

1317 Uppsatser om Patterns of violence - Sida 48 av 88

Kyrkotillhörighet och diet i det medeltida Visby : Diet och social status utifrån isotopanalyser av gravlagda från tre Visbykyrkor

This paper deals with three mediaeval churches in the town Visby, Gotland. These churches were located in different areas in Visby. Allegedly the areas where St Hans and Ste Gertrud were located were inhabited by wealthier people, and the more peripheral area where St Mikael was located was where the poor lived. Therefore, the people that were buried at St Mikael should be of lower social status than the people buried at St Hans and Ste Gertrud. Based on the fact that an individuals diet was dependant on his or hers social status, dietary studies on skeletal remains from the three different churches have been conducted to find out dietary patterns among the individuals buried at each church respectively.

Som ett slag i magen : en litteraturstudie om våld inom hemsjukvården

Alltfler människor kommer idag i kontakt med hemsjukvården, antingen som personal eller som patient. Det är sedan tidigare känt att våld är ett relativt vanligt förekommande arbetsmiljöproblem inom sjukvården. Utsattheten för våld tros vara större inom hemsjukvården där personalen ofta arbetar ensamma. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva det våld som vårdpersonalen inom hemsjukvården utsätts för och vilka konsekvenser detta får. För att sammanställa den vetenskapliga forskning som finns inom området genomfördes en deskriptiv litteraturstudie.

V?GEN IN I EN KRIMINELL LIVSSTIL En kvalitativ intervjustudie om f?re detta kriminellas gestaltningar av v?gen in i kriminalitet

The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of former criminals' own experience of their entry into criminality and to identify and analyze the factors they use to explain their path into criminality. To study this area, a qualitative method has been applied with five semi-structured interviews of ex-criminals from an organization that works to help and support people who have previously been involved in crime by offering employment, education, and rehabilitation in order to be further integrated into society again. To analyze the respondents' stories about their way into criminality, the theory of social bond by Hirschi has been applied and contribute with insights in later criminal acts as well as the theory has been problematized to some extent. Today, there is a lot of research on different aspects that can explain the way into criminality in different aspects, on the other hand, research has largely been measured with a quantitative approach with statistics and self-reported data. This study therefore intends to apply a qualitative approach, where ex-criminals themselves describe their path into criminality.

Skolan i demokratisk utveckling : Förändringar i lärar- och elevrelationer

This work is designed to monitor developments in the relationship between teacher and student in the school environment, but also outside, from the 1950s until today. The survey was based on four interviews with teachers in the same age, and based on their life stories. Their experiences range from student to novice teachers and a long working life until retirement. In addition, all four children has a parent perspective. The following issues have been focused:                      1.What factors have been crucial in teaching elevrelationens development from the 1950s up     to today?                      2.

Studiehandledning & andraspråkselever

This essay is a combination of an interview, survey and an observation that involves seven different teachers and thirty-eight pupils in a school situated in a suburb of Stockholm. The purpose of my research is an attempt to give a picture of how a team of teachers in a primary school act together when teaching maths, as the majority of the pupils have another mother tounge than Swedish. Yet another purpose of this essay is to examine what possibilities this team of teachers have in trying to develop the Swedish language within other bilingual pupils and at the same time develop their math comprehension. I have chosen to initiate the theoreti-cal starting point through the points of Rodell-Olgac & Rönnberg & Rönnberg; these authors discuss the importance of language comprehension when it comes to developing ones math skills. I have reached the conclusion in my examination that it is important to raise the impor-tance of language comprehension within math-education.

Konsumenters uppfattning av hållbarhetsredovisningar i livsmedelsbranschen

Sustainability reports are drawn up for the company's stakeholders and declare the company?s corporate social responsibility. Consumers are one of the companies' most important stakeholders for food companies. This study is aimed to describe how consumers perceive sustainability reporting in the food industry and if the application level of the GRI framework has an impact on how consumers perceive sustainability reports. Consumer perception is described in the GRI principles and the basis is the ICA and Coop's sustainability reports, which are two of Sweden's largest food company.

From Value to Growth Stocks: A Financial Ratio Analysis

The value investing philosophy, which can be traced at least to the teaching of Graham and Dodd in the 1930?s, entails identifying and investing in potentially under valued stocks with a potential for extraordinary returns. The focus of this thesis is to identify patterns and characteristics in financial accounting data preceding creation of shareholder value. The authors of this thesis utilize a multivariate discriminant analysis in order to identify indicators of value creation and subsequent extraordinary returns in value stocks. A discriminant function is derived which successfully identifies which value stocks will eventually become growth stocks.

Konstruktionen av kön : En studie om socialtjänstens yttranden i 3 § LVU (lagen om vård av unga)

The aim with this study was to examine how social service statement in 3 § social-judgements LVU (Swedish care of young persons act) produce ideas about gender. We have taken an interest in the production of both boys and girls and their mothers and fathers because there are clear differences in the description of these. From a historical perspective, the differences between gender in social assessments occurred despite the fact that discrimination is prohibited by law and despite the fact that social service shall work on the basis of an gender equality perspective. In the analysis and interpretation of the rulings we have been inspired by a critical discourse analysis. 30 social-judgements have been analyzed where of 15 concerns girls and 15 involve boys.

