

4218 Uppsatser om Pedagogical support and stimulation - Sida 2 av 282

Corporate Social Responsibility?s betydelse för varumärkeskapital inom telekommunikationsbranschen

Abstract  The purpose of my study is to see how pedagogues describe their work with language stimulation in preschool. My study is a case study. Through qualitative interviews and observations with three pedagogues I want to se how it works in preschool.     My research question was:How do the pedagogues describe their work procedure with language stimulation?  My result of this study is that language stimulation always is included in all preschool activities.

"Meningen är ju att de ska söka själva" : En kvalitativ studie av folkbibliotekariers syn på sin pedagogiska roll gentemot skolelever

The aim of this two years master's thesis is to examine public librarians? views of their pedagogical role towards school children, and to illustrate the relationship between public libraries and schools as a background for the role of the public librarians. The theoretical framework is Carol Cullier Kuhlthau?s theory of the roles of librarians as mediators in reference work (Levels of Mediation) and in education (Levels of Education). The main question of the study is: How do public librarians view their pedagogical role towards elementary school pupils and high school students? Related questions regarding the use of the public library for school purposes, the communication and cooperation between the public library and the schools, the difference between public libraries and school libraries and the librarians? view of pedagogical work are also made.The method used is qualitative interviews.

Vad håller vi egentligen på med? : en studie som granskar användandet av pedagogisk dokumentation utifrån förskolans uppdrag

In this study, we aim to analyze how the terms documentation and pedagogical documentation respectively are portrayed in the curriculum (skolverket 2010) as well as in the curriculum complementary material (skolverket 2012). The analysis is performed by use of critical discourse analysis. We used published research as a theoretical base to analyze the empirical data against. Our aim is to increase the understanding of how the terms documentation and pedagogical documentation are used in the various policy documents and what messages these documents relay concerning the aforementioned terms.We aim to give some answers to the following questions:How to interpret the term documentation in relation to the term pedagogical documentation.How to interpret the ways the terms are promoted in the policy documents. We conclude that the term documentation is vastly more open to interpretation than the term pedagogical documentation. We note that the curriculum exclusively use the term documentation and stress the importance of using a variety of documentation forms.

Pedagogisk dokumentation : reflektionens betydelse

The degree project aims to gain a deeper understanding of how pedagogues are working with pedagogical documentation, as well as the significance of reflection in the educational work with children.The survey was implemented on two Reggio Emilia-inspired preschools and is based on a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with open questions, where six pedagogues shared how they view the pedagogical documentation.The study is seen from an epistemological perspective. The results show that pedagogues place great emphasis on reflection as a tool for a visibility of children´s learning and development. Pedagogues respond to children´s questions with a question at issue to challenge the children to develop their own hypotheses for problem solving.Keywords, pedagogical documentation, reflection, learning process..

Det pedagogiska arbetet inom MSI : Utifrån Bolognaprocessen och UPC

The Pedagogical progression within MSI ? Based upon The Bologna Process and UPC.In a near future several of the European countries will begin working after new guidelines concerning a declaration called the Bologna process. Everything will be done one step at a time and the declaration will change the way the students are being graded, all this for the sake of making the European labour-market moreopened for all of its millions of students.In Växjö this process is in the making, but to adapt to the future demands the school must also change its ways of teaching.To increase its quality the University has put together a procedure of actions to improve the pedagogical working method in all its institutions. In this essay we would like to elucidate how the work with the Bologna process is proceeding within the institution of Mathematics and System Engineering and whatthey do improve their pedagogical teaching. By doing a qualitative case study on the student at the Computer Science Program we wish to find the answers to our questions..

Fältstudiers betydelse för stimulans, delaktighet och inflytande : En studie av hur elever och lärare i Vallentuna gymnasium värderar fältstudier

Schools inspections investigation has shown that most pedagogues are experiencing significant challenges to stimulate students and to invite students to participate and to influence the teaching structure and content. This study is based in the school inspections school questionnaire from 2013 which shows that Vallentuna high school results in two categories stimulation as well as participation and influence gets a low index value compared to all participating school units. Previous research has shown that the field studies creates greater amount of stimulation, increases students? participation and provide experience of a bigger influence. Careful preparations are also important and the right form of field studies.

Pedagogisk dokumentation : En kvalitativ studie som beskriver hur utförande, utvärdering och presentation genomförs i praktiken

With the curriculum Lpfö98, and its revised version 2010, the demands for evaluation of the quality of the preschool have been emphasized. Accordingly, the activities need to be systematically documented, followed up and assessed, to be improved. Most importantly, this includes continuous follow up, documentation and analysis of the development and learning of the children. This is usually carried out by means of pedagogical documentation, but how this working tool should be used in practice is not totally clear for all pedagogues. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate how pedagogical documentation is performed, assessed and made accessible for the children, parents and staff-members, in practical preschool work.In the study, four pedagogues (two preschool teachers and two pedagogical mentors), working in two different preschools where the Reggio Emilia concept is practiced for pedagogical documentation, were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire.The informants described pedagogical documentation as a complex and time-consuming working tool, albeit necessary and helpful to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum.

?Vi måste alla lära oss mer? : En normkritisk studie om blivande specialpedagogers och speciallärares kunskaper om och syn på ADHD.

