

5344 Uppsatser om Organizational science - Sida 20 av 357

Chefen som normsändare : En kvalitativ studie ur chefs - och personalperspektiv

The aim of our study is to explore which norms that exists in the home care service, who is sending those norms, how are they maintained and how do they affect the interactions between staff and manager? We want to deep en our knowledge about home care service as an organization and increase our understanding for the psychosocial work environment and also the importance of leadership. We mean to read the organizational culture that exists which allows us to deal with the values that influence the behavior in the organization.The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consists of two focus group interviews, one with managers from the home care service - organization and one with staff from the same organization. T he interview with the managers consisted of five participants and the corresponding figure for the second interview with the staff was eight participants.The theoretical viewpoints have been communication - theory, organizational theory and Foucault´s th eory of power.Our result indicate that norms are something that unconsciously controls us and that we have learned that there are consequences when you step out of what is normative for the group.

Battlestar Galactica : Ett mänskligt universum

Science Fiction har sedan sin uppkomst gestaltat samhället och de samhällsfrågor som för sin tid är aktuella. Alltifrån ifall människans existens är kroppslig eller andlig, till vad som händer när livsformer från andra planeter kommer till Jorden, har diskuteras i Science Fiction. I tv-serien Battlestar Galactica gestaltas och problematiseras vår samtid. Genom att flytta mänskligheten från Jorden och ut i rymden, där de konfronteras med en mängd etiska och moraliska frågor ? tvingade att se över vad de själva är och vad de håller på att bli.

Platt och jämlikt? : En fallstudie av Feministiskt Initiativ

The aim of this work is to define the party structure of Feministic Initiative (FI). We want to examine the structure of an organization that doesn?t start out with a hierarchical order. We further intend to examine the party?s leadership; whether or not it is equal, between the three spokespersons.We find it interesting as a topic from a democratic point of view as well as to see if a flat structure could work in practice.

Hur agerar pedagoger utomhus? : En studie i förhållningssätt till barn i förskolan och deras utemiljö.

The following essay or thesis is a study over scientific endeavors in the fringe. It is a study of Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige, whose proponents aim to make the UFO phenomenon (or phenomena) a subject of scientific scrutiny. To achieve this, the ufologists first have to redefine common concepts of ufology as pseudo science or religion, mainly by challenging definitions given by scientific sceptics on the one hand, and proponents of conspiracy theories or the new age environment on the other. Thus UFO-Sverige seeks to construct an alternative scientific identity in contrast to adversaries on both sides, each unwilling to give the UFO phenomenon any further examination. Following the work of Tomas Gieryn's sociological grip on questions of epistemology, especially concerning the social boundaries of science from other cultural categories through what has been labelled as epistemic boundary work, during which proponents of a particular field aim to achieve epistemic authority and thus the legitimate right to define what is and what is not science, I seek to analyze how questions of science and legitimacy are actualized in an intellectual environment or culture not broadly accepted as scientific.

Demokrati och vetenskap - ett problemfyllt förhållande

What role should science play in democracy? Political scientists often assume that it is possible to demarcate between ?instrumental? and ?moral? knowledge, and argue that citizens and/or politicians should use their moral knowledge to agree upon political goals and then apply the instrumental knowledge of scientists to achieve them. This straightforward view is challenged by writers in science studies, who identify three major problems in the use of science in democracy: uncertainty, risk and hidden values. They suggest that these problems could be solved through citizen participation.In this essay I perform an analysis of the internal logic of their suggestion. Is it likely that citizen participation enhances the democratic decision making process so as to reduce the problems? The internal analysis shows that it is rational to advocate citizen participation by reasons of legitimacy.

Forskningsfronten och forskningsbasen inom informationsvetenskap ? en bibliometrisk undersökning

The purpose with this study is to map the research front and the research base in information science, by using the bibliometric methods bibliographic coupling and author-co citation analysis. The research questions are: 1. What is the nature of the research front in information science, regarding which areas that are being studied? 2. What is the nature of the research base in information science, regarding which authors who are most cited, and how they can be grouped? The data used in the study were gathered from articles published in the journal Journal of the American society for information science and technology, published between 2004-2006, respectively 1986-2006.

Change Lab - Att arbeta med lärande förändring

In order to be able to change, to maintain competitiveness as a company in a world where rapid changes is part of the daily life, it is crucial to have knowledge and methods in how to change. One method, originally developed in Finland, is the Change Laboratory. This method is said to be efficient, not only concerning change aspects but also learning, since change and learning in this method is intertwined. This Master Thesis (20p.) tells about the process of conducting a Change Laboratory with a Swedish high-tech company and analyses factors in the process that makes change possible..

