

1315 Uppsatser om Pacific Sustainability Index (PSI) - Sida 32 av 88

Aktiv fondförvaltning : Ger aktivt förvaltade fonder en bättre riskjusterad avkastning än indexfonder?

Fondsparande är något som berör alla svenskar, vare sig vi vill det eller inte. Vårt pensionssystem gör varje svensk per automatik till fondsparare och idag har 98 % av den vuxna befolkningen tillgångar i fonder. Den totala summan som svenskarna sparar i fonder har ökat under de senaste åren från 660 miljarder år 1998 till 1660 miljarder år 2007. Antalet fonder har tredubblats under samma period från 1200 till 3300 fonder. De flesta svenskar har idag sina pengar i aktivt förvaltade fonder vars uppgift är att ge en bättre avkastning än marknaden.

Europeiska Unionens makt att förändra världen : - En kvalitativ studie ur ett normativt perspektiv

The purpose with this essay was to examine how the European Union is working totransfer norms to states they signed an agreement with and provide support for inframe of the Barcelona process and the Tacis programme. The theory which weused was Ian Manners (PhD in Political Science) theory of "the EU as a uniquenormative power". The aim was to examine whether the EU - which Manners mean- has had a normative power to influence states to change. We used a qualitativeapproach through the use of a multiple case study and qualitative text and contentanalysis. The States which formed the basis of our study were within the BarcelonaProcess; Morocco and Tunisia as well as Azerbaijan and Armenia funded by theTacis programme.

Hållbar stadsutveckling : En utopisk vision eller realistisk framtid?

The aim of this study is to make clear the conception ?Sustainable Urban Development? through an investigation dealing with how the sustainable goals are attained in today?s Swedish urban planning. And also try to clarify where and why sustainable development is failing or lacking. Besides that I have investigated how actors take position towards urban sustainability. The essay is based on a literature study about sustainable urban development and it?s changes through the time and place.

Private-Public Partnerships (PPP) : collaborating for a sustainable business in Sweden

In theory, the logic behind partnerships is simple: All organisations have strengths, but no organisation has all the strength required to do everything. Triggered by global perspectives and challenged by sustainability objectives, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 pointed out needs for corporate responsibility. In this conference, Private-public partnership, PPP, was identified as a potential way to work towards sustainability, especially as a way to emphasize a corporate responsibility commitment. Nowadays, organizations exist to satisfy the needs and interests of all their stakeholders, such as customers, markets, shareholders, as well as secondary stakeholders such as media, NGOs, and society at large. Addressing all stakeholders and working towards a sustainable business development makes PPP a potential solution, but also a source of challenges.

Politisk sekterism i Libanon : En fallstudie av Taif-avtalet och den konsociationella demokratins hållbarhet

Aiming to contribute to the discourse on the sustainability of consociational democracy in plural societies, this case study provides an examination of Lebanon?s power sharing model. The study begins with an evaluation of the Taif Agreement. After acknowledging its effect on Lebanon?s consociational system the function and operation of Lijphart?s four consociational elements are analyzed.

Upprättande av hållbarhetsredovisning: En fallstudie av Skellefteå Kraft

Denna studie bygger på ett uppdrag av Skellefteå Kraft, innefattande en förstudie som ska skapa underlag för beslut om företagets framtida hållbarhetsredovisning. För att hållbarhetsredovisningen ska bli trovärdig är det viktigt att informationen som kommuniceras är väsentlig, det vill säga fokuserad på de frågor som är mest avgörande för företaget. Studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för vilken information som kan vara väsentlig för företag att redovisa i en hållbarhetsredovisning. Genom en textanalys, en narrativ beskrivning av fallstudiens aktörsgrupper samt utveckling av en analysmodell avses aktörsgruppernas uppfattningar om vad som är väsentlig hållbarhetsinformation kartläggas. Utgångspunkten för den kvalitativa och explorativa fallstudien var ett aktörsorienterat synsätt, vilket genomsyrade arbetet med en intern väsentlighetsanalys.

Aggregerad konsumtion : En ekonometrisk studie

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the real aggregated consumption and empirically determine its exogenous variables. A multiplicative analysis is done in the context of government stabilization policy to find out how policymakers can execute a stimulus package that will bring the best multiplicative effect to the economy The conclusion of the study is that real income, net financial assets and real-estate price index are all statistically significant. An effective expansive fiscal policy is a public-financed investment in the private sector. Coordination is going to be crucial when stimulus package is developed due to the fact that leakage in the form of imports will prevent the expected multiplicative effect..

En undersökning av specialpedagogiska perspektiv inom ridterapi

Background: Investors have several options to choose from when the goal is to achieve the highest yield at the lowest cost and risk. Stocks are a common investment options, but is also associated with risks. Portfolios are usually constructed with several different assets to reduce the unsystematic risk of investment. Funds are similar to composite stock portfolios, the big difference is that they dealt with in their entirety and investors may not affect the fund's content. The problem remains that whether you choose stocks or mutual funds there is still uncertainty as to how the future will unfold.

Föräldraledighetslagen som diskrimineringslag

The concept of sustainable development has been pervasive in recent years and many organizations choose to implement sustainability and adapt their activities accordingly. The purpose of this study have been to explore how a collaboration on the use of waste materials may look to analyze what influences cooperation. A case study has been carried out examining a Swedish state regional project aimed at creating partnerships between actors and utilizing textile waste with the help of design. The study was conducted using qualitative methods and the collection of data has been done through interviews and by examining documents. The results show that there are seven key factors that affect cooperation: expectations, commitment, internal communication, a strong non-profit actor, individual treatment, personal networks and the diversity of actors.