The most common neuropsychiatric diagnose among children and adolescents in Swedish schools today is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Many of these pupils are in need of special support and it is therefore important that special teachers and special educational needs coordinators (SENCO:s) have the competence required to meet their needs. The purpose of this essay was to study special teacher and SENCO students? knowledge and attitudes regarding ADHD. This was done using a norm critical and gender perspective.

Pedagogiskt arbete på Bror Hjorths Hus : invandrargrupper samt skolklasser.

The house of one of the most prominent Swedish artists of the 20th century, Bror Hjorth (1894-1968), was turned into an artists-museum and opened to the public in 1978. It has since the start held pedagogical activities and during the years developed its own pedagogical approach.I have studied the museums pedagogical work from two perspectives; visiting groups of immigrants and visiting groups of schoolchildren, in search of answers to the questions; can art be used as a way to integrate immigrants into the swedish society, and can artmuseums be a resource for schools?This essay contains my observations, conclusions and theories as well as general facts about Bror Hjorths House..

Riskuppfattningar kring spårspring : Fokus på lokförare och personal på Trafikverket

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) hold great potential to support learning activities, for example by providing teachers and students with new and extended spaces for interaction and collaboration. However, this potential appears to be difficult to realize, and despite their perceived learning benefits, the reality is that LMSs are being used primarily for administrative purposes. Meanwhile, external pedagogical tools are successfully put into practice to improve learning outcomes, and the aim of this study is therefore to identify and discuss benefits and disadvantages associated with the LMS as a concept. By interviewing secondary school teachers, we disentangle the idea of integrating administrative and pedagogical aids into a single platform, providing detailed insight into the use of digital tools in secondary education. The study contributes to a deepened understanding of integrated learning environments, and we conclude that there is a conflict between structure and flexibility that needs to be addressed before determining the design of a digital learning space..

Folkbibliotekets plats i den sociala webbmiljön: En undersökning med fokus på litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the function of public libraries on the social web, focusing on reading promotion and reading stimulation. For an understanding of the larger context regarding public libraries on the social web, we conducted online interviews via email with people in the Swedish library profession, together with a content analysis of various texts on the subject found in library journals and on the Internet. Furthermore to identify the public library's practice on reading promotion and reading stimulation on the social web, we did interviews with librarians at a public library on their use of a blog for this purpose, together with a questionnaire handed out to the library's users on their use and conceptions of the blog.The conceptual framework of this study consists of four key aspects in the theoretical and empirical definition of Library 2.0 presented by Holmberg, Huvila and Widén-Wulff. The results showed that the public library can create a substantial value through its use of the social web, but it?s necessary to have a clear vision of the desired outcome.

En studie av IT-miljön och dess användning inom förskolan

The purpose of this study is to examine the usage of IT technology within preschool and study how IT tools are used by preschool staff for administrative as well as pedagogical assignments. Several aspects affects the work preschool staff do with IT which concerns availability to technology, how technology is used and how technology is made available for the children. There are a number of questions linked to these aspects where some examples this study examines are which advantages, disadvantages, obstacles or other limitations that comes with introducing IT? This study also examines how, when and in what contexts IT is being used? Other questions examined are the pedagogue?s general views of IT, competence development and eventual needs of investment? Further on this study examines to some part how children interact with IT during pedagogical activities? The overall objective is to shed light on problems that preschool staff encounter  in their daily work and on the basis of identifying important questions at issue that could constitute a basis for further research. The results of this study are based on both a literature review and a field study.

Barnbibliotekariers kompetens och kärnkunskaper på området litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande arbete

This paper conducts a qualitative examination based on interviews with six childrens librarians. The purpose is to put a perspective on the librarians competence and focal knowledge within the area of reading promotion and reading stimulation aimed for children, and also to examine how this competence and knowledge is constructed. The work is based on the following questions: How do childrens librarians experience reading promotion and reading stimulation within their profession? Which competence and what knowledge do childrens librarians experience as most important in order to make their work with reading promotion and reading stimulation function? What can be concluded regarding the construction of their competence and knowledge? The analysis is carried out from theories about competence, tacit knowledge and reading promotion. Following primary conclusions are drawn from the study: The professional role is mainly experienced as promoting reading as pleasure, but also as an important factor for childrens language development.

Estetiska lärprocesser i förskolan : Att använda sig av pedagogisk dokumentation för att synliggöra barns lärande i bild, dans och musik

The purpose of this thesis is to find how to work with pedagogical documentation with the aesthetic subjects of dance, music and visual arts. The study also aims to investigate how teachers themselves believe that documentation of these subjects make visible the children?s learning processes. Also to explore if there are any differences in how teachers document the various subjects, and if so, how they can learn from each other to develop the work with pedagogical documentation. I have chosen to use qualitative interviews with a selection of three pre-school teachers who have been working with either dance, music or visual arts.

Pedagogiskt arbete på Bror Hjorths Hus : Ur ett integrerande och samarbetande perspektiv utifrån två exempel; : invandrargrupper samt skolklasser.

The house of one of the most prominent Swedish artists of the 20th century, Bror Hjorth (1894-1968), was turned into an artists-museum and opened to the public in 1978. It has since the start held pedagogical activities and during the years developed its own pedagogical approach.I have studied the museums pedagogical work from two perspectives; visiting groups of immigrants and visiting groups of schoolchildren, in search of answers to the questions; can art be used as a way to integrate immigrants into the swedish society, and can artmuseums be a resource for schools?This essay contains my observations, conclusions and theories as well as general facts about Bror Hjorths House..

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