8028 Uppsatser om Participatory research - Sida 23 av 536
Variationer i revisionsprocessen - påverkar externrevisorns individuella förutsättningar revisionen?
The purpose of this paper has been to examine the question whether accountants differ in their auditing depending on their individual characteristics. We have summarized our own theory based on previous research and our own ideas. To conduct this purpose we used a deductive method. Our findings from the study show that we cannot exclude the possibility that accountants vary in their auditing depending on their individual characteristics. The answering frequency to our survey was only 47 %, and this may have affected the outcome of our research.
Hur den missbrukande modern porträtteras i samhällsvetenskaplig forskningslitteratur
In this essay, I have studied the image of the drug abusing mother and her motherhood as seen in some of the social science literature on drug abusing women. This I did with a qualitative research design and with the questions:How is the drug abusing mother and her motherhood portrayed by social scientists?What signification is her motherhood given in her life by the researchers?What approach towards the drug abusing mother in the research process, and hence in the creation of the images of her, does the scientists have?I found that there are distinct patterns and themes in the research on mothers with a drug abuse. The researchers studied the women with the goal to understand them and to give them the opportunity to speak for themselves through the researcher. The drug abusing mother is in short portrayed as a woman who cares for her children, whose motherhood is one of the most important factors in her life and who is anxious that her substance abuse should not threaten it.
Arbetsminnesträning i grundsärskolan : En undersökning om metoder och material för arbetsminnesträning
The aim of my thesis was to investigate in what grade teachers who work within special education make use any methods to train the working memory of their students to improve learning ability. I also wanted to examine the material used to train working memory and if any results were noticed. My choice of method was qualitative semi-structured interviews that were recorded during the interviews I conducted these in five different school with education for children with intellectual impairment. The result shows that the schools that are aware of recent research on working memory training had methods for training with their students. They could also see a result that shows that working memory can be improved with training.
POSITIV PSYKOLOGI PÅ ARBETET : -Karaktärsstyrkors samband med psykologiskt välbefinnande, arbetstillfredsställelse, harmonisk- respektive tvångsmässig passion och stress
Over a long time psychology was focusing on human frailties and mental diseases. In 1998, positive psychology was introduced - the scientific study of strengths, well-being and optimal functioning. Theory and research in the area has identified 24 character strengths, in which each individual owns and celebrates a number of top strengths, signature strengths. These strengths have been shown to be important in achieving happiness and well-being. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between character strength and psychological well-being, job satisfaction, harmonious- and obsessive passion and stress.
Arenans betydelse för en stad : En studie av en arenas tillförande av väde i platsmarknadsföring
AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.
Våld i parrelationer : en teoretisk analys
The purpose of this study was to do a narrative survey of the discussion about violence in partner relationships that is held in research literature. The question at issue was: How do research literature discuss violence in partner relationships, with focus on heterosexual relationships? The eight primary documents that have been chosen are written by researchers, professional therapists, National Counsil for Women's protection (Nationellt Råd för Kvinnofrid, NRK) and Swedish Government Official Report (Statens Offentliga Utredningar, SOU). To investigate the theories, discover the similarities and differences between them and how they can complement each other, the documents statements has been analyzed with a dialectic-hermeneutic approach and social constructionism and discourse theory.The research findings showed that the gender perspective theory, the psychodynamic theory and the social psychology theory have a few things in common, but that they on the whole are different and contradict each other. The gender perspective theory dominates the discussion but needs to be combined with the other theories to give a more all-embracing understanding.
?Vi sitter oss till stillhet? Nyreligiositet i Svenska Kyrkan
In this essay, I research and discuss new spirituality (or what is commonly known as New Age) within some congregations in the Church of Sweden, Gothenburg. I question how and why this new spirituality has come to be accepted in parts of the Church. My hypothesis is that the church is a part, and a reflection, of a larger change throughout society, and I claim that this change depends much on the individualization and globalization during the last decades.The research is conducted through interviews with representatives from the Church ofSweden who are in charge of new religious activities. During these interviews we discuss their views on the change that has already taken place and is going on today.The interviews are then analyzed by applying rational choice theory on them. I discusswhether the Church can be seen as a producer of goods and services and if the churchgoers canbe seen as consumers of these goods and services.
Kognitiv auktoritet och Wikipedia ? En analys av gymnasieelevers källkritiska granskning av Wikipedia
The main purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how high school students evaluate the quality of the information available on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. By doing quantitative research based on questionnaires we expected to find that the means for judging that students use in this situation are most frequently based on a text?s intrinsic qualities in the point of view of its content. It was also our presupposition that 18 and 19 year old high school graduates have received some education in information research and authoritative sources on the Internet.
