

4064 Uppsatser om Parent support - Sida 13 av 271

Barns upplevelse av psykosvårdens barngrupp : en undersökning av en grupp för barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar

The aim of this essay was to study children?s experiences of their participation in a programme for children who have a parent with a mental illness. The study was written at the request of the Psychosis care in Örebro and was accomplished by qualitative interviews with five children at the ages of 11 to 16 years old. Previous research concerning children who have a parent with a mental illness and programmes for these children is accounted for. Antonovsky´s conception KASAM together with the conceptions of guilt and shame were used as the theoretical frame, from which the results of the interviews were analysed.

Upplevelser av brister inom amningsvård bland kvinnor som vårdats på BB-avdelning post partum

A part of the midwife?s profession is to promote and support breastfeeding. The objective of this study was to describe the perception of the level of support and advice regarding breast-feeding given to women who have received postnatal care at maternity wards, and to present the opinions of the aforementioned women on how this support could be improved.Method: Women who have given birth at Uppsala University Hospital were routinely asked to fill in internet-based questionnaires regarding their views on the care that they have received. In this study, our data consists of the feedback from four questions in these questionnaires regarding breast-feeding. The answers to the closed questions were presented with descriptive statistics and the comments on two open questions have been analysed with content analysis.Results: Out of 622 women who were cared for at the hospital?s maternity ward after giving birth, 83% stated that they were very satisfied or satisfied with the information and support they received about breast-feeding, and 78% expressed the same views regarding the delivery ward.

Det lidande djuret: från ett djurvänligt svenskt folk till ett humant samhälle. En diskursanalys av föreställningar om djur i svensk djurskyddspolitik under efterkrigstiden.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Tvångsinlösenpris vid kontantbud efter Balken-målet

The purpose of this paper is to investigate what consequences the discussed Balken-case have had with regards to freeze-out prices decisions for cash bids. In order to evaluate this, a comparison with a previous study is made. Last but not least, the aim is also to see what kind of arguments the minority successfully can make use of in order to reach a higher freeze-out price nowadays. Underlying the results is basically an empirical survey based on arbitrations disclosing the tendencies after the Balken-case compared to before. The empirical investigation shows that practice has become more clear and uniform after the settlement of the Balken-case where a movement from theoretical values towards market prices is recommended.

Anhörigstöd : Om tre fruar till personer med demenssjukdom, deras upplevelser av stöd och tre anhörigkonsulenters arbete med att stödja

The paper aims to examine how the wives of men with dementia experience their lives and how they perceive support from the society. The paper also aims to highlight the family care consultants´ work and views on support for families of people with dementia.Three spouses of people with dementia and three family care consultants were interviewed and the results were analyzed using Antonovsky's (1991) three theoretical concepts; comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness that comes from his theory Sense of coherence.The results show that the three wives whose men suffered from dementia spend most of their time, effort and energy on their husbands. They do not have time to think about their own needs and what support they feel they could use for themselves. They do not think about themselves as caregivers, they are spouses.Family care consultants are well aware of the importance of meeting and see the relatives in their lives, and denounces the importance of a support designed individually. Family care consultants understand that the most important and the best support society can provide a family care giver is that their close ones are well taken care of and given good care..

Palliativ vård. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans syn på mötet med döende patienter och närstående.

Palliative care concerns care of those who are dying and when cure is no longer an option. The nurse´s job is then to support the patient and to give care of good qualitive so that the patient will experience optimal quality of life. The aim of this literature review was to describe how the nurse can prepare herself/himself for the meeting with both the patient and close ones also to describe a nurse´s need of support and education. Nine studies have been used as a foundation for this literature review. Four headlines have been crystallized out of the result, a) the view of death b) the impact of the meeting c) the importance of support d) the importance of preparation and education.

Hur mår våra lärare? : tio gymnasielärares röster om deras upplevda arbetssituation

Our purpose with this qualitative study is to investigate how teachers experience their work situation, using Karasek and Theorell?s demand-, control- and support model. The study is based upon ten semi-structured interviews with gymnasium teachers. The interviews were transcribed and coded with three different themes; demand, control and support. We analyzed the results with Karasek and Theorell?s mentioned model.

BB vård i hemmet efter hemgång direkt från förlossningsenhet

A part of the midwife?s profession is to promote and support breastfeeding. The objective of this study was to describe the perception of the level of support and advice regarding breast-feeding given to women who have received postnatal care at maternity wards, and to present the opinions of the aforementioned women on how this support could be improved.Method: Women who have given birth at Uppsala University Hospital were routinely asked to fill in internet-based questionnaires regarding their views on the care that they have received. In this study, our data consists of the feedback from four questions in these questionnaires regarding breast-feeding. The answers to the closed questions were presented with descriptive statistics and the comments on two open questions have been analysed with content analysis.Results: Out of 622 women who were cared for at the hospital?s maternity ward after giving birth, 83% stated that they were very satisfied or satisfied with the information and support they received about breast-feeding, and 78% expressed the same views regarding the delivery ward.

Synen på och stödet till Göteborgs stadsbibliotek 1891-1961

This master's thesis asks two main questions concerning the history of the City and UniversityLibrary of Gothenburg: what was the prevailing view of the library and its role? Whateconomic support did the library receive and from whom?By critically examining extensive source material mainly from the library archives and cityand state records, these conclusions are drawn: the City and University Library was regardedas a purely scientific library by all involved except the state as early as the 1920s. The state didnot express this view until 1946. The support came almost exclusively from the city ofGothenburg, the state not extending support on a larger scale until 1946 and then onlysporadically. The widely-held view of the library as a scientific one was ignored by the statein its repeated refusals to grant the library support both before and after 1946.

Chatt i supportsyfte : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur chatt upplevs som supportkanal

Det blir alltmer vanligt fo?r fo?retag att erbjuda sina kunder support och hja?lp via en chatt. Chatt a?r en relativt ny kanal fo?r att hantera och erbjuda support till kunder. Ma?nga fo?retag va?ljer att anva?nda sig av en chatt, dock utan att ta?nka pa? de konsekvenser det medfo?r fo?r organisationen och de ansta?llda.

Barn och ungdomars upplevelser och behov av stöd då de kommer i kontakt med mobbning

AbstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the reason why students contact adults if they are involved in any kind of bullying, what support they had received and wished for, as well as to investigate why student don?t contact adults. About of 150 students, 50 girls and 56 boys (70%) had experienced bullying of different kinds; some had more than one kind of experience. The students expressed that they had contacted adults when they ?felt unwell? and to ?stop bullying?.

Änglabarn : Föräldrars upplevelser av att förlora ett barn i sjukdom

Background: When a parent loses its child life will change drastically and assume other conditions. The loss of a child affects the whole human existence, the grief can be very intense as well as in-depth and find expression both on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. Aim: The aim is to describe parents? experiences of losing a child to illness. Method: Graneheim and Lundmans manifest content analysis method was used to the method based on qualitative raw material in forms of three Swedish autobiographies.

I vilkas intressen förs den nya svenska biståndspolitiken? En textanalytisk studie i vilkas intresse den svenska biståndspolitiken har förändrats och vilkas intressen som återspeglas i den nya biståndspolitiken.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Förälder och pedagoger i samverkan -en fallstudie (Parent and teachers in cooperation - a case study

Persson, Maura & Salimi-Amlashi, Nasrin (2010). Förälder och pedagoger i samverkan ? en fallstudie. (Parent and teaachers in cooperation ? a case study).

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