

7209 Uppsatser om Patient-focused care - Sida 50 av 481

Att möta smittbärande patient

Bakgrund. Smittsamma sjukdomar har i alla tider har framkallat rädsla och fördomar. När vårdaren möter patienter med smittsamma sjukdomar måste de kunna ge trygg vård som grundar sig på teoretisk och praktisk kunskap. I dag möter vårdaren många patienter som bär på smittsamma sjukdomar, nya och tidigare kända, upplevelserna skiljer sig åt beroende på hur mycket kunskap de har om sjukdomen. Syfte.

Profylaktisk hundtandvård i hemmet

Toothbrushing is the best available method in remaining or restore dental health in dogs. This report treats different aspects about toothbrushing and other dental home care treatments in dogs. Questions like why the dog?s teeth should be brushed, what effects toothbrushing have on dental health and how the teeth can be brushed are treated. Furthermore complements to toothbrushing are treated, the options and their effects.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av patientsäkerhet- ett vågspel mellan personliga och yttre aspekter i ett dynamiskt samspel

Introduktion: Patientsäkerhet är en viktig fråga inom hälso- och sjukvården. Vårdskadorna kostar inte bara samhället stora summor varje år utan även de drabbade onödigt lidande. Sjuksköterskor är den yrkeskategori som står patienterna närmast och innehar kunskaper om faktorer som påverkar patientsäkerheten. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av vad som påverkar patientsäkerheten på slutenvårdsenheterna på en medicinklinik.Metod: Studien genomfördes i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Som teoretisk referensram har Jean Watsons omvårdnadsteori använts.

Eutanasi inom smådjurssjukvården; yrkesverksamma djursjukskötares upplevelser

The quality of health and care of our animals in the veterinary clinic is dependent on the veterinary nurse. Therefore it is important that the nurse has a good mental health and can provide this. Research shows that veterinarians are exposed to an elevated risk of suicide, moral stress, depression and anxiety. One of the factors contributing is believed to be exposure to euthanasia. The impact of euthanasia to veterinary nurses is yet unclear, as research focuses on veterinarians.

Risker vid läkemedelshantering i primär-, kommunal- och hemsjukvård. En undersökning av Lex Maria-ärenden mellan 2006 och 2012.

Bakgrund: Läkemedelshantering utgör en stor del av det dagliga arbetet för sjuksköterskor. Varje år orsakas ett stort antal patienter skador på grund av brister i läkemedelshanteringen. Ett ständigt säkerhetsarbete där avvikande händelser rapporteras och utreds kan förhindra att fel upprepas. Lex Maria är en form av avvikelserapportering som syftar till att identifiera bakomliggande orsaker till den avvikande händelsen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera vilka fel som begås i samband med läkemedelshanteringen inom primär-, kommunal- och hemsjukvården och som medför, eller riskerar att medföra, skada för patienten och där sjuksköterskan hade kunnat påverka händelseförloppet.

Hur fungerar vårdens IT-system egentligen? : Jämförelse av elektroniska patientjournalsystem

To support, enhance and, in the future, develop the activity within the county councils in Sweden, IT support systems are currently used to a large extent. The need to document is central to the health care organizations and the counties have come a long way in the introduction of electronic patient record systems (EPR). The aim of the EPR systems is to support the care processes and the clinical professions in their work.This is a master thesis in the area of human-computer interaction (HCI), Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University. The aim of the thesis was to describe and compare the five most common EPR systems in Sweden. The comparison will focus on some usability aspects and on how well they support the users in their clinical practice.

Cancerbehandling för hund och katt

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases in veterinary medicine today, and the incidence is higher than ever due to the fact that our companion animals live longer then they did ten to twenty years ago. Cancer is also one of the most common causes of mortality in older companion animals. This literature review will be about two of the currently most common form of cancer treatment of companion animals in Swedish animal hospitals, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. There will also be a section of general nursing care for cancer patients. The section of chemotherapy will describe the indications for choosing chemotherapy, the way to administrate chemotherapeutic drugs, describe specific chemotherapeutic drugs, potential side effects of chemotherapy, and how to handle and store chemotherapeutic drugs safely. The section of radiation therapy will describe the current devices for delivering radiation therapy, describe the indications for choosing radiation therapy and describe potential side effects that radiation therapy may cause.

