

9048 Uppsatser om Organization and personnel management - Sida 6 av 604

Djurens olika roller i behandlingsarbete med unga brukare vid HVB-hem : En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study is to understand which roles institutional personnel in HVB-homes (homes for care or living), that include animals ascribe the animals for the young clients in treatment. Using the termsrole, role-taking, primary socialisation and secondary socialisation within the perspective of symbolic interactionism, we intend to analyse the expericences from the institutional personnel of what roles the animals are ascribed in treatment of young clients. We also wanted to find out if the institutional personnel have certain expectations on the animals as tools in the treatment and whether the institutional personnel believes that the animals have important roles in the treatment of the young clients.To find the answers of our aim and approach to our problems, we have used a qualitative study where we have interviewed six institutional personnel distributed in three different HVB-homes that uses animals in treatment of young clients. Our empirical material shows that the institutional personnel ascribe the animals a variety of roles, which among others are: friendly and familiar, meaningful, safe, comforting and soothing. Other roles that the institutional personnel ascribe the animals for the young clients are: teaching in order to develop empathy and responsibility; helping in therapy situation and having an activating role.

Intern marknadsföring: en fallstudie på Luleå tekniska universitet

For the success of universities, it is very important that the personnel are well motivated through internal marketing. The purpose of this report was to identify which activities universities uses to motivate their teaching and researching personnel and how the activities are valued by this group of employees. The study was conducted in the form of a case study. One interview with the chief administrator at Luleå University of Technology was conducted, and a questionnaire was sent to all the teaching and researching personnel at the same university. The result indicates that Luleå University of Technology uses many internal marketing activities to motivate their employees.

Det är ju samma arbete fast annorlunda : marknadsmekanismers inverkan på hemtjänstpersonalens arbetssituation

Many organizational changes have been accomplished in elder care since the 1980's and many of those have been influenced by market mechanisms. The purpose of this study is to examine how the implementation of these market mechanisms has affected three important aspects in the work situation for personnel. These aspects are, demand, control and support. To attain the purpose of this study, five qualitative interviews with home care personnel have been carried out. The interview material has been analyzed and structured with the help of Karasek and Theorells demand-control-support model.

Ett anpassat ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet : - Hur gör en liten organisation med hög personalomsättning?

This paper aims to find out how to implement an information security management (ISMS) system that is based on ISO/IEC 27001-standard into a small organization with high employee turnover. The standard employs the PDCA-method as a course of action for implementing the standard. The reason for implementing such a system is to introduce information security to the organization and to maintain it despite the changes in management. The paper based it?s survey on a case study of a student nation in Uppsala, Sweden.

Att attrahera nya målgrupper med planerad kommunikation. Hur ekonom- och ingenjörsstudenter kan bli Volvo IT:s framtida medarbetare

Title ?Att attrahera nya målgrupper med planerad kommunikation?Author Magnus Ejerhed, Anna Johansson and Caroline JägersvärdCourse Bachelor thesis in Media and communication studiesSemester Spring semester 2008Tutor Britt BörjessonUniversity the University of GothenburgAim the aim of the study is to describe students attitudes to Volvo IT as an employer.How can Volvo IT improve their communication to students?Method A quantitative approachMaterial A questionnaire which has been given to 122 students in economics atHandelshögskolan in Gothenburg and Industrial economics at Chalmers Universityof technologyMain results The main results of the study are that most of the students in economics andindustrial economy are positive to work as management consults. They also havean optimistic attitude to work as intern management consults in a large company.The students don?t regard Volvo IT as a possible future employer; neither do theyhave a good knowledge of the organization.Conclusions It is very likely that the students don?t regard Volvo IT as a potential employerbecause they don?t think of Volvo IT as an organization in management consulting.Volvo IT has to make their management consulting, Fortos ManagementConsulting, more visible if they are going to make the students more interested ofthem as an organization in management consulting. They have to inform theirtarget group what new competences they are looking for.

IT-system och organisationsutveckling

This report describes work on the thesis ?IT systems and organizational development?. The work is carried out on Stocksbro Energi AB, during spring 2009. The company wanted better flow in their production but also review if the inventory management function located in Visma SPCS Administration 2000, could be used in the organization. Under the first part of this report the system were tested to ensure if the system would work together with the organization.

Mer än en snygg skylt på fasaden : Svenska lärosätens varumärkesarbete

Title: Management control of facility efficiency in municipalities - A case study of Halmstad municipalityLevel: BachelorSeminar date: 2012-05-31Authors: Markus Nilsson & Sara MattssonAdvisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonKey words: Control management in municipality, facility efficiency, management by objectives, internal rents and incentivesBackground: The public sector owns and manages a large property portfolio and in the municipalities, the properties are always a big cost item. Because of the outside world changes and the public interest, the properties should be used as efficiently as possible.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe how control management of facilities looks like a municipality. The paper also seeks to explain how employees work to make the facilities more efficient in a municipality.Methodology: The authors use a qualitative method with open interviews.Theoretical perspectives: The choice of theory was made with the field of management control and facility efficiency in mind. The theory therefore includes management by objectives, internal rents and reward systems, motivation and communication within organizations.Empirical foundation: The organization has undergone a reorganization 2010/2011. There are no clear incentives to reduce facility costs.