Sjuksköterskans bemötande i det våldsamma eller hotfulla mötet

Hot och våld mot vårdpersonal är ett ökande problem inom hälso- och sjukvården. Tidigare forskning visar på att olika konfliktmönster kan leda till våld. Korrekt bemötandet av dessa konfliktmönster och kunskap om dem förhindrar att våldet uppstår. Syftet med studien var att undersöka de faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans bemötande i det våldsamma eller hotfulla mötet. En litteraturstudie genomfördes och 16 studier granskades.

Från örfilar till mord : Verksamheternas arbete med hedersproblematik

Att utöva våld i hederns namn har historiskt sätt existerat länge och kvinnor som gjorde sig skyldiga till utomäktenskapliga eller föräktenskapliga relationer fick allvarliga påföljder. Syftet med studien var att se hur olika yrkesverksamheter så som kvinnojouren, polisen, kuratorer och barnmorskor arbetar och samarbetar i hedersrelaterade ärenden och undersökt vilka komplikationer kan förekomma. Fjorton deltagare intervjuades. Hedersrelaterat våld präglas av patriarkala kulturer som innefattar hierarkisystem där underordnade individer tar skuld för skam. Resultatet visar att isoleringen från samhället och det sociala livet börjar stegvis och i tidig ålder.

INTERSEKTIONALITET I EU:S J?MST?LLDHETSSTRATEGIER En inneh?llsanalys av EU:s j?mst?lldhetsstrategier mellan 2010?2025

The European Union (EU) has since the Treaty of Rome 1957 pursued the goal of gender equality and one effort is through their gender equality strategies. In recent years EU also has had an increased emphasis on intersectionality. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine how intersectionality is portrayed in EUs three gender equality strategies between 2010 and 2025. To investigate this, the problems and solutions presented in the strategies have been reviewed. The study uses a qualitative content analysis and a theoretical framework of intersectionality with an analytical scheme to study the equality strategies.

Hot och våld i prehospitala vårdsituationer vid intoxikation med GHB-preparat - En kvantitativ analys av ambulansjournaler

Hot och våld är vanligt förekommande inom prehospital akutsjukvård. Intoxikation med droger utgör en allt vanligare patientgrupp som vårdas av ambulanspersonal. Ambulansuppdrag med patienter som är intoxikerade med GHB, GBL eller 1.4 BD är vanligt förekommande i Västra Götaland. Hot och våldssituationer i samband med omhändertagandet av GHB-intoxikerade patienter är riskfyllt för ambulanspersonalen. Patienten kan snabbt pendla mellan att vara medvetslös till att bli hotfull.

Att designa mjukvara för framtiden : Praktikfallet ABC

Att designa en generell och utbyggbar mjukvara är inte enkelt, då det krävs en bred kompetens inom många olika områden. Vi belyser i detta arbete en del av problematiken kring design. Utgångspunkten är ett praktikfall vars målmiljö rör processer och integrationer. Huvudfokus ligger på designmönster, men även en bredare genomgång av ämnen så som utvecklingsmetodik, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services (WS) och utvecklingsmiljöer presenteras. Arbetet bedrivs i enlighet med riktlinjer från Rational Unified Process (RUP) och slutprodukten är en checklista på tre punkter.

Elektrifiering av jordbruksmaskin : Direktkoppling till solföljare och elnät

The agricultural sector is currently highly dependent on fossil fuels, with diesel beingmost prominent. There are however both historical and modern alternatives thathave not been subject to enough evaluation to disregard them as suitable alternative.This report aims to theoretically investigate the feasibility of converting aconventional diesel driven tractor to run on electricity, delivered via a cableconnected to either the main power grid or on-site electric production, such asphotovoltaic. Delivering electricity to the machine via a cable is a method withhistorical roots in the early 20th century and in the present day mining industry.The economic and technological potential of the technique are evaluated, along withthe examination of several different motor powers, voltages, losses and constructionideas. The report finds the technique to be both possible as well as long termeconomically and environmentally beneficial. To realise this method however, somedeviations from the present methods of agricultural farming must be made,considering the more advanced driving patterns, the limited mobility and therequirement for extra driver awareness.

Barnavdelningen på Minabibliotek.se : - en utvärdering utifrån barns perspektiv -

This thesis is a case study that examines what political decisions have been taken and how these policies have been implemented. Further this thesis discusses how legitimacy of local policy makers and implementors is affected. The subject studied have been the social service of Jönköping municipality and the intervention of safe-housing aimed at women who have been, or are subject to violence by person close to them. In our study we have examined local policy within the territory of the intervention and how this policy is implemented. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used in combination with quantitative methods to examine protocols from the social welfare board and an action program named "Skydd och stöd för misshandlade kvinnor och deras barn? [Protection and support for abused women and their children].The purpose of this study has been to highlight how the social services implemented the local policy of safe-house accommodation in Jönköping municipality from the legitimacy and discretion perspectives.

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