

4064 Uppsatser om Parent support - Sida 31 av 271

C2-monitor : en rapport om utvecklingen av ett mobilt gränssnitt

This report presents the development process of a mobile interface for the C2-monitor. A monitoring tool used to support the operations for the broadcasting services of Ericsson Broadcasting and Media Services (EBMS). With the support of the C2-monitor, operators can monitor hundreds of channels and services produced from EBMS. To enhance a more flexible working environment, the C2-monitor needs to be developed further to support mobile devices with a customized design to take advantage of mobile phones features and functionality. Established and well-recognized design methods and principles have been applied in the development process and user testing have been made iteratively throughout the project.

Mobila tjänster för studenter : En undersökning av mobilapplikationer för studentliv

This study aims to highlight the activities and needs of students in order to explain how mobile services can provide support and facilitate students on a daily basis. The empirical data is based on discussions with a focus group combined with already existing research concerning the areas of mobile service development, contextual-awareness and ubiquitous computing. The results from the focus group show that students have a need for mobile services to help and support them in their ordinary tasks and activities. In the discussion of this report we bring up aspects of development and what to think of when dealing with students..

Barnen bakom missbruket : yrkesverksammas erfarenheter av gruppen som stöd

The aim of this essay was to study how the communities work with groups as a support to children with addictive parents, and to increase my understanding of the groups meaning as a support. My main questions have been: How are the child group sessions formed? What kind of experience does the group leaders have regarding their functions? The study is a qualitative investigation that has been turned to prefessionals in the subject area and  is based on 6 interviews and secondary sources. The material has been analyzed from a narrativ theory as well as a salutogent perspective. Research shows that children growing up in an addictive environment often have decreased psychological health and are overrepresented amongst those who developed a future addiction.

En beskrivning av manuellt test : Svagheter och styrkor med och utan stöd avett testverktyg

Test is an area in system development. Test can be performed manually or automated. Test activities can be supported by Word documents and Excel sheets for documenting and executing test cases and as well for follow up, but there are also new test tools designed to support and facilitate the testing process and the activities of the test. This study has described manual test and identified strengths and weaknesses of manual testing with a testing tool called Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) and of manual testing using test cases and test log templates developed by the testers at Sogeti. The result that emerged from the problem and strength analysis and the analysis of literature studies and firsthand experiences (in terms of creating, documenting and executing test cases) addresses the issue of the following weaknesses and strengths.

Inkludering ? en studie om lärares syn på och erfarenheter av klassrummets mångfald

The aim with this thesis was to study how primary school teachers perceive their mission in working with inclusive education. The aim was also to study their thoughts and experience of the Special education support. To conduct the inquiry twelve primary school teachers from two different communities in Sweden were asked to give their views of inclusive education. The central issues was how the primary school teachers interprets the concept of inclusion, the opportunities and obstacles they perceived and how the Special education support was formed in the work with inclusion in their schools. The result shows that the majority part of the primary teachers interprets the concept as a spatial or social inclusion.

?Vi måste alla lära oss mer? : En normkritisk studie om blivande specialpedagogers och speciallärares kunskaper om och syn på ADHD.

The most common neuropsychiatric diagnose among children and adolescents in Swedish schools today is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Many of these pupils are in need of special support and it is therefore important that special teachers and special educational needs coordinators (SENCO:s) have the competence required to meet their needs. The purpose of this essay was to study special teacher and SENCO students? knowledge and attitudes regarding ADHD. This was done using a norm critical and gender perspective.

Lärande i andra vågen : En studie om lärande inom företag efter implementering av nytt affärssystem

Introducing a new type of IT-structure means a change that employees within an organization must adapt to. Today, many companies have implemented information technology in the form of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and find themselves in th so-called Second Wave stage where an after work is ongoing with continual improvement that involves changes that employees need to understand and act upon. To learn how to work with these recurrent misadventures is of importance because it is seen as a critical factor in order to take advantage of the ERP system and its benefits. To study this a study was conducted through personal interviews at Apoteksgruppen AB which a few years ago introduced a new ERP system. There the authors saw that employees learned in different ways depending on the position, and that the more responsibility this person had the greater freedom this person had to resolve their problems and therefore learned more effectively.

Närståendes delaktighet vid vård av äldre : -bemötande, tillgänglighet och information

Studies show that older is an increased proportion patients in hospital and that it is a patient group that can be difficult to communicate with because of older patients' often multiple disease picture. Relatives to the patient can be help for caregivers in the communication and the care of the patient. The aim with the study was to examine relative's experience of participation, meeting/support, accessibility and information on a geriatrics rehabilitation care unit. The study had a descriptive design and was designed as a questionnaire study. It was implemented on one geriatrics rehabilitation care unit on the countryside in central Sweden, belong to Uppsala University hospital.