Faktorer som påverkar deltagande : Psykosocialt stöd vid prostatacancer

Aim: The aims of this essay were first to see if there were any factors that could have an inpact on participating in supportive care groups and activities after a prostatic cancer diagnosis. The second aim was to examine what kind of support the patients would chose. Methods: Data was collected with a survey handed out to the prostate cancer patients visiting the urologist reception at the hospital in Uppsala, during two weeks in the fall of 2011. Main Results: Men show very little interest in participating in supportive care groups and activities. When asked to chose which kind of support they could consider, individual sessions and group sessions were the most common choice. Conclusion: Men diagnosed with prostate cancer chose not to participate in supportive care. Further studies are required to determine what may be the reason to that..

Personer med HIVs upplevelser av bemötandet i mötet med sjukvårdspersonal : En litteraturstudie

Background: Mental illness is a growing public health problem which can cause significant disabilities and lead to poor quality of life. As primary care nurses often are the first to encounter these patients they need knowledge to be able to respond appropriately to this group.Aim: The aim was to describe how the sufferer of mental illness experiences the introduction to primary care. Method: The literature review was based on the results of 11 scientific articles which were analyzed with the inspiration of a metasynthesis method.Results: Four categories emerged: the experience of being treated like a human being, the importance of a therapeutic space, the experience of time and availability as well as the importance of competent personnel and the importance of continuity. Patients described different aspects deemed important when encountering nursing staff. Conclusion: Patients experienced that they received good care when they felt listened to and seen as individuals with their own thoughts and feelings.

Turbuhaler - Kvalitetskontroll : En kvalitativ studie av årets Leanpristagare

Problem: How is Lean, a production-focused model being applied to non-productive focused industries.Purpose: To examine how Lean has been applied to the department of Turbuhaler-Kvalitetskontroll and which parts have been successfully applied.Problem statement: How does the implementation of Lean?s basic concept, which originated in the car industry, differentiate itself from the implementation of Lean in the pharmaceutical industry, in this case the department of Turbuhaler-Kvalitetskontroll at AstraZeneca.Conclusions: The department has had success in its implementation of lean. They have developed and modified the basic concept in order to apply it and excluded the parts they did not consider necessary. Through their work they have accomplished numerous improvements in, among other things, the reduction of lead time. .

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter att vårda och ha vårdansvar för personer med demenssjukdom i hemsjukvård : - En intervjustudie

The number of elderly in society is increasing and therefore the number of people with dementia. They continue to live in their homes longer, which also increases the responsibility of district nurses. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of district nurses to care for and have responsibility for the care of people with dementia in home care. The method chosen was a qualitative interview study. The method chosen was a qualitative interview study and content analysis was used for data processing.

Betydelsen av att bekräfta identiteten hos inneliggande patienter på sjukhus : ur ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Bakgrund: Otillräcklig information, att inte bli uppmärksammad, lyssnad på, samt att inte bli sedd som en individ med individuella behov, har visats leda till osäkerhet i interaktionen mellan vårdare och patient samt missnöje med vården. Det är en fördel för sjuksköterskan att ha självkännedom för att kunna skapa ett bekräftande möte. Bekräftelse i ?Jag-Du-mötet? anses vara grunden för allt mänskligt liv. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva betydelsen av att bekräfta identiteten hos inneliggande patienter på sjukhus, utifrån ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv.

Vårdberoende, behov av omvårdnad och insatser för äldre med regelbunden vård och omsorg ? del av SNAC-Blekinge, Vårdsystemdelen

Background: The relationship between advanced age, presence of illness and impaired functioning is well known. A large proportion of the elderly population has an extensive need of care and service and therefore need help from municipal care. Aging is a transition in life and also affects the person's identity and self image, making the person particularly vulnerable and challenging everyday safety. It is therefore of importance to gain knowledge about which factors at individual and organizational level that support a person-centered nursing care for the elderly so that caring responsibilities and staffing of nursing personnel may be scheduled based on need. Aim: This study aimed at describing dependency and care needs of elderly persons living in ordinary housing, sheltered housing and nursing homes.

Följsamhet till handhygien : En litteraturstudie

Background Nightingale attention that hygiene was an important task to prevent health- related infection. Today there are guidelines how hand hygiene should be followed, to prevent health- related infection. Good knowledge and education in hand hygiene and its consequences if it?s not followed is of great importance. Hand hygiene should be performed before and after the clean and the unclean work with patients and materials.

Leva som andra : en träfflokals betydelse för återhämtning och empowerment

Background: There has been a process of de-institutionalisation and mental health care re-forms in Sweden. Social services are, according to the law, responsible for helping persons with mental illness to live a life like others and to participate in the community. The aim of the study was to describe the culture in one of the social services adult day care center for social relations and activities in Stockholm. The aim was also to focus on the importance of the adult day care center for recovery and empowerment from the participants´ perspective. Methods Observations in the adult day care center were combined with four interviews with regular participants.

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