1317 Uppsatser om Patterns of violence - Sida 43 av 88
Faktorer som påverkar IT-relaterad gruppkommunikation inom organisationer
This thesis builds on the core problem: What Factors Affect IT-related Group Communicationwithin Oragnizations? With sub-questions: How does the daily communication in the workplacepresent itself? How can the individual affect communication? The purpose of this paper is toinvestigate which factors influence group communication positively and negatively, andhow communication affects the daily work in an organization. For this study, the fourinterviewees, from four different organizations, have been selected to participate in astructured interview conducted with the help of an interview guide. To analyse thequalitative data derived from interviews, a method of creating patterns and themes wasused. This is presented by selected quotations from the interviews in order to provide aricher depiction of the collected data.The result could indicate large gaps in both formal and informal communication, whereemail turned out to be one of the biggest single problems.
Maternal behaviour in pigs and its relation to piglet performance and survival
Piglet survival is of importance because it affects the farmer?s economy and the welfare of the pigs. There are several factors affecting piglet survival and they are often linked to each other. This paper will focus on how the behaviour of the sow can affect the growth and survival of the piglets and also possible causations of differences in maternal behaviour. Sows in intensive production systems have different possibilities to express their maternal behaviour than free ranging sows.
Snipp- och snoppsnack : En studie av feministiska föräldrars tal med barn om kropp och sexualitet
In this paper I have studied how feminist parents talk to their children about body and sexuality and with which intentions they speak the way they do. The aim of the study was to locate strategies applied to give children positive relations to their bodies and their sexuality. My data are constituted by answers from a questionnaire sent out to an e-mail list for feminist parents. The answers have been compiled and analyzed, mainly qualitatively by the use of discourse analysis, with support of poststructuralist theories about language, gender and heteronormativity, as well as theories about children?s sexuality.
Socialtjänstens hantering av mäns våld mot kvinnor : En studie om könsmaktsperspektivets betydelse för socialarbetaren
Purpose: The aim of the study is to analyse why the socialworker at the socialservices havn?t implemented the perspective of woman as subordinate and men as superior.Questions: Is the perspective of woman as subordinate and men as superior significant for the socialworker? Is the organisation, colleagues or de individuals thought structure of importance when it comes to implement the perspective? Does the socialworkers view of the clients as victims have an impact on the fact that the perspective has been given interest? Method: Critical case study. Flexible design; The study is based on interviews with socialworkers and study of documents and statisticsConclusion: One of the central findings of the field study was that the implementation of the perspective of woman as subordinate and men as superior was of no use for the socialworkers as they saw it. The findings showed that the definition of a victim was not used or that they were unconscious that the definition of a victim did affect them in their work. The possibilities for the organisation to learn is of importance for the implementation of the perspective of woman as subordinate and men as superior.
En socialpsykologisk analys av samkönat partnervåld ur ett makt- och normativitetsperspektiv
Uppsatsens syfte var att nå en större teoretisk förståelse av samkönat partnervåld, genom att analysera olika forskningsartiklars narrativa konstruktioner av våldet. De två frågeställningarna var: 1. Hur diskuterar forskningslitteraturen samkönat partnervåld med fokus på temana relationsdynamik, karaktär hos parterna, kön, genus och sexualitet samt betydelsen av social kontext? 2. Hur diskuterar forskningslitteraturen det professionella bemötandet av samkönat partnervåld? De 21 valda primärdokumenten som analyserats är artiklar som granskats vetenskapligt via peer-review och författats av forskare och professionella terapeuter och behandlare.
Att mäta våld i nära relationer : validering av ett instrument med hjälp av fokusgrupper
Våld i nära relationer existerar i de flesta samhällen och förekommer bland såväl heterosexuella som samkönade par. Mycket forskning har främst ägnats åt mäns våld mot kvinnor där offret ofta orsakas stort lidande. Men våld som konfliktlösningsmetod är inte förbehållet män utan används även av kvinnor. En kartläggning av mäns och kvinnors våld i nära relationer i en svensk allmänpopulation planeras och ett frågeformulär har sammansatts och översatts från engelska. Denna uppsats ingår i valideringsstudien av formuläret.
Väntan på en somatisk akutmottagning : utifrån sjuksköterskans perspektiv
Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.
