1123 Uppsatser om PCR efficiency - Sida 42 av 75
Utfodringsfrekvensens påverkan på prevalensen svansbitningar hos slaktsvin
Svansbitning är ett stort problem i slaktsvinsproduktionen ur såväl djurvälfärdsmässig som ekonomisk synvinkel. Etiologin bakom problemet anses vara multifaktoriell och är ej helt utredd. Man kan dela in faktorerna i interna riskfaktorer och externa riskfaktorer. De interna
riskfaktorerna avser genetiska egenskaper med avseende på ras och härstamning, beteende, rangordning, kön, exteriör, vikt, ålder och allmän hälsostatus. De externa riskfaktorerna avser faktorer i miljön, som beläggningsgrad, möjlighet att böka, berikning i miljön, strömaterial, temperatur, ventilation, ljus, säsong på året, boxens utformning, utfodringssystem och fodrets
Detta är en retrospektiv studie där prevalensen svansbitningar i en slaktsvinsbesättning har jämförts
före och efter en ändring i utfodringsrutiner.
Energisparläge i automationsindustrin : Potential för att minska tomgångsförluster med industriella styrsystem
Former studies have shown that a considerable part of industries? energy usage can stem from idle times in the production. This thesis, carried out at Siemens Industry sector, evaluates the potential for using the control system to automatically put machines into energy saving mode during idle times. The main part of the thesis consists of a case study performed on machine tools at a Scania production site in Södertälje. Through load measurements the potential for energy savings was determined.The results show that there is a great potential for energy savings during idle times at the site.
En avdemokratisering av förvaltningen? : - En analys av socialförsäkringsnämndernas avveckling och dess effekter
Swedish public administration has for the last few decades undergone reforms aimed at making it more efficient. A substantial part of these reforms have concerned creating clearer roles for politicians versus officials in the public sector, i.e. giving politicians a responsibility for setting goals and steering activities and public officials the role of implementing them.This study aims to examine one reform following this path that is under implementation in a Swedish public authority; Försäkringskassan, the Social Insurance Agency. The purpose of the reform is to increase the organization?s effectiveness and the rule of law.
Energieffektivisering av fastighet från 1930-talet : Utredning av energianvändningen och energieffektiviseringsåtgärder för Tången 2
Tången 2 is a building situated in Stockholm, Sweden. It´s built in the 1930s and contains both residences and businesses. The property owner, Diligentia AB, wants to lower the energy use in Tången 2. This report consists of an energy audit which clarifies the specific circumstances linked to Tången 2. Collected knowledge is then used, together with the results from the literature study, to decide energy measures to proceed with.
Behovsstudie av ett energibutikskoncept för energiförsörjning utanför elnät : ? En småskalig fältstudie i Namibia
The amount of electricity is limited in Namibia and the large distance between towns andvillages complicates the energy supply in the country. Therefore an alternative way to provideaccess to appropriate energy technologies is needed. The Government of the Republic ofNamibia (GRN) has adopted an approach of helping off-grid households by establishing EnergyShops in each region in Namibia and these shops are going to sell basic renewable energy andenergy efficient products. The Renewable Energy Efficiency Institute in Namibia (REEEI), theinitiator of this thesis, is coordinating the establishment of these Energy Shops.The main purpose of this thesis was to examine the needs of energy products for the Namibianpopulation and develop an assessment method for the Energy Shop in how to select appropriateenergy products already on the world market. The purpose was also to develop a method forchoosing an Energy Shop.
Säger en bild mer än 1000 ord? : En studie om skapandet av en fototeknisk metod med hjälp av 360° fotografering
Språkliga och kulturella skillnader kan leda till komplikationer i den textila tillverkningen med tanke på att kommunikationen mellan beställare och producent ibland kan missförstås. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur man, med hjälp av avancerad fotografi, kan förenkla den sömnadstekniska kommunikationen mellan producent och leverantör. Framtagningen av resultatet har gjorts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med två experter inom områdena fotografi samt produktion. Det har även utförts intervjuer med en inköpsassistent på ett stort internationellt svenskt modeföretag och en intervju med designer/inköpare vid ett mindre företag. Det har vid sidan av intervjuer utförts experimentella observationer där framtagning av en fungerande manual för 360° fotografering har skett.
Aktieutdelningars kurspåverkan - Existerar överavkastning vid utdelningar?
This study aims at examining if abnormal returns have existed on theSwedish stock market surrounding the ex-dividend period between the years2002 and 2006. The ex-dividend period that is studied is the ex-dividend dayplus the following five days. The stocks that have been studied are the thirtymost traded stocks which together constitute the index OMXS30.Furthermore, the study investigates if the size of the dividend has an effecton the size of the abnormal returns.Previously performed studies on both the Swedish stock market and foreignstock markets have shown that abnormal returns exist during the ex-dividendperiod. However, the results from these studies are not unambiguous, why itis interesting to follow up these studies with a new study.The method used for investigating the existence of abnormal returns aroundthe ex-dividend period has taken its starting point in the previouslyperformed studies. However, some changes have been made in order tocalculate for differences in risk between different stocks (using beta) whichhas been neglected in the previous studies.The results of our study are that abnormal returns have existed for four outof six days in the ex-dividend period when calculating a mean value over allfive years.
