

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 19 av 78

Digital transformation. En rapport om regleringar och sanktioner kring hybridarbete

This thesis investigates the regulation of hybrid work environments by focusing on the implementation of rules by both management and employees. It examines the methods used to measure compliance and the consequences of non-compliance within organizations. The study also explores how flexibility in work arrangements and the balance between work and personal life affect employee well-being and productivity. Furthermore, it highlights the critical role of self-leadership in navigating the complexities of hybrid work, emphasizing how effective self-management can enhance organizational efficiency and employee satisfaction. We have adopted a qualitative research approach and interviewed employees, managers, and HR personnel with experience in hybrid work. The different perspectives are expected to provide insights into this area by including all levels within an organization It is evident that organizations that have clearly established rules and guidelines regarding hybrid work have achieved the best desired results.

Goodwill. IFRS3 & IAS36  - ?Big Bang? utifrån en revisors utgångspunkt.

The study aims to illustrate how women victims of male violence in intimate relationships are treated during the legal process and with professional perspective describe what women?s experiences considered to be in the legal process. The study also aims to draw attention to the interventions for abused women during the legal process.The results are based on interviews with professionals in the justice system, and on observations in the courtroom. Overall our results show that abused women are in need of a great quantity of help and support before, during and after the negotiation. The legal process is very stressful for the women.

Omvårdnad och organisationsstruktur : En odelbar helhet

Komplexitetsteori ger ett nytt synsätt på hälso- och sjukvårdens organisation, vilken beskrivs som ett komplext adaptivt system, vars ingående delar står i en inbördes relation till varandra och interagerar i dynamiska, icke linjära mönster. Detta synsätt kontrasterar mot det mer traditionella som ser sjukvården som en hierarkisk och linjär organisationsstruktur. Denna litteraturstudie har som syfte att beskriva hur omvårdnad kan påverkas av en organisationsstuktur präglad av teorin om komplexa adaptiva system. Elva artiklar granskades och analyserades, varvid fyra teman framträdde: ledarskap och medinflytande, samverkan, intellektuell mångfald och informationsflöde. Resultatet visar att omvårdnadsproblem uppmärksammades och åtgärdades snabbare på enheter som organiserats med fokus på medarbetarnas delaktighet och där ledarskapet främjat en hög grad av samverkan inom och mellan vårdens olika professioner samt verkat för ett klimat där alla medarbetare fritt kunde framföra och delge sina åsikter.

Ledarskap i offentlig sektor ? Komplexitet och framtidens spännande utmaningar

Den offentliga sektorn är en viktig arbetsplats och utgör en funktion i att stärka välfärden.För att verksamheterna ska fortsätta att utvecklas är det av största vikt att välfärdssektornarbetar för att stärka och utveckla ledarskapet. Vår uppfattning är att delar av de problemsom den offentliga sektorn idag kämpar med grundar sig i att den inte aktivt förvaltar ocharbetar med identiteten. Det är ett arbete som innebär att på ett effektivt sätt förhålla sigtill sina intressenter. Syfte med denna uppsats är att belysa komplexiteten i ledarskapet,utifrån valda teorier kring struktur, kultur, identitet och kommunikation vill vi vidareförsöka identifiera eventuella likheter och skillnader mellan olika verksamheter i enkommun som kan hjälpa till att beskriva komplexiteten. Vår förhoppning är att dettaperspektiv kan bli ett bidrag för ledarnas fortsatta arbete med utvecklingen av denoffentliga sektorn.

Starta lärprocesser genom : En möjlighet för finansiärer att lära av utvecklingsprojekt

ABSTRACTThis paper aims to shed light to what extent a financier have learnt about sustainableorganizational change, through development projects taking part in the Swedish knowledgeFoundations program, ICT in Teacher?s training. Some questions asked were: Has theSwedish Knowledge Foundation learnt by researchers? and self evaluation?s ?stirring up? ofongoing projects? What type of learning process has been going on? Has new, mutual,knowledge been constructed or has already existing knowledge been transferred?The study consists of one participating observation and three interviews. They showhow the financed projects have been ?stirred up? so that a developmental learning process hasstarted within their organization.

Digitala bibliotek - framtidsvision eller morgondagens verklighet?

In the wake of the electronic revolution digital library has become one of the central themes concerning libraries. The present study takes up the question whether digital library can function in the same way as the conventional library. The question can obviously be posed from different perspectives, e.g. technological-, the user-, or the organizational perspective. The study investigates if (and how) digital library can have the same functions as the traditional library.

En studie av IT-miljön och dess användning inom förskolan

The purpose of this study is to examine the usage of IT technology within preschool and study how IT tools are used by preschool staff for administrative as well as pedagogical assignments. Several aspects affects the work preschool staff do with IT which concerns availability to technology, how technology is used and how technology is made available for the children. There are a number of questions linked to these aspects where some examples this study examines are which advantages, disadvantages, obstacles or other limitations that comes with introducing IT? This study also examines how, when and in what contexts IT is being used? Other questions examined are the pedagogue?s general views of IT, competence development and eventual needs of investment? Further on this study examines to some part how children interact with IT during pedagogical activities? The overall objective is to shed light on problems that preschool staff encounter  in their daily work and on the basis of identifying important questions at issue that could constitute a basis for further research. The results of this study are based on both a literature review and a field study.

Starka relationsband eller bara ett vanligt jobb?

