

1698 Uppsatser om Pain Assessment - Sida 7 av 114


Bakgrund: Äldre personer med en demensdiagnos är en växande patientgrupp som ställer högre krav på sjuksköterskans förmågor. Demenssjuka personer kräver ett annorlunda synsätt och andra typer av observationer vid bedömning av smärta och smärtlindring, än personer med intakt kognitivt medvetande. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien är att belysa sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av att smärtbedöma och smärtlindra personer med demenssjukdom. Metod: En litteraturstudie där 10 vetenskapliga artiklar granskats, analyserats och tematiserats utifrån valt syfte. Resultat: Fem olika teman identifierades: Sjuksköterskans upplevelser i mötet med den demenssjuka, sjuksköterskans smärtbedömning av demenssjuka personer, sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av att använda bedömningsinstrument, farmakologisk smärtlindring och icke-farmakologisk smärtlindring.

Betyg, bedömning och sociala relationer : En studie om hider och möjligheter för likvärdig bedömning

This study examines assessment and how the teaching staff at one school reason around equivalent assessment. More specifically, it aims at studying what obstacles and possibilities the teachers identify to achieve this. Furthermore, the study wishes to gain insight about the current state of the equivalent assessment within the examined teaching staff. The study is based on five semi-structured interviews as well as previous research on the subject matter. To deepen the understanding and highlight case problems that surround assessment, the participating teachers also assess an authentic essay.

Lärares använding av formativ bedömning i matematikundervisningen : En observationsstudie av lärare i årskurs 4-6

The aim of this study was to investigate what formative assessment means and get information about how teachers? assessment practice in formative assessment can look like, based on five key strategies. I have observed five teachers in grade 4 to 6 during a week of their mathematics teaching. Formative assessment is assessment for learning and has the purpose to support students? knowledge development.

Att leva med trycksår - en litteraturstudie om hur patienter med trycksår upplever det dagliga livet

Background: Pressure ulcer is a complication that arises often due to a lowered general condition. Pressure ulcer arise because of long term compressive load application. That?s why it?s of utmost importance as a nurse to work in preventive ways, as the pressure ulcer lead to physical, psychological and social consequences for the patient. Purpose: The purpose was to describe the patients experiences of living with pressure ulcer.

Nutritionens och smärtans påverkan på välbefinnandet vid Reumatoid Artrit

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease, which affects mostly women. RA is also a chronic disease and the treatment is focused on moderating the immunological process. RA-patients experience daily pain which affect their prosperity. The aim of this literature study is to illuminate some factors that influence the well-being of patients with RA. The factors that have been studied are pain, nutrition and need of knowledge about nutrition.

Föräldrars upplevelser i samband med sitt barns akuta smärta

Background: Parents attitudes about illness and health reflects on their children. When the child has acute pain the parents often reacts with fear and confusion. The demands on the parenting role increase and therefore it´s important that the nurse show consideration for the parents experience and practise family nursing. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate parents experiences in connection with their child´s acute pain in a caregiving situation. Method: This literature study is based on ten scientific articles.

Erfarenheter av akupunktur vid förlossningssmärta

Abstract på svenska: Bakgrund: Vid en förlossning upplever kvinnan oftast svår eller extrem smärta. På senare år har efterfrågan på alternativ till traditionella smärtlindringsmetoder ökat och akupunktur har visat sig kunna ge både smärtlindring och avslappning. Syfte: Att belysa erfarenheter och upplevelser av akupunktur vid förlossningssmärta. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes genom granskning och analys av åtta vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier: Erfarenheter av smärtlindring, erfarenheter av avslappning, minskat behov av traditionell smärtlindring och akupunkturens inverkan vid förlossningens samtliga skeden.

