

3163 Uppsatser om Outcome assessment tools - Sida 10 av 211

Lärares uppfattningar om arbetet med återkoppling i en lärplattform

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Att undervisa förskolebarn - förskollärares strategier

This study gives voice to which strategies preschool teacher?s use they teach preschool children in different performance tasks. The overreaching aim of this study was to find out what teacher give expressions to, verbally and in action, and what educating strategy they use when the purpose is that the children are to learn something specific. The theoretical starting-point of the study is a phenomenography research which aims in finding and systematizing of forms of thought in terms of which people interpret significant aspects of reality. The study has a Sociocultural perspective which means that the structuring occurs through choice of which activities children have access to observe and engage in, as well as through in-person shared endeavours, including conversations, recounting of narratives, and engagement in routines and play.

En retrospektiv fallstudie av konservativ behandling av intraartikulära hovbensfrakturer, typ II och III, hos rid- och körhästar :

Hospital records of 32 non-racehorses referred to Skara Animal Hospital and Halland Animal Hospital, Sweden, between January 1995 and September 2001 for intraarticular fractures of the third phalanx, were reviewed, and follow-up information on final outcome was collected to determine whether any injury or treatment factors could be associated with the outcome. Mean age of the horses was 8.3 years (range, 1-20 years), and follow-up time ranged from 1 to 7 years after injury. In 11 (34%) of the horses, injury involved the front limbs. Twenty-two (69%) horses returned to their original level of use. There was no statistically significant correlation between outcome and elapsed time from injury to treatment, treatment variables, or bony union in the present study.

Grupprehabilitering i audiologisk verksamhet

The purpose with this study was to systematically examine scientific studies of audiologic group rehabilitation. The definition of audiological rehabilitation was explored, different variables that influence the result and how the outcome measures should be done and its relationship with the goals of audiologic rehabilitation. The method used was a literature study. Pubmed and Cinahl were used for the search of literature. Some articles were searched from scientific studies reference lists and also advice from the supervisor.The result from the different studies shows that the effect of rehabilitation varies as there are many aspects that have an affect on the outcome measure.

Actor interaction in the EIA process in Sweden : case study of Tönsen wind power park project

In the growing concern for the state of the environment more tools are being integrated in the decision-making processes. Sweden actively makes use of environmental impact assessment (EIA), which is supposed to minimise negative impacts of a project, policy or plans on the environment. The EIA process in Sweden still requires certain improvements to be more efficient. In this study actor interaction was analysed with trust being the framework for analysis. The aim is to find out whether it is possible to use trust as a framework for analysis since trust research is very discipline dependent.

Bedömning förr och nu : En studie i bedömning genom grundskolan

AbstractAimThe aim is that by using the curriculumcodes, analyze and compare four curriculums in physical education. The study begins in the elementary school introduction in 1962, and then makes three more strikes in 1980, 1994 and 2011.The questions that are addressed in this paper are,Which expression of competence code can be found in the different curricular?What are the expressions for performance code can be found in the different curricula?Is there any change regarding which code teachers use when they assess the students?Method  As a basis, the four curricula Lgr 62 Lgr 80, Lpo 94 and Lgr 11 in physical education are used. These four curriculums are studied and compared for similarities and changes in the assessment uses comparative content analysis. A number of publications in the curriculum codes are used in the analysis of the curriculum.

Lärares uppfattning omutomhuspedagogikens påverkan på barn med koncentrationssvårigheter : ? i den traditionella undervisningen

The objective for this study was to acquire a greater insight if children with concentration difficulties are assisted by outdoor education in the traditional teaching. With the use of a qualitative methodology four teachers were interviewed. The outcome gave evidence for that the teachers thought that outdoor education has a positive outcome for children with concentrations difficulties. The findings were divided into three key categories: the teacher?s reflections about outdoor education, outdoor education for children with difficulties in concentration and if there was any difference in how the children behaved indoors after having educations outdoors..

Musikterapi som redskap inom barnsjukvården : forskningsöversikt avseende smärta och rädsla

The aim is to describe the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement of pain in patients. Literature study based on 13 reviewed articles, searched in the Cinahl. Qualitative and quantitative articles were analyzed. Six themes were identified that can be seen as the factors that influence nurses' assessment and measurement. The themes were   pain education, nurses´ experience in the profession, nurses´ level of knowledge about pain relief, documentation about pain, nurse´s perspective on the patient, and pain measurement.

