

9048 Uppsatser om Organization and personnel management - Sida 43 av 604

Jehovas vittnen i Sverige i ljuset av sekularisering : Deras metoder för att motverka sekulariseringens effekter

The reason behind this essay has been to study if previous research is relevant for Jehovah?s Witnesses in Sweden and see if secularization has affected the organization or not. The empirical material is made from two qualitative group- interviews and open observations during two meetings in the Kingdom Hall. These studies were performed in Oskarshamn and Mönsterås during the month of February. The reason that these studies have been limited to Oskarshamn and Mönsterås is mainly because they were the only ones willing to do an interview.  According to previous research by James A.

En studie av ledarskap, organisationsklimat, tillfredsställelse och extra ansträngning på Faiveley Transport Nordic AB

The aim of this study is to examine if the leadership style in Faiveley Transport Nordic Ltd has an impact on the psychosocial climate in the workplace. Henceforth, we have checked if the psychosocial climate influences the feeling of satisfaction that exists in the organization and if this in turn influences the degree of extra effort the employee chooses to impose on his or her task. In order to measure the leadership in the organization we have used the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). The climate, in turn, has been measured through Ekvalls GEFA. All 125 employees in Faiveley Transport Nordic Ltd got the possibility to attend the survey, 58 participated.

"Information-as-thing": Förhållandet mellan biblioteks- & informationsvetenskapen och materialbibliografin

The relation between LIS and physical bibliography is examined primarily through an analysis of such LIS literature as applies physical bibliography in research or otherwise discusses its relevance to information studies. Quite a number of scholars are stressing the usefulness of this bibliographical tradition, even though its position in LIS agenda as a whole seems to be less established. These scholars suggest that physical bibliography presents interesting conceptual and theoretical implications for many of the central objects of study in LIS, for example, knowledge organization, information retrieval, and information seeking. It is also suggested that physical bibliography could help deepen our knowledge and understanding of the digital media ecology. Physical bibliography is foremost seen as a method for the analysis of documents, a method in which not least its terminological apparatus may be a significant tool.

Arbetsmiljöarbete enligt OHSAS 18001 : En inledande undersökning

There are regulations in sweden that require organizations to manage occupational,  health and safetey (OH&S) issues in a systematic way. The contents of the management system vary depending of the activity of the specific organisation. An accurate management system is crucial in order to assure that rules and regulations are fullfilled. The OHSAS 18001 standard covering OH&S management is intended to provide organizations with the elements of an efficient OH&S management system. The work with this thesis was done at Swemat AB in Härnösand wich is a mechanical industry. In the thesis, the requirements of the OHSAS standard are compared with the current management system.

Tesauruskonstruktion i ämnet landskapsplanering

This research paper is a thesaurus construction for the interdisciplinary subject of landscape planning. The personnel doing the indexing of documents at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences had earlier expressed a need for such a work within the fields of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Engineering. However our objective was not to create a complete thesaurus, but instead a basic construction which the personnel at the Agricultural University could expand upon. The actual construction is based upon ISO 2788-1986, Documentation Ð Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri, and Aitchison, Gilchrist and BawdenÕs Thesaurus Construction (1997). The line of enquiry taken has dealt with the problems relating to the collection, selection and control of indexing terms.

How does board structure influence CEO compensation? Evidence from Sweden

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Praktiska råd gällandeBusiness Intelligence-projekt : En studie av hur fyra organisationerhanterade problem och vilka erfarenheter dekan dela med sig.

This study concerns how organizations manage various problematic areaswhen implementeing Business Intelligence and experiences from BusinessIntelligence project failures on management level. In order to highlightthese questions, we have carried out interviews with four organizationswhich have great experience in working with Business Intelligence on adaily basis.The result of the study shows that all organizations deal with difficultiesregarding cost-benefit issues and justification concerning BusinessIntelligence investments. The result also showed that the organizationsfaced difficulties with integration concerning time and cost. Documentingand securing support systems presented different attitudes between theorganizations, primary in the question about sub complements to BusinessIntelligence and in the way that they were documented. In the discourse oflegal issues and privacy the majority of the organizations chose not to storepersonal information relative to legal security demands.