????????????Pedagogers syn på utomhuspedagogik
The purpose of the research is to find out how the teacher of the pre-school looks at the value of the nature Pre-school. To get an understanding of what the nature pre-school enviorment can bring, we are talking about learning, knowledge, and experience combined with the everyday lessons learned from the natural world. The research is a stepping stone on the pre-school teacher?s thoughts and reflections of what a nature pre-school is. This is grounded in a view of how having options for alternative schools lead to wider research, and all conclusions where formed after multiple interviews and analysis.The results showed that the teachers involved are very positive to the nature pre-school environment and learning process.
What works? : Grundläggande komponenter för ett positivt behandlingsutfall på institution med särskilt fokus på Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) och dess tillämpning.
In Sweden there are many kinds of effort given youths with behavioral problems, one is institutional care. International research display a varying kind of results from this type of treatment. The aim of this study is to examine and illustrate which central components that results in positive treatment, but also starighten important components in KBT. On the basis of research results, important components for positive treatment have been illustrated as; the therapeutic relationship, the integrity of treatment, prosocial-contacts, positive climate in treatment, the continual of treatment, how to bring treatment to an end, the responsivity principle-the principle of need-the risk principle, learning and KBT. Research also aims to investigate whether these components could be identified in the daily work of youth treatment on institution. This through a qualitative approach including six interviews held with staff working in treatment facilities.
Självmord : en forskningsöversikt
Suicide is the ultimate outcome of mental illness and is a big and serious problem in society. About 1500 persons commit every year suicide in Sweden and many more engage in suicidal behaviour. This review aims at, from research studies from the 21th century, find out the knowledge of riskfactors regarding the risk for committing suicide among adolescents. The research questions are: What does research say, from a psychobiological perspective, about riskfactors among adolescents regarding the risk for suicidal behaviour? How much does genetic factors have an effect on the risk for suicidal behaviour among adolescents? and : What is the importance of environmental factors such as family connections, friends and school environment concerning suicidal thoughts among adolescents?The method that is used in order to answer these questions is a researchreview including ten research-studies.
Strategiskt arbete med digital tjänsteutveckling : En kvalitativ fallstudie om företags utmaningar och möjligheter
The postindustrial market increasingly demands service infused products to add more value to the customer in order to be competitive. Much research regarding digitalized services indicates that companies have to be innovative in order to compete on the market. However, companies within different industries face different challenges with digital service development. This study has been conducted because there are little known about the opportunities and the challenges different industries faces with a globalized market. Our research question is what the challenges are and what opportunities does strategic digital service development entails for companies.
En djupdykning i reklamundvikelse
This paper aims to investigate if the underlying effects of the marketing phenomena clutter can be explained by negative priming. Although a lot of research has been made in the field of marketing, many people still claim "all marketing is good marketing", which we intended to challenge. In order to do this a tailored experiment analyzing the effects of clutter was created. The experiment consisted of two activities with the objective to manipulate the participants by making them avoid distracters. To maintain high ecological validity throughout the experiment actual brands were used as distracters.
Övergången från SAB till Dewey i forskningsbibliotekssverige: En organisationsförändring ur de anställdas perspektiv
In November 2008 the National Library of Sweden decidedto switch classification system from SAB to Dewey decimalclassification. SAB had then been the main classificationsystem in the whole of the Swedish library field for 87 years.Included into the decision was not just the nationalbibliography but also the research libraries of Sweden. Thisdecision was in alignment with a West European tendency tochange in favor of the internationally well-spreadclassification system Dewey in order to co-operate more inthe cataloguing process. The purpose of this study takenplace in the autumn and winter of 2013 is to examine howlibrarians involved in the transition feel about what differentways the implementation has affected the research libraryorganizations. We also aim to study the librarians? view onthe involvement of the research libraries into the decision ofthe changeover.
"Det känns ganska fräscht att ha en Volvo för att nu har ju dom den i Solsidan" : En kvalitativ attitydundersökning om svenska tv-tittares attityd till produktplacering
Since product placement is a relatively new phenomenon in Swedish television, there is a lack of research on what attitudes Swedish TV-viewers hold towards it. This is where our paper will contribute to the research. The purpose of this reserachpaper is to describe and analyze what attitude Swedish TV-viewers has towards product placement. Kim Schröders multidimensional model of mass media reception were used, which is a developed model from Stuart Hall?s ?encoding/decoding? one-dimensional model.