Försvarsmaktens nya personalförsörjningssystem har medfört utmaningar och aktualiserat frågor kring de nya personalkategorierna. Utifrån att personalkategorin specialistofficer i framtiden ska utgöra kontinuiteten inom förbanden är syftet med studien att undersöka specialistofficerens relation till arbetsgivaren Försvarsmakten. Arbetets ansats är att ge en ökad förståelse för specialistofficerens relationship commitment, dvs. engagemanget för själva relationen till Försvarsmakten.Studiens teoretiska ram bygger på Meyer och Allens konceptuella trekomponentsmodell om organizational commitment. Studien genomförs som en attitydundersökning i form av en enkät, med framförallt slutna påståenden men även två öppna frågeställningar där resultatanalysen innehåller både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ del.Resultatet visar att specialistofficeren tillmäter den känslomässiga komponenten störst betydelse för relationen vilket bekräftar tidigare forskning avseende kännetecken förprofessionsyrken.

Developing Dynamic Outsourcing - Bringing continuous added value to the ABB Full Service partnership

Executive summary This master thesis was originally based on a specific assignment given to the authors from ABB Full Service, a unit specializing in providing maintenance outsourcing: ?How can ABB Full Service expand its offering of providing fundamental maintenance by seamlessly incorporating the business concept with competencies and solutions from other ABB divisions?? The academic issue was developed throughout the thesis, resulting in the following formulation: ?From an organizational perspective; how can service providers bring continuous added value to intra-organizational outsourcing partnerships?? Many of the key findings of this thesis are reflected in the issue. The term intra-organizational outsourcing is a proposed addition to the terminology in the academic discourse on outsourcing. The definition of the term is: ? Where an organization outsources a business process interlinked with the physical operations, requiring the service provider to take over a preexisting unit and its employees.This is an accurate description of the form of outsourcing that ABB Full Service is engaged in.

Ledarskapsskillnader mellan ofentligt och privat anställda ledare : När sektorstillhörighet inte längre är relevant

The Public vs. private movement has over the past decades identified numerous significant differences between public and private organizations. The observed differences covers almost every field in administrative economics ranging from organizational structure, management accounting, goal-setting and in the past few years even leadership. Strangely, in the majority of these studies little or no regards are given to organizational characteristics or fundamental differences between compared organizations and if these organizations really are comparable when studying the effect of sector.The aim of this study is to compare leadership in relatively similar organizations from both the public and private sector and so clarify if earlier identified differences in leadership styles still surface when leaders working with approximately the same thing in a similar work context are studied.A sample of 348 Swedish principals was drawn from both municipal and private elementary schools. The respondents answered a web-based survey based on the CPE-model resulting in leadership styles mapped according to three orientations: change, production and employee.

Programverksamhet i Kriminalvården : ur ett klientperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to look at how clients, in the Swedish criminal justice, experience their involvement in treatment programs. The spotlight in the study was to examine which helpful and unhelpful factors are involved in a treatment process, in the view of individual experiences. The study is based on a qualitative method, with interviews as an instrument for collection of data.The result is summarized in three fields; is it possible to show vulnerable, the therapist and the meaning of the program. The result is based on interviews with six informants; five of them have been partaking in treatment programs in prison and one in the probation office. The study shows that partaking in treatment programs in prison is combined with problems in aspect of the different roles criminals play in prison.

Att skapa en intraprenör : En studie om den organisatoriska kontextens betydelse för intraprenöriellt beteende

Intraprenörskap är ett relativt okänt begrepp i jämförelse sin motsvarighet entreprenörskap. Intraprenören kan stå för förnyelse och mervärdesskapande inom en redan etablerad organisation. För att besvara problemformuleringen ?Vilken inverkan samt betydelse kan individen och den organisatoriska kontexten ha för intraprenörskap?? besvarades forskningsfrågornaFinns det några gemensamma egenskaper att identifiera bland intraprenörer som kan kopplas till dess innovativa arbete?Går det att identifiera några särskilda kontextuella förutsättningar som krävs för att intraprenörskap ska uppstå?Vem, vad eller vilka kan vara skapare av den intraprenöriella organisatoriska kontexten?Studien utfördes genom en kvalitativ metod med hermeneutiskt synsätt samt tolkning. Urvalet utgjordes av sex anställda intraprenörer inom olika organisationer, vilka belönats med bemanningsföretaget Talentia ABs pris för intraprenöriellt arbete.

Asfaltdjungeln: En ANT-analys av en svensk kartell

In the year of 2001 the largest known cartel in Swedish history wasexposed to the public and brought to justice. Eight years later, afterseveral trials, the so-called Asphalt Cartel was finally found guilty bythe Swedish Market Court for having been cooperating illegally anddistorting prices.The overall purpose of this paper is to study how the cartel wasmanaged in order to be sustained over time. By applying actornetworktheory I examine what kind of heterogeneous materials thatwere combined for purpose of creating the cartel and how in practicethey were held together.In order to understand how the cartel was sustained I also include ananalysis on why it suddenly fell apart in 2001. However, my studyshows that through the years the cartel repeatedly experiencedcrisis, and therefore constantly fell apart and was recreated throughprocesses of negotiation..

Hälsoutbildningens påverkan på psykologiska resurser hos chefer och anställda

This study is a quantitative study designed to examine whether training in health issues may have contributed to the increase in head managers' psychological capital (PsyCap). Construction consists of the following components: self confidence, hope, optimism and resilience. A high PsyCap considered beneficial in organizational change and steer towards the positive development and helps individuals in stressful situations. The results show an increase of characteristics such as hope and optimism among managers (N = 15) who have undergone training in health issues compared with managers who have not undergone training. However, the tests show no significant difference in head managers' attitudes to health breaks, not the severity of granting health breaks in the groups as a result of training.

Empowerment : En studie i att skapa förståelse för olika former av empowerment

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

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