Korrekt smärtbedömning ? en mänsklig rättighet : Smärtbedömning hos personer med Alzheimers sjukdom

Bakgrund: svårigheter uppstår med kommunikationen mellan patient och sjuksköterskan vid insjuknande i Alzheimers sjukdom vilket leder till hinder i smärtbedömning av personer med Alzheimers sjukdom jämfört med bedömningen avpersoner utan kognitiv nedsättning. Syfte: syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa vikten av korrekt smärtbedömning hos patienter med Alzheimers sjukdom. Metod: studien var en litteraturstudie, 12 artiklar samtliga kvantitativa som svarade mot studiens syfte har granskats och analyserats. Resultat och konklusion: bedömning av smärta hos patienter med Alzheimers sjukdom är komplex, slutsatsen är tvetydig då resultatet visar dels att personer med Alzheimers sjukdom har mer smärta respektive mindre smärta än personer utan kognitiv nedsättning. Bedömningsinstrumenten som undersöktes i studien visade sig vara relevanta men ansvar och kunskap från sjukvårdspersonalen som använder instrumentet var ett krav för att kunna utesluta felkällor av tecken på smärta så som onormala rörelser, beteende och ljud.

Mätning av inköpsmognadsgrad: - en första ansats

This paper explores a model for self-assessment of purchasing maturity in large companies. The author adapts contemporary purchasing theory and further enhances existing tools and procedures to create a survey based instrument for maturity measurementThe paper also explores potential methodological challenges associated with conducting a more extensive study of purchasing maturity via the proposed model. A preliminary study is made and the learnings discussed.The preliminary findings of the survey indicate that the purchasing maturity varies with industry. The purchasing function average score was found to be 3,4 out of 6 with samples spread across the whole spectra ? agreeing with previous theories stating that the purchasing maturity is highly varied between different industries..

Skrivsamarbete och produktion av elektroniska dokument i studiesammanhang

This thesis paper presents experiences and views on collaborative writing from interviews with university students. Analysis of these interviews, focusing on problems with coordination and technological tools,  shows that problems to some extent can be avoided with knowledge of the tools used and knowledge of coordination..

Designing the Militarization 2.0 research tool

Research is a time-consuming endeavor which requires appropriate tools to manage often vast amounts of information. Militarization 2.0 is a research project aiming to explore Militarization in social media. The aim of this project is to design a user interface for supporting researchers in projects involving large amounts of data in qualitative studies. The project will follow the design process of the first version of the Militarization 2.0 research database interface. The design process involves user studies, interviews and design and testing of paper and digital prototypes.

Rättssäkerhet inom skatteprocessen

In todays society the legal rights of the individual are a highly debated subject. Among other things there have been a debate going on in Dagens industri where the participants have discussed the National Tax Board, courts of law and law and order. The legal rights of the individual have been described as threatened and uncertain due to deficiencies in the tax assessment.There are difficulties defining the concept of law and order due to the fact that there is no generally acknowledged explanation. The concept of law and order originates from the citizens ability to predict the consequences of their actions provided that the authorities actions are regulated according to current legislation and will therefore protect the citizens from possible abuse of power that can exist within a state governed by the law.The purpose of this paper is to analyse law and order within the tax assessment through a method that experiments with real and imagined situations with the main purpose of interpreting current legislation. The paper collects essential legislation, preparatory work together with established practice and supplements the method with information from articles, dissertations and the National Tax Authority?s documented directions within the tax assessment.Through juridical argumentation concerning areas, such as legal rights essential to the citizens and the tax assessment, the paper results in aspects essential to the individual involved in tax dispute.

Risk för våld : Förändring i bedömd risk för framtida våld för rättspsykiatriska patienter dömda för dödligt våld eller misshandel

Abstract. Risk assessment for future violence is an important part of today's forensic psychiatry, and including dynamic risk factors in risk assessment is important because it has been shown that risk can change over time. However, previous research has suggested that perpetrators of homicide are different than perpetrators of other violent crimes. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze risk assessments of future violence for forensic psychiatric patients convicted for homicide (n = 45) and forensic psychiatric patients convicted for assault (n = 91). To do this, differences within the groups and between the groups were analyzed.

Barns språkutveckling : Arbete med språkutveckling hos barn

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

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