

6617 Uppsatser om Påfrestande situation - Sida 15 av 442

Samarbetssvårigheter och konflikter mellan dag och nattpersonal inom äldreomsorgen : En studie ur medarbetares och enhetschefers perspektiv

We investigated a retirement home, where we looked at whether there are differences, disagreements or conflicts between teams who work day and night shifts. Our purpose was to examine the Heads of Unit and the employees perspectives on their perceived work situation, cooperation difficulties and why they emerged. We chose the general systems theory as our theoretical basis, which gave us the opportunity to highlight different parts that can affect the working climate and the cooperation of the working groups. The study also highlights the importance of structure, common goals, reporting and dialogue meetings. To understand the perceived work situation, we used methodological triangulation, using quantitative and qualitative methods (surveys, semi-structured interviews).

"Var är Emma!?" : En essä om integrering av barn med problematik i skolan

This essay contains two stories that reflect the reality I face as an educator, as well as a reflective discussion about my self-perceived dilemma. The dilemma reflects a classroom situation where I as an educator have trouble dividing my focus, my focus is either put on entire the class or on the child with special needs. Through this self-perceived situation I have started to question how children with special needs find their place in the school today. I discuss how I can handle and look at the unique situation that occurs when meeting this child.Terms like integration, inclusion, segregation, social rights and the expression "a school for everyone" will be discussed in this text, as well as how we can connect these terms and expressions to the problems I find in the school system?s way of handling children with special needs.I also highlight my dilemma from different ethical perspective.

Terapeutegenskaper och allians i utbildningsterapi: En intervjustudie

The working alliance between therapist and client has been proven important for the treatment outcome in psychotherapy, as well as the therapist?s characteristics. The aim of the current study was to examine the experience of important characteristics when forming a working alliance, among psychotherapy trainees. Eight psychotherapy trainees at Umeå University were interviewed and the material was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Characteristics described as positively impacting the working alliance were interested, empathic, warm, genuine, secure, flexible and accepting.

Värmeåtervinning ur spillvatten. En utredning av möjligheterna med spillvattenvärmeväxlare.

This thesis is carried out on behalf of watermixer manufacturer Ostnor AB in Mora.The thesis deals with the area of Article Bound Instructions (ABI) at the company'sassembly department, regarding the layout and management routines involved withthese instructions.In the current situation there are problems with no uniformity in the manner in whichthe ABI is written, then referred to both the civil structure, images and specificityrates in the text.Another problem is that operators do not make use of the ABI that are available inthe current situation, and that there are no clear procedures for who has theresponsibility to write, update and change these ABI.During this work has several people that were identified as key personnel of thethesis held in order to get a handle on how the current situation of the variousobjects of the work looks like, and to examine different desires about the future ofthese should look like from the different subjects perspectives been interviewed.During the work, a number of deficiencies, including that the current program that isused to write the ABI, Lotus Notes, do not possess near the prerequisites for being asimple program to deal with when writing the ABI, which is a condition since wishesare about to put the responsibility for the ABI generation to the departmentsoperators, since their main task is to assemble and do not bother with a program in acomputer.The result of this work has generated new layout and structure of the ABI, designedto be used continuously in the assembly for evaluation, routines regardingresponsibility of the ABI for the Department of Production Engineering (PT),procedures for how the ABI should be written regarding amount of detaileddescriptions in the text and use of pictures.In addition, proposals for further work and improvements has been developed basedon experience during the work and presented at the end of the report..

Att synliggöras eller hindras? : En intervjuundersökning om kvinnorepresentationen på högre chefsnivåer.

The purpose with this inquiry was to investigate why women do not advance to higher positions of leadership in a bank. I have interviewed five female employees in the company. The theoretical starting points I have used in this study are such as organization theory and leadership. There are four conceptions that obstructs women to develop for higher positions of leadership. There are conceptions that men ought to have better social network with other men than women.

HUR MAJORITETEN SER PÅ MINORITETEN En studie från Slovakien om romers livsförutsättningar och identitet

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the majorities view on the minority can affect the minorities view on themselves.The study focuses on the research questions; what does the Roma identity look like? Is there a connecting between the week feeling of belonging to the majority ? Slovaks - that the Roma people feel and the widespread racism, stereotypes and scapegoat view towards Roma that the majority in the Slovak society have? Is the view Roma have on themselves effected by how other see them? Has the situation for the Roma gotten better since Slovakia entered the European Union?An empirical research study has been conducted in Slovakia during the period of April 2006 and interviews with Roma and NGO representatives where done.The Roma people's situation in Slovakia is bad and the discrimination towards them is widespread, both in the working life, healthcare, education system and housing. A lot has happened the last years, before Slovakia entered the EU the country adapted many new laws that strengthen the Roma people place in the society and gave them as a minority more support and rights.According to my findings it is found, and what most of the interview Roma expressed themselves, was that today they have a very low feeling of belonging and being a part of the Slovak society. They also expressed that they are very much affected by the poor view that the majority of Slovak have of them and in many cases they did not even want to try to be part of the society. The NGOs expressed that the situation for Roma in Slovakia is bad and even if it has been improved since the country entered the EU, the NGOs said that there are only a lot of new laws and in reality not much has changed..

Internprissättning "Betydelsen av situation och syfte"

När ett företag inför decentralisering medför det att det uppstår mer eller mindre självständiga enheter, som ofta handlar internt med varandra. Genom decentralisering vill företagen korta ner tiden för beslutsprocesser och ge ett större ekonomiskt ansvar för varje enhet, man vill med detta nå en effektivisering inom företaget. Problem som kan uppstå vid decentralisering är att samordning och kontroll av enheter försvåras. Dessa problem försöker företag lösa genom att införa ett internprissystem. Internprissystemet byggs på företagets specifika situation och dess syfte med internprissättningen.

