

7368 Uppsatser om Patient factors - Sida 43 av 492

Hur ofta skrivs anvädningsområde t på läkemedel inom ATC-rupp N04 (medel vid parkinsonism)?

Adherence to medical ordination is low and for long-time medication it is estimated to be as low as 50 percent. Depending on the prescribed drug this could lead to adverse effects and/or loss of effect of the drug. Information about why a drug is prescribed is important patient information and is thought to help increase compliance with the physician?s prescription. According to results from a recent study of visits to the emergency room at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset in Solna, Stockholm, medically related problems were the cause in about 30 percent of the cases.

Chefers och medarbetares perspektiv på motivation : En studie inom internationellt verksamma företag med grossistverksamhet

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine how managers in companies within wholesale distribution work with motivating their staff, and to examine which factors increase the motivation of employees. By doing this, the essay is expected to examine how managers? and employees? perspectives correspond, and to find which factors differentiate between their views.Method: In order to fulfill the purpose of this study, we have executed two case studies at two different companies that work with wholesale distribution. We have collected data and processed it either quantitatively or qualitatively.Conclusion: This study shows that managers and employees have a relatively united perspective about what they want to achieve by motivation. However, there are different opinions about the factors that are seen as important in order to achieve an increased motivation of the employees.

Senkaku-Diaoyu ekonomin kontra militären : En kvalitativ textanalys om ö-konflikten mellan Kina och Japan.

The relationship between China and Japan has historically been problematic and, in some ways still is. One of the issues where both of the states cannot agree on is the island dispute. While both states are claiming sovereignty over the island and there do not seem to be an ending to it in the near future. If the island dispute continues to escalate it could have a negative impact in the Asian region and eventually rest of the world as well. However due to the complexity of the dispute a deeper knowledge is needed and a mutual understanding is needed.

Kunskap är som ballonger - den måste förankras om den inte ska försvinna bort : en studie av vad som påverkar en lärares val av undervisning

The purpose of this essay has been to identify a couple of different factors that matter when a teacher chooses method and raw material for teaching his students. The person interviewed is a man, whose lesson I also observed. The result shows that there are several factors of great importance for his choice. My conclusion of this is that this teacher?s choice depends on the school as institution with all the people that operate there, the composition of the students and the school?s curriculum, but this teacher?s pedagogical basic view also has a great importance for his teaching..

Pedagogikens roll inom tandvården: en uppsats om den edukativa processen i mötet med patienten

Arbetet handlar om pedagogikens roll för att underlätta bemötandet mellan vårdare och patient och därigenom åstadkomma lärande i riktning mot en förbättrad hälsa. I detta fall begränsas undersökningen till tandvården och mötet mellan tandhygienist och patient. Förutom att ha en god kunskap om tandvård och munhälsa krävs det att tandhygienister lyckas nå ut med sin information och i visa fall få patienten att ändra på sitt beteende. Det är då det pedagogiska bemötandet ett viktigt redskap..

Nordiskt försvarssamarbete i åtstramningens tidevarv : En studie av förutsättningar för det norsk-svenska försvarssamarbetet

This study uses European researcher Tomas Valasek?s hypothesis about factors required for defence cooperation in order to achieve conditions which can be successfully applied to the Nordic defence cooperation NORDEFCO. The study uses only Norway and Sweden on the grounds that they are the original actors and the driving forces behind the defence cooperation. The factors studied are; the countries' strategic culture, solidarity and trust between countries, similarity in military forces, if similar conditions prevail in the defence industry and if the intentions of cooperation have been clarified.Mainly government documents in the form of propositions, orientations and defence documents are studied, together with previous research in this area and, especially, interviews with representatives of NORDEFCO at military level and policy level as well as outside perspectives from the military attachés in each country. With the intention of studying the extent to which the factors Valasek features may prove to be significant in assessing the conditions for enhanced cooperation in NORDEFCO, the study raises the question of how it is possible to find expressions for the factors.

Barn till missbrukande föräldrar : - En kvalitativ studie av vuxna barns upplevelser av missbruk inom familjen

The study's main purpose was to qualitatively investigate adult children's experiences of growing up in a family with parental abuse of alcohol and drugs, and how their childhood has influenced/influence life in adult age. In this interview study, four respondents in the age be-tween 25-60 years have participated. Social learning theory, attachment theory and risk and protective factors have been used as a theoretical frame.Overall, we can conclude that the study's respondents have, more or less, been adversely affected by the parent?s misuse of alcohol during their childhood. Despite these negative fac-tors, most respondents nevertheless received a functional living.

www.patientundervisning.ssk - En litteraturstudie om vilka faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans roll i patientundervisningen och hur Internet kan integreras i undervisningen

Dagens patient står idag inför svåra val av behandlingar och vård. Det är därför viktigt att patienten ges möjlighet att hantera det dagliga livets krav och att sjuksköterskan stödjer och stärker patientens kontroll över sjukdom och behandling. Patientundervisning är av central betydelse och bör integreras i den dagliga omvårdnaden av patienten och dennes anhöriga. Föreliggande studie syftar därför till att studera de faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans roll i patientundervisningen och hur Internet kan integreras i undervisningen. Teoretisk ram för arbetet är Hildegard Peplaus terapeutiska interpersonella process.

