

3163 Uppsatser om Outcome assessment tools - Sida 1 av 211

Delaktig eller inte, det är frågan : En intervjustudie kring elevens delaktighet i bedömning i svenska utifrån bedömningsstöden »Läsutvecklingsschema» och »Nya språket lyfter!»

Assessment of the level of the pupils´ knowledge and understanding are important parts of teaching. There are diverse ways to do this and many different tools to use.The purpose of this study is to explore, through qualitative interviews, how five teachers work with assessment. The focus lies on both how they work with assessment in general and how they use the assessment tools called »LUS» and »Nya språket lyfter!». The pupils´ participation in their own education is an important part of the Swedish curriculum, which is why the study also focuses on how the informants work to enable the pupils´ participation in the assessment and in their education.The informants all think that both assessment and the pupils´ participation in the assessment are important, since teaching is easier when the pupils are aware of what they need to know and learn. Many of the informants express that time is an issue when it comes to making the assessment trustworthy.

Evaluation of four methods for the assessment of joint swelling in dogs

Evaluation of joint swelling is an important part of the orthopedic examination and can be used to follow a patient?s progress during rehabilitation and therapy. Usually a swelling is assessed by palpating the joint but a more objective, but still easy to use, method would be preferable.This study seeks to increase the knowledge in veterinary rehabilitation by validating four different measurement tools (three recognized and one novel) for the assessment of elbow joint swelling: palpation, tape measure (circumference and figure eight measurement), slide caliper (craniocaudal and mediolateral positioning) and tonometer. This was achieved by calculating the inter- and intra-rater reliability and correlating the results from the different measurements with each other.The methods with best inter- and intra-rater reliability as well as good correlation among themselves were shown to be slide caliper with craniocaudal positioning, circumference and figure eight. Additional studies, with a larger and more diverse material, ought to investigate these methods further..

Sjuksköterskors skattning av patienters postoperativa smärta - en litteraturstudie

Background: Patients postoperative pain is often underestimated. Untreated or undertreated pain decreases the chance of optimal recovery after surgery. Pain assessment is an important factor of efficient pain relief. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe factors of importance for nurses´ assessment of postoperative pain in patients. Method: A literature study was done where qualitative and one quantitative article was reviewed.

"Lätt är det inte, men det är inga svårigheter heller" : En studie om vad lärare i idrott och hälsa använder för verktyg vid bedömning och betygssättning

AimThe purpose of this study is to examine which tools teachers, teaching physical education, are using for assessment and grading in primary schools.IssuesHow it is perceived by teachers to assess and grade the students? How have the assessment and grading tools been developed?How do the teachers document what they assess and grade?How do the teachers communicate to the students what they assess and grade?MethodThe study has a qualitative approach in which the study design is represented by several semi-structured qualitative interviews. The semi-structured interview guide was authored using the foundations of ramfaktorteorin and an overall hermeneutisk approach. The interviews were then carried out with six physical education and health teachers from the Stockholm area. The interviews were recorded with a voice recorder and transcribed.

Livscykelbaserad miljövärdering av en ny kontorsbyggnad : En jämförande studie mellan två analysmetoder

This Master?s Thesis aims to illustrate in what ways the two Swedish environmental assessment tools, the Environmental Load Profile and EcoEffect differ and if performed valuations gives different results and environmental goals.The built urban environment causes about half the environmental loading in Sweden. The society?s ambition towards sustainable development has resulted in demands reducing the environmental load. One way to accomplish this change is with the assistance of tools for environmental assessment of the built environment.

Riskstatusbedömning : Ett djupgående analysverktyg för sevesoanläggningar

Safety and risk management currently have a starting point based on the negative outcome of safety, thus the lack of safety. The starting point for the thesis is to find a way to measure the positive outcome of safety through ergonomic aspects regarding chemical plants that are covered of the Seveso II Directive.Through a literature study of safety and ergonomics fourteen key aspects of safety were found. Safety Performance Indicators (SPI's) are used to assess the fourteen identified proactive indicators of safety. An analysis in three steps - called risk status assessment - is design to give an SPI its value. A pilot study of the risk status assessment was performed at the ethanol producer Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping, Sweden..

