

7209 Uppsatser om Patient-focused care - Sida 9 av 481

Sjuksköterskans yrkesroll och patientrollen i ett historiskt perspektiv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim: The aim of this qualitative interview study was to describe the nurse's professional role and the role as a patient during different time periods. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, where respondents had a link to the nursing profession, either as a student, now working nurse or retired nurse. Method: The data were analyzed using a content analysis. Result: The older nurses believe that nurses today has a high status and is seen as a well-read and well informed person. Most respondents believe that collaboration between nurses and doctors has improved since past.

Långvarig neuropatisk smärta : en litteraturstudie om livskvalitet ur ett patientperspektiv

Objective: From the patient?s perspective describe communication difficulties, which can arise, and how they are handled in their contact with public health care and illustrate their needs of communication.Method: A study of literature was carried out to receive a background and an insight in previous research concerning the subject area. Twelve women with hearing loss was asked to complete a questionnaire, with open questions, regarding communication difficulties in health care situations.Sample: For the literature review, scientific papers were selected via the database, PubMed using relevant keywords. Seven were selected for closer review. For the survey study twelve women were asked to participate which ten of those responded.Results: The study of literature shows that communication difficulties occur in public health care between patients with hearing loss and the nursing staff.

Närståendes delaktighet vid vård av äldre : -bemötande, tillgänglighet och information

Studies show that older is an increased proportion patients in hospital and that it is a patient group that can be difficult to communicate with because of older patients' often multiple disease picture. Relatives to the patient can be help for caregivers in the communication and the care of the patient. The aim with the study was to examine relative's experience of participation, meeting/support, accessibility and information on a geriatrics rehabilitation care unit. The study had a descriptive design and was designed as a questionnaire study. It was implemented on one geriatrics rehabilitation care unit on the countryside in central Sweden, belong to Uppsala University hospital.

"Att känna sig som något lätt fjäderaktigt" : äldre människors upplevda hälsa och vårdande som stödjer deras hälsoprocess på särskilt boende

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe intensive care nurses? experiences communicating with patients during mechanical ventilation.Methods/design: A qualitative interview study. Interviews where analyzed using descriptive content analysisSetting: Nine intensive care nurses from two different intensive care units were interviewed using a semi structured interview guide.Background: Past research has shown that patients during mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, feel very vulnerable and the helplessness of being unable to speak. These patients feels that they are completely dependent on the nurses and their competence. It has been shown to be very important that the patient feels included, acknowledged and respected.Results: The analyzed data resulted in a theme; through communication strive to preserve patients´ dignity and three main categories; create relationship to the patient, minimize patients´ vulnerability and don´t give up.

Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av det emotionella arbetet : En fenomenologisk hermeneutisk studie

Background: A nurse who is working in the health care is expected to show the best side for other people. An emotional work demands a lot of the role of a nurse, when she has to deal with her feelings after the given situation to satisfy the patient.Aim: The purpose of the study is to seek understanding of what nurses perceive to be the essence of the emotional work in health care. The study also wants to understand what factors could affect the meeting both positively and negatively between nurse and patient in social interactionMethod: The study?s methodology is qualitative with phenomenological-hermeneutical approach to seek understanding of the six interviewed nurses lived experiences and the experiences of the emotional work.Results: The result has four main themes developed: Emotional management, to consider the patients existential needs, meeting the patient and to do something meaningful.Conclusion: The essence of the perceived emotional work for nurses is emotional transformation where the nurse changes her feelings by acting according to the situation in the meeting with the patient. It is important that nurses reflect in the work so they do not take their work home and become exhausted and burn out.Keywords: Emotional labour, emotional management, patient encounter, phenomenological-hermeneutical, existential needs, the essence, burn out.

Patienters upplevelse av omvårdnad efter suicidförsök : En litteraturöversikt

INTRODUCTION: Attempted suicide is very common. Those who arrive to a hospital by reason of attempted suicide need a nurse with qualifications in the care of suicidal patients. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compile and elucidate research which describes how patients in care for their attempted suicide experience the care that is received. METHOD: A literature review was chosen for this study. Scientific articles sought in the database CINAHL.

När man inte vet - Patienters upplevelser av att vårdas för ospecifik buksmärta på kirurgiska akutvårdsavdelningar

Introduction: To become acute ill and to be forced to seek treatment involves a difficult but also a vulnerable time for the individual. This acquires a good relationship between the nurse and the patient. At a surgical emergency ward patients with different diagnoses and trauma are treated. What distinguishes this specific type of ward is that care often occurs in a rapid rate and as a patient the environment may be experienced as stressed. The relationship with the nurse at the ward establishes a foundation for how the patient experiences the health care.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av användandet av Liverpool Care Pathway vid vård i livets slutskede. : -en litteraturstudie

Introduktion: Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) är en vårdplan framtagen för palliativ vård vars syfte är att överföra det bästa av hospicevården till den övriga sjukvården. LCP ger vägledning för vårdpersonal i vården av patienter i livets slutskede för att säkerställa god vård för patient och närstående. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan upplever användandet av vårdplanen Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) i livet slutskede. Metod: Metoden som användes var litteraturstudie. Sökningar gjordes i CINAHL och PubMed där elva vetenskapliga artiklar, som svarade på studiens syfte, framkom och granskades i sin helhet.

