

1841 Uppsatser om Peace building - Sida 22 av 123

Low Temperature Waste Heat Solutions : with proposals for energy technological actions based on Scania?s building 64

The report comprises two separate parts:part 1:  Temperature needs for district heating in the paint shop for axles in building 210part 2:  Energy and low temperature waste heat solutions in heating and cooling systems for   building 64 with surroundingsThe paint shop for axles in part 1 has air quality requirements in places for coating of axles. Toachieve desired air properties there are different process ventilation systems, which consist ofventilation coils for heating and cooling, plus air humidifier. The ventilations coils for heating usedistrict heating. Today the ventilation coils use water of 100°C to achieve necessary air demands inthe coating boxes. This part of the report investigates whether the existing system would achievethe air requirements with a water temperature of 75°C instead of 100°C in the ventilation coilsduring the coldest parts of the year.

OMBYGGNAD AV TRAFIKPLATS : Ekhagsmotet i Jönköping

We have the tradition in Sweden to build villas and houses with a wooden framework. It has become natural for us because we have so much forest in our country. Building with wood has advantages, it is easy to process, but also disadvantages, as it is sensitive to moisture.Finland has long made use of the thermal blocks to build villas. It is a type of bricks that are a bit like a sandwich element, with a core of EPS and concrete on both sides of the core material. The concrete is hollow, so that after the walls has been bricked up you pour concrete into the hollow bricks.The issue of this report is to find out if concrete can be an alternative to wood as framework material in villas.

Gatsten eller lervälling : En studie i hur habitus påverkar människors val av musikfestivaler

I denna uppsats underso?ks habitus pa?verkan pa? vilken slags festival ma?nniskor va?ljer att beso?ka och varfo?r. Med dagens stora utbud av festivaler och det nya festivallandskapet som har va?xt fram de senaste a?ren finns det na?got fo?r alla som a?r intresserade. Syftet a?r att med hja?lp av kvalitativa intervjuer fo?rso?ka definiera vad det a?r som go?r en festival intressant fo?r vissa och helt ointressant fo?r andra och hur detta kan kopplas samman med Bourdieus teori om habitus.

BIM för landskapsarkitekter : virtuell design och kommunikation

The purpose of this thesis is to describe what Building Information Modeling, BIM, could mean for landscape architects, and also hopefully to make sense of the possibilities and problems of the system. BIM is about virtual design and is based on all consultancy groups in the design team modeling in 3D. Intelligent objects and metadata, such as price and material, are used. The project group has a common interchange format for simple sharing of information. To get an idea of how the situation with BIM for landscape architects looks like today, I collected information mostly through interviews.

DEN EKONOMISKA EFFEKTEN AV ÖVERKLAGANDEN I GÖTEBORG - Kan överklaganden mot bostadsbyggnadsprojekt härledas till demografiska faktorer och vilka ekonomiska effekter kan de ge för byggföretagen?

This bachelor thesis addresses the problem of appeals against house building in Gothenburg. The thesis investigates whether there is a statistically significant relationship between demographic factors and the occurrence of approved, appealed and revoked permits for new construction of residential buildings in the ten districts of Gothenburg. This is done with a correlation analysis. The report also investigates whether there is a statistically significant regression in the same demographic factors and how these individually affect the average processing time for appeals in the districts. This study is done with a multiple regression analysis.

LÖNSAMHETSKALKYL AV FUKTSÄKERHETSANSVARIG VID RENOVERING : En fallstudie av ett projekt där ByggaF-metoden har använts

The so called ?ByggaF-method? is a relatively new Swedish method to stop moisture from being built into a building. The method should prevent damages on buildings as a result of mould growth and moisture. The purpose of the method is to include moisture control in the entire constructionprocess, from the projecting phase and all the way to the management phase. Up until now, there is no proof if the method is profitable or not and no studies have been made on the topic.

Flexibel isolering av fönster för att minska energiförluster

The first part of this essay is about a single-family house that we have planned and projected. Thesecond part is a deeper study in ways to further insulate windows when they are not in use.In the first part the building?s design and its most important construction elements are described.The planning of all major installations (heating, domestic water, ventilation, sanitation, electricity)are reported so that one can in principle start construction of the house. In addition there arecalculations done on the building?s energy management.The result is a two stored house angled toward the south.

Analys av verksamhetens utrymmesbehov för en företagsintern gästgård

Det här är resultatet av ett examensarbete utfört vid Mälardalens högskola i samarbete med Iggesund Paperboard AB. Syftet med examensarbetet var att se om det är viktigt för ett företag att ha tillgången till en gästgård men även till hur de är utformade för att fungera för den typen av verksamhet.En gästgård kan ses vara viktig för ett företags representation. Gården används främst som ett tillvägagångssätt för att sälja företagets varor och tjänster men ger också en god möjlighet till att knyta starkare band mellan kunder såväl som mellan företagets egna arbetstagare.Anledningen till att det här examensarbetet utfördes var för att företaget såg det som ett behov att se över om dessa gästgårdar var värda att bevara och utveckla i framtiden. En utredning gjordes därför genom besök och jämförelse av tre olika gästgårdars verksamhet och utformning för att se hur viktig en sådan gård kan anses vara för ett företag. Som ett resultat av denna utredning har därefter ett förslag till en utformning av en bättre fungerande arbetsmiljö vid Hedvigsfors Herrgård tagits fram.

