

6617 Uppsatser om Påfrestande situation - Sida 6 av 442

En analys av ondska med fokus på situation och individ

  AbstractLitteraturstudien är en kvalitativ ansats att beskriva mänsklig ondska genom aktuella teoretiker; Philip Zimbardo och Ervin Staub. Syftet var att beskriva ondska i beteenden genom att slutligen pröva teorier om ondskefulla beteenden mot en fallstudie av Josef Fritzl. Analysens utgångspunkt är person v.s. situation där uppväxtvillkor, sociala beteenden, miljö/situation och de grundläggande basala behoven hos oss som individer är i fokus. Resultaten påvisar vikten av att ur ett inlärningspsykologiskt perspektiv beskriva ondskan i inre och yttre beteenden för att konkretisera och beskriva dess beteendekomponenter.

Konsten i periferin : En studie av villkoren för kulturskapare på landsbygden i Värmland, med fokus på Alma Löv och konstnärerna Broos

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the political ambitions regarding culture inVärmland, and the situation for artists living on the countryside in Värmland. This meansthat the conditions surronding the artists situation will be looked upon. I have chosen thepolitical document Kulturplanen, created by Region Värmland, as my guideline to whatkind of political view there is on art and cultures role in the region. Furthermore, I havechosen Pierre Bourdieu`s theory about art as a field controlled by and under the influenceof different rules within the filed itself and what or whom has the power to act and be apart of the filed. I also use interviews as my method for this study.

OS i mänskliga rättigheter Sommarolympiaden i Peking 2008

The eighth of august the Olympic games in Beijing started. The chinese regime promised to improve the human rights situation in the country if awarded the Olympic games 2008. The decision to place the games in Beijing arouse severe critique and many questioned how the International Olympic Committe could place the games in a country that so obviously violate basic human rights.The main purpose of this essay has been to analyse what consequences the Olympic Games has given the human rights situation in China. In order to accomplish this I have studied some specific human rights, which I consider to be directly linked to the games. I found that the situation for these human rights has infact worsened since 2001 when China was awarded the games.

Från tanke till handling. Aktionsforskning i praktiken? En studie om tonårstjejers sociala situation på Perus landsbygd

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur den sociala situationen kan se ut för tonårstjejer på Perus landsbygd, utifrån tjejerna som deltog i fokusgruppen på Arequipas landsbygd. Tanken är att undersöka hur tjejernas klass, ålder, etnicitet och kön kan påverka deras möjligheter att uttrycka sig och höras samt ta reda på vilka utmaningar de kan möta i samhället p g a att de är barn, flickor, fattiga och hör till en av Perus ursprungsbefolkningar. Sist vill jag ta reda hur tonårstjejer som deltog i fokusgruppen på landsbygden i Arequipa definierar sin egna sociala situation och hur de uttrycker sina åsikter och behov.Mina frågeställningar är: Hur ser tonårstjejernas sociala situation ut på Perus landsbygd, med fokus på Arequipas landsbygd och utifrån fokusgruppens deltagare? Hur påverkar klass, ålder, etnicitet och kön tjejernas möjligheter att uttrycka sig och höras, med utgångspunkt i fokusgruppens deltagare?För att uppnå mitt syfte åkte jag till mitt hemland Peru och forskade på plats om tjejernas sociala situation på Arequipas landsbygd. Jag intervjuade fyra personer som arbetar med sociala projekt inom biståndsvärlden, genomförde en fokusgrupp med åtta tjejer på Arequipas landsbygd samt samlade övergripande statistiskt material för att beskriva tjejernas sociala situation i Peru med fokus på fyra olika områden.Resultaten visar att tjejernas sociala situation är begränsad men ändå med några tecken på förbättringar i en positiv riktining.

En litteraturstudie om brännskadade individers upplevelse av lidande

Abstract The aim was to see how burn victims experience their situation and if they feel suffering. Then it is discussed against different perspectives of suffering. The problems were ?How does a burn victim experience their situation??, ?Does a burn victim suffer?? and ? How does the attitude inflect the suffering?? To find the answers, the authors made a literature review in which already published interviews from ordinary papers were used. In the result, the authors used the individual?s own words.

Parents`experiences when their children are tended at hospitals

Background: In Sweden the healthcare has moved from the homes to the hospitals, as the system has developed. Parents were not allowed to visit their children when they were hospitalised in the past. It was noticed in the beginning of the 20th century that it might be harmful for the children to be left without parents at the hospital. Today it is considered a fact that the parents should stay with their hospitalised children and the healthcare is based on a family-centered care. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to elucidate parents experience when having hospitalised children.

