1317 Uppsatser om Patterns of violence - Sida 47 av 88
Från Satyagraha till Non-Violence : Martin Luther King jrs. inflytande på den amerikanska medborgarrättsrörelsen och dess användande av icke-våldsfilosofier
?I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.? Martin Luther Kings jrs. starka stämma ekade ut ur högtalarsystemet och de 250 000 medborgarrättsaktivisterna som var samlade vid George Washington monumentet i USA:s huvudstad instämde i ett jublande bifall. Året var 1963 och Martin Luther King jr., hade i nio år varit känd som den amerikanska medborgarrättsrörelsens främste talesman, när han i sitt tal till det amerikanska folket yttrade sin vision för det amerikanska samhällets framtid. Denna uppsats beskriver det afro-amerikanskafolkets historia, från slaveriets bojor i de Nordamerikanska kolonierna i slutet av 1600-talet, till kampen för fullständiga medborgerliga rättigheter i 1950- och 60-talets USA.
Samsjuklighet mellan depressiva symtom och undergrupper av social ångest i relation till livstillfredsställelse hos unga vuxna: En tvärsnittsstudie
Uppsatsens övergripande syfte var att undersöka profiler av samsjuklighet mellan depressiva symtom och olika undergrupper av social ångest hos unga vuxna (20-24 år) samt dess samband med livstillfredsställelse och upplevd social funktionsnedsättning inom yrkesliv/studier respektive sociala aktiviteter. Data har inhämtats via självskattningsformulär. Resultaten analyserades genom en klusteranalys. Två profiler med samsjuklighet mellan undergrupper av social ångest och depressiva symtom framkom. Denna samsjuklighet verkar vara relaterad till både en lägre grad av upplevd livstillfredsställelse samt till funktionsnedsättning inom två domäner, yrkesliv/studier och sociala aktiviteter..
"Jag kände mig som en pilot" : ??????En studie om interaktionsstilarnas påverkan på spelupplevelsen
Today's technology offers a variety of opportunities to interact with the interactive systems. Human-Computer Interaction in the last decade is the area of research that has contributed the most to this development. But how is this interaction perceived? The user experience is something that is formed by the interaction between human and the computer interactive systems. The objective of this thesis is to investigate how the user experience differs depending on how one interacts with a game.
Efterfrågan på musik har aldrig varit större : Hur nya förutsättningar har påverkat svenska musikförlag
We have been able to draw some conclusions based on our research. First we haveconsidered that the publisher is dependent on a large network and to work closelywith their customers. We can see that the competition in the music industry hasgenerally increased, the technological progress has created new opportunities, and asa result of this, new players have joined the music industry. We have been able todraw conclusions in the fact that more companies and songwriters start up their ownpublishing company, resulting in an increased competition for the individualpublisher.We can also see as a final result that music is used in lots of different contexts andthat the publishers thereby are offered a wide range of business opportunities, but thatthe solvency of the customers has become lower. With this knowledge, we canconclude that the publisher?s power and revenues will increase, and that the publisheras an actor has been given a more important role in the industry.
The cow eye-Function and effect of light on milk yield
The purpose of this review was to study the cow eye physiology, focusing on how it registers light, and to see how light affects the cow?s milk yield. It has been showed in studies that more hours of light per day (16 hours of light a day) as opposed to about 9-12 hours of light a day, increases milk yield for dairy cows. This review contains suggestions on how this is connected with the physiology of the eye.
Vision is an important sense for many mammals, and is used to check out the animals surroundings. Sensor cells in the eyeball help in turning photons from the light into signals to the brain.
Hur sexualiteten konstrueras i webbartiklar om filmen Fifty Shades of Grey : En foucauldiansk diskursanalys om hur den normala sexualiteten görs
This qualitative study aims to study how sexuality is constructed in web articles on the movie Fifty Shades of Grey. The study is based on a social constructivist perspective where language is seen as constitutive of reality. The study is based on a Foucauldian discourse analysis which is used in order to see what is excluded and included in the articles? construction of normal sexuality. The result shows that there are similarities in how the web articles produce normal sexuality.
Verkligheten ? Here we come! En beskrivning av socialisationsprocessen hos studenter vid Växjö polishögskola
This thesis investigates and emphasises on the way students at Växjö police academy describe their socialization into their profession as police officers and the creation of profession identity. The scientist?s main questions are: In what way do the students at Växjö police academy describe their socialization process into the police profession? What role does the organisation play in the socialization process of the police students? How do the students develop their police identity? Which qualities are encouraged? The study is based on qualitative interviews with nine police students, performed in groups of three. Group theory, role theory, and organization theory are applied to the material to provide an understanding through which it is possible to understand the process of socialization. The study shows that there seems to be patterns in the description of a professional identity.
