

7368 Uppsatser om Patient factors - Sida 53 av 492

Grönare IT med hjälp av balanserat styrkort

The concept of green IT is a hot topic in the industry right now. The requirements forenvironmental friendliness are becoming increasingly common. There is a lack of knowledge andunderstanding of what green IT means and how it can be achieved. Our study shows that the useof ICT can never become entirely green, but a lot can be done to become greener. We haveproduced a balanced scorecard which in theory leads to better governance, increased knowledgeand a common picture of what the work of greening IT means for employees and theorganization.

Vad som kännetecknar personcentrerad vård : Att utmana traditionella rutiner och se personen bakom patienten

Benämningen patient är ett kollektivt begrepp, som sätter sjukdomen och dess behandling i fokus. Hälso-och sjukvården har haft svårt att förändra sitt traditionella perspektiv där patienten betraktas längst ner i den hierarkiska sjukvårdsorganisationen. För att förändra det traditionella perspektivet så har ett nytt synsätt utformats där begreppet "patient" byts ut till "person". Personcentrerad vård började införas inom äldre- och demensvården, men tankar finns om att det även ska införas inom specialistvården. Syftet med studien var att utifrån litteraturen beskriva vad som kännetecknar personcentrerad vård ur ettomvårdnadsperspektiv.

Towards an Understanding of Heterosexual Risk-Taking Behaviour Among Adolescents in Lusaka Zambia

This thesis investigates the underlying factors behind sexual risk-taking and non-risk-taking behavior with regard to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) among adolescents in Lusaka, Zambia. The Qualitative Approach was used for data collection and analysis and using the theory of Social Construction, the author explains how different contexts and aspects in the Zambian Society, that is Traditional, Socio-economic, Political, etc., influence the sexuality or sexual behavior of young people in Zambia. Hermeneutics was used to interpret the meanings in the texts/transcripts acquired through data collection and from the author?s knowledge and understanding of the Zambian historical and cultural contexts within which the participants of the research were constructed. Max Weber?s Ideal Type concept was also used to explain that each young individual?s sexual behavior is uniquely constructed by societal aspects.

Trycksår hos patienter med ryggmärgsskada : - en kvantitativ jämförande observationsstudie

SAMMANFATTNING BAKGRUND: En patient med ryggmärgsskada [RMS] har en livslång ökad risk för trycksår på grund av sitt rörelse- och känselbortfall. Av alla med RMS i världen får upp till 95% trycksår minst en gång under sin livstid. Det finns idag ingen bra riskbedömningsskala avseende trycksår hos RMS-patienter, då de enligt den vedertagna Modifierade Nortonskalan får en missvisande låg risk för trycksår. Med kunskap om riskfaktorer, information och utbildning går det till stor del att förebygga uppkomsten av trycksår.SYFTE: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga förekomsten av trycksår hos nyskadade/nyinsjuknade patienter med RMS samt att undersöka vilka faktorer som visar på risk för trycksår.METOD: Studiedesignen var en kvantitativ jämförande observationsstudie där data samlades in longitudinellt och prospektivt. Skillnader mellan nyskadade/nyinsjuknade RMS-patienter med och utan trycksår studerades.RESULTAT: Av de 61 patienter som deltog i studien hade 35 (57,4%) trycksår någon gång under vårdtiden.

Kan friluftsliv i tidig ålder leda till ett bibehållet intresse som vuxen? : en studie av tidigare elever vid en I Ur och Skur förskola på Lidingö

AimThe aim with the work is to investigate if outdoor life at an early age will contribute to a maintained interest as a grown-up, and what other reasons play a part in maintained/lost interest. Questions:? Are the people active within outdoor life/physical activity today?? How much time do the people devote to outdoor life/physical activity?? What factors during the growth, from preschool to grown-up, contribute to a maintained or lost interest in outdoor life?MethodSince we wanted to bring forth all eventual factors that may have effected the people in their physical activity today we chose to do a qualitative study using deep interviews. The investigated group consists of six former students, four girls and two boys, from the I Ur och Skur preschool Mulleborg. Today the respondents are between 20 and 24 years old.ResultsThe investigation shows that all respondents are active with some kind of outdoor life or physical activity today, but there is a difference in how much.

Sjuksköterskans möte med den välinformerade patienten

Hälso- och sjukvården är idag under stor förändring. Dagens sjuksköterska ställs inför kraven från den allt mer välinformerade patienten. Enligt lag har patienten rätt att vara delaktig i vården bland annat genom att läsa sin journal. Dagens sjuksköterska måste tillåta patienten att aktivt delta i sin vård. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt har Benners omvårdnads teori använts.

Att styra ett kommunalt bolag

There is an irregularity in the interregional migration in Sweden. An increasing proportion ofthe population is drawn to the metropolitan areas, which creates problems for the smallermunicipalities and towns when their population declines. At the same time, our whole societyis faced with a great challenge: we need to redirect towards a sustainable development, wherethe environmental issues are discussed and dealt with to secure that all present and futuregenerations are given equal opportunities to live a good life.The aim of this study is to, focusing mainly on the environmental dimension of thesustainability concept, examine the attractivity of housing with sustainability claims. Toanswer this, three research questions were used:? Was the migration motive to reduce their environmental impact a part of the decision tomove, among migrants who had moved to housing with sustainability claims?? If the motive was a part of the decision, how much impact did it have compared to othermigration motives?? Which factors in housing aiming at sustainability are considered important by peopleliving in housing with sustainability claims?The research questions have been answered using quantitative data, gained in the form of selfadministeredquestionnaires which were distributed in four different residential areas withsustainability claims in the county of Västra Götaland, Sweden.