IT-utrustnings miljöeffektivitet : - En undersökning av Grön IT på Umeå Energi
The environmental issues have during the last decenniums gained an increased role in both the political arena and in the market economy. The society is therefore more knowledgeable about the environment and our impact on it. Through this enlightened state, stakeholders tend to put pressure on the organizations of today. They, more or less willingly, incorporate this responsibility to be a part of their business. Entrepreneurs in the environmental area have seen this rising market as an opportunity to gain market shares and other positive outcomes.
Förändring av verkstadslayout på Munters AB
The Energy Performance Certification in Sweden was developed as a tool to achieve the Government's target to reduce Sweden's energy consumption by 20 percent by 2020. The Energy Performance Certificate has previously received some criticism for not fulfilling its purpose. Questions that formed the basis for this report is how the energy performance certification provides support to buyers of single-family houses and if the energy performance improved in terms of reliability. The report begins with a background description that describes how the energy declaration works and some of the findings of previous evaluations and surveys. A survey to investigate the broker's position to energy performance have been conducted as well as interviews with buyers and sellers of houses. An investigation whether the energy performance can vary between different calculation programs, depending on various assumptions made by the energy declarant, has been made.Brokers and sellers have proved negative attitudes towards energy performance, particularly brokers.
Lantbruk i framtiden : ett praktikfall
The economic prerequisite to many farmers in Sweden after the EU membership and the
new agriculture policy has generated large demands on the farm management. Until year
2004 you got a grant based on what you had produced and not on consumer demand. In
2005 a new economic aid (Mid Term Revue) was introduced and the conditions has
changed again. Due to this I have chosen to do a cost-benefit analysis on a case, to
investigate if the present production is sustainable in the future.
My conclusion is that the profitability is acceptable even if the farm has a high debt. But
to make the production more profitable the products produced should be refined as much
as possible at the farm, to get maximum economic return.
Scanias arbete med miljöledningssystem : faktorer som motiverar medarbetarna
Societal expectations of responsible corporate conduct are currently a fact. It is manifested ina corporate need for limiting and managing external effects, such as environmental impact.An environmental management system is a tool for organizations to structure theirenvironmental work and increase their efficiency. Managing the corporate operations toaccommodate to environmental objectives requires an organizational understanding of theobjectives as well as the procedures. A condition for a successful implementation is the coworkers´ willingness to participate and collaborate.A study made on the co-workers attitude towards the ISO 9000 standard (i.e. qualitymanagement system) reveals that the earlier positive findings are not completely true.
Erfarenhetsåterföring av konstruktionslösningar Optimal utformning av ett detaljbibliotek med standardiserade konstruktionslösningar
This thesis has been carried out at the Building and Civil Engineering Programme at Chalmers University of Technology in cooperation with NCC Technology. The study aims to investigate the optimal design of a library of standardized structural solutions for in-house multi-family buildings and what benefits it brings. Today NCC use technology platforms to improve efficiency and simplify the construction process. The platforms provide the constructors guidelines on how construction details should look like, but the details are not complete. NCC Technology started in the spring of 2013 a project to investigate what benefits there are to create a library of standardized structural solutions for the constructors, with more detailed solutions than in the platforms.
Automatiskt kabelmärkningssystem
Risk management is a key competency that is constantly being researched how it can be improved within project management. The risk management process consists of four major steps: identify risks, assess the risks? significance on the project, evaluate and address the key risks and follow up.The majority of companies seem to neglect certain identified risks, and decide not to mitigate if the risk does not cause adverse effects to the business. To counteract undesirable consequences and help organisations to become more effective at managing risks an initial work has been conducted for a risk repository.The project develops a proposal on the design of a risk repository which aim to effectively support a database implementation. The study includes literature studies which resulted in a relational model for database implementation.
Lean Utifrån tre praktikers syn på begreppet.
Lean is one of the recent years most popular methods for organizations to use in order to increase efficiency, productivity and quality. Despite Lean's increased popularity, Lean is still difficult to define and can be explained and described in different ways. Previous studies have also shown that Lean is difficult to implement and challenging to maintain successfully. Knowledge of Lean is viewed as a necessity in the implementation of Lean, which leads to that organizations often chooses to bring in this knowledge through external consultants or other experts in order to implement Lean in their organization. Thus, it is interesting to examine the consultants view on Lean and the implementation process of Lean.
Effektivisering av destruktionsprocess : En förstudie om hur Fresenius Kabi kan effektivisera befintlig destruktionsprocess
This thesis is a feasibility study into how Fresenius Kabi may rationalize their destruction process in regards to cost, recycling, and work environment. The two main objectives are to identify scrap flows and the possibility to improve or replace the equipment that is now carrying out the physical scrapping. The flow has been visualized by a flow chart of the material and communication. A chart of the problem established to visualize where improvements are necessary. Based on the problems proposals are presented on how to improve the flow thru the plant.During analyze of the physical scrapping equipment it was also necessary to take a deeper look at how they are carrying out there work today, how does the procedure look like, working environment and where are the weaknesses.