528 Uppsatser om Park - Sida 4 av 36
Förslag till omgestaltning av Hoglands park
Det här planförslaget för omgestaltning av Hoglands Park har strävat efter att
göra området till en fungerande offentlig plats. En sådan bör inbjuda till
möten och diskussion, vilket den nya Parken också skulle göra i ökad grad genom
att fler målpunkter för fler människor införs. Planförslaget har även sökt ett
mer varierat rumsligt uttryck, främst exemplifierat genom gröna rum med olika
grader av öppenhet och slutenhet. Placeringen av en byggnad med portalfunktion
i Parken har tillsammans med en tydlig entré också syftat till att skapa
tydliga rumsliga avgränsningar. Tydlighet har även varit ett nyckelbegrepp för
den nya vägstrukturen, vilken ändrat fokus från öst-västlig riktning till
nord-sydlig, och på så sätt stärkt Hoglands Parks position som vistelserum.
Stadens offentliga rum ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv - Jubileumsparken, ett offentligt rum för unga?
The public spaces of the city from a social sustainability perspective, JubileumsParken, a public space for the young, aims to see how public spaces can be open and accessible to all young people in the community. New public spaces can be created and formed by urban planning. A public space that is undergoing considerable development is JubileumsParken, which is situated in Gothenburg. This area constitutes the case study for this thesis. Due to the commercialization in the neo-liberal society of today, there is a risk that economically weak people, such as the young, the unemployed or students, can?t take part of all public spaces.
En åkattraktion till det förflutna : att bruka det förflutna för en upplevelse i samtiden
This essay discusses the use of history, and primarily how the current Swedish society perceives and uses the Viking age. The analysis is based on a literature study as well as a case study of the planned theme Park in Fullerö north of Uppsala, Sweden. The aim of the essay is to understand the regional debate which arose in media regarding the planning of Fullerö Park and how it reflects the contemporary use of history. Research about the use of history has become increasingly common in recent years and deals with how history is actively being used in society in order to meet its existing needs. These needs varies among different groups and individuals and results in a multitude of usages, where the interests of the different actors may be contradictory.
Tryggare Park : Åtgärdsförslag för Kroksbäcksparken ur ett trygghetsperspektiv
Kan trygghet skapas? Trygghetsfrågorna har fått ett allt större utrymme i debatten om staden. Forskningen och debatten är långt ifrån entydig och recepten på trygghet varierar kraftigt mellan olika länder. Grovt kan de förespråkade åtgärderna delas in i två läger: säkerhet och trygghet. ?Säkerhet? med framför allt situationell brottsprevention med den filosofin att skadegörelse, våld och stölder leder till otrygghet, vilket i sin tur leder till att människor inte vågar ta plats i det offentliga rummet.
Kungsholms fort : kunskapsunderlag för ett framtida vårdprogram för parken på Kungsholms fort
This basic data of knowledge for a future maintenance programme concerning the Park at Kungsholmen is made up of 3 separate parts. 1.) A historical documentation 2.) A mapping and documentation of the objects status of today. 3.) An analytical evaluation complemented by a maintenanceproposal for the historic Park. The aim of the document is to serve as a future basic data for decision making, based on the aim to preserve and develop the described cultural values of the object. The different parts can be used separate or altogether in order to define or redefine new goals..
Virtuell 3D-modellering som verktyg : vid kommunikation av Gruvstadsparken
3D modeling is a common tool in landscape architecture. Today, there have been new ways in which virtual 3D models are successful tools in the dialogue with the public. These new methods involve children and young people who are groups that is hard to reach and engage in citizen dialogues.
The purpose of this work was to investigate how a virtual 3D model works in the landscape architect?s communication with the public through the project GruvstadsParken in Kiruna. Through workshops, I wanted to communicate GruvstadsParken to get ideas from participants on how the Park can be used and be revisited.
En ungdomspark planeras : barns och ungas perspektiv på utemiljön i Simrishamn
Often places for children and youth are planned how adults think children and
adolescents want them, but we are often wrong. As a result, we find empty
playgrounds while our target groups are building dens in the bushes, hanging
around shopping areas, and so on. This report is an attempt to create a place
for young people based on the opinions of their needs and their environment to
better understand how to design a place that suits them well.
To gain knowledge about how it is to be young in Simrishamn, a small
township in the southwest of Sweden, I interviewed children and young
adolescents. The interviews were all carried out in groups, mostly in larger
groups inside where the result differed a lot depending on the settings for the
interview. Two walkabouts with groups of three children were also made.
Most of the children were eager to participate and tell about their reality,
but some preferred not to.