Hur definierar och presenterar folkbiblioteken e-böcker på sina webbplatser? En innehållsanalys av folkbibliotekens webbplatser 2014
The purpose of this thesis is to see how the Swedish public libraries present e-books on their website. This study has tried to answer the following questions:1. How do the public libraries construct their definitions of the word e-book, and what patterns are there in the definitions?2. How is the e-book definition presented in the context of the public library websites?This study has formulated its own theoretical framework in regards to how you can categorize definitions in four different categories to help see the way a definition is constructed.
Internationalisering av Born Global-företag : En studie om bakomliggande faktorer vid internationalisering av Born Global-företag
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence underlying factors have in connection to the internationalization of Born Global firms. Methodology: This study has a qualitative approach in which data is obtained mainly through interviews and secondary data which consists previous theories about the internationalization in small and medium sized firms and recent theories that entitle these firms as Born Global. Conclusion: Based on the existing theories and the qualitative data, we have concluded that the underlying factors for the Born Global firm?s internationalization are abilities and opportunities to create insidership in relevant networks. The most crucial underlying factors for Born Global firm?s internationalization are the ability to create processes to break old patterns of thoughts and the ability to ally with right partners. .
Hållbarhetsredovisning : Med fokus på negativ information
To establish sustainability reports is an increasing trend for more and more companies. This has led to a spread of the international framework Global reporting initiative, GRI, guidelines to make a sustainability reports. This trend has got a lot of critics from various stakeholders who believe that companies in these reports communicate the information in a way of window dressing. Both negative and positive information has to be represented according to GRI: s principle of balance. Window dressing is created by adding a greater emphasis on the positive information. The researchers review the context of the negative information to study the extent to which it is reported and whether there are patterns and variations in the reported information.
Läsarens väg till skönlitteraturen: en användarundersökning
For young people today the ability to read and interpret text seems to be of decreasing standard. This bachelor thesis is trying to find patterns among five different library patrons, all adults and most of them readers for life. The specific aims are, through their individual stories, to find out what made and helped them become readers of literature for enjoyment and pleasure. How do they look upon themselves as readers, how do they find their reading and finally which role does it play in their everyday lives. Five semi-structured interviews have been conducted in a qualitative way and been put through a thematic-narrative analysis.The avid readers of this study all read throughout their lives and almost right from the beginning read a lot.
Tankens makt - Påverkar abstrakt respektive konkret tänkande affekt efter en positiv händelse? En experimentell studie i en studentpopulation
The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.
Reklamlandskap : utomhusreklamens inverkan på stadsmiljö och stadsliv
Outdoor advertising is not very often discussed within city planning even though the commercial messages occupy much of public space. The advertising signs affects not only the physical environment but also social life.
In this report I would like to acknowledge and question the presence of advertising in our everyday environment.
Outdoor advertising is not a new phenomena, technical progress however, results constantly in new expansions in the environment. Today advertising occurs in all sorts of shapes in the cities, both as free standing signs and as signs attached to facades, incorporated in city furniture such as bus shelters and on vehicles moving along the city streets.
Grouping advertising into two categories; local and national, reveals that the different categories have different impact on public space.
"Jag sätter på mig genusbrillorna" : en kvalitativ undersökning om fem pedagogers uppfattningar om och arbete kring genus och jämställdhet i förskoleklass
The purpose of this paper is to examine preschool educators conceptions on gender pedagogy. Based on preschool teachers own words, we want to get an insight into the use of gender in the curriculum in preschool classes. We also examine the conditions and setbacks of conducting a gender-sensitive educational way of working the curriculum.In order to examine our research question, we choose the method of qualitative interview, and previous research in the theory of gender pedagogy from a sociocultural perspective, in which social interaction is very important. We have interviewed five educators in preschool classes, all with similar educational backgrounds.In the results and analyses section the educators' definition of gender pedagogy is presented and how they take part in gender educational theories strategies. The result of the survey show that the importance of the educator?s own approach to and further education in, the subject matter, makes it possible to really understand the gender norms.
Bilderböcker utifrån ett genusperspektiv
The purpose of this study is to analyze picture books from a gender perspective. The books are found in a book box that the libraries send out to preschools. This study is based on the following questions:How are boys and girls portrayed in picture books?Do the picture books encourage or discourage the principles of equality found in the Curriculum for the Pre-School and the equality work conducted in the preschools?I performed a qualitative text and picture analysis of 12 picture books. I used Maria Nikolajeva and Kajsa Wahlströms schedule of typical masculine and feminine qualities and activities when analysing the picture books.