

78 Uppsatser om Pallet collar - Sida 2 av 6

Gis och realtids-GPS på renar : renens habitatanvändning i brukad skog - två vintersäsonger i Vilhlemina Norra Sameby

This study is commissioned by the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU - Department of Forest Resource Management) in coorporation with Sveaskog and Vilhelmina Norra Sami reindeer herding community. The purpose of this study is to analyse movement patterns and habitat use of reindeers during two winter seasons (2005/2006 and 2006/2007) in areas affected by forestry activities such as clearcutting. This study examines the possibilities of analysing information from Reindeer husbandry plans and forest variable data from kNN and SMD, in relation to GPS collar points from reindeers by using Geographical Information System (GIS). Lack of knowledge and understanding between the reindeer industry and the timber industry has often led to heated debates. The possibilities of using this type of technique are very interesting and could increase knowledge concerning land-use issues to different resource users. The main results from analyses comparing SMD, kNN, data about clearcuts, and GPS collar points from reindeers indicates that clearcut areas, younger forest, coniferous forest on lichen-dominated areas and areas dominated by pine was preferred by reindeers during the winter period.

Utsmyckningsidentitet En studie om äldre bronsålderns utsmyckningskombinationer funna med halskragar och halsringar.

The aim with this essay is to explore the possibility that jewellery was worn in combinations during the Bronze Age in the south of Sweden and Denmark as a way to show identities. By examining neck-collars and neck-rings and the jewellery found with these objects in graves, I have managed to find a few combinations that re-occur within regions which I think point towards ways of expressing different identities.To fully explore the subject I have also examined the design of the neck-collar to see if the designs have the same regional difference as the combinations. Though there is some difference between regions it is the similarity of the design over regions that stand out. It is possible that the design of the neck-collar has shown a different meaning than the jewellery combinations.There are similarities between the jewellery found in combinations in the graves and the jewellery found in hoards. Neck-collars and neck-rings found in combination with other jewellery in hoards show a greater regularity over the south of Sweden and Denmark then those combinations found in the graves..

Medkämpe i arbetarklassens stora befrielsekamp : Föreställningar om klass, kön och skötsamhet i tidningen Arbetets Kvinnor 1927-1931

This is a study of the trade union journal for female blue collar women in Sweden, Arbetets Kvinnor, between 1927 and 1931. The purpose is to examine how a female trade union activist's constructs collective identity by those notions of social class, sex, and moral values that are articulated in the journal. The main theoretical basis is Alberto Melucci's analysis where he argues that a collective identity in social movements is made in an interaction between individuals, where the action possibilities and limits are defined. Another purpose is how the female blue collar worker's resistance and/or adaption to the male hegemonic trade union and the bourgeoisie hegemonic society are presented. The essay shows how the collective identity is made of both historical and contemporary images of the working class women as workers and trade union activists.

Navigera rätt med användaren : Användarinvolvering inom produktutveckling

This Master Thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Silva Sweden AB. A companywhich manufactures products like compasses, pedometers, headlamps, hiking poles and otherequipment for the out door life and navigation. The purpose of the project has been toassemble methods and models which support user involvement in Silva?s design process.Thus, to increase the number of products with purchasing power, enhance product quality aswell as increase foundation for new product ideas.The focus through out the project has been to assemble a pallet with methods for userinvolvement and from this select a few methods that will fit the company. The purpose of thepallet is to be accessible for the company during their work of change with the design processthat has been going on and will be in the future.

Medarbetaravtal vid motorproduktionen i Skövde - inverkan på anställningsrätten, förläggning av arbetstiden, arbetstagarorganisationernas inflytande, samt arbetstagares arbetsskyldighet

White- and blue collar workers traditionally belong to different unions and, therefore, are covered by different collective agreements. Collective agreements for different employee categories create internal divisions, which mean that white collar workers are not obliged to do work that falls under a blue collar agreement and reversed. Historically the difference between white- and blue collar work has been fairly sharp and so has the difference between collective agreements. Due to the continuous development of technology white- and blue collar work within production has become less clear. This has resulted in an increasing amount of disagreements regarding what collective agreement should apply and whether the employee is obliged to perform different work tasks.


Detta är en lastpall konstruerad i 1.5 mm stålplåt. Den fyller träpallens funktioner med bärighet, mått och vikt. På marknaden finns det plast, metall och träpallar, vanligast är dock trä. Fördelarna med Ferrupallen är att den står emot heta detaljer och har en konstant vikt. Ferrupallen väger 25,7 kg.

Kyllä se järjestyy. : En intersektionell studie av inflyttade kvinnors arbetssituation i Pajala kommun.

This study is an intersectional analysis of how women who?ve immigrated to the bilingual municipality of Pajala, experience their current and future work life. The study is based on nine qualitative interviews with women of different class, age and origin. A number of constellations of relationships between these categories emerge in this study. What seems most central is that traditional notions of femininity and masculinity segregate labor vertically and horizontally.

