1317 Uppsatser om Patterns of violence - Sida 17 av 88
Varför engagera sig om man riskerar livet? : Motiv till fackligt deltagande hos kvinnor i Colombia
Why engage if it risks your life?Motives to participation in labour unions among women in ColombiaEssay in Political Science D-levelAuthor: Susanna SvenssonTutor: Hans LödénWhy do people choose to participate in politics when it is such a small chance that you actually make a change? Also political participation favours the collective and therefore you do not get any personal advantages for your contribution. Even more interesting is the question of why you participate when it puts yourself in a position of danger? Colombia is considered to be the most dangerous country to be a member of labour unions in and it would therefore be a context where it is unlikely to find participation. This study is based on thirteen qualitative interviews with Colombian female union members with the aim to understand why people engage in labour unions despite threats of violence and other obstacles, when the most likely would be to abstain from action.
Fina och fula brott : en intervjustudie om intagnas hierarkier på anstalt i ett genusperspektiv
The essay deals with hierarchies that occurs between inmates in prison. It deals with a theory that these hierarchies, when seen through a gender perspective, can be understood as a hierarchy where you are valued based on traditional male characteristics. Empirically, the paper consists of interviews with five inmates, or former inmates, who during a period in his life, has served a prison sentence at a closed institution. Based on the informants' statements, conclusions are drawn about which properties are valued low in the hierarchy. This becomes clear when the informants speak humiliating about sexually deviant groups, snitches, or sex offenders.
Splittrad kvinnosjäl. En litteraturstudie om hur sjuksköterskan ska bemöta misshandlade kvinnor.
Violence against women is an extensive social problem that concerns us all. The women who seek health- and medical services when they have been exposed to violence and abuse have the right to expect being well taken care of and treated by competent and understanding personnel. A kind reception can make the patient feel comfortable enough to talk about their situation. The aim of this literature review was to determine how you as a nurse should treat a woman who has been exposed to battery, to be able to offer a professional and individual care. The frame of reference is Gustafsson´s SAUK-model since the acknowledged care aim to maintain and strengthen the human´s self-judgement and self-determination.
Det räcker inte att laga bron över livsfloden, man måste även lära barnen att simma! : En kvalitativ studie för att få en djupare förståelse om socialarbetare upplever att barn som deltar i Trappan-insatsen får en känsla av sammanhang?
The aim of this qualitative study was to get a deeper understanding of social workers experience that children who participate in the Trappan-insatsen get a sense of coherence. To achieve an empirical material social workers who perform Trappan-samtal have been interviewed. The study shows that it is important that children get help and support to talk about the trauma they experienced. The support of the narrative, however, differ depending on the child's age, it is important to have a flexible approach as a Trappan-user. It appears that it is essential that parents give their consent to the children so they can talk about the violence.
Den kvinnliga rollen i nyutgivna bilderböcker : Och hur pedagoger resonerar kring sitt arbete med att motverka stereotypa könsmönster i förskolan med hjälp av bilderböcker
Problem statement: Nowadays, women have a greater place in literature, both as a writer but also the role of the book and that is why I have chosen to examine how educators reason about their use of literature in preschool to combat the stereotype of gender roles.Motivation: An earlier survey shows that women now have a greater place in the recently released children's literature and, therefore, it is interesting to see how educators see their work on countering gender patterns using picture books. It is also interesting to examine whether the female roles in the books are consistent with the research I've used.Approach: I chose to use qualitative interviews with teachers in two preschools and also examined the recently released children?s books they worked with.Results: The results of my survey shows that teachers thoughts about their work on combating gender pattern occurs on an individual plan and depend on how the teacher interprets the guidelines. My survey also shows that the gender roles in the newly released picture books are consistent with earlier research I?ve used.Conclusion: It is therefore important that educators are aware of how easily gender patterns are induced, it happens on a daily basis through words and expectations that educators have on children..
Kvällens sista beställning: från Kungsgatan till akuten : En studie om effekten av Ansvarsfull alkoholservering på krogvåldet i centrala Karlstad
This thesis represents my individual final research in Societal Risk Management. The aim of the study is to research whether the method called Responsible Beverage Serving has had the desired effect of diminished alcohol-related violence in Karlstad City, after its implementation into the ordinary operational agenda for Karlstad district in the county of Wermland. According to the method, the alcohol-related damages as well as alcohol-related violence in a society can be reduced by refusing to serve minors and clients who are excessively intoxicated.In order to be able to reach the aim of the thesis, the subsequent questions must be answered;Has excessive drinking reduced in the bars and clubs in Karlstad City?Has it become more difficult for minors to be served alcohol in the bars and clubs in Karlstad City?Has the police reported amount of assaults outdoors diminished regarding the alcohol-related violence in Karlstad City?This research is an intervention study and uses a quasi-experimental design. The intervention itself is the method called Responsible Beverage Serving.
Man packar ihop sin väska och där står hon och har lämnat ut hela sitt liv : En studie av professionella aktörers syn på våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelser av rättsprocessen och deras möjligheter till samhälleligt stöd
The study aims to illustrate how women victims of male violence in intimate relationships are treated during the legal process and with professional perspective describe what women?s experiences considered to be in the legal process. The study also aims to draw attention to the interventions for abused women during the legal process.The results are based on interviews with professionals in the justice system, and on observations in the courtroom. Overall our results show that abused women are in need of a great quantity of help and support before, during and after the negotiation. The legal process is very stressful for the women.
