

1841 Uppsatser om Peace building - Sida 37 av 123

Building Information Modeling, BIM

BIM, Building information modeling, anses idag som det nästa stora arbetssättet som kommer revolutionera arbetet inom byggnads- och anläggningsbranschen. Det tros att BIM kommer förändra hela branschen med allt från entreprenörer och konsulter till statens beställare. Företagen i Sverige tar ett sort ansvar för att utveckla och implementera BIM som arbetsmetod då de idag ser vinsterna som kommer komma med BIM. För BIM är inte bara ett arbetsredskap eller en teknik utan det är en helt annan arbetsmetod som kommer leda till många fördelar. Denna rapport presenterar översiktligt vad BIM är för den som inte riktigt vet vad det innebär och hur nuläget ser ut idag i Sverige inom byggprojektering och även lite i övriga världen.

Bil- och järnvägstrafikens inverkan på inomhusmiljön med avseende på ljud och luft : - I planerade bostäder på Haga

NCC has given us a commission to investigate a planned housing area in Haga, Karlstad, situated close to the traffic route Hagaleden and the railway. The housing area consists of one hundred apartments in five different houses. The houses are linked to each other by balconies with glass panels. A long carport is situated between Hagaleden and the housing area to absorb part of the noise from the road. The design of the housing area is creating a silent backyard.

Så gör vi gott för Norrland - : En kvalitativ studie av Norrmejeriers visuella kommunikation

In a time where information overload is a fact, well formulated messages is required and communication is a big contributing element for building strong brands. In the north of Sweden, Norrmejerier is one of the big actors with dominance on the dairy factor market. Through making milk products that lands in the consumers refridgerators, they are not only working for economical interest but also for improving the nature of the north of Sweden. Through visual communication, Norrmejerier shows the consumers a beneficial view of the north of Sweden which corresponds to the populations own impression of their part of the country. This contributes to a feeling of belonging that makes strong and loyal consuments. The feeling of belonging is also reflected in Norrmejeriers commercial movies, that uses the consumers conscience to make costumers. By two group interviews and a semiotic analysis of Norrmejeriers commercial movies, this study aims to examine how Norrmejerier uses qualities of the north of Sweden when building their brand.

Entreprenörskap på landsbygden : 6 små livsmedelsförädlande företag i Mälardalen

For a long time, economic activity has decreased and shows a downward trend in the food sector. To break this requires efforts to strengthen corporate position with the ability to meet market challenges. In the small producers is a great potential for them to be able to increase its profitability thanks to its ability to offer added value in the product. But to achieve this requires not only a willingness and creativity out of the ordinary but also factors that lead us into this report, current issues. The issues are related to marketing, brand building and the importance of developing a stable network. The study aims to investigate how small businesses operate in rural areas are experiencing the possibilities of support from various networks and organizations and that, from a business perspective, and also see which areas that they need more support in to achieve a growing business. The work has been followed by an inductive method, when we initially could not say anything about the empirical results.

Det obligatoriska skolväsendets pedagogiska strategier i arbetet med elever som har AD/HD. : Pedagoger i en integrerad respektive segregerad undervisningsform berättar och beskriver

The survey aims to highlight and describe how the schools' teaching strategies look like in the work of pupils from the neuropsychiatric disability AD/HD (Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder). The pedagogical strategies have been investigated in an integrated and segregated teaching method. The study is qualitative in nature where the interviews conducted, first with a student who has been diagnosed AD/HD but also with teachers from each school who is well versed in student teaching and work. The results of the study show that knowledge and commitment about AD/HD is crucial to students' role and function in school. If knowledge and commitment is sufficient for the student teaching tailored to student needs and the risk of misunderstandings occur decreases. Security is a key factor for students who have been diagnosed AD/HD and learning form in itself is no guarantee that students will feel safe. Students have in the two teaching methods stressed that they feel safe at school and with their education and therefore has no teaching method preferred.

FN:s demokratiuppdrag i Kambodja - En fallstudie av Kambodjas demokratiseringsprocess efter Röda Khmerernas skräckvälde

Det här arbetet består av en djupgående fallstudie av FN:s roll i Kambodjas demokratiseringsprocess, där fokus ligger på den stora interventionen som skedde i början av 1990-talet. Arbetet är till stor del av deskriptiv karaktär där vi försöker reda ut händelseförloppen i Kambodja efter Röda Khmerernas fall. Vår utvärdering av FN:s insats är att den har haft en stor påverkan på landet, men att man inte till fullo lyckades uppnå den långsiktiga demokratin som var FN:s intention. En förklaring till varför man inte lyckades skapa demokrati i ett längre perspektiv, kan förklaras utifrån de organisatoriska brister som fanns, men även FN:s rädsla att bedriva det ledarskap man ålagts genom fredsavtalen. Vi kommer att utgå från ett koncept om ?peace-maintenance?, som innebär ett helhetsperspektiv, där vi konstaterar att FN hade kunnat förbättra vissa punkter för att åstadkomma ett bättre resultat..

