3864 Uppsatser om Parental environment - Sida 7 av 258
Klart ungen gillar musik - En studie om föräldrars syn på sitt barns musikaliska utveckling
Barns musikaliska intresse och utveckling kan bero på föräldrarnas påverkan genom uppväxten. I den här rapporten presenteras resultatet av kvalitativa intervjuer med sex mammor med barn i en ålder under två år. Tre av mammorna ägnar sig åt musik i sin profession, medan de andra tre har ett mer allmänt musikintresse. Oberoende av föräldrarnas bakgrund visar det sig att de anser musikalisk stimulering vara någonting viktig och nyttig för deras barns utveckling. Till exempel har alla i intervjugruppen deltagit i någon form av musikalisk aktivitet ämnad för barn.
Hållbar avfallshantering : Ur ett ekonomiskt- och miljöperspektiv
Economy and environment has for a long time been studied separately and seen as incompatible. With a growing society and increasing pressure on environmental issues the need of a new economy with the environment included is necessary. This study examine if European Union´s picture of the waste hierarchy match the reality. Since the purpose with the waste hierarchy is to benefit environmental and economy. A survey was made over Käppalaförbundets waste from 2013, to see where the waste falls in the waste hierarchy.
Den fysiska miljön och barns lärande: En undersökning av barnavdelningen på Kungsbacka huvudbibliotek
The starting point for the present study is that the physical environment can enhance the learning processes of children. We want to contribute to more focus being placed on this within library and information sciences. Our main aim is to illustrate how the physical environment can facilitate the learning of children. In order to achieve our aim, we examine a concrete physical environment, namely the children?s department at the main library in Kungsbacka.
Individen kommer inte långt själv för ensam är man ingenting : En studie om arbetsmiljöns påverkan på hälsan
The purpose of this thesis is to achieve a greater understanding of how the social workers at the family unit in one of Stockholm municipalities comprehend the work environment at the workplace. Our aim is also to find out how the work environment can affect the health of the social workers in the form of their wellbeing and comfort at the workplace. In order to answer our purpose we conducted interviews of all social workers at the family unit in one of Stockholm municipalities that describe how they experience the work-environment in the workplace and how it influences their health. We have analyzed the interview material in a thematic analysis based on three theoretical perspectives; SOC, claim ? control - support and Human relations. We have also coupled the interview material to the background chapter in this thesis that describes how a good working environment should be structured. The chosen method characterizes an abductive process.
Utbrändhet - En litteraturstudie om utbrändhetsfaktorer bland sjuksköterskor
The aim of this literature study was to find out how nurses experience their work-situation and work environment and which the risk factors where. We also wanted to examine what kind of influence those risk factors had on nurses work satisfaction. This was done by the following question: What are the risk factors that can lead to burnout in work environment of nurses? The method was by critical examination of ten scientifically articles. The articles were critically studied by the criterions of Polit, Beck & Hungler.
Arbetsmiljöansvar på en gemensam arbetsplats : En studie över hur arbetsmiljön samordnas på en byggarbetsplats med flera entreprenörer
This essay describes coordination of the work environment on construction sites where many entrepreneurs share workplace. As employer, the entrepreneur has main responsibility for the workers safety on the construction site, the project supervisor is responsible for the work environment, and to coordinate the work environment a coordinator of the construction work environment is appointed. The purpose of this essay is to describe how the work environment is ensured on a shared workplace. In order to answer the essays questions I?ve used a juridical method to interpret the law.
"Miljön är A och O" : En kvalitativ studie om arbetet med planering och utformning av förskolans pedagogiska miljö
This graduate work is about didactic issues related to the preschool environment. The study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how the preschool teachers can plan and design the indoor environment to promote children's development and learning. We will also examine how the work of the preschool indoor environment relates to the kindergarten curriculum. This will be examined through qualitative interviews with teachers at a preschool in Botkyrka municipality. The thesis is based on an inductive study method so the theoretical approach has been chosen by the informants' responses.
Pedagogiska miljöer : En undersökning om hur miljön påverkar inlärningen
Many of the schools premises are neglected and the physical environment has not been prioritised. Instead the focus is set on scientific learning methods and pedagogic. The need for an environmental shift has not got an essential place in the governing documents for schools, although the focus on school premises should be suited to the purpose of the activity and for the pupils needs. Today the interest and the need of research within the physical environment is evermore increasing. The Swedish Work Environment Authority, present in their activityplan for 2006, that the schools premises and equipment is not adjusting to today?s activity and it is in bad condition that can lead to work-related injuries.The purpose of this essay is to bring to light a different pedagogic train of thought around the surrounding environments importance, for students learning and to compare these with our study of a selection of classrooms and what the teachers to these classrooms consider about the environments importance.