FaR för en heterogen målgrupp med komplexa behov : Förskrivares upplevelse av fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) och samverkan med aktivitetsmottagare

  Aim. The aim of the study was to describe how nurses in home care experience to pursue palliative care in ordinary housing. Methods. The study had a descriptive design with qualitative approach and was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 14 nurses in home health care from two medium-sized Swedish municipalities. The material was analyzed with manifest and latent content analysis. Findings. The underlying theme that emerged in the study was: Working with palliative care in the patient´s own homes is positive but challenging. Informants describe among other things that they perceived palliative home care as meaningful and that relatives have a central role in the palliative home care since they are close to the patient around the clock. The stress that emerges from the heavy work load and the long geographic distances are described as strenuous and to affect the care in a negative way. Informants describe the home environment as challenging as it is often not adapted for care and the collaboration with the palliative team is described to be experienced as both positive and negative.

Palliative care for pancreatic cancer - patients´ experiences

To receive a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can lead to a tremendous change in a person?s life. Thoughts regarding death may cause a personal crisis which can have negative influences on the patient?s social, mental and spiritual state. Most people with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed in a late stage of the disease.

Döden som profession : Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slut ? en litteraturöversikt

Background The aim of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and her next of kin during the patient?s end of life. Palliative care rests on the four cornerstones managing symptoms, communication and relationship, teamwork and relative support. The nurses? task is to assess the patients? physical, mental and spiritual needs according to these four cornerstones.Aim To assess nurses? experiences of treating patients at the end of life.Method Eleven academic journals that respond to the aim has been analyzed and synthesized in a literature review in order to summarize current research on the subject.

Faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten i omvårdnadsarbetet : ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Background: Earlier studies show that nurses work environment is a factor that may affect the quality in nursing care negatively. Other factors are: number of employees, working hours, work structure and planning and working relationships between colleagues. Work relationships are particularly important for nurses as they can affect patient safety. Nurses are prone to stressrelated illnesses and high stress levels prove to have a negative affect on the quality of nursing care. To develop and assure the quality demands effort from every employee.

Medicinen är kryckan, inte lösningen: personals upplevelser av de psykosociala inslagen i läkemedelsassisterad underhållsbehandling

The meaning of the concept of psychosocial treatment is ambiguous. The purpose of this study was to examine how professionals within some care institutions, which provide methadone, buprenorphine or naloxone treatment, regard and carry out the psychosocial features of such treatment. Central issues discussed were; how personnel approach the psychosocial features of the treatment, what personnel regard as a focus in the psychosocial treatment, what conditions personnel consider affect treatment positively in order for it to be successful and how personnel see the relation between the medical and psychosocial features of the treatment. The method used was interviews with nine professionals in six qualitative interviews. The theoretical perspectives and concepts used in our analysis were; the theory of biological dependence, an organizational perspective, Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model, the concept of individual reality and the concept of marginal conflict.Results show that the conditions most important for successful treatment are; that the patient has a place to live, an occupation, motivation, that the patient take responsibility for his/hers progress and have realistic expectations about the effects of the medicine.

Stress i omsorgens vardag : Personliga assistenters och boendestödjares upplevelser och hantering av stress, samt hur deras stress kan påverka brukarrelationen.

The focus of our study was to examine personal assistants and group home assistants experiences of stress at work, how they cope with stress and how it affects the relationship with the care recipient. The study is made out of a qualitative frame and based on interviews with two personal assistants and four group home assistants. Our theoretical perspectives consist of Aaron Antonovsky?s SOC theory, Richard Lazarus theory about coping and also sociologist Johan Asplund?s theory about social interaction. The result indicates that the experiences of stress are individual and varied among the participants while the presence of stress at work is a shared apprehension.

Hur sjuksköterskor kan bidra till följsamhet av basala hygienrutiner inom kommunal vård och omsorg

Background: Basic hygiene is an important measure to prevent healthcare associated infections, save patients? lives, and reduce economic costs for health care. Healthcare associated infections are a threat to patient safety. In community care persons who are the care takers are a risk group and nurses must make sure that basic hygiene procedures are followed.Method: Literature studies with descriptive design, article search in databases Cinahl and PubMed. The results found are based on twelve chosen articles.Aim: To describe factors related to adherence to basic hygiene and how nurses in community care can help to improve compliance with these procedures.Results: In the nursing staff and leadership in health care interest in and the understanding of basic hygiene is described as being of most importance.

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