Dopet som födelserit : En kvalitativ studie av dopföräldrars tankar kring dopet

The study reported has been conducted in care service guided by the Swedish law LSS( LSS- act concerning support and service for the disabled). The aim of this study is to examine the experiences of the personnel who have attended the Taktipro introductory course with special focus on how they describe the possible effects this may have had on their daily attendance to their special needs users.The method used is a qualitative method of enquiry, based on interview questions sent by mail to all the participants of the Taktipro introductory course. The result shows that the personnel have a positive view on skills in progress and that this program has facilitated the contact between personnel and their special needs users. An awareness about the importance of physical contact has also been revealed as well as an awareness of their own impact on situations at work. The result also indicates that the personnel feel that they have been able to improve the well being for the special needs users. .

Integrerat Performance Management System -En studie om ett ledningssystems påverkan inom Volvo

The research within the management control systems-field and more specifically performance management has been rather shallow and not much has happened the last decades besides the balanced scorecard. The researchers see a lack of studies focusing on the effects of an integrated performance management system and also how it affects the different hierarchical levels and the tasks to perform.We decided to perform an essay with case study-characteristics by looking at both the strategic and tactical level at Volvo Group, or more specifically Group Trucks. We performed three different interviews, one at the group level and two at the division level. The aim was to see what effect an integrated performance management system had on the tactical level (i.e. the divisions).Our findings and corresponding analysis suggested that Volvo was a rather centralized company in order to get the performance management system to work by enabling a ?weekly control?.

Verksamhetsstyrning fo?r lokaleffektivisering inom kommunal verksamhet : ? En fallstudie av Halmstad kommun

Title: Management control of facility efficiency in municipalities - A case study of Halmstad municipalityLevel: BachelorSeminar date: 2012-05-31Authors: Markus Nilsson & Sara MattssonAdvisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonKey words: Control management in municipality, facility efficiency, management by objectives, internal rents and incentivesBackground: The public sector owns and manages a large property portfolio and in the municipalities, the properties are always a big cost item. Because of the outside world changes and the public interest, the properties should be used as efficiently as possible.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe how control management of facilities looks like a municipality. The paper also seeks to explain how employees work to make the facilities more efficient in a municipality.Methodology: The authors use a qualitative method with open interviews.Theoretical perspectives: The choice of theory was made with the field of management control and facility efficiency in mind. The theory therefore includes management by objectives, internal rents and reward systems, motivation and communication within organizations.Empirical foundation: The organization has undergone a reorganization 2010/2011. There are no clear incentives to reduce facility costs.

Miljö- och Personalreglering i Förvaltningsberättelsen : - En studie av Svenska Börsnoterade Företag

The environmental work of companies has become an incredibly important factor in achieving reduced levels of environmental pollution. For companies the work on environmental issues began in the 1980s. During this time companies also began to show interest for the personnel, an interest that was shown in the form of attempts to disclose personnel information in economics. Earlier this information was separated from the financial information, despite the fact that the revenues are created by the employees.The purpose of this paper is to examine how well companies with a notification or a permit today account for environmental- and personnel information in their director?s report.

Intranät och dokumenthantering vid ett mindre till medelstort företag En fallstudie

The aim of this masters thesis is to learn how an organization has solved its information management via intranet and document management. The purpose is to identify what different types of information are made available via an intranet, how this information is structured and what functions the intranet includes. Conventions, directions and advice about intranets and document management were studied, with the purpose to compare whether the systems of the company correlate with these. Other issues considered in the thesis, are how the employees of the organization use the intranet and how the document management is organized. To get an understanding of these questions the structure and functions of the intranet were studied empirically and a questionnaire on what the employees need and use, concerning the intranet, was sent out to 130 employees.

Innanför organisationens väggar : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie av organisationsidentiteten inom Nordmalings kommun

Nordmaling is a small muncipality that has gotten a lot of critic in media over the last two years. In order to regain a good reputation and to communicate a strong message towards external groups, Nordmaling have decided to develop a branding platform that can represent the organization in both external and internal communications. In order to develop a brand the organization must understand its identity.The purpose of the study was to examine the employees? thoughts of their organization in order to be able to define the organizational identity and give recommendations of core values that the organization can apply to their brand. To understand how the employees perceive their organization and what they think the organization stands for, the main focus was to study their view on values, standards, goals and vision of the organization through focus interviews and a survey.

Fenomenet samtalsstöd för äldre : En fenomenologisk studie ur omsorgspersonalens perspektiv på särskilt boende

Research shows that supportive conversations with elderly who are living in nursing homes isrequested among care personnel, this to satisfy both older people's mental health and socialhealth. The care personnel try to offer the elderly supportive conversation to the extent theyare able to, but they are experiencing obstacles in terms of shortage of time, ignorance and aperceived ambiguity in their profession. The purpose of present study is to describe andanalyze the phenomenon of supportive conversation with elderly living in nursing homes,based on care personnel?s perspective. The study is based on qualitative interviews with thecare personnel working in special housing.

Förbigående av företrädesrätten till återanställning med hjälp av bemanningsföretag : -Att anses som ett kringgående av LAS?

The aim of this essay is to discuss the problems concerning the right of priority for re-employment in connection to employing temporary agency workers. This will be done with the help of relevant laws, preparatory work and literature that fall within the scope of the legal dogmatic method.Using temporary personnel is becoming considerably more common throughout the Swedish workplace. In recent years there has been a rapid growth of work agencies and a tendency to employ temporary personnel. At the same time employees are made redundant, suffering the consequences that arise from the workplace failing to abide by the rules of re-employment. In order to claim that the employer has failed to follow the right of priority for re-employment, evidence must be sufficient.

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