Vägen till lyckad jämställdhet

There is an irregularity in the interregional migration in Sweden. An increasing proportion ofthe population is drawn to the metropolitan areas, which creates problems for the smallermunicipalities and towns when their population declines. At the same time, our whole societyis faced with a great challenge: we need to redirect towards a sustainable development, wherethe environmental issues are discussed and dealt with to secure that all present and futuregenerations are given equal opportunities to live a good life.The aim of this study is to, focusing mainly on the environmental dimension of thesustainability concept, examine the attractivity of housing with sustainability claims. Toanswer this, three research questions were used:? Was the migration motive to reduce their environmental impact a part of the decision tomove, among migrants who had moved to housing with sustainability claims?? If the motive was a part of the decision, how much impact did it have compared to othermigration motives?? Which factors in housing aiming at sustainability are considered important by peopleliving in housing with sustainability claims?The research questions have been answered using quantitative data, gained in the form of selfadministeredquestionnaires which were distributed in four different residential areas withsustainability claims in the county of Västra Götaland, Sweden.

Det är mig det handlar om ? en intervjustudie om patienters upplevelse av möjlighet till delaktighet

Background: In Sweden it is a legal right for patients to have the possibility to participate in their own care. Several studies highlight the importance of a good relationship, good communication and good cooperation in order to increase a sense of security and thus the possibility of participation. One way to increase patients' ability to influence and participate can be to adapt person-centered care. This moves the focus from the patient's illness to the patient and his/her resources. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe patients' experiences of the possibility to actively participate in decisions regarding its care and treatment at surgical wards.

Let´s talk about sex: en studie av patienters uppfattning av samtal i samband med testning/smittspårning för sexuellt överförda infektioner med fokus på sexualitet

The aim of this study is to examine the patient's understanding of the counselling while testing for an STI. The method was an inquiry directed to patients at two receptions, where tests for STI are made, and on the Internet for patients who made a test within the last year. The study involves 95 participants, 39 answered the inquiry directly after the test. The main results show that most participants are positive to talk about their sexuality and sexual strategies with the personnel, irrespective of who takes the initiative to the counselling. Women are yet more negative then men to talk about their sexuality, even if the test is made voluntarily by the woman.

?Vi kunde kommunicera, men på ett annat sätt? ? En intervjustudie om sjuksköterskans kommunikation med patienter där ett gemensamt språk saknas

Bakgrund: Människors tillvaro baserar sig på relationer till andra och det är kommunikationen som utgör grunden för dessa relationer. Avsaknaden av ett gemensamts språk mellan sjuksköterska och patient upplevs som ett hinder för att ge vård av god kvalitet. På en akutmottagning träffar sjuksköterskorna, under en kort och intensiv period, ett stort antal patienter och gör en snabb bedömning och prioritering. För att det ska fungera måste sjuksköterskan förstå patientens kommunikation. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva sjuksköterskors kommunikation med patienter där ett gemensamt språk saknas, på en akutmottagning. Metod: Författarna gjorde en kvalitativ intervjustudie på en akutmottagning. Materialet analyserades inspirerade av Graneheim och Lundmans modell.

Vägen till framgång ? utifrån företagsledarnas perspektiv: en statistisk analys av Framförföretagen i Gästrikland

Title: The way to successLevel: Final assignment for a Master?s Degree in Business AdministrationAuthors: Larisa Glazkova and Veronika LarssonSupervisor: Jonas KågströmDate: 2011 ? JanuaryAim: Many companies are started each year, but only some of them are successful and generate worthwhile profits. Many new companies do not survive the first few years. The purpose of this thesis is to identify factors that can lead to success for small and medium-sized enterprises in Gästrikland.Method: We analysed 559 interview surveys that were collected during the years 2004-2010 and success factors were defined. Additionally, financial reports from the database Retriever were analysed.

Hur mår du med dina mediciner? Möjligheter och hinder för äldres delaktighet i läkemedelsbehandling

Utifrån våra erfarenheter som sjuksköterskor har vi en gemensam upplevelse av att det finns problem runt läkemedel och äldre. Det finns studier som visar att mellan 10 till 20 procent av äldre som läggs in akut på sjukhus beror på läkemedelsrelaterade problem. Biverkningar av läkemedel kan för den äldre ge ett lidande istället för ett lindrande. För att komma vidare tror vi att sjuksköterskor i mötet med den äldre behöver skapa förutsättningar för delaktighet i läkemedelsbehandling och därmed kunna uppfatta den äldres behov såväl uttalade som outtalade. Vad är det som hindrar och möjliggör patientens delaktighet i sin läkemedelsbehandling? Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa den äldres förutsättningar för delaktighet i sin läkemedelsbehandling.

När kommunikationen brister : sjuksköterskans kommunikation med icke svensktalande patienter

Background: Pervious research indicates that communication between patient and nurse has shortcomings. For the nurse, difficulties in care giving may emerge when the nurse and patient cannot understand each other. Research also shows that patients? participation in their care become more difficult by lack of communication. The care giving of patients who speak a different language is seen as a challenge by the nurse.

Effektivisering av den administrativa delen av orderprocessen : En fallstudie på Sandvik Wire

Sandvik Wire needed a review of the administrative part of the order fulfillment process and especially the work around packing and the inventory of finished goods. Therefore we acquired the assignment to investigate the administrative part of the order fulfillment process in the company with the purpose to identify potential for improvement. This investigation was performed with focus on the terminal and packing functions. The purpose with the investigation was also to identify critical factors for an efficient order fulfillment process and investigate if information quality is such a factor.Data was collected through interviews and observations on Sandvik Wire. With the help of this data the information and material flows was mapped, the work within terminal and packing, and adjacent functions was investigated.

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