Kris på den svenska småhusmarknaden? : En jämförande studie mellan situationen i dag och krisen på 1990-talet

Efter en period av kraftigt stigande priser på bostäder drabbades Sverige av en fastighetskris ibörjan av 1990-talet. Krisen fick allvarliga effekter på svensk ekonomi. Den situation vi ser idagmed en kraftig kreditexpansion som går hand i hand med snabbt stigande fastighetspriserpåminner om den som rådde innan krisen. Genom en litteraturstudie undersöks i denna uppsatsvilka faktorer som anses ha förklarat fastighetskrisen i början på 90-talet, om de är närvarandeoch uppträder på samma sätt idag samt om dagens situation tyder på att vi kommer gå sammaväg. Slutsatsen är att situationen idag ser ljusare ut än i slutet på 80-talet till följd av förändringari flera viktiga faktorer..

Hur svårt kan det va´? : Från formuleringsnivå via transformeringsnivå till realiseringsnivå i ämnet Dansgestaltning på gymnasiet

This report is a hermeneutic analytical study of a practical pedagogical situation. For three occasions I observed my own practice as a dance teacher and how a moment, choreographic approach in the governing documents for upper secondary school GY11 was executed in a group of dance students. The part is formulated in the course objectives for the courses on the arts program under the topic Dansgestaltning with focus on choreographic approach. The study is based on a socio-cultural thinking but also takes into account the prevailing gender theories and focuses on how the process of formulation level, through the transformation level is portrayed in the realization level of the dance regarding choreographic approach. The study illustrates educational research from both a dance perspective and a school development perspective.

Vetenskaplig publicering i gungning

Scholarly publishing has since the introduction of electronically distributed periodicals seen a time of change, mainly in the STM-business (Science Technology and Medicine). The roles of the three main participants in the publication process; researcher, publisher and library are developing into new directions. Researchers themselves are taking a more active part in the discussion, with the boycott list from the Public Library of Science organization as an illustrating example. Reforms are being launched partly as an economical and efficiency issue, partly as an increasing desire from researchers to maintain the control of scientific end result. This Master s thesis examines how the partly conflicting goals of the participants affect the conditions for scholarly publication in an electronic environment.

The Situation of the Libraries of the University of Teheran

The main object of this paper is an attempt to illustrate the present situation of TeheranUniversity Central Library and its 17 faculty libraries. The main aspects of these librarieswhich will be discussed are collections, staffing, management, shelving, cataloguing and thelibrary users. The findings of a survey which was conducted by the author in Iran in thesummer 1995 form the main basis of the discussions.Some of the problems in these libraries are mentioned and the possible solutions arerecommended.The study also examines the role and effect of the Islamic Revolution and de-westernizationpolicy of the present regime on these libraries.A historical background of higher education, foundation of the University of Teheran,librarianship and the whole range of libraries in Iran are discussed briefly..

Anhörigas upplevelser och behov i akutsjukvård

Inom akutsjukvården drabbas många anhöriga av plötsliga och oväntade situationer när en närstående blir oväntat och hastigt sjuk. Detta är för de anhöriga en kaotisk, traumatisk och overklig situation som visar sig i olika former av kriser. Det finns teorier hur en kris ser ut och hur anhöriga upplever den. Syftet med studien var att skaffa fördjupande kunskaper om anhörigas utryckta upplevelser och behov i samband med närståendes plötsliga, oväntade sjukdomstillstånd eller annat hot. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie där en innehållsanalys gjordes.

Hur personer med fibromyalgi upplever bekräftelsens betydelse i det vårdande mötet

Engagemang, kunskap och empati är väsentligt för att sjuksköterskan ska få en bra kommunikation med personer som har fibromyalgi, detta eftersom det finns mycket fördomar emot sjukdomstillståndet. Syftet med studien var att belysa hur personer med fibromyalgi bekräftas och upplever bekräftelse samt hanterar sin situation i det vårdande mötet med sjuksköterskor. Metoden som har använts var litteraturstudie. Resultatet visar, att personer upplevde bekräftelse nar de blev trodda, sedda och fick stöd i sin nära relation med sjuksköterskan. Blev de bekräftade påverkades identiteten och självkänslan i en positiv riktning.

Flickor och fritidsgården: tonårsflickors uppfattningar om
sin situation på fritidsgården

Vårt syfte med denna uppsats var att studera tonårsflickors uppfattningar om sin situation på fritidsgården. För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi genomfört intervjuer på två olika fritidsgårdar i Skellefteå kommun. Vi intervjuade fjorton tonårsflickor uppdelade i olika grupper. I vårt resultat fick vi fram att flickorna själva inte ser det som något problem att de är underrepresenterade på fritidsgårdarna. De känner sig inte orättvist behandlade utan ser sig själva som jämställda på fritidsgården.

?Barnbibliotekarier är rätt kaxiga!?: några svenska barnbibliotekariers arbetssituation idag analyserade utifrån Pierre Bourdieus begrepp.

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how some children's librarians view their working situation. There is one main question and three subquestions at issue: How is the working situation of the children's librarians today described by agents on the library field? - Are children's librarians ascribed any value and has this changed during the last three decades'? - What is the apprehension of children's librarians and what qualities should they possess? - What is considered to be most important about work of children's librarians'? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with children's librarians, library managers and library consultants. The interviews are analysed by the help of Pierre Bourdieu theoretical concepts; capital, habitus, field, doxa and distinction. Today, children's librarians are ascribed capital by their librarian colleagues because of their specialist qualifications.

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