Hur den missbrukande modern porträtteras i samhällsvetenskaplig forskningslitteratur
In this essay, I have studied the image of the drug abusing mother and her motherhood as seen in some of the social science literature on drug abusing women. This I did with a qualitative research design and with the questions:How is the drug abusing mother and her motherhood portrayed by social scientists?What signification is her motherhood given in her life by the researchers?What approach towards the drug abusing mother in the research process, and hence in the creation of the images of her, does the scientists have?I found that there are distinct patterns and themes in the research on mothers with a drug abuse. The researchers studied the women with the goal to understand them and to give them the opportunity to speak for themselves through the researcher. The drug abusing mother is in short portrayed as a woman who cares for her children, whose motherhood is one of the most important factors in her life and who is anxious that her substance abuse should not threaten it.
Att sätta medborgaren i andra hand : en studie om tjänstemannens dilemman vid tillsynsärenden i djurskyddsfall
The situation of officials of public and governmental organizations have been recognized as increasingly risky, in which the influences of both threats and violence have become an issue that administrators have to manage. Experiences of feeling threatened in their workplace or in their professional lives has been marked by an increased number of reported cases in the work environment authority. Common to the problems faced by many agencies and important associations that dealt with its often derive personal and sensitive issues. The purpose of this study is to highlight how veterinarians and animal welfare inspectors on the counties of Blekinge, Kronoberg and Kalmar experience the interaction of regulatory and prohibition cases. Länsstyrelsen is the one that can decide what is to happen to an animal that has been kept under bad conditions.
Att sätta medborgaren i andra hand - en studie om tjänstemannens dilemman vid tillsynsärenden i djurskyddsfall
The situation of officials of public and governmental organizations have been
recognized as increasingly risky, in which the influences of both threats and
violence have become an issue that administrators have to manage. Experiences
of feeling threatened in their workplace or in their professional lives has
been marked by an increased number of reported cases in the work environment
authority. Common to the problems faced by many agencies and important
associations that dealt with its often derive personal and sensitive issues.
The purpose of this study is to highlight how veterinarians and animal welfare
inspectors on the counties of Blekinge, Kronoberg and Kalmar experience the
interaction of regulatory and prohibition cases. Länsstyrelsen is the one that
can decide what is to happen to an animal that has been kept under bad
Att färdas i symbios : ett gång -och cykelstråk anpassat efter trafikanternas rörelsemönster och behov
The aim of this paper is to examine the layout of public spaces and its effect on human behavior with focus on the relation between pedestrians and cyclists movement patterns in a specific path. The study emanates from the security aspect of pedestrians and cyclists, and builds upon previous theories and empirical studies about perception, security, information design, environmental psychology and behavior. The result shows that individual behavior and movement pattern differs with age, purpose, physical- and other conditions, and layout of the surroundings. A design proposal for improved layout of a path and a node between different oncoming paths has been developed to aid the users? needs, where a separation of walkways and bike lanes forms zones of security for the purpose of better orientation and a better flow between the users..
Atypisk återkoppling vid samtalsinteraktion mellan personer med Parkinsons sjukdom och anhöriga
The aim of the study was to investigate how Parkinson?sdisease affects the individual?s ability to give feedback in face to faceinteraction with a significant other and how this affects the conversationalinteraction. The study applied a qualitative approach, using ConversationAnalysis and Activity based communication analysis with altogether fourdyads. The results showed that Parkinson?s disease may have an effect onthe ability to give feedback, shown in an atypical pattern of feedbackpreventing the fulfillment of individual goals in the interaction.
"Vikten av en inre trygghet" - Ungdomars upplevelser, kunskap och hanteringsstrategier gällande psykisk ohälsa, emotioner, ångest, stress och sömn
The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.
De från andra sidan : Mediebilden av den marockanska minoriteten i spanska dagstidningar på webben 2010-2012
The power of news media to shape public opinion has been widely researched and acknowledged. In the globalized world of today, media representations of different ethnic groups therefore contribute to social segregation or desegregation. This thesis investigates how Spanish news media frame Spain?s most numerous minority of non-European ethnicity: the Moroccans. Using a quantitative content analysis, we have analysed about 200 news articles in the two most read Spanish online newspapers, El País and El Mundo, published during a two-year period, 2010-2012.
Resonemang omkring motivation : En undersökning av elitsatsande gymnasieelevers motivationsfaktorer i fotboll vid en NIU skola i Sverige.
Abstract: Elite soccer in combination with education is a unique and demanding task. The path towards a glory career in sports takes hard mental and physical training. The objectives in this study are 6 elite focused high school students studying high school education programs in combination with football profile. They are 3 of each gender. The purpose of the study was to find out more about their perspective of motivation and what makes them keep going towards a career in football in beside their education.The study is of empiric hermeneutic survey used qualitative method and interviewing to collect data.