

3277 Uppsatser om Parent\\\'s experiences - Sida 2 av 219

Man kom så knäckt, trasig till kropp och själ Föräldraperspektiv på barnets deltagande i stödgruppsverksamhet

Support group activities for children with mentally ill parent´s, without a parallel parent group, is by far the most common form in Sweden. The activities have primarily focused on increasing the frequency of the protective factors around children. Of course, parents and the families are also influenced of children´s participating in these activities. Most studies examining support group activities for children from the child's perspective. The experiences of parent?s perspective have not been well studied.

Med fokus på fredssoldatens barn : En småskalig studie av hur barn och familj hanterat situationen i samband med en förälders utlandstjänst

The purpose of this essay was to study the family situation in connection to the absence of one parent due to participation in international peacekeeping and peace enforcement operations. Focus was on the temporarily absent parent's point of view. The study was based on five interviews with parents shortly after their returning home. The main questions has been how the parent described the child-parent relationship before, during and after the absence; the children's experience during this time according to the parent and the family's adjusting to and coping with the situation. Conclusions made from the study show that with a good stabile child-parent relationship and good parenting skills of both parents the families in this study were successful in coping with the situation.

?En ensam kamp om hjälp?Hur bemöter vi suicidbenägna ungdomar och deras föräldrar??A lonely struggle for help?How are suicidal youth and their parents being met?

The aim of this study was to examine how the feelings of ?being met? from personnel can affect suicidal youth and their parents, when searching for help. Five Swedish parents share their experiences of ?being met? by personnel regarding the care of their child who has taken their life. ?Face to face? interviews where done with four of the parents.

Förälder på olika villkor : En studie av kriminalvårdensarbete med frihetsberövade föräldrar

The aim of this study is to look into the correctional system?s work with parent ship of incarcerated mothers and fathers from a gender perspective. It is a qualitative study and two interviews have been done with employees from a prison for women and one interview from a prison for men. Two interviews have been done with two former incarcerated parents, one mother and one father. One interview has also been done with an organization which gives children with incarcerated parents support and an opportunity to meet other children in the same situation.

Förändring som väckte känslor, när olika världar möts : en essä om samverkan i förskolan

This essay deals with the complexity that I perceive in the collaboration processes between preschool and parents. In the essay I present my interpretation of two self-perceived situations where my experience has been that the cooperation has not worked satisfactorily for either part. As a basis for my conclusions I use different theories and studies within the domain. My own experiences - both from ten years of working in preschool as well as from an eight-year experience of being a parent also comes into use. The purpose of my essay is to investigate how different horizons of understanding can come into collision, and how limitations in our own understanding of the perspectives of others can complicate collaboration between educators and parents.In the first story I discuss a situation where, in my professional role, I go into a conflict with a parent about how we have chosen to implement some changes.

Att bli förälder till ett prematurt barn - Litteraturstudie/Becoming a parent when a child is born premature - Literature review

Background: Almost every 20th child is borne premature in Sweden, before the parents are ready to care for a new family member. The parents need to cope with the stress and anxiety of having their newborn child in the neonatal ward and influenced by nursing care of neonatal staff grow their parental role.Purpose: The aim of this study was to illustrate experiences of parenthood within the care of premature at the neonatal ward.Method: A review where 18 articles between 2000 and 2005 were chosen and examined. The articles were analysed according to VIPS, which facilitates the practical use of the result.Result: The study reveals that parenthood is experienced as a time dependent process with three phases, primary, secondary and tertiary, where the parent?s needs and experiences changed character. The parents experienced that they developed from passive to active in the care of the premature child when the neonatal staff guided their participation, gave information/education and support.

"Jag brukade skoja och säga att de hade vuxit en skostorlek varje gång jag träffade barnen : " (Sagt av en pappa då han beskrev hur sällan han såg sina barn)- En studie kring frihetsberövade pappor och deras barn.- An essay about incarcerated fathers and

ABSTRACTTo be a incarcerated parent and separated from your children can awake difficult thoughts and feelings of being powerless and burdened with debt. When it gives possibilities to maintain connections between the parent and child it can make a feeling of belonging and security. Children and families have long struggled with the difficulties created when a parent goes to prison. The aim with this essay has been to look into how fathers in prison, professionals from correctional institutions and social workers experiences of the connections between children and their incarcerated fathers. We reached our aim through interviews with fathers who had been incarcerated, professionals from correctional institutions, social workers and by literature studies.