Ambition biotop och succession : en studie av nutida naturinspirerad landskapsarkitektur
Fresh Kills Park and the The High line Park in New York, Downsview Park outside Toronto the birch landscape at Shiphol Airport have something more in common than being big new Park landscapes.They all include thoughts and images about ecology. These images are neither typically nature picturesque nor typically garden stylish. In Sweden we have the biotopes of AnkarParken, the new design of KristinebergsParken. At Chelsea Flower Show in England Swedish nature put in a garden format is winning awards. There are some new ecological influence in the air.
Människan i urskogen : vegetationshistoria i Hamra nationalpark under 2500 år
Pollen analysis of a peat core was used to reconstruct the last 2500 years of vegetation history, with focus on the impact of anthropogenic disturbance, in Hamra National Park, central Sweden. In addition, analysis of pollen in soil samples was performed in an attempt to locate ancient cultivation plots in the National Park.
The analysis of the peat core shows a development of the vegetation that can be divided into four stages of different degrees of human impact: A - virgin forest (c. 500 B.C.-A.D. 1300), B - grazed forest (c. A.D.
Speaker Park : om ljudsättning av utemiljöer
This project will search for the sound in the contemporary landscape architecture, an attempt to combine music and landscaping. In a first stage, I have searched for outdoor environments where loudspeakers are used, and sites with a concious sound design. The project will result in a sound design created for the Park FrodeParken in Uppsala, Sweden.
In my search for sites and examples of conscious sound, I have talked to the people behind the projects I found - landscape architects, sound artists and architects. Influences from different areas have been essential for me in the project.
Anonymitet och intensifierad kontinuitet : Klassisk stil och form i Hämnarens resa
The intention with this essay is to investigate how the narration of the South Korean film Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (Park Chan-wook, 2002) relates to the Hollywood pictures of today. An important change which David Bordwell pays attention to is an intensifying of former stylistic paradigms in what he denominates as intensified continuity. That said, Bordwell and Kristin Thompson are in agreement on that the new films still are predominantly classical. The neoformalistic standpoint which Thompson and Bordwell use appears however to contain some problematic implications.
En ficka full av frihet; hur användningen av pocket parks kan verka restorativt på människor i urbana miljöer
Ett livslångt intresse för psykologi och landskapsarkitektur ledde in på spåret att
diskutera vad två av dagens stora frågor inom ämnet kunde erbjuda om de slogs
samman; positiv psykologi (?Positive Psychology?) och hållbar stadsutveckling. Alla
människor utsätts emellanåt för stress, vilken vi är konstruerade att kunna hantera.
Trots det är en av de största orsakerna till sjukskrivning i vår tid just stress- och
relaterade sjukdomar. En välkänd källa till restoration eller återhämtning är grönska
och natur. Så frågan i denna uppsats rör huruvida små grönområden i den täta
staden kan verka restorativt på människorna som besöker dem.
Parkens belysning :
In the city of Kungälv, there are many important green areas without Park lightning. This makes it unsafe to walk through the city's most attractive surroundings during many parts of the year.
Partly in general and partly specifically for Kungälv, this paper shows that there are strong long-term arguments for making Parks available by the use of lightning. This is not about lightening up the whole city, but finding the important green communication paths and Parks. This paper also reflects upon how to lighten up these green communication paths and Parks for best result. That is a question about creating good sight conditions ? safe and attractive Parks which attracts people to use them.
Offering a city's inhabitants good and attractive alternatives to using the car is an important task for city planers.
Marknadsundersökning - hur en Science Park-nod på glesbygden bör göras synlig
Examensarbetet besvarar hur en Science Park-nod bör göra sig synlig på glesbygden. Arbetet har uträttats för Näringlivsbolaget i Eksjö kommun under perioden mars 2009- september 2009. Det har besvarat frågor rörande marknadsföring av Science Park-noder med ett konkret exempel i samhället Mariannelund. Noden i Mariannelund har funnits sedan hösten 2008, men har ännu inte marknadsförts någonting. Rapporten påvisar hur marknadsföringen kan göras för att tjänsten ska efterfrågas av fler kunder.
Verktyg för utveckling av terrängparker inom skidanläggningar. : Shaper
Today we can create digital 3D models which can be realised almost instantly through production methods such as 3D printing and computer controlled milling.What if this same technology could be applied to the development and construction of terrain Parks?With snow as the material tools could be developed using similar principles to design and sculpt the surface, only on a larger scale.How would terrain Park designers adapt their process to use this new technology? In this Industrial design thesis I explore how the ideas of the terrain Park designer can be expressed through such a system with focus on the designers knowledge and skill without the need to learn complicated 3D programs.Sketch, create, ride. .