När kommunikationen inte räcker till : verbal och ickeverbal kommunikation mellan patient med afasi och sjuksköterska

Afasi kan drabba både talförmågan och förståelsen för språket. Språket blir på så vis en utmaning för sjuksköterskan. Enligt hälso- och sjukvårdslagen ska sjuksköterskan skapa förutsättningar för patienten till att vara delaktig i sin vård och i kommunikationen. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa faktorer som påverkar verbal- och ickeverbal kommunikation mellan patient med afasi efter stroke och sjuksköterskan. Uppsatsen är utformad som en litteraturstudie, där resultatets elva artiklar har hämtats från databaserna Cinahl och PubMed.

Nutrition hos patienter med Subarachnoidalblödning

ABSTRACTIn an intermediate section at a large university hospital are patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) cared for. There are international, national and local guidelines how nutrition therapy should be implemented and how much energy each patient should be given when hospitalized. The purpose of this study was to examine the documentation and actions on nutrition in patients with SAH and to see if guidelines on nutrition were followed. The study was a quantitative, retrospective record review that was analyzed statistically and descriptive. 26 patients were included.

Rätt beväpning för uppgiften : en jämförelse av vapensystem för en sjukvårdsgrupp

Sjukvårdsfunktionen i Försvarsmakten är viktig när skador uppkommer. Försvarsmaktens förmåga eller oförmåga att erbjuda soldater kvalificerad sjukvård är avgörande för soldaternas förtroende till den egna förmågan.De svenska sjukvårdarna förväntas att oavsett terräng och hot kunna ta hand om en patient i nöd, de är därför utrustade med vapen för att kunna skydda sig själva och sin patient. I Försvarsmakten betyder det att sjukvårdaren bär en automatkarbin 5. Den här uppsatsen kommer att undersöka hur tre olika vapensystem passar in i rollen som huvudbeväpning på en sjukvårdsgrupp. Undersökningen visar att en PDW (Personal Defence Weapon) skulle vara ett bra alternativ till befintlig beväpning..

Individers erfarenheter av hur migrän påverkar det dagliga livet : En litteraturöversikt

BackgroundMigraine is a comprehensive endemic disease who is affecting both women and men, but with higher prevalence among women because of hormonal factors. Risk factors for the disease are female gender, hereditariness, depression and socio-economic factors. Migraine can be triggered by factors like stress, menstruation, irregular routines for sleep and unbalanced meals and diet. Migraine is a condition that causes a big suffering for the affected individuals.AimThe aim of this study was to describe individuals' experiences of how migraine is affecting the daily life, out of the aspects like working life, family life and social life.MethodA literature overview was maintained, and eight qualitative studies and two quantitative studies between the years 2003- 2014 were analyzed.ResultsThe analysis of the articles lead to one main theme; "Guilt, compensating and restrictions" and seven subthemes "Not being able to perform their best", "Met with incomprehension", "Not being able to take care of home and children", "Not enough", "Avoiding activities", "Always be prepared" and "Living with restrictions".ConclusionMigraine is affecting the daily life among these individuals in a great extent. The disease makes it hard to perform well at work.

Det som håller oss vid liv : Livskvalitet inom hemtjänsten

The aim of our study is to examine experience of the quality of life for elderly people with assisted living from their own, and caretakers, perspectives. We also aim to examine how elderly people in assisted living, and caretakers, experiences that they could affect the elderly people´s quality of life. The study is based on a qualitative method and the data is collected by interviews with four recipient of care and three care takers. The result shows that there are many factors that have an importance when it comes to quality of life for the recipient of care. It has shown in the study that the recipient of care and the caretakers put emphasize in the same factors. These factors are health, the affect of assisted living, happiness, relationships and self-determination. The result has shown that the assisted living has a major importance when it comes to the quality of life for the recipient of cares..

Sjuksköterskans undervisande funktion i det förebyggande arbetet med diabetespatienter : en litteraturstudie

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that brings great changes in every individual's way of living. The goal in diabetes treatment is that the individual will be able to live a normal life, with normal length. To achieve this there is need to avoid complications, both acute and long-term. To be able to do this this the patient need knowledge about the illness and how to adjust pharmacological treatment to diet and exercise. In this, patient education is an important part.

Spelentusiasters val av analoga spel : En kvalitativ studie om användare på boardgamegeek.com

This qualitative study examines how users of boardgamegeek.com chooses which analogue game to buy. The purpose of the study is to find out which factors constitutes the choice of games and how the information of these factors reach the consumer. The investigation is executed by users of boardgamegeek.com explaining their latest game purchase in a questionnaire survey online. The results show that many of the respondents research the games they are interrested in beforehand and based on this information make their choice. Despite of this we can see that many game developers and distributors does not make this information available for the consumers, but leaves this task to the public..

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