

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 12 av 78

Begreppet "upphandlande enhet" enligt lagstiftningen om offentlig upphandling

The government procurement legislation ? i.e. the Swedish procurement law, the EC procurement directives and the WTO?s Government Procurement Agreement ? applies on public procurement. Such a procurement exists when the contractor meets the conditions stated in the directives that the organ is to be considered as a contracting auhtority.

BBIC i samverkan för barnets bästa

Purpose of this study is to investigate whether BBIC had an effect on the interaction between social services and schools. To find this out, a comparative study carried out between two municipalities in southern Sweden who has worked with the BBIC system different lengths of time. The empirical data is based on six qualitative interviews with heads of unit in social services, principals in secondary schools, and social workers who work with children- and youth investigations. The theoretical framework consists of Bronfenbrenners Ecology model, systems theory as organizational theory and the theory of autopoiesis, and Danermark model of collaboration. The results of the survey show that respondents do not find that their inter-organizational collaboration has been significantly affected by the implementation of BBIC, but that BBIC provides a good basis for collaboration due to the logic and structure of the system..

Gottgörelse till brottsoffer vid internationella brottmålsdomstolen

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter.

Det är varmt och skitigt men innerst inne trivs vi : En kulturstudie i ett industriföretag

Aim: Culture exists in every organization, whether you actively work with it or not. Old cultures often carry traditions and are hard to change. The purpose of this thesis is to describe Gävle Galvan from an organizational point of view and also to investigate the culture from a gender point of view.Method: The thesis is written with a qualitative and narrative approach. I have taken part in three person?s stories through interviews and thereby created picture of their everyday work on Gävle Galvan.

Socialiseringsprocessen i revisionsbyråer : En studie om skapandet av organisatoriskt engagemang

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to contribute with knowledge regarding the connection between the socialization process and the organizational commitment perceived by junior accountants. Based on Van Maanen and Schein's (1979) model, we intend to identify and describe how selected socialization strategies affect junior accountants? perceived affective, continuous and normative commitment during the initial five years in the firm.Research methodology: Semi-structured interview was chosen as the key approach for gathering essential data. Interviews were conducted at three major accounting firms with a total of eight interview participants. The study has a qualitative approach because of the ability to go in depth on the studied phenomenon.Conclusion: The socialization process consists of individual, informal, sequential, fixed, serial, and investiture strategies.

Varför bör kvinnorepresentationen öka? En textstudie av den interna debatten inom tre politiska kvinnoförbund under sjuttiotalet

When it comes to political representation, all over the world women almost always make up a minority of representatives in the legislative bodies. The Scandinavian countries in general and Sweden in particular have though been exceptions to this rule with, when compared to other countries, a rather high percentage of women in elected positions. This development took off in the seventies: during that decade the unit percentage of women in the Swedish Riksdag rose by double!The aim for this thesis is to analyse what underlying ideas influenced this advance. The focus is on three different female party federations, who are believed to have had a great impact on this increase of women politicians through their influence in their own mother parties. The federations analysed are the ones connected to the Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party and the Liberal party.

SJ-syndromet - en fallstudie om en intensiv medierapporterings inverkan på en organisations anställda

Media and social media have been proved to occupy an increased amount of time in people's everyday lives and affect how individuals interpret reality. This phenomenon is referred to as the medialization and its implications on organizations and their members become important to understand. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine how members of an organization under intense scrutiny from the media are affected by this exposure in their everyday work. To gain knowledge about the area a qualitative case study was performed on the Swedish train operator SJ AB - one of the most media exposed organizations in the country. A theoretical framework is developed for the study and discusses organizational identity, stigmatization and motivation.

En studie av rörelsen mot en processorienterad sjukvårdsorganisation - eller hur man får upp strutsar ur sanden

Health care costs in relation to GDP are escalating all over Europe and the Swedish health care industry is not an exception. Between 30 and 50 percent of resources used in health care are considered waste, in the sense that they don't contribute to increased health. This illustrates the big need for hospitals to become more efficient which is why many hospitals today are trying to move towards a process-oriented organization. This paper therefore aims to identify the elements necessary for this type of organizational change, the barriers encountered when moving from a functional to process oriented hospital as well as how to overcome them. The case study was conducted at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset and shows the importance of not just transmitting a sense of urgency but also communicating that the upcoming change is long term.

