranged in a company that embraces new technology and telework, and how it can be experienced from the employees' perspective. In order to make it possible to investigate this purpose are three questions formed; ?How is the leadership perceived??, ?How does telework into motivation?? and ?How does telework into communication??. A presentation of previous research is given, focusing mainly within different types of leadership, distance, and telework. Based on this, three interviews was made in which respondents? experience of telework was in focus.