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Nya Slussen i dagspressen : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters, Svenska Dagbladets, Expressens och Aftonbladets rapportering om Nya Slussen

The reconstruction of a central area in Stockholm named Slussen (The sluice) has frequently been portrayed and debated in media over the last few years, escalating around December 2011 when the major decision regarding Slussen was to be made by the city council. The area serves as a traffic node connecting the areas of Södermalm and Gamla Stan (Old town) together. The last major change of Slussen was completed in 1935, best described as a modernistic traffic and architectural piece of work. It is indisputably an area of importance for the city of Stockholm, its citizens and visitors. How has media reported the development of the New Slussen project?The analysis, and the conclusions drawn from it, will be based upon and performed with a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis.

?Fiskar, apor, hajar och vänner? - En undersökning om användningen av mobiltelefon och kamera vid besök på science centre

Under senare år har den privata och offentliga sektorn blivit allt mer intresserad av att investera i museum och science centres för att öka kunskap kring vetenskap hos allmänheten (Heath & vom Lehn, 2008). Den här uppsatsen handlar om kamerans och mobiltelefonens användning vid besök på ett museum och science centre. Syftet med denna studie, som en del i ett större forskningsprojekt var att kartlägga hur unga människors teknikanvändning ser ut under ett besök på ett science centre. Studiens två frågeställningar var: Hur används video och foto i samband med besök på Universeum av unga människor? Vilken roll har denna användning under och efter besöket för unga människor? Undersökningsgruppen för studien var barn och skolungdomar i åldrarna 6-19 år.Studien har använt sig av ansatsen Grounded theory med ett etnografiskt forskningsperspektiv, där observation, enkäter och innehållsanalys på befintligt videomaterial från YouTube (www.youtube.com) har gjorts.

Relationen mellan familjehem & biologiska föräldrar: En (o)komplicerad relation?     Synen på familjehemmens kontakt med barnets biologiska föräldrar, samt det stöd som ges från familjehemssekreterare i denna kontakt.

With this research we aim to examine foster parents and social workers perceptions about the relationship between foster parents and the foster child?s biological parents and their perceptions about the support to the foster parents in the contact with the child?s biological parents. The research will provide a deeper understanding of the actors? perceptions and explain possible differences in their opinions. This study has a qualitative approach and contains eight semi-structured interviews with foster parents and social workers in a smaller town in the south of Sweden.

Tungelsta med trädgårdstema :

In this project, an area in the small town Tungelsta south of Stockholm, is in focus. Tungelsta is placed in the municipality of Haninge and it is for the planning department on the municipality, this project is made. The task is to compose an arrengement of buildings and open spaces for a 50 hektar area. Today the area is consists of agriculture fields and forests. The area is placed near the railway station, in the city centre of Tungelsta, which makes it interesting and important to work with. There are different opinions about the future plans for the area.

Grannskapstorg som fenomen - med fallstudien Axel Dahlströms torg

In the 1940s the Swedish town planning was inspired by the English city development with the concepts of neighbourhood and community planning. In order to promote democratic development and solidarity the ideal would be to create community centers with full service. Community centers are part of the building of the suburbs during the postwar period. The buildings in Sweden from 1940 - and -50s were built with the intentions to be good homes for all regardless of income, class and status. Collective solutions to individual problems were characteristic of the Swedish policy during this time.

Marknadsundersökning - Väderstad, Rapid och kundnyttan :

In the town of Väderstad which lies in the middle of Sweden, called Östergötland is Väderstad-Verken situated. It´s an international company which produce machines for land processing and sown to farmers all over the world. Väderstad-Verken is an expansive company with 750 employees. The turnover is 1.4 billion sek. Rapid seed-sower has become a popular machine since it was introduced in 1991.

Egenföretagande inom kultursektorn i Arvika : En jämförande undersökning av statlig, regional och kommunal kulturpolitisk syn på egenföretagande verksamhet och hur dessa synsätt skiljer sig från egenföretagarnas uppfattning.

