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Livets sköra tråd : Dop och fadderskap i Bottnaryd och Ulricehamn 1781 - 1783

?Life on a delicate thread?Baptism and godparenting in Bottnaryd and Ulricehamn 1781-1783The aim of this study is to discover if there were differences between the baptism traditions maintained in a typical rural parish and in an urban town parish in the period 1781-1783 and to suggest possible reasons for any differences found. Baptism records from rural Bottnaryd parish and the town of Ulricehamn were studied and compared. In both communities, parents were anxious to have their child christened on the day of birth or the day after. They did not want to wait until the following Sunday, as church law prescribed. Infant mortality was high and if the child died before it was christened, it would not go to heaven.

Hur köpcentrum kan underlätta kundernas shopping : En fallstudie på Baronen Köpcentrum i Kalmar

I dagens samhälle där alltfler köpcentrum byggs och där konkurrensen mellan dem ökar är det av stor betydelse att kunna erbjuda sina kunder något de inte hade förväntat sig för att på så sätt sticka ut ur mängden och bli kundernas självklara val. Ett sätt kan vara att underlätta deras shopping och det är just detta som denna kandidatuppsats kommer att handla om: ?Hur köpcentrum kan underlätta kundernas shopping - En fallstudie på Baronen Köpcentrum?. Syftet är att se vad köpcentrum i allmänhet och Baronen Köpcentrum i synnerhet kan göra för att få kunderna att stanna kvar längre i köpcentrumet genom att underlätta deras shopping.Vi har studerat den forskning som råder inom området samt att vi valt att genom ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt samla in data till vår uppsats. Valet av en kvalitativ ansats var självklart då avsikten var att ge våra intervjuobjekt möjlighet att uttrycka sig fritt inom området samt spegla sin syn på det hela.

Destinationsmarknadsföring : - en fallstudie kring Västerås och dess konkurrenter

Destination marketing looks different from that of traditional marketing, since the product, in this case the destination, consists of several different parts compared to a good. A destination is marketed as a process where the consumption takes place at the same time as the production. Destination marketing organizations, DMO?s, are responsible for the marketing of a destination. Since destinations consist of several parts such as the train trip to the destination, restaurant visits, shopping, hotel stays etc., it is difficult for the DMO?s to fully control how a tourist perceive the destination.

Ekologiska perenner - Lokalt och globalt : En Intervju- och Litteraturstudie

AbstractThe customer demand for ecological products has increased in recent years, within the garden industry this mainly concerns herbs and other edible plants. The organic trend is increasing and more people are aware of the environment and want to take responsibility for it through their purchases for their garden as well.In this essay the aim is to investigate customer demand and the possibility of selling organicperennial plants in eight garden centres on the Åland islands and in Gävle/Sandviken. I include two garden centres with an organic profile to get a wider point of view. I investigate the global market for organic perennials and look further into existing certification standards on the Swedish market today.The methods I have been using are interviews and a literature study.The study shows that the experienced demand for organic perennials is small in both of myinvestigated groups. The biggest motivation for starting to sell organic perennials would be to find a supplier of these plants and that more customer would ask for them.

?Förhoppningsvis är man två? : En studie över hur 18-åringar i en mindre stad i Sverige resonerar kring kön, kropp och sexualitet

The essay is about how teenagers around 18 years of age in a small town in Sweden talk about gender, body and sexuality. The study is based on two focus group interviews with five boys and four girls. We have then thematized and analyzed the material with queer theory.The results show how young people see heterosexuality as something 'natural' and gender as biologically determined. The teenagers are critical towards anything that deviates from the traditional nuclear family consisting of mother, father and children. Norms are created in their speech as some of them acts as so called "border guards" for these norms.

Vad kvinnor vill ha - Hur tänker kvinnor eller inte tänker vid shopping

Shopping har genom tiderna alltid varit en kvinnlig syssla. Det var shoppingen som fick hemmafrun ut ur hemmet. Men tiderna förändras och i dag används shopping som en social aktivitet människor emellan. Dagens utbuds och informationsöverskott har lett till större förvirring bland konsumenterna. Ingen behöver själv längre söka upp informationen, den kommer till dig.

Indelningsändringar : en studie om varför Norra Sandsjö kommun, Bringetofta församling och Norra Sandsjö församling delades i samband med att Sävsjö kommunblock bildades

This paper is about a new organization how to get smaller communities to join together and become much larger. The purpose is to find out why Norra Sandsjö community and Bringetofta and Norra Sandsjö parishes were separated when Sävsjö municipality block was formed. The purpose is further to find out what the councils of Norra Sandsjö, Nässjö and Sävsjö, the church council and the people who lived in the area thought about the decision that was made by the executive organization in this matter (länsstyrelsen in Jönköping). Voting was arranged amongst the people, who lived in the specific area that in the first inquiry was suggested to be connected with Nässjö municipality block. The source material gives the result of this voting and the opinions of Norra Sandsjö, Nässjö and Sävsjö communities in this question.

Shopping i staden, handelsplatsers betydelse för bofasta och turister - En studie om attityder och motivationer till shoppingen i Göteborg

Authors: Philip Trollér & Jasmin FrljevicTitle: A sharp striker or forwardLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 62All throughout time the Swedish language has been influenced by various external languages. And throughout the years many loanwords have been introduced to the Swedish vocabulary. And this phenomenon occurs in the texts written by Swedish sport journalists. But in what extent do loanwords from the English vocabulary occur in texts written by Swedish sportjournalists, in what types of texts they can be found. And also why the usage of loanwords occur.The purpose of our study is to find out how frequent English loanwords are in Swedish sports journalism.