Effektivisering av LCA med hjälp av BIM

This thesis concerns how Sweden relates to life cycle assessment (LCA) in the construction process. LCA means analyzing a products impact and the analysis includes the whole life span of the product. A building has a high complexity and the combination with its unique shape will make the LCA more comprehensive, unlike e.g. aluminum cans. Recently there has been a development of a working procedure in the construction industry.

Visionen BIM

IT-användandet i byggbranschen har banat väg för nya, effektivare arbetssätt och det finns visioner om hur det ska fungera. Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att ta reda på byggbranschens användande av, och vision om BIM. Vad är BIM ? Building Information Model?Kort beskrivet är BIM en modell där all information för ett byggprojekts hela livscykel kan hanteras. BIM förenklar det fortlöpande arbetet genom hela byggprocessen genom att tillhandahålla information om projektet som är relevant, uppdaterad, integrerad, fullt koordinerad och av hög kvalité.

iPad på en byggarbetsplats : Det effektiva och papperslösa sättet att arbeta på

Quality assurance of construction projects and create effective ways of working, is intoday's pressed position, major objectives for building contractor companies. This thesis is an attempt to see if it is possible to achieve these goals with the new modern tool iPad.The author of this thesis has during the latter half of his one year practice work in Uppsala for the Swedish building construction company NCC Construction Sverige AB, conducted a study on the possibility of using the iPad on an construction site. This has been done with active field studies in which applications have been tested and also the supervisors receptive. The usability of the iPad has always been in focus since it is important that the applications are easy to use and easy to learn.The results of the work, as presented in this report, points at opportunities in efficiency if the iPad is introduced and used on construction site. There are many useful applications for the iPad, and with a system that can handle the synchronization between the iPad and the computer, the workflow will be streamlined significantly..

Ombyggnation av ett stall för bundna mjölkkor till boxsystem för rekryteringskvigor

To reconstruct a building is a long-term investment for farmers and it is important that people with different qualifications are involved at an early stage for making the system adapted to the animals as well the animal keeper. Therefore, ethologists who can contribute with their expertise are needed to design the system and get it to function well for the animals.A Swedish farmer who planned to rebuild her stall for tied dairy cattle to a loose-housing system for recruitment heifers for milk production asked me as an ethologist to find a system which can be fit to her existing tie-stall barn for 30 dairy cows, considering the animal needs in terms of movement, social interactions and play behaviors, and to theoretically compare the system with other systems with respect to the behaviors mentioned.The theoretical comparison between different systems was made through a scientific literature review.In agreement with the animal keeper I set out to fit a system with feeding cubicles, a system with cubicles and a system with deep straw bedding to the barn. After measurements were taken and preliminary drawings were outlined it was found that only the feeding cubicle system was possible to fit to the barn.The space provided will limit the animals to perform some playing behaviors. To decrease aggressive interactions between animals even thought a limiting area it is possible to provide partitions between resources animals compete around to prevent that more than one animal can get success to the resource at a particular place at one time. To increase the animal movement in the system the water trays were moved to the outer wall instead of kept in contact with the stalls.Although this report provides guidelines for rebuilding, other competences regarding building construction and a pre-test of the suggested building solution according to Swedish legislation are needed before the rebuilding can start.The results are directed mainly to the owner of the barn, but the literature review can be used by other cattle farmers and might bring increased understanding of the possible effects of different building solution on the animals..

Fast Patrol Boats i Peace Support Operations

Har storleken någon betydelse?Enligt den amerikanske marina militärteoretikern Milan N. Vego har den detvad avser fartyg vid mellanstatliga konflikter i kustnära farvatten.Denna uppsats syftar till att svara på frågan om samma förhållanden gäller vidPeace Support Operations (PSO).Uppsatsen analyserar Vegos tes, små ytstridsfartygs egenskaper, kraven vidPSO:s och de fall där små ytstridsenheter har verkat vid PSO:s.Slutligen värderas analyserade fakta och frågan besvaras..

Konflikten mellan bevarandekrav och tilläggsisolering : The conflict between conservation requirements and additional insulation

Sweden has formulated ambitious energy goals which signify that by year 2050 the energy usage should be halved. One of the objectives is the reduction of energy usage by 20% by year 2020 and that it should be compared to the usage of energy from 1995. In parallel with increased energy requirements for buildings the demand on housing conservation, by highlighting also buildings from the last 50 years as part of the building heritage, continues to enhance, which in theory means that there is a conflict between these.The law will never be able to point out unique buildings and PBL (planning and building act) is not especially concrete. The National Housing Board has tried to make this more concrete by the new BBR regulations though there are still an enormous variety of interpretations.This report deals with the conflict between conservation requirements and additional insulation of the building envelope and is limited to multi-residential buildings built between the years 1945 and 1975. It is the stock with the greatest energy consumption and that is where the big challenge lies.

Konsten att enas under ett varumärke : Intern varumärkesuppbyggnad på Nordiska Kompaniet

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how a company with a single brand is perceived as uniform, as well as how they use internal brand building to reconcile various competing actors within one brand. Furthermore the aim is to examine how staff, through internal brand building processes, perceives and identifies themself with the values of the common brand. Method: A case study with method triangulation was conducted at Nordiska Kompaniet department store in Stockholm. Quantitative data through a questionnaire survey with employees combined with two observations. Qualitative data was given through an email interview with a responsible manager of digital channels and PR from NK AB.Theories: This study has used the following theories; Destination marketing, Corporate brand, internal branding, corporate identity, corporate culture, brand value, service brand values, brand citizenship behaviour.Conclusion: This case study of NK has shown that internal branding building in a department store is a comprehensive work, which all involved must have a unified perception and understanding of the brand, in order to successful unite under one brand.

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