Psykosocial och sexuell hälsa hos unga män födda med analatresi. Att hantera sin livssituation med en medfödd missbildning
The aim of this study was to examine young men born between 1990-1995 with anorectal malformations (ARM) whom have undergone the new PSARP-operation starting in 1990, and how they experience their psychosocial and sexual health. The study also examines how they cope with their life situation and what their experience is of the health care and how they were responded to through out the years.
This study is a qualitative research and consists seven semi- structured interviews with young men between sixteen and twenty years old. The analyses of this material resulted in three themes around which the study centers: psychosocial health, sexual health and the medical establishment and the informants thoughts about the proposition of counseling for themselves and other individuals born with ARM.
The study shows that these young men have a good psychosocial health and a likely reason for that is good parental relationships and close friendships.
Utvärdering av AKKTIV föräldrautbildning: föräldrars bedömningar av barnens kommunikativa utveckling
This study investigates, through parental evaluations, communicativeand adaptive abilities within a group of children with various developmentaldisorders, after the parents had participated in AKKTIV (Augmentative andAlternative Communication ? Early Intervention) parental education. The studyalso investigates through case studies how parents experience the influence ofAKKTIV-intervention in their children?s development a few years aftercompletion. The parents estimated their children?s abilities using three differentquestionnaires; the Swedish Communicative Developmental Inventories(SECDI), Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II (VABS-II) and parts of theform? Parents? perception of the interaction with their child?, before and afterthe intervention.
Bilder av föräldraskap : En studie om hur föräldraskap konstrueras i barnhälsovårdens föräldragrupper
The parental education groups are an activity that attracts the majority of all couples that awaits their first child. Therefore this is a forum with strong influence on the formulation of the parenting. The aim of the study was to examine how parental education within Swedish child health care, affects the construction and shaping of parenthood. We have also studied this from a gender perspective. The starting point for our understanding of parenting is that it is socially constructed.
Föräldramedverkan vid utförande av vårdåtgärder i hemmet efter instruktion/utbildning från sjuksköterska : Föräldrars och sjuksköterskors upplevelser
Introduction: Parental involvement is becoming increasingly common in the paediatric health care. Parental participation at home means that parents receive instruction by nursing staff in order to perform a caregiving procedure at home.Aim: To explore parents' feelings about performing caregiving procedures on their child at home, and their experience of instruction about these, and to explore nurses? experiences of their instruction to parents.Method: A descriptive quantitative and qualitative design using questionnaires with statements to be responded by nurses and parents according to scales graded 1-10. The study was carried out during the autumn of 2009 at a pediatric unit in the University Hospital in Uppsala.Results: Ten completed questionnaires from the nursing staff and ten from parents were obtained. The mean assessment of parents' perceived safety and security, and their perception that their questions had been answered ranged between 8,6 and 9,2.
Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar av föräldrars delaktighet i vården av unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa.
Background: Young adults undergo a phase in life when they try to become independent individuals and are expected to take responsibility. The transition to adult life, cause hardship for all young adults, but with concurrent mental illness this transition can be more complicated. The young adults may need support from their parents in connection with care.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' perceptions of parental participation in the care of young adults with mental illness.Method: To describe the perceptions of a phenomenon, qualitative interviews with a phenomenographic approach were conducted. The interview texts were analyzed into five description categories and 10 perceptions. In the study, eight nurses were interviewed.Results: The result shows that parental participation in the care is based on the young adult's decision.
Plötslig spädbarnsdöd, ett känsligt ämne : En litteraturöversikt om risker, förebyggande åtgärder och sjuksköterskans roll vid SIDS
Background:The sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has always existed. In the early 1990's, researchers discovered that prone position was associated with a significantly higher risk for SIDS. This resulted in a lowered incidence of SIDS in the world. The campaign showed the value of risk knowledge and risk reducing methods, that's why new information campaigns about other risks regarding SIDS must occur.Aim:The aim was to describe the risk factors and preventive actions for SIDS, and the nurse's role regarding the preventive work. Method: A literature review based on 16 articles based on qualitative and quantitative studies.
Den fysiska miljön och skapandet av tjänstekvalitet hos frisörföretag
This paper exemplifies how the physical environment affects clients? experienced service quality and how companies work with the physical environment. In the empiric study, we conducted a case study and studied two hairdressing saloons. The study showed a connection between physical environment and experienced service quality in the business of hairdressing. Owners of hairdressing saloons perceive that a combination of the personal meeting and the physical environment influence the clients? general impression and their experience of quality.