Administrativ styrning möter akademisk frihet Om Lunds universitets översättning av populära organisationsrecept

In a world of ?formal organizations?, which is constantly exposed for institutionalized super standards and ideas of a what a modern orgnization should be like, the pressure for changes are strong. This is the environment in which Lund University finds itself. Ideas in the beginning of the 21-century is concerning a stronger emfasis on steering, centralisation, re-hieriarchyzation, standardised processes and a new regulation concerning internal control. Through theories of new institutionalism, with conceptions as organizational identity and the expectations of adapting to new ideas, can you track the translation and adaptation that the ideas go through at the university- a decentralised organization where not only freedom has been a concept for the academic parts, but also for the administration.

Om New Economy Firms strukturella utveckling längs med livscykeln och dess implikationer på organisationernas entreprenörskap - En fallstudie av tre svenska New Economy Firms

New Economy Firms (NEFs) are considered being important drivers of economic development and growth in Sweden. Also, entrepreneurship is a widely discussed topic that is considered being essential for firms that are making business in a fast moving landscape. Usually, the growth of companies is put in context of the life cycle. The life cycle further implies that as a company moves from the startup-stage along the curve, the organizational structure increases. Further, increased structure is claimed to impede the entrepreneurial culture within the firm.

Konstruktion av analysverktyg för studie av Nature of Science i fysikläroböcker - En studie av fem gymnasieläroböcker

I examensarbetet har läroboksserier inom fysik för gymnasienivån studerats med avseende på Nature of Science. Begreppet Nature of Science, NOS, handlar om naturvetenskapens epistemologi och de sammanhang som påverkar skapandet av ny kunskap inom naturvetenskap. Aspekter från andra vetenskapsområden som, historia, filosofi, ekonomi, och sociologi lyfts fram som viktiga i kunskapsutvecklingen av naturvetenskap. Som grund för studien har ett avgränsat avsnitt, som i examensarbetet benämnts vad är ljus, undersökts. Inom detta område har det studerats om och hur NOS används i läroböckerna.

En jämförelse mellan en traditionell och en ung bank : -ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv

Date: June 10, 2011Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits.Authors: Erica Halvarsson Caroline Lundberg Moa RydbeckSupervisor: Peter SelegårdTitle: A comparison between a traditional and a new bank ? from a leadership perspectiveProblem: The study focuses how different organizational structures and leadership styles appear in a traditional bank compared to a young bank. The questions we asked ourselves in this study is whether there is any differences?Purpose: The purpose of the study is to from a leadership perspective see if there are any differences between organizational structures, leadership and communication depending on whether it is a traditional or a new bank.Method: In this study, primary and secondary data was used to best obtain comprehensive information, which was analyzed on the basis of a set of question. In order to obtain our raw data, interviews with staff from Swedbank and IKANO bank were conducted.

Organisationsprocesser på hotell i Sverige : En jämförande studie mellan nyöppnad och löpande verksamhet

Sweden?s tourism increases and new hotel opens. Since 1978 to 2011, the hotel rooms in Sweden doubled. International congresses, sports- and artistic events are a few examples of what affects the hotel industry. Sweden is seen as an attractive destination and future forecast looks to have a positive trend.

Förändring som styrmedel  : En studie av implementering av nya rutiner på IKEA Örebro

This paper aims to study the Armenakis´ theory of readiness, "are they ready?", which consists of five key components affecting the outcome of an organizational change. In this case study, the intention is to investigate if any component is important; alternatively if it is possible to discern a pattern between components, i.e. how they correspond to each other. During the past 30 years have a research group lead by Armenakis has studied organizational change and how resistance to change can be avoided by preparing employees in the introductory phase of change. The main object for Armenakis is the question "what determines whether the employees (change recipients) adopt and support, or reject and resist a change".

Att styra och att genomsyra - en fallstudie av hur The Body Shop använder organisatorisk styrning för att hantera sin höga varumärkesrisk

By the year of 2007, 97 % of all listed companies in Europe had a CSR strategy described on their website. As the concept of CSR during the last decades has increased rapidly in popularity, a need to understand how such a strategy can be implemented has followed. While working with CSR in an integrated manner shows similarities to other popular management ideas, such as Lean and TQM, companies applying to a CSR strategy has been shown to be under higher scrutiny from media and NGO:s. Through a case study this thesis examines how these special circumstances of a CSR strategy makes The Body Shop use organizational control to avoid being subject to scandals due to not fulfilling the promises made to its customers. The results show that The Body Shop's commitment to CSR creates a need for a stringent bureaucratic control system that highly restricts the freedom of action for its employees.

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns betydelse för det sociala arbetet : En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares upplevelser

The study aims to gain insight into how social workers perceive their psychosocial work environment and examine whether this effects the performance of their duties. The study mainly addresses the shortcomings of the psychosocial work environment of Social Services and the implications it entails for social workers health and wellbeing. The psychosocial work environment includes physical and psychological factors therefore the study's interpretive framework consists of organizational theoretical and social psychological concepts and previous research on the subject. We examined the organizational and social psychological connections to social workers perception of their work environment with a qualitative approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews with four social workers in a municipality in central Sweden using a semi-structured interview guide.

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