Fair Trade: A Study of Consumers? Perception and Knowledge in a Minor Town in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to get a better understanding of consumers? perception and knowledge of Fair Trade and Fair Trade products in Sweden. Literature was reviewed before the empirical research was conducted. A quantitative method, in form of a questionnaire survey, has been used. We have entered different areas related to our topic.

Det medeltida Visby : en kritisk studie av disskusionen om stadens etablering

Visby is a city that at first glance is of medieval origins. The popular image of scientists today is that the city was formed in the Middle Ages. According to some of the researchers Visby was formed during the Viking Age, it is based on the basis that the area has been used for a long period. Urban development in the Nordic countries is complex and there are different opinions as to why the Nordic cities emerge. It is important to shed light on the underlying process on why cities are emerging to provide clarity as to why Visby city is emerging.

En Djupdykning i Kommunikationsstrategi : om konsten att locka folk till svenska dykvatten

Purpose/Aim: To create a communication strategy for PADI Nordic with the intention of getting Swedish divers, who have been certified abroad, to Swedish dive centers.Material/Method: The study is based on a number of personal interviews conducted with a) divers who are active in Sweden, b) divers who are not active in Sweden and c) representatives from PADI and PADI affiliated dive centers.Main results: The main reason that people who have been certified abroad do not dive in Sweden is that they regard it as being too complicated, too cold, too expensive and with nothing interesting to see. These might partly be misconceptions that can be corrected through a communication strategic effort. The best way to change this perception is by two different forms of communication. One will go from PADI Nordic straight to the divers through an email. This will have the purpose of getting their attention, making diving sound interesting and raise their awareness in preparation for the other part of the process.

"Forty is the new twenty" : En analys av representationen av kvinnor i TV-serien Cougar Town

Populärkulturella fenomen når ut till ett stort antal människor och representationen av olikasaker blir således viktig eftersom det kan avspegla hur människor uppfattarolika ting. Syftet med min uppsats är att undersöka representationen av de trekvinnliga karaktärerna, Jules, Ellie och Laurie, i tv-serien Cougar Town. De teoretiska begreppsom står till grund för min analys är bland annat, representation somdefinieras i boken Genus, medier ochmasskultur skriven av Linda Fagerström och Maria Nilson och som AnjaHirdman också behandlar i sin avhandling Tilltalandebilder. Vidare har jag använt mig av begreppet postfeminism som både Karen Boyle (Massmedia and Society, 2005)och Karen Ross (Gendered Media, 2010) skriver om i sina böcker.För att undersökarepresentationen av de olika kvinnliga karaktärerna i tv-serien använder jagmig av Keith Selby och Ron Cowderys bok Howto study television. I deras bok finns olika steg att gå igenom för attkritiskt granska television, jag har vidare valt att fokusera på den narrativaoch konstruktionsanalysen med fokus på mise-enscène och den icke verbala kommunikationen samt klädkoderna.

Vikten av prestationsmätning : En utvärderingsstudie av P2P-processen på IKEA AB, Finance Services

Bakgrund: Prestationsmätning syftar till att implementera ett företags strategi. För att lyckas med det krävs tillgång till relevant information för att ta rätt beslut. Nya alternativa organisationsformer som shared service centres har lett till en ökad efterfrågan på ny anpassad ekonomistyrning. En förfrågan om att utvärdera P2P-processens prestationsmätningssystem på IKEA AB, Finance Services ledde till utvärderingsstudien.Syfte: Syftet med utvärderingsstudien är att utveckla en modell med dimensioner, för att analysera prestationsmätningssystem på shared service centres. Analysmodellen kommer appliceras på P2P-processen inom IKEA AB, Finance Services.

SIMMA MED HAJAR ? en studie av kvinnliga journalisters arbetssituation i Kapstaden ur ett genusperspektiv

Authors: Sofia Eriksson and Malin Wändahl Title: To swim with sharks --? a qualitative study of female journalists work situation in Cape Town due to gender Level: Bachelor of Journalism. Autumn 2013 Location: University of Gothenburg Although the distribution of sex in the South African media houses is equal, research shows that the work conditions for women and men are unequal. Therefore, we have studied how the situation looks like beyond the statistics. The aim of our thesis is to examine, due to gender, how female journalists in Cape Town experience and cope with their work situation in a profession traditionally dominated by men.

Bostadsmarknadens omvandling : Nyliberal bostadsmarknad och rätten till staden. En studie över centrala Karlstad.

Växjö is a medium-sized town situated in the centre of the county Småland in Sweden with a good infrastructure and logistics and with a university that encourages cooperation with private and public companies. It is in this town that our case study of Småland Airport will take place. The aim of this study is to examine in which way the program of Library and Information Science at the Linnaeus University in Växjö offers knowledge that can be relevant for the staff at the airport in Växjö - Småland Airport. Using Wilsons model as our theoretical framework we examine how these two align with each other and by using a matrix that we ourselves elaborated in our analysis, we provide a clear picture of how the comparability two places comparability is represented. The result shows that there are compatible aspects to the Småland Aiports needs and what the program of Library and Information Science has to offer.

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