Med fokus på fredssoldatens barn : En småskalig studie av hur barn och familj hanterat situationen i samband med en förälders utlandstjänst

The purpose of this essay was to study the family situation in connection to the absence of one parent due to participation in international peacekeeping and peace enforcement operations. Focus was on the temporarily absent parent's point of view. The study was based on five interviews with parents shortly after their returning home. The main questions has been how the parent described the child-parent relationship before, during and after the absence; the children's experience during this time according to the parent and the family's adjusting to and coping with the situation. Conclusions made from the study show that with a good stabile child-parent relationship and good parenting skills of both parents the families in this study were successful in coping with the situation.

Trafficking - En studie om svårigheterna med transnationellt samarbete

Trafficking är ett problem som ökat markant under de senaste decennierna i takt med det allt mer globaliserade samhället. Given den transnationella karaktären hos problemet, krävs det ett internationellt samarbete för att komma till en lösning på trafficking. Icke- statliga organisationernas arbete mot problemet är vitalt för att få ett slut på den moderna formen av slavhandel Vi gör en komparativ fallstudie över tre organisationer som, med olika intressen och syn på problemet, föreslår olika åtgärder. Genom denna fallstudie har vi som intention att se till hur dessa organisationers olika formuleringsprocesser snarare bidrar till konflikt än till samarbete. Dessa organisationer ställer vi i relation till FN, som vi menar kan verka som medlande part och ett instrument för organisationerna att få sina röster hörda..

Framtagning av en rörväxlaretill sopsugsystem

The main goal of this project was to develop some sort of a diverter for pipestransporting waste in a vacuum system. This unit was supposed to be both cheap andeasy to serve/exchange worn out parts. With a limited space to install the pipeexchanger, the challenge was to keep it as compact as possible without constructingbends with to small radius or to sharp angles as this would wear out the system a lotfaster than planned. The system was also supposed to be able to handle clothes andscrubs from hospitals. Having too much sharp edges or angles would tear the clothesapart.

Traditionella och samtida bottenbj?lklag: med fokus p? isoleringsmaterialen

The survey aims to shed light on traditional and contemporary bottom floor frames, their construction and different insulating materials; mineral wool, wood shavings and charcoal. The purpose is to analyze and discuss the similarities and differences as well as the pros and cons with a focus on the construction and the different insulating materials. The work has been limited to comparing two different wooden floor frames. The first one is based on a real floor frame from an older building, this example is presented as the traditional floor frame in this study and are from around 1940. The other floor frame is presented as a contemporary floor frame and is based on wood building type descriptions and literature.

Utökad samverkan med leverantörer : - Partnering, en lönsam möjlighet i byggindustrin?

The construction industry has been heavily criticized in the past few years for its development of productivity compared to the manufacturing industry. In 2009 the Social Care Center developed a report that treated och criticized different errors within the construction industry. For instance competence, construction errors and performance had showned bad results which had to be improved. A common sentence within the building industry is that ?every project is unique?. Today it?s common for a construction company to have costs for material and services which exceeds two-thirds of the total cost.

Tingsryds Travbana

Our bachelor thesis is a visualisation made in 3D-graphics of how the horserace track in Tingsryd perhaps will look like in the future, complete with a miletrack, steeplechase, and other horserace courses. Today, the race track is only in it?s building phase. The inner field-group in Tingsryd needed presentation material to show their eventual sponsors, so they contacted us at Media Technology, and we instantly decided to give their idea a try..

Skuggnätverk - Hur konflikter kompliceras och freden påverkas

Det finns många faktorer som påverkar hur svårlöst en konflikt är. Vi undersöker en av dem, nämligen skuggnätverken, genom att titta på kausalsambandet mellan skuggnätverk och staters olika uppbyggnadsprocesser. Begreppet skuggnätverk är en adaption av Nordstroms ?shadows? ? det vill säga ekonomiska och politiska länkar som på både lokal och internationell nivå rör sig utanför de statliga direktiven. Genom att studera skuggnätverkens utbredning i fyra afrikanska länder: Sydafrika, Kongo, Angola och Sierra Leone, ser vi de effekter som de har haft på de ekonomiska, politiska och sociala områdena i respektive länder.

Urban Building vid Hornsbruksgatan : - att bo i spänningsfältet mellan berg och ljus

Ett bostadsprojekt i spänningsfältet mellan berg och ljus..

Allt är möjligt hus i Gustavsberg

In a sequence described in the next paragraphs, I remove the poorly insulated roof of Gustavsberg Porcelain Factory and make new use of its  foundation. The monolith cement slab, once supporting heavy industrial machinery, is now the site of lakes and other movements:The top floor area is split, and a new built volume, one story higher, overtakes the southern half resting on the factory?s basement, digging into it at its western and eastern ends. Striking horizontally, the fissure exposes a long central axis, taking advantage of the factory?s horizontality to articulate vastness .

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