Bedömning- en viktig uppgift för läraren : Hur fyra lärare beskriver sitt arbete med bedömning i skolans yngre åldrar

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Därför flyttar vi till Nyköping : En studie av Nyköpings kommuns positiva flyttnetto

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Bedömning : för en högre måluppfyllelse i matematik i grundskolans tidigare år

Assessment is considered one of the most important tools used today by people in almost everything they do and learn. This also applies to school, where assessment is considered as a constant companion to teaching and used in order to develop students' learning and skills. Assessment is also an educational necessity which has different purposes and therefore different consequences.                                                                                                                        The idea of ??this thesis was on the basis of the interviewed teacher's perspective to investigate what role the formative assessment has on the development of pupils' learning and knowledge in mathematics for primary education, and explore how the teacher can, according to my informants, work with this assessment practice in the classroom so that it promotes the learning of the students in the best possible way.                                                                To carry out this study, I used qualitative research studies, the interview method, and also talked to five different teachers in the lower school ages on their view at the work of the formative assessment. Theoretical basis of the thesis is also based on the research that says that the assessment can be used to promote student learning and knowledge, but also the teacher's learning?s in the educational process: assessment can and should be an assessment for learning.

Grönskans roll i framtidens stad : En stad i förändring

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Sjuksköterskans bedömning vid telefonrådgivning : En litteraturöversikt

BACKGROUND: A telephone nurse is a nurse that during most of its working time is engaged in healthcare advice via the telephone. The advent of the telephone healthcare advice has probably meant that individuals, who initially wouldn?t have sought help, if they needed to meet healthcare providers face to face, now actually have the confidence to turn to healthcare. For telephone healthcare advice is professional care to identify, assess and advise on individuals? reactions to actual or potential health problems.

Matrisens inverkan i feedbackprocessen - En kvalitativ undersökning av bedömningsmatriser i lärandeprocessen // The influence of matrixes on the feedback process - A qualitative study of evaluation matrixes in the learning process

Our paper is based on matrixes and the feedback process as tools in the daily work in the higher education system. The main purpose with this paper is to investigate if these tools can enhance the effect of formative assessment and increase students? empowerment in the courses. In do-ing so, we investigate if students experience that their efforts result in increased progression in their courses and if they acquire adequate proficiency in the subject matters native to their pro-grams, along with an increased desire for lifelong learning. Compulsory collection of data for profit is conducted through interviews of students in year one of the IT media program and the IT program.

Identifiering av infektion i sår, en litteraturstudie

Regardless of what discipline nurses work in, wound care is one of the tasks. Caring for wounds involves early detection of signs of infection, in order to avoid complication. Wound infection extends suffering for the patient and causes unnecessary costs for society. The aim was to describe how nurses can identify infection in wounds. Method: The design of the study was a literature review, where13 scientific articles were examined and analyzed.

Identifiering av infektion i sår, en litteraturstudie

Regardless of what discipline nurses work in, wound care is one of the tasks. Caring for wounds involves early detection of signs of infection, in order to avoid complication. Wound infection extends suffering for the patient and causes unnecessary costs for society. The aim was to describe how nurses can identify infection in wounds. Method: The design of the study was a literature review, where13 scientific articles were examined and analyzed.

Bedömning av fallrisk hos patienter som vårdas inneliggande på sjukhus och inom kommunal vård : Med hjälp av Downton Fall Risk Index

Background: Fall injuries are a costly problem for society, with costs ranging up to 14 billion a year. In addition to economic loss accidental falls also creates human value losses and reduced quality of life for its victims. In order to prevent the occurrence of injury related to accidental falls healthcare providers utilize various scientifically developed risk assessment tools, one of them being Downton Fall Risk Index. Method: Empirical, quantitative cross-sectional study. Objective: The purpose of the extended essay was to describe the categories in Downton Fall Risk Index that have a bearing on patients' risk of falling while in hospital and in municipal care, and to illustrate how nurses can use the fall risk assessment tool.

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