Betydelsen av sjuksköterskans information för att underlätta cancerpatientens bemästrande

Individanpassad information är viktigt för att främja patientens bemästrande avsin situation. Det är också en förutsättning för att patienten ska kunna hävda sinrätt till självbestämmande, autonomiprincipen.SyfteAktuell uppsats syftade till att belysa betydelsen av sjuksköterskans informationtill cancerpatienter i öppenvård. Vidare om given information påverkadepatientens förmåga att bemästra sin situation.MetodLitteraturstudie gjord utifrån 10 artiklar funna via sökning i CINAHL ochPubMed.ResultatPatienten vill ha information om sjukdomen, behandlingen och dess biverkningarsamt framtiden. Detta minskar patientens oro och känslor av negativitet ochhjälper därigenom individen att bemästra sin situation. Sjuksköterskan måste varauppmärksam på informationssökningsbeteendet hos varje enskild patient.DiskussionInformation är viktigt för att öka patientens självkänsla och kontroll över sinsituation.

"Leva med cancer" Bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnors upplevelser av att hantera sin situation - en litteraturstudie

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer which struck women around the world. When a human is exposed to threat or stress, e.g. breast cancer, different coping strategies are used in order to cope with the situation by the afflicted person. The aim of this literature study was to describe how women, who suffered from breast cancer, experienced coping with their situation. Scientific articles were found in the databases Medline (Pub Med) and Cinahl.

"Arbetslöshetssjukan": en kvalitativ studie av arbetsförmedlares upplevelse av arbetslösas mående

The purpose of this study was to examine how the personnel of the Employment Office in Malmoe interpret the emotional situation and health of unemployed individuals. We also wanted to examine if and how the personnel work with these aspects. In relation to this we found it very interesting how the personnel dealt with the responsibilities of power, hierarchy and how subordination afflicts the unemployed. Our main questions were: Are the previous studies results confirmed by the response the personnel of the Employment Office give about the difficult situation among unemployed individuals? Which factors do the personnel at the Employment Office consider the main causes of negative emotional situations among the unemployed? How do the personnel deal with the emotions of the unemployed? How does the important responsibilities of power affect the relationship between the personnel and the unemployed? Which effects/impacts from current political changes are the personnel able to see on the situation of the unemployed? We interviewed eight people working at the Employment Office in Malmoe.

Cyklisters situation på 2+1-vägar

In this report the situation for cyclists on 2+1-roads is analysed and studied. Theseroads are often the old 13-meter roads that have been changed into 2+1 to increasethe security. Two road sections outside Motala in Sweden has been deep studiedand analysed. The different parts in the planning process show how the progressgoes. To begin with the change should be within the old 13 meters but after thepilot study was circulated for comments the result became a broadening to 13,75and 14,00 meters.

I rörelse - ett trafikprogram för Nacka

In motion ?a traffic program for Nacka is the result of a survey of the traffic system and transportation situation in Nacka and suggests possible development opportunities. A new traffic strategy will be developed in the municipality of Nacka the coming years, which is the reason for this study: to map the current situation, identify strengths and weaknesses, needs and opportunities. This program suggests possible development opportunities and gives an historical overview of the transportation system, the current situation and an analysis of different transportation modes. A mapping of other municipalities? traffic strategies or programs have been done and included into the program as well as a prognosis for the coming years in the municipality.

The possibility of applying Low Stress Stockhandling in reindeer

The purpose of the study is to investigate the interest in Sami reindeer herders to use the Low Stress Stockhandling (LSS) method for handling reindeer. Also to find out which reindeer handling situations they think works the best and the worst, and which might need improvement. The purpose of LSS is to reduce the stress animals are subjected to during handling by creating consistent and calm responses from the animals. This is done by handling the animals through the animals? point of view and using natural herd behavior to accomplish this.

Kris: hur, när och vem får hjälp?

Our surroundings are currently vulnerable. People can not know when or how to expect nor prepare for a disaster or an accident. The purpose of this essay was to perform a study of the organization and accessibility of psychological and social support in a crisis situation within the community of Lund.To be able to carry out this study we put up a couple of questions that we hoped would guide us, for example; how do the community prepare and set up the service for people in need of support in connection to a crisis situation? As a method we have used qualitative interviews and literature.The results of our study have shown a discrepancy between the ways the community organizes their service for people in a crisis situation caused either by a catastrophe or an untimely death. In case of an untimely death, ordinary resources are estimated to be sufficient while in case of a catastrophe, extraordinary resources are required.

En litteraturstudie om brännskadade individers upplevelse av lidande

Abstract The aim was to see how burn victims experience their situation and if they feel suffering. Then it is discussed against different perspectives of suffering. The problems were ?How does a burn victim experience their situation??, ?Does a burn victim suffer?? and ? How does the attitude inflect the suffering?? To find the answers, the authors made a literature review in which already published interviews from ordinary papers were used. In the result, the authors used the individual?s own words.

Ung och arbetslös : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av arbetslöshet

The aim of this qualitative study is to gain a deeper understanding of how young people whoare unemployed or have experienced unemployment, experience the situation and how theyapprehend themselves in relation to unemployment. I performed semi-structured interviewswith five young women and men. Three theoretical perspectives have been used for myanalysis, Marie Jahoda?s deprivation theory, Mikael Nordenmark´s PEN-model and HansBerglund?s action theory.The results show that the majority of the respondents perceive the situation as unemployed asdifficult and stressful. Four out of five have more or less felt depressed or sad.

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