Upplevelser av att leva med övervikt : En systematisklitteraturstudie

Background: Schizophrenia is a serious disease with potential to implicate consequences on both the family and the sick. Nurses have a fundamental responsibility to relieve suffering, and also to offer support to both the individual and the family.Aim: To illuminate experiences of being a family member to a person with schizophrenia.Method: A systematic literature review was chosen. Nine articles were included. After having analyzed the results six categories were found.Result: The family members experienced the disease as fluctuating and stressful. Some felt ashamed for their sick family member and withdrew from the rest of the society.

Familjemedlemmars upplevelser av att vara anhörig till en person med schizofreni.

Background: Schizophrenia is a serious disease with potential to implicate consequences on both the family and the sick. Nurses have a fundamental responsibility to relieve suffering, and also to offer support to both the individual and the family.Aim: To illuminate experiences of being a family member to a person with schizophrenia.Method: A systematic literature review was chosen. Nine articles were included. After having analyzed the results six categories were found.Result: The family members experienced the disease as fluctuating and stressful. Some felt ashamed for their sick family member and withdrew from the rest of the society.

Upplevelsen av att inte kunna sluta röka vid kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is one of the most widespread lung diseases today and is a growing cause for suffering and mortality worldwide. It is considered to be the third leading cause of death in the near future. Smoking is the most important risk factor for this disease and about 50% of smokers develop COPD. The purpose of this study was to mediate the experience of not being able to stop smoking described by persons diagnosed with mild or moderate COPD. The study involved five women and five men.

Den Jordiske Fadern. Bilden av Josef i barndomsberättelserna i Matteus och Lukas

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the authors of Matthew and Luke describe Joseph; The main aim is to see how the picture of him is drawn in the infancy narratives of their respectiveGospels; what unites, and what distinguishes the pictures of the two evangelists' account of Joseph,as a character and as a father.With the help of both textual and grammatical criticism, this study investigates - pericope bypericope - different aspects of Joseph's participation in the infancy narratives of Matthew and Luke; his relationship to the child and the mother, the terms used to describe him, and his overall modusoperandi. This essay builds its structure upon the individual study of each pericope, with the aim of painting a general and summarized picture.From the outset of already formulated uniting characteristics of the two gospels, as stated in Raymond E Brown's The Birth of the Messiah this study proposes that more can be said about the common features of Matthew and Luke, especially concerning Joseph's both character and relationto the child. First, this study suggests that both Matthew and Luke describe Joseph as the legal father of Jesus; second, both evangelists seems to describe Joseph as observant of Jewish law andcustom.The main impression of the two evangelists' birth narratives is however the differencesconcerning the description of Joseph. This study shows that there is one major common feature: the ambivalence evident in the evangelists' way of describing Joseph. On the one hand, both Matthew and Luke prescribe Joseph some importance; Matthew by describing Joseph and letting him act,Luke by calling him father and parent.

Fast Patrol Boats i Peace Support Operations

Har storleken någon betydelse?Enligt den amerikanske marina militärteoretikern Milan N. Vego har den detvad avser fartyg vid mellanstatliga konflikter i kustnära farvatten.Denna uppsats syftar till att svara på frågan om samma förhållanden gäller vidPeace Support Operations (PSO).Uppsatsen analyserar Vegos tes, små ytstridsfartygs egenskaper, kraven vidPSO:s och de fall där små ytstridsenheter har verkat vid PSO:s.Slutligen värderas analyserade fakta och frågan besvaras..

Stöd och bemötande som föräldrar till barn diagnostiserade med cancer behöver från sjuksköterskor : en litteraturbaserad studie

BAKGRUND: Barncancer drabbar inte bara det sjuka barnet utan också dess föräldrar. Eftersom föräldrarna är barnets trygga bas i livet, är det viktigt att också stödja dem. För att som sjuksköterska kunna ge en god omvårdnad till dessa föräldrar är det av stor vikt att få tillgång till samlad kunskap om föräldrarnas uttryckta behov av det stöd och bemötande de behöver från sjuksköterskor. SYFTE: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva vilket stöd och bemötande föräldrar till barn diagnostiserade med cancer behöver från sjuksköterskor. METOD: En kvalitativ litteraturbaserad studie av tidigare utförd forskning, där tretton vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar analyserades.

I sökandet efter kärlek : Möjligheter och hinder med att träffa en partner för personer med Aspergers syndrom eller intellektuella funktionshinder

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge of possibilities and obstacles for disabled people to meet a partner. The ambition was to know more about wishes for and needs of professional or other support. The methods have been literature studies, survey research, and interviews. A simple questionnaire was sent to administrative staff and social welfare officers who gave the information that they experienced those persons with intellectual disability or Aspergers syndrome had asked for support to meet a partner. To get a perspective from inside six semi structured interviews were made with disabled people having experience of relationships, love affairs.

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