In this study, I intend to examine some aspects of the activities of cultural companies in the town of Arvika. The study is qualitative in nature and based on in-depth interviews with self-employed cultural workers, as well as representatives from Arvika municipality. Cultural policy documents have been studied to clarify the self-employed status in the cultural sector and thus their importance to the cultural life in Arvika overall.My hope is to get a glimpse of what it means to work as a self-employed within the cultural sector in Arvika and the conditions that exist, in order to successfully run and develop their businesses.There is a shift in cultural policy, which has led to permanent forms of employment becoming fewer and self-employment to grow ( Karlsson & Lekvall, 6 ). One can say that the cultural sector has moved in the direction from a public matter, to the more privatized ( Köping , Lantz & Stenström, 3 ). The problem with this is that the policy of self-employment has not progressed at the same rate as the amount of business.

Sportevenemang - Kollektivt problem eller fenomen?

Titel: Sportevenemang ? Kollektivt fenomen eller problem? Författare: Ida Jensen och Ebba Nordlund Syfte: Vår uppsats har som syfte är att skapa en inblick av vad som händer då en liten ort blir en uppmärksammad sportevenemangsdestination. Frågeställningar: Hur har platsen betydelse för sportevenemang och tvärtom?Varför uppstår många olika konflikter kring sportevenemangen på små orter? Studieområde: Vår empiriska studie tar sin utgångspunkt i de konflikter som uppstått som en följd av de sandsportsevenemang som varje sommar arrangeras i Åhus. För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte och besvara frågeställningarna har vi valt att utgå från tre teoretiska teman; Sportevenemang som strategisk resurs, Platsen som utgångspunkt för evenemangen och Konflikter på platsen på grund av sportevenemang.

Samspel mellan elever med autism och utvecklingsstörning

ABSTRACTTitle:The town's largest employers, is there a need to exchange?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Emmelie Eriksson, Malin StrömSupervisor:Lars EkstrandDate:2012 ? JuneAim:?Gain a deeper understanding of the topic corporate culture?Get an understanding as to how corporate culture influences the daily operations?Possibly be able to help with any concrete to help the investigated company toimprove its corporate cultureMethod:Data collected through both quantitative and qualitative surveys in the form of aquestionnaire answered by 71 people, three interviews with the employees with leading rolesat the investigated company and an observation. The material is analyzed with a hermeneuticsapproach, which means that we have assumed facts and then built our work on trying to findan understanding and to draw our own conclusions based on the perspective that we found.Result & Conclusions:The results of this study show that the company needs to work on itscorporate culture. We have found a few points we would like to improve in the company weexamined. We believe that it is the company's reputation and it begins already in thecompany's own recruitment process it is the main finding from our study.Suggestions for future research:Interesting would be to seek employment with thecompany you want to investigate to see how the whole recruitment process goes on toperform deeper analysis, another idea would be to ask the employees that enjoy to work thereagainst those who does not enjoy to work at the company to find the basic building blocks ofcorporate culture to this particular company.


ABSTRACTTitle:The town's largest employers, is there a need to exchange?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Emmelie Eriksson, Malin StrömSupervisor:Lars EkstrandDate:2012 ? JuneAim:?Gain a deeper understanding of the topic corporate culture?Get an understanding as to how corporate culture influences the daily operations?Possibly be able to help with any concrete to help the investigated company toimprove its corporate cultureMethod:Data collected through both quantitative and qualitative surveys in the form of aquestionnaire answered by 71 people, three interviews with the employees with leading rolesat the investigated company and an observation. The material is analyzed with a hermeneuticsapproach, which means that we have assumed facts and then built our work on trying to findan understanding and to draw our own conclusions based on the perspective that we found.Result & Conclusions:The results of this study show that the company needs to work on itscorporate culture. We have found a few points we would like to improve in the company weexamined. We believe that it is the company's reputation and it begins already in thecompany's own recruitment process it is the main finding from our study.Suggestions for future research:Interesting would be to seek employment with thecompany you want to investigate to see how the whole recruitment process goes on toperform deeper analysis, another idea would be to ask the employees that enjoy to work thereagainst those who does not enjoy to work at the company to find the basic building blocks ofcorporate culture to this particular company.