?Det handlar om k?randa??. En studie om organisationskulturen inom Polismyndigheten med s?rskilt fokus p? tystnadskulturen

The aim of this research was to gain a comprehensive understanding of how daily activities impact the organizational culture within the Swedish Police enforcement agency, Polismyndigheten. The study specifically explored the influence of the purported culture of silence on organizational culture. Employing a case study approach, data were collected with a qualitative method from a total of 15 individuals, including students and officials affiliated with Polismyndigheten. The findings were categorized into five distinct groups, revealing a noticeable gap between employees and management. Additionally, the study identified generational disparities and a lack of a clear set of core values.

Interkommunal IT-samverkan. Faktorer och effekter av ett framgångsrikt samarbete

Today more and more municipalities interact across a wide range of sectors. The reasons tostart interacting are varying and for those who succeed with this form of work, there arebenefits in terms of efficiency and knowledge exchanges. But are the reasons that interactalways obvious? Sweden currently has 290 municipalities of varying size and allmunicipalities have basically the same mission, to deliver services to its residents.Information technology allows municipalities to digitize much of the workload, but theintroduction of the technique is not without problems. For small municipalities, there are greatdemands to deliver reliability and support for their internal and external services.

Cherry Casino : - en kommunikationsgranskning

AbstractPurpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper was to identify the communication process at the company Cherry casino and see what opinions the employees had about it. Moreover, an evaluation of the used strategies was done and an analysis about what perhaps could be done to improve the attitude, communication and in the end the result for the company.Material/Method: The empirical material was gathered through qualitative interviews and theory application.Main results: The transmission of information regarding the regular work related information works just fine and the channels used are well chosen. But more large-scale information that deals with the company?s plans, strategies and targets is not handled in the right way. Neither is the respond.

Medling i Norrbottens län

Medling är en metod som bygger på Restorative justice och är en världsomspännande företeelse. Det går ut på att den som begått ett brott och den som blivit utsatt för brottet ska få möjlighet att träffas. Detta görs med hjälp av en opartisk medlare. Då medling är frivilligt så kontrollerar medlaren om parterna har en vilja att träffas samt förbereder parterna och tar reda på vilken inställning dessa har. Om parterna vill träffas anordnas ett medlingsmöte.

Drömmen om Sverige: En studie av Exportrådets informationsfilmer "Världens möjligheter"

Within the fields of business as well as the academic, there is a growing interest for the role images play in an organized conception of the world. This paper acknowledges the relevance of such images and ideas, and its purpose is to examine the fixed ideas and conceptions of the world as they appear in a Swedish organizational context. The Swedish Trade Council is a hybrid organization between the state and private sector with an outspoken purpose of defining an image of the outside world for small and medium size enterprises in Sweden. The underlying question in focus for this study is: What central conceptions of the world appear in the Swedish Trade Council?s information films ?Världens möjligheter?? Within organizational studies, a postcolonial theory has to a large extent been overlooked.

Välfärd & Rättvisa: socialsekreterarens roll i arbetet med yttrande för unga lagöverträdare

In the last couple of years changes in the legal systems treatment of young offenders has given the social worker more legal responsibility. In view of this, our purpose with this study was to examine how social workers and prosecutors apprehend the role of the social worker during the legal process. The study was delimited to look into the handling of young offenders between the ages of 15 and 18 years old. The questions we intended to look at were: How do the social workers reason when trying to see the need of a child within a legal context; Do prosecutors and social workers experience that they have different approaches when looking at young offenders, as a consequence of their different professions; What is the opinion among social workers considering the duty of the social services to administrate community service for young offenders; How do the social workers argue when determining whether or not a young offender has a "special need for care". These questions were answered through empirical studies where six social workers and two prosecutors were interviewed.

En uppsats om kontraheringsplikten för dominerande företag

In organizations today Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming a common means to try to gain legitimacy and credibility for their business. A successful CSR strategy has the potential to generate positive outcomes for a company and reaching out to stakeholders about the corporation?s contribution in the field is an important part of the work. In this study I examine how the employees at Max Hamburgare receive the corporation?s efforts within sustainability, how it is perceived and what this means to the employees.

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