Konstruktion av truckmonterad hjulhanterare

GBD-Storage Systems is a company that provides the industries with products for efficient storage.The company produces pallet racks and accessories like cassettes and extending units. The companyhas also supplied tire racks for a number of tire companies. The company's CEO Gunnar Berglund hasfor some time had an idea to improve the working situation of the workers on tire firms by allowingthe wheels to be handled by a counterbalance truck. The current situation poses numerous heavy liftswhen the tires are handled and therefore is hurting the workers.This thesis has been aiming at helping the GBD-Storage Systems by developing a concept of howan accessory to counterbalanced trucks can be designed to cope with the wheels. This concept willthen be produced as prototype by the company.

POP UPP Café, med skoven som nabo och Pallet Pavilion : en studie av tillfällig landskapsarkitektur i staden

Av tradition förknippas landskapsarkitektur med permanenta lösningar, men under de senaste åren har den tillfälliga landskapsarkitekturen fått allt större genomslagskraft världen över. Projektens syfte, upphovsmakare, utformning, tidsspann, skala och inverkan varierar. Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera vad begreppet tillfällig landskapsarkitektur är samt analysera hur sådan arkitektur kan inverka på människor och städer. Tre projekt valdes ut som exempel att studera: POP UPP Café i Uppsala, Med skoven som nabo i Århus och Pallet Pavilion i Christchurch. En studie av projektens utformning och den respons de fick exemplifierar den tillfälliga landskapsarkitekturens uttryck och varierande inverkan beroende på plats, tid, sammanhang och brukare.

Drama - en metod för barn som inte leker?

This is a study of the trade union journal for female blue collar women in Sweden, Arbetets Kvinnor, between 1927 and 1931. The purpose is to examine how a female trade union activist's constructs collective identity by those notions of social class, sex, and moral values that are articulated in the journal. The main theoretical basis is Alberto Melucci's analysis where he argues that a collective identity in social movements is made in an interaction between individuals, where the action possibilities and limits are defined. Another purpose is how the female blue collar worker's resistance and/or adaption to the male hegemonic trade union and the bourgeoisie hegemonic society are presented. The essay shows how the collective identity is made of both historical and contemporary images of the working class women as workers and trade union activists.

Activity patterns of snow leopards (Panthera uncia) at their kill sites

The snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is an elusive felid, native to the mountains in central Asia. Basic knowledge about the snow leopards? ecology has long been lacking but is advancing with the help of the GPS-technology. GPS cluster analysis can provide insight in the diet and prey selection of elusive predators, such as the snow leopard. Acceleration data from GPS collars can be used to study animal behavior but the two have never been combined to gain more detailed information of the feeding behavior of large carnivores.

En undersökning om möjligheterna att använda återanvändningsbara pallband till enhetslaster omlastade till träpallar.

En undersökning om möjligheterna att använda återandvändningsbara pallband och de ekonomiska förutsättningarna för detta. En genomsökning av vad som finns på marknaden. Beräkning av de krafter som enhetslasten kan utsätta pallbanden för. Utveckling av egna förslag till återanvändningsbart pallband med snabbspänne och bandning på tre sidor. En översikt av de positiva och negativa effekter som blir vid ett byte från dagens bandning med PP-band till ett återanvändningsbart pallband.

KILL THE INVENTOR : En konsekvensanalys av manschettbrottslighet

Denna studie syftar till att synliggöra olika bedrägliga beteenden som riktar sig mot innovatörer. I studien diskuteras möjligheterna till att etablera en funktion som skyddar innovatörer mot en typ av övergrepp som blir allt vanligare. Hur skall subtil manschettbrottslighet begränsas när den är både riskfri och lönsam?En vägledande fråga i diskussionen har varit: Skall innovatörer ha samma skydd för sin upphovsrätt som andra fria yrkesutövare, eller ska de fortsätta få vara villebråd utan skydd av rättsväsendet?Resultatet bygger på dokumentanalyser och en kvalitativ studie om upphovsmän till patent, samt intervjuer med personer inom branschen innovationer och entreprenörskap. Resultat baseras bl a på den kvalitativa studien och beskrivs genom fakta om innovatörerna Dr.

Förändringsarbete i staden : De boendes upplevelse av fysisk förändring i närmiljön

Eskilstuna municipality is working to be a municipality that the people who are living in it are proud of. In a way to do that two students have examined what changes are good or bad when there outdoor environment are rebuilding and changing By doing interviews with the people who are living next to two streets that already have been going through big changes and during those interviews the inhabitants have hade opportunity to explain what they are seeing as good or band changes in the surroundings. The results from these interviews have been compared to interviews with a politician`s vision for the area and white-collar workers that are working for the Eskilstuna municipality. If you want to shorten this report to a couple of sentence it would be:By planting trees and busses and letting the politicians that have a vision be part of the planning process the people that are living in that area is going to be satisfied..

Eleiko 360°

This report will present athesis on behalf of Eleiko Sports AB and carried out by two students at the InnovationEngineering (University of Halmstad). In this report the project participants willdescribe the project background along with the current product issues andneeds. A clear structure for participants, stakeholders and information flowbetween these parts will be included in this report so that you can clearly seethe areas of responsibility. The report includes a timetable which the grouphas worked along and also methods used. In the development process you will beable to read about how the students in an interdisciplinary way have used themethods and come up with an entirely new product.

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