Att vara förälder till ett barn med medfött hjärtfel : en litteraturstudie

Introduction : Structural cardiac malformations affects 0.8-1% of children born worldwide, in Sweden 800-1000 children per year. Most children with congenital heart disease and their families will have frequent and lifelong contact with highly specialized care. Awareness of the parents experience is crucial in order to improve the nursing care. These experiences will be illustrated using a theoretical model of family-based nursing. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe experiences of being a parent to a child with a congenital heart disease.

Marte meo-metoden på behandlingshem : en kvalitativ studie utifrån föräldrars och behandlares perspektiv

This study aims to explore parents and treatment personnels experiences of the Marte meo methodat a family treatment home. Three retrospective interviews were made with parents whoexperienced Marte meo treatment, as well as four interviews with treatment personnel. The purposeof the Marte meo method is to develop the interaction between parent and child. Previous resultsfrom studies show that treatment with the Marte meo method could provide positive effects to theparent child relationship. The results in this study have been analyzed by using parts of attachmenttheory, the salutogenic perspective and the term intersubjectivity.

En studie av några föräldrars syn på delaktighet i förskolan : Parent`s involvement in preschool

AbstractMy aim for this study is to examine what the parent?s of the children attending pre-schoolwants to be a part of, by examining the parent?s description of the performance review andwhat their experience from them was. This study is based on earlier research and literature,which describes the pre-schools activities, how they work and the documented goals they tryto accomplish. I also did eight interviews with parents from two municipalities, which I theninterpreted based on my experience and understanding. The interviews focused on theparent?s description of their experience of how much influence on the work in their child'spre-school.

Upplevelse av stöd och hjälp : Föräldrar till barn & ungdomar med Aspergers syndrom

AbstractIn this survey the authors studied how having a child with Aspergers syndrome affects theparents. The purpose of this survey was getting a glimpse of the parent?s experiences ofsupport from governmental instances as well as from their own network. This survey has beenexecuted from a qualitative point of view. The authors have completed interviews with sixparents of children with Aspergers syndrome.

Betydelsen av ett moderbolags insyn och kontroll över sitt dotterbolag vid prissättning av koncerninterna lån

Transfer pricing including internal loans have increased in recent years, making it easier for companies to minimize their taxable income. After the Swedish court case Diligentia, there have been discussions regarding the influence of a parent company's transparency and control of the subsidiary with regards to the interest rates on internal loans. In court cases that followed Diligentia, the Swedish Tax Agency argued that a parent company always could be assumed to have sufficient transparency and control of the operations in the subsidiary, and therefore reduce the risk on their debt obligations. This thesis seeks to analyze the effects of the transparency and control a parent company has with regards to interest rates on internal loans. The analysis is conducted by analyzing court cases similar to Diligentia.

Föräldrars upplevelser då barnet har ADHD liknande symtombild

The aim of this essay is to examine how parents to children with large undiagnosed behaviour problems experience the parent role and the support they can obtain in their role as parents.To get a deeper description of the parent?s situation a qualitative method is used for the study. The interview carried out through a personal meeting and a question schedule with opened questions where used.The answers of the interview show that parents experience lot of problems. The children don?t get the support in school that the parent think they need because the child don?t have diagnose.

"Mamma vann, hon klarade allt!" : Barns upplevelser av föräldrastödsprogrammet Komet

AbstractEvidence based research has shown that organized parent support programmes have a goodeffect in strengthening the role of the parent and preventing problems during growth. Thisin turn has a great significance for Public Health.Komet is one of the evidence based programmes used in Sweden, based on Americanprogrammes and adapted to Swedish conditions.This qualitative study consists of interviews with six children between six and nine yearswith behaviour problems, whose parents have taken part in the Komet programme.With Grounded Theory as research approach the children?s experiences of the programmeand relations within the family have been looked into and analysed.The result of this study suggests that a space for growth of their own is a common need ofthe children, and that this can be achieved by giving them the opportunity to function in afamily environment where they are seen and understood.The Komet programme contributed to this by giving the family tools to strengthen relationswithin the family, create calm and make the children more visible.The self image of the children in this study had improved which gave them more room togrow in a strengthened family situation. This in turn improved conditions for good feelings,and sense of well being, of importance for child development and health..

Bemötande av barn vars föräldrar är döende eller har avlidit. En litteraturstudie

Each year over 3000 children in Sweden lose a parent. The loss of a parent may cause some grave changes in a child?s life, leading to both mental and physical consequences. The purpose of this literature study is to examine the different ways in which health care personnel can better receive and relate to children whose parents are dying or have passed away.Data was collected through such sources as Pubmed, Academic Search Elite and Cinahl, which resulted in the inclusion of sixteen subsequent articles, ten of which were quantitative and six of which were qualitative. Thirteen of the said articles illustrate how children act in response to a dying or deceased parent and what measures were needed for them to move on with their lives.

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