Kromatinstabilitet som grund för kvalitetsbedömning av hingstsperma :

This study is part of a project to evaluate and develop metods to control the semen quality in stallions. The study was carried out in cooperation between SLU and Flyinge AB. The objective of the study was to analyse -if there are individual differences in sperm chromatin integrety between different stallions -if there is a correlation between subjectively evaluated sperm motility and sperm chromatin integrity -if sperm chromatin integrity is changed after selection of the semen with a centrifugation method through the silica-spheres, gradient or a single-layer, i.e to use the chromatin integrity analysis as a method to evaluate the selection method. The use of chilled transported semen has increased a lot during the last 10 years, especially among the Swedish warmblood breed. Because the foaling percentage has decreased with the increased use of chilled transported semen, there is a need to develop methods to control the sperm quality. Evaluation of the chromatin integrity could be one way to evaluate the quality of the semen. Chromatin is the DNA in the nucleus of the sperm.

Lärande för långsiktig hållbarhet: jämförande diskursanalys av medborgarskap för "hållbar utveckling" i Piteå respektive Växjö kommun

Sustainable development has become the ideology of the twentieth first century. As an important concept and as a framework of political action, sustainable development can at this point be considered as the very symbol of a paradigm in the international debate over environmental issues and the threats of climate change. But what does the concept of sustainability actually suggest? This thesis uses discourse analysis in order to examine the Swedish learning for sustainable development as to three different discourses on the national arena: the government and the municipals of Piteå and Växjö respectively. When the study foremost concerns official policy documents that contain associations with the study area, the methodology used takes into consideration both language, signs, metaphors and so called story lines.

Lärande för långsiktig hållbarhet: jämförande diskursanalys av medborgarskap för "hållbar utveckling" i Piteå respektive Växjö kommun

Sustainable development has become the ideology of the twentieth first century. As an important concept and as a framework of political action, sustainable development can at this point be considered as the very symbol of a paradigm in the international debate over environmental issues and the threats of climate change. But what does the concept of sustainability actually suggest? This thesis uses discourse analysis in order to examine the Swedish learning for sustainable development as to three different discourses on the national arena: the government and the municipals of Piteå and Växjö respectively. When the study foremost concerns official policy documents that contain associations with the study area, the methodology used takes into consideration both language, signs, metaphors and so called story lines.

Är Bispectral index användbart för att skatta anestesidjup på djur?

Eftersom anestesi påverkar homeostasen är det alltid förenat med risker. Mätning av anestesidjup, en term som kan delas upp i hypnosgrad och analgesigrad, har diskuterats sedan anestesins födelse. Trots det saknas fortfarande en objektiv mätmetod för detta och de parametrar som används idag tycks inte reflektera inte graden av medvetande direkt. Bispectral Index (BIS) är en mätmetod baserad på en algoritm framtagen genom att studera elektroencefalogram (EEG) hos hundratals människor i vaket tillstånd och under anestesi. Metoden omvandlar EEG-aktivitet i hjärnan till en siffra som speglar hypnosdjupet mellan 0-100, där 100 representerar en helt vaken patient och 0 EEG-tystnad. BIS-värden mellan 40-60 indikerar på människa ett kirurgiskt anestesidjup.

Välfärdseffekter av ett frihandelsavtal : en ekonomisk analys av ett EPA-avtal mellan EU och ESA

The EU has had a special agreement with their former colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands, the ACP-countries, for almost 30 years. This has granted the ACPs with preferences on the Europen market, which have been excluded from other countries. The agreement is now beeing re-negotiated to make it more in terms with the rule of the WTO?s most favoured nation-principle. The new agreement will differ from the present one as it will be a mutual free trade agreement where the ACP countries will open their markets to the EU as much as the EU opens up it?s market to them.

Kroppssammansättning, energiomsättning, substratutnyttjande och insulinkänslighet hos barn med övervikt och fetma

IntroduktionÖvervikt och fetma är ett växande folkhälsoproblem i stora delar av världen, problemet kryper dessutom allt längre ner i åldrarna. Övervikt hos barn ger en betydligt ökad risk att som vuxen drabbas av tillstånd som diabetes, hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, vissa cancersjukdomar samt en ökad risk att dö i förtid.SyfteSyftet med studien var att undersöka om det föreligger skillnader i kroppssammansättning, energiomsättning, substratutnyttjande och insulinkänslighet mellan könen hos barn med övervikt och fetma i åldrarna 10-13 år, samt om det fanns några skillnader inom könen utifrån kategorisering efter BMI för övervikt (25-29,9) respektive fetma (?30). MetodDatainsamlingen skedde genom inhämtning av resultat från mätningar av kroppssammansättning, energiomsättning, substratutnyttjande och insulinkänslighet utförda på ett universitetsjukhus i Mellansverige under åren 2008-2014. Resultatet hämtades från 26 flickor och 29 pojkar med övervikt och fetma i åldrarna 10-13 år. ResultatDet förelåg ingen signifikant skillnad avseende något av mätvärdena mellan könen. Det kunde dock ses en signifikant skillnad avseende insulinkänslighet mellan de med övervikt och fetma hos båda könen, hos pojkarna fanns det även en signifikant skillnad i energiomsättning (p=<0,05).

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