Äldres resande i vardagen - Möjligheter, begränsningar och inställning till hållbara stadsvisioner

Everyday life mobility of elderly people ? opportunities, restrictions and sustainable urban visions aim to examine and describe elderly people?s movement patterns, their opportunities and restrictions of reaching high mobility and accessibility, and their attitude towards various sustainable urban visions. This paper is based on an approach of time-space geography as it covers the topic of movements in time-space, explained and developed using the concepts of mobility and accessibility. To examine elderly people?s attitude towards sustainable urban visions, this paper also takes approach on theories such as New Urbanism, mixed-use and the compact city.The method used in the study is an interweaving of a time geographic diary and qualitative interviews, where the respondents are six retired people between 68 and 77 years old living in Gothenburg city.

Varbergs Societetspark 1856 - 2008 : en promenadparks förvandling

The Societety Park (Societetsparken) of Varberg here in Sweden, established in the year 1883 (1856), is one of the most famous parks in Varberg. Today it is, more or less, only used as a park that you will walk through in the wintertime, under the summer season though, the park starts blooming and then it is used for public music and singalong evenings. Earlier it was an old health resort park with its fine old traditions.The Societetsparken was a private owned park until 1902 when the town purchased it. On this plot there was already a smaller park and it was established as early as in 1856. It was called Badhusparken (The Public Bath Park) and it belonged to the hot- and cold-bathhouses, and these baths were very well frequented.

Den trygga förskolan : En enkätundersökning om föräldrars och pedagogers förväntnignar på förskolan

The Swedish early childhood system is considered among the best in the world, however, in spite of this, we feel that there exists a conflict between educators? and parents? expectations of ?a good preschool?. During our teacher education training we have observed many different preschools and almost in all of them we have listened to anecdotes about one or more conflicts arising between educators and parents and which we have been able to pinpoint toward differing expectations. After talking with a preschool director, who also perceives that expectations of the preschool aims sometimes differ, our idea brought us to conduct this investigation.In this study, we have investigated parents? expectations of preschool and compared them with educators? expectations.

Vilka faktorer påverkar konkurrensförhållandet mellan en kommunal och en fristående gymnasieskola : en jämförelse av gymnasieskolornas ekonomistyrning och verksamhetsstyrning

When the independent upper secondary schools were started in 1992, it meant a change in the competitive relationship for the local upper secondary schools. A reduced number of students during some years ahead, while the number of independent upper secondary schools increase will probably result in tougher competition between upper secondary schools.The purpose of this study is to review and compare financial and performance management between a public and an independent upper secondary school. The dissertation will focus on the now existing competitive relationship between the two types of upper secondary schools.The theory underlying the study is Porter's model - five competitive forces. The model is applied to the local upper secondary school and used to identify competitive factors affecting upper secondary schools. The study is using a qualitative approach with five interviews at two upper secondary schools, one independent and one public, located in the same town.The comparison of financial and operational management of upper secondary schools indicate that the differences are not as great as we first imagined, but that there still are some differences.

Köpcentrum - Ett framtida multikoncept : Varumärkesbyggande med hjälp av sinnen och upplevelser

Forskningsfråga:  Vad kan komma att karaktärisera köpcentrum i framtiden?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att med avseende på såväl nutid som framtid analysera på vilket sätt arbetet inom köpcentrum är inriktat för att stärka varumärket, klargöra sinnenas betydelse för köpcentrum och tydliggöra hur köpcentrum förhåller sig till konkurrensen från olika typer av handelsplatser.Metod: I denna uppsats har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod antagits. Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats. Vi har intervjuat sex personer med anknytning till ämnet. Urvalet var ett såkallat bekvämlighetsurval och intervjuerna semistrukturerade.Resultat, slutsatser: Det första syftet besvarades med hjälp av att presentera hur varumärkesbyggandet ser ut för köpcentrum och andra viktiga aspekter till detta.

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