Interaktivitet på YouTube : En kvalitativ användarstudie av interaktivitetens roll på YouTube
This essay is an investigation of the level- and importance of interactivity on YouTube for the active user. YouTube is a great example of a user-friendly Internet environment which enables the users to take part in a virtual community where they can create the content and, with the various functions the site has to offer, interact with each other. With Uses and Gratifications as a tool for this research we look at the motivations and needs of the user and how they come into play on the most popular video distribution site in the world today. Qualitative interviews on Swedish respondents give us insight in how the YouTube-users with their own words perceive this relatively new highly interactive era. We focus on a narrow group of the most popular age-group of YouTube-users to go deeper - not to expand.
Barn som bevittnat våld i hemmet : En studie ur kuratorers perspektiv
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur skolkuratorer uppmärksammar barn som bevittnat våld i hemmet samt hur barnpsykiatrikuratorer uppfattar att barnen påverkas av detta. Vi har valt att använda en kvalitativ metod och samlat in material från respondenterna genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Enligt tidigare forskning kan barn påverkas negativt av att bevittna våld i hemmet, vilket visas genom inåtagerande eller utåtagerande beteende samt genom att barnet upplever somatiska besvär. Resultatet från respondenterna överensstämmer till stor del med forskningen gällande hur barnen visar att de inte mår bra samt hur de kan påverkas både kort- och långsiktigt.Slutsatserna för denna studie är att barnen oftast uppmärksammas av skolkuratorer genom att en lärare eller skolsköterska gör dem medvetna om att ett barn har problem, samt att en empatisk kurator i en inbjudande miljö skapar trygghet för barnen. Det behövs dessutom mer resurser vid vidarehänvisning av barnen, för att de skall få nödvändigt stöd och skydd.
Att möta barn som bevittnat våld i nära relationer : En kvalitativ studie om hur behandlare inom socialtjänsten och barnpsykiatrin bemöter och skapar förtroendefulla relationer till barn som upplevt våld i nära relationer.
Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker hur behandlare inom socialtjänsten och barnpsykiatrin möter och skapar förtroende tillbarnsom har bevittnat våld i nära relationeroch vilka metoder som sätts in. Studien baseras på intervjuer med fyra yrkesverksamma personer medstor erfarenhetavatt möta barn som bevittnat våld. Metodentolkas i en form från Antonovskys salutogena modell, känslan av sammanhang, KASAM.Resultatet visaratt som behandlare så måste mötet med barnet sker i sittsammanhang och att det är deras sanning somska vara vägledande. Vidare är det av stor vikt att skapa goda relationer till barnets omsorgsgivare..
Man blir lite taggad men också frustrerad : En explorativ studie av checkpoints i spelet A Story About My Uncle
In this study we pose the question if you through finding patterns in implementation of checkpoints can find ways to tailor the experience of the game A Story About My Uncle to hardcore gamers. To find out the answer we had hardcore players playing a modified level from the game A Story About My Uncle that was used as stimulus material for the following focus group interview. The analysis of the gathered material resulted in four patterns that can be used when implementing checkpoints to tailor the experience of the game A Story About My Uncle to hardcore gamers. Elements of checkpoints that our study showed to be important when it comes to how the game is experienced are density, placement and clearness..
Barn som vistas på kvinnohus : En fördjupning av Oasenmodellen som arbetsmetod
At the Women?s House in Örebro, a children?s project has started where the work method ?Oasen? [Oasis] model has been developed by two children?s educationists. The aim of this study is, with the ?Oasen? model as a starting point, to deepen the knowledge of (1) how to meet children?s central needs while staying at a Women?s House and (2) what the ?Oasen? model may contribute to the children. The theoretical framework consists of a cognitive approach to the progress of children experiencing domestic violence and a presentation of conceptions concerning children?s needs.
Kön i praktiken : En kritisk studie om könskonstruktion i tjej- och killprojekt
This composition deals with questions concerning the ongoing construction of gender among personnel in different project for young girls and young boys ( ages 14): its conditions and meanings and how personnel form and mediate gender experience. The aim of this essay is to investigate how gender is made in everyday practise in three projects which address to either young girls or young boys, and to examine how the formation of gender interplays between conceptions among personnel and the practise in the projects. Central questions are: How describes the practical work and the needs of girls and boys in the project? And does the gender-segregated work justified in the projects? Qualitative methods are used to answer these questions. We made qualitative interviews among personnel from three projects, Ellen, Allan and DISA.
Suveränitet kontra humanitär intervention i Libyen 2011
For one month during the beginning of 2011, the world followed the violent events in Libya. During this time the United Nations was faced with a complex question, could they handle the ongoing violence and find a solution to the killings or would the hostile situation go on. We now know what happened, but not why. It is this question that this essay aims to answer. This essay covers the discussion of sovereignty on the one hand and humanitarian intervention on the other and responsibility to protect in between.
Spelar kön någon roll? : En studie om kvinnors uppfattning om jämställdhet i World of Warcrafts värld
The object with this bachelor thesis is to illustrate if equality is present during the interaction between female and male players in the World of Warcraft with focus on the female players conception. The main question is: How does gender matter in the interaction between female and male players in WoW? This question is particularly interesting because WoW is in its own construction neutral in regards to gender in the aspect that gender does not hinder or benefit your avatar when it comes to the avatars development or possibilities. This bachelor thesis describes the views three of female WoW players and how they perceive the interaction with male players with focus on equality. The informants? personal thoughts and experiences are described.