Design management i produktutvecklingsföretag : Samarbetet mellan en design manager och en designkonsult

Design management är ett arbetssätt som har börjat tillämpas av allt fler företag de senaste åren, men det kan fortfarande vara svårt att förstå betydelsen av design management. I uppsatsen undersöks det vilken betydelse en design managers kompetens och position har för samarbetet mellan det designköpande företaget och en designkonsult under ett designinköp. Genom ett flertal intervjuer, utifrån både design managers och designkonsulters perspektiv, undersöks det hur samarbetet fungerar mellan dessa parter. En analys av intervjumaterial med hjälp av en teoretisk referensram bestående av design management-teori, design som en integrerad process och beslutsrollsteori har lett fram till ett antal slutsatser om design management. Några av slutsatserna är att design management, enligt teorierna, som arbetssätt inte är så vanligt och att det finns en viss samarbetsbrist enligt de intervjuade designkonsulterna, som i viss mån underlättas om design managern har kunskap om vad design innebär..

Samspelet mellan IT-avdelning och verksamhet : En studie av hur koordination påverkas av strukturer och social interaktion

Several surveys indicate that corporate leaders still consider the aligning of IT and business functions as a top management issue. The aim of this thesis is to illustrate how coordination emerges between IT and business departments and how formal structures intended to coordinate are influenced by human action. To deepen the understanding of this phenomenon we seek to analyze IT/business coordination from a perspective based on practice theory. A field study was conducted where observations and informal interviews were carried out at the IT department of a global company. The empirical analysis indicate that coordination problems between IT and business departments is in part affected by embedded factors such as different goals and perspectives on how IT is to be used in the organization or how to design IT related processes.

Utveckling av ett användbart IT-stöd : för att stödja operativa arbetsrutiner

Nuclear power production carries potential risks both for the environment and for the work force. Different safety measures are employed and they stem from local rules as well as from regulatory authorities. This work describes the development of a safety promoting tool at Forsmark Power Plant, one of Sweden?s three Nuclear power plants. We describe the development of a computer based system for Pre-Job Briefing and Post-Job Debriefing.

Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition : For Priority Aero Maintenance

The economic crisis has affected the airline industry as much as it has affected all other industries in the world. The small airlines and maintenance organisations must find new opportunities and options in order to survive the harsh crisis. Priority Aero Maintenance is now an approved maintenance organisation performing maintenance on aircrafts, engines and components. The company sees economic gains in the future by becoming an approved organisation that follows the European Aviation Safety Agency guidelines (EASA) and meets the requirements outlined in the rules of Part-M.In order for the company to become an approved organization, responsible for continuing airworthiness of aircraft, a handbook should be presented to the local authority. This handbook describes the company?s responsibility for the continuing airworthiness in order for the authorities to get an insight into the company and its work.This thesis resulted in a draft of CAME (Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition) and this draft has been approved by Priority Aero Maintenance.The CAME will in the future be used by the company as a basis for developing a more detailed manual to be presented to and approved by the Swedish Aviation Authority (Transportstyrelsen)..

"Integration of VBM and BSC. The perfect match?"

Syftet är att beskriva och analysera VBM ochBSC samt diskutera möjligheten att integreradessa. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod därteoretiska begrepp inom Value BasedManagement och Balanced Scorecard analyserasoch jämförs med empiriska undersökningar iform av intervjuer. Kombinationen av VBM och BSC resulterar i ett lämpligt styrverktyg för många företag. Det är ingen perfekt kombination. Koncepten kompletterar dock varandra och ger en mer heltäckande bild av företagets verksamhet och strategiska möjligheter..

Bibliotek och intranät ? en fallstudie av intranätanvändandet i en biblioteksorganisation

This master?s thesis seeks to examine how a public library use the intranet with regards to the possibilities that today?s intranet technology offer ? especially concerning functionalities that support information, communication and knowledge exchange in the organization. The purpose of the study is to investigate how employees in one specific public library perceive and use the intranet in their daily work. The theoretical framework takes its point of departure in two complementing models regarding the implementation, development and management of intranets and a model of a multi perspective view of the intranet as a shared information space for content, communication and collaboration. The study is based on interviews with eleven of the intranet users, whom with the aid of an interview guide have been asked questions regarding goals, implementation, content, design, applications and advantages/disadvantages with the intranet.

Dialogen som skapar förändring

The purpose of this study is to gain increased understanding of managers´ attitudes and knowledge about its role in the internal organizational communication. We want to understand how managers define dialogue and further understand the role that dialogue plays for managers. We want to see whether the different managers highlight some common foundations or differences in the dialogue. With the help of the following two questions we wish to understand managers´ relationship to the dialogue within the internal organizational communication: -What meaning does the dialogue have for managers in the private sector?-What role does the dialogue play in the internal organizational communication according to these managers? We use qualitative interviews as the data collection method of our material. Using material from the interviews and mainly in accordance with William Isaacs? theory of dialogue, wecan answer our questions. The result shows that managers' views on the dialogue in many cases are similar to Isaacs? vision but differs in part. The managers believe that employees are there to contribute to the company.

Utvandrande verksamheter

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