

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 1 av 78

Socialarbetares syn på institutionell påverkan i arbetet med unga lagöverträdare

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding regarding which institutional demands can be identified by social welfare secretary?s in their work with juvenile offenders. The study uses organizational theory to try and find different institutional strategies that social workers use to handle such demands. The study takes a qualitative approach and consists of six semi-structural interviews with social welfare secretary?s who work with juvenile offenders.The results of the study show how institutional influence comes from various organizations and institutions such as media, legislation as well as the police and justice system.

Predicerar organisationsrättvisa och work locus of control hälsa hos kollektivanställda män och kvinnor

Ett högt ohälsotal i arbetslivet innebär stora kostnader för samhället, arbetsgivare och även för de anställda. Forskningen inom detta område har flyttat fokus från att studera ohälsa till att istället studera hälsa och vilka faktorer som befrämjar hälsa i arbetslivet, de så kallade friskfaktorerna. Föreliggande studies övergripande syfte var att studera om upplevelsen av organisationsrättvisa och personlighets¬faktorn work locus of control predicerar upplevd hälsa hos kollektivanställda män och kvinnor. Studien genomfördes utifrån ett kvantitativt perspektiv med 103 deltagare som besvarade en enkät. Svarsfrekvensen var 22,5 % och resultatet visade att work locus of control predicerar upplevd hälsa för männen och procedural rättvisa predicerar upplevd hälsa för kvinnorna.

Tar vi vårt ansvar? En granskning av Sveriges politik för global utveckling

This thesis deals with the theories of ecological and environmental justice and applies them onto Swedish politics. Confronting the divide in the literature between anthropocentric and ecocentric perspectives, its aim is to seek points of agreement within this important field of environmental politics. In the theoretical discussion, definitions are made of the concepts sustainability, justice and responsibility. These definitions try to link ecological and environmental justice arguments with a focus on the global level.The object of analysis is the former Swedish governments? bill ?Common responsibility: Swedish politics for global development? which was accepted in 2003.

EG-domstolen:roll och funktion i en utvidgad europeisk union

The European Court of Justice, the ECJ, has the governing function in the Union as a guardian of law and justice. Even today, with a Union of 15 memberstates, statistics show that the ECJ and the Court of First Instance have increasing difficulties in fulfilling their tasks. This situation is chiefly a cause of an increasing number of cases raised. Due to this, profound changes have to be made in order to preserve common lawagreements in a future expansion of the Union. The purpose of this paper is to exam which changes the Courts have to make in order to meet an increased amount of cases that an enlarged Union would mean..

Fördelning av en kostnad utifrån olika rättviseteorier :

The increasing road traffic in Sweden will require investments in the infrastructure that the tax withdrawal of today will not allow according to a new government report, SOU 2006:33. An existing willingness to pay for those investments has therefore become an alternative to increases in taxation to be able to cover the costs. A proposal to let the willingness to pay, alternatively increases in taxation that act proportional, decide how a cost is distributed can be said to be related, but not fully correspond, with different theories of justice described by Robert Nozick and John Rawls. It can therefore be interesting to see how the two different theories of justice are edified and how they distribute a joint cost. The aim of the first part of the thesis is to present and criticize Rawls' and Nozick's theories of justice in a common formulated economic model.

Är en lojal kund mer förtjänt av en bättre behandling En kvantitativ studie om favoriserande behandlingar till kunder med olika input.

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

Lika Olika

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

Rörelse i rörelse: En studie av organisationskulturen på Friskis&Svettis Stockholm

The thesis aims at describing how culture is produced and reproduced at IF Friskis&Svettis Stockholm, a Swedish non-profit training association. The authors claim that organizational identity plays a major part in determining ways of action within the organization. Selection processes, programming and internal recruitment and sensemaking are essential issues of the cultural production and reproduction..

Studio för mekanik och hållfasthetslära - Tillverkning och utveckling av demonstrationsexperiment

Several studies have examined the effects of perceived justice of preferential treatments to customers, but few have studied these effects when customers have different input. The purpose of the study is therefore to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the effects of preferential treatments to customers with varying input. More specifically, the study focuses on how perceived justice, customer satisfaction and loyalty are affected depending on the customer's input and received treatment. An experimental study with 263 respondents showed that the perceived justice and loyalty intentions among both the receiver and the non-receiver of the preferential treatment were of highest level when it was given to a customer with large input. Customer satisfaction however, was found to be of highest level when customers themselves received preferential treatment, regardless of the size of their input.

Smältdegel IKEA : En jämförelse mellan IKEA: s organisationskultur i Ümraniye och Örebro

The purpose of this essay is to illuminate in what aspects IKEA?s organizational culture in Ümraniye in Turkey differs alternatively resembles with IKEA?s organizational culture in Örebro in Sweden. The aim with organizational culture is to analyze the relationships between the leaders and co-workers and the relationships between the co-workers.The study is based on a combination of interviews and questionnaires. We have interviewed people in leading positions and made surveys among IKEA co-workers in two different stores located in two different countries. This combination of the methods gave us a better understanding for how the organizational culture is experienced from two different perspectives.

Tillit och engagemang i organisationer

Previous research has shown that there is a relationship between trust and organizational commitment. Our research questions were if the three trust-variables ability, benevolence and integrity predict organizational commitment differently. Further we examined if the length of employment affected the relationship between benevolence and organizational commitment. Due to the fact that past studies has shown that benevolence develop during a longer period of time than do the other trust-variables. We made a survey using questionnaires (n=50) in a ?caretaking facility? and using a multiple regression analysis we found that ability was a significant predictor (p=0.032) for organizational commitment.

Det sitter i väggarna : En fallstudie om organisationskultur på hotell

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to examine the organizational culture at a specific hotel. To do this we have chosen to use interviews with both managers and employees. We have also done some minor observations and also studied written documents. The questions are as follow:? How is the organizational culture seen by managers and employees?? In which way is the organizational culture described in documents?? What differences and similarities are visible when comparing the opinions of employees and managers and the description in documents?It is mainly Edgar H.

Kan instruktioner om en rättvis och likabehandlande rekrytering leda till minskad diskriminering?

This study examined if individuals act in a less discriminating way and in a more fair way when they receive instructions about justice and not being discriminating while recruiting. 96 randomly assigned students at the University of Lund participated in this study. The participants were informed that they would act as a recruiter. They would then choose and place three of the best personal record in order of preference. There were three different kinds of company policies/instructions.

Vi bygger en medborgare : En studie av  införandet av medborgarkunskap i den svenska folkskolan 1909-1919

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to examine the organizational culture at a specific hotel. To do this we have chosen to use interviews with both managers and employees. We have also done some minor observations and also studied written documents. The questions are as follow:? How is the organizational culture seen by managers and employees?? In which way is the organizational culture described in documents?? What differences and similarities are visible when comparing the opinions of employees and managers and the description in documents?It is mainly Edgar H.

Global Ethics in Dialogue : Church Studies on Globalization in Relation to Global Theories of Justice

The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.

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