Bedömningsarbete i grundskolans tidigare år­?lärandesyn, bedömningsprinciper och lärarpraxis : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Ryssland

Issues related to knowledge assessment and its consequences for both the individual and the entire school system are topical in today's school debate. The mere fact that didactic issues that focus on assessment are discussed actively not only in scholastic environments but even in media and other communities is further proof that knowledge assessment is an important and complex phenomenon in our lives.The subject that I have chosen to look into is about how the work with assessment issues is handled in Swedish as well as Russian elementary school's early years. The goal with this study is to see how my studies have been conducted with a qualitative approach by which I collected qualitative information in the form of documents, papers and interviews. To make the approach even more appropriate for my area of research, I have chosen to merge two qualitative research methods. The first is a qualitative content analysis which analyses the governing documents.

Eutanasi / Dödshjälp : en litteraturstudie ur patientens synvinkel

 Background: Euthanasia means help to die. Some terminally ill patients wish for euthanasia. Purpose: Illuminating terminally ill patients' desire for voluntary euthanasia. Method: A general literature study. Seven articles were reviewed and analyzed.

"Ska jag förklara det?! Alla har ju redan löst det så vad spelar det för roll?" Användandet av formativ bedömning i utvecklingen av de matematiska förmågorna i Lgy 11

The aim of this study is to investigate how mathematics teachers use formative assessment to make the course objectives clear to the student. This is part of a wider aim in Sweden to find ways for improving mathematics teaching. Qualitative semi-structrured interviews and observations were used for collecting data. Different approaches to integrate formative assessment in their classrooms is discussed: questioning, discussions in whole-class, group work and assessment and feedback. The analysis of the results indicated that the teachers thought differently about how to integrate the course objectives in their planning.

Bedömning av laborativtarbete i gymnasiefysik

In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.

Effekten av kinesiotejpning på aktivitetsförmåga och smärta hos gravida med pelvic girdle pain ? en pilotstudie

Syftet var att undersöka om kinesiotejpning kunde påverka aktivitetsförmåga och smärta hos gravida kvinnor med pelvic girdle pain. Studien var en single subjekt experimentell AB-design. Fyra kvinnor inkluderades i pilotstudien för behandling av pelvic girdle pain. Smärtan skattades och mättes med visuell analog skala. Aktivitetsförmågan mättes med Roland &  Morris disability questionnaire.Resultatet visade att gällande aktivitetsförmåga kunde det med 95 % säkerhet ses en förbättring hos tre av kvinnorna.

Sjuksköterskors attityd till smärtbedömning : En litteratustudie som belyser sjuksköterskors genomförande, inställning och bakomliggande faktorer

Smärta är ett utbrett omvårdnadsproblem och en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att människor söker sig till sjukvården. Många patienter lider av underbehandlad smärta som ofta kan relateras till en bristande smärtbedömning. Sjuksköterskan har en betydelsefull roll i smärtbedömningen där attityden kan vara en avgörande faktor för om patienten erhåller en adekvat smärtbedömning. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa sjuksköterskors attityder till smärtbedömning i sjukhusmiljö. En systematisk innehållsanalys av fjorton vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes.

Mindfulness-träning med kognitiv psykoterapiinriktning för patienter med långvarig smärta

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness training in the treatment of chronic pain, estimate the degree of mindfulness before and after intervention, and to describe the participants experience of mindfulness training. Mindfulness is defined as moment to moment, non-judgmental awareness. After the treatment of chronic pain 16 patients were offered and nine agreed to participate in mindfulness training. The intervention group took part in an 8-week group-program. The comparison group, not randomized, was 16 former patients.

Injektion till katt ? injektionsassocierad smärta samt injektioner i praktiken

Intramuscular injections to cats can generate strong reactions in some individuals while reactions of the same extent, according to the author, not always are recognized when using the subcutaneous route. The reactions are probably caused by fear, stress and/or pain. When the injection can generate pain one has to take that into account, which can be a limitation in treatment. It is well known that injections generate pain, but knowledge about the cause and processes of the injection-associated pain is limited. This is mainly due to the difficulty in finding objects to study pain on, high cost of use of laboratory animals and difficulty to obtain objective measurements. Although there is evidence that there may be a local muscle injury by intramuscular injection, it is not always that the extent of damage is related to the pain experienced. Facts about the causes of injection-associated pain have been studied in a literature review.

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