

9048 Uppsatser om Organization and personnel management - Sida 17 av 604

Ändring av befintligt ridhus : Gävle Fältrittklubb

In past decades information technology has changed the conditions of organizations, not at least within the industry. Advanced IT systems have become a fact in order to cope with rapid changes in the market and to effectively manage an organization?s knowledge. When organizations became more flexible and customized expectations from customers and stakeholders also become higher. These expectations and guidelines are documented in a company?s management system, which can be designed differently depending on what standards the company chooses to implement.

Att kunna det som andra kan : Knowledge management i ett kunskapsföretag

The capability to know what knowledge there is and where it resides within an organization is becoming increasingly important in the new knowledge-based economy. This paper takes on a practise-based view of knowledge in order to decide on a course of action for how to successfully implement knowledge management within a knowledge-based company. By considering all knowledge as more or less contextual and socially constructed, knowledge is divided into three dimensions depending on the degree to which it is tacit, namely: information, knowledge and skills. The paper then discusses inhibitors and enablers for transferring knowledge via these three dimensions respectively. The empirical findings are based upon a case study of Faveo. It is shown that Faveo, like most organizations, has til now focused on the collection of codified knowledge, i.e.

The Key Success Factors of Grameen Bank - A Case Study of Strategic, Cultural and Structural Aspects

The thesis aims to analyze strategic, cultural and structural aspects of Grameen Bank and its micro-credit project, in order to identify key success factors. A case study was performed with an inductive and qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews. The data was collected by field observations and interviews on site in Dhaka, Bangladesh and surrounding areas.The main conclusion is that the critical success factor of Grameen Bank is the relationship focus, guiding and aligning its strategy, culture and structure. Also, local offices have been observed to utilize practices not permitted by the bank?s management, ultimately increasing the organizational efficiency..

Motivation hos djurägare : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys

AIM The aim of this paper was to clarify some of the factors that motivates pet owners to follow advice and instructions from veterinary nurses, so called compliance. METHOD An empirical study with an inductive approach was conducted, and a qualitative content analysis was performed. Content analysis is a scientific method of achieving qualitative results. The analysis is based on interviews with five pet owners, completed in February 2012. The interviews were transcribed and the results are made up of abstracted quotations. RESULTS The result in the study indicate that pet owners are motivated by information, respect, trustworthiness and treatment in meeting.

Korttidssjukfrånvaron Vård och Omsorg Öster : vad kan den bero på och hur skulle den kunna minskas

The health care sector Öster has the highest average absence due to short-time sickness in Örebro. It is the short-term absence that has the highest costs for the organisation, not just in money, but also in quality disturbances and administrative work. Health care sector Öster is divided into four areas with a manager for each. We have chosen to conduct our research within the special housings in area one and four, since these two had the lowest and highest short-term absences.The purpose with the research is to examine short-term absences among the health care personnel in the health care sector Öster, see what the absences depend on, and what can be done to solve the issue. We will compare the absences in the area with the highest respectively lowest short-term absences in order to see if there are any prominent differences between the two.

Svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolags användning av hållbarhetsindex : en studie av ett kvantitativt mått

The aim of this study is to investigate how Swedish listed real estate companies use quantitative sustainability measures - mainly sustainability index with a financial focus. Sustainability management is a controversial issue that is used more and more constructive. A sustainable management approach in corporate cunduct is complex and based on a number of aspects of business visions, objectives and daily procedures. The study identifies aspects that are considered relevant in real estate companies where the selection of sustainability indicators is based on the support of scientific research in this field. The study intendeds to clarify how Swedish listed real estate companies have selected aspects and indicators of sustainability management and how these work towards a sustainable development.

Hållbar utveckling - paradigmskifte inom snabbmatsbranschen? : En flerfallsstudie av hamburgerrestauranger

Sustainability issues have become increasingly high-profile and important in recent decades. In addition, quality issues have come to play a central role in corporate marketing, strategy and management. The word quality can be defined differently in different contexts. This paper focuses on the concept of quality, based on the Total Quality Management perspective, which in Swedish has come to be known as Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling has been described as a theoretical framework in which an organization continually strives to meet and preferably exceed customer needs and expectations at the lowest cost through continuous improvement, and in which all members of the organization are committed and focused on the organisation's processes. The purpose of this study was twofold. First, to clarify the applicability of the theoretical model Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling as a theoretical explanatory model. Second, to explore how Max Hamburgerrestauranger AB performs according to the values in Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. A multiple case study was conducted in order to explore these topics. The results showed that Max Hamburgerrestauranger AB is working in a dedicated and value-driven manner, aligned with the values ??that form the basis for Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. The results also showed that the model for Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling could serve well as a theoretical explanatory model, but that the model would benefit from being developed, enriched or integrated with other models.

Ålfiskeförbudet : en undersökning av olika aktörer och olika aktörers åsikter på förvaltning, kommunikation och framtiden inom svenskt ålfiske

The first of May 2007, a decision from the Swedish Board of Fisheries about a Swedish prohibition of eel fishery got legal force. This prohibition is one of the most challenged decisions that the Swedish Board of Fisheries has taken. In the town Karlskrona in the southeastern part of Sweden the prohibition has got a lot of attention in local media. Early in the debate, it was clear that the actors active in the archipelago of Karlskrona were against the prohibition. The aim with the master thesis is to investigate different actors' opinions and view of the prohibition of eel fishery, today's management of the resource and how the actors' think that the communication between the actors involved in the management of eel and eel fishery works and what need to be changed to be able to develop a sustainable management of the eel in the future.

Tsunamin - Krishanteringens beslutsprocesser

When the Tsunami occurred on Boxing Day 2004 it caused a major stress upon the governmental agencies in not only the affected areas but also in states that had a large number of citizens in the affected area. The governmental agencies were not prepared for the demands from the citizenry in these countries to deal with rescue and crisis management in areas situated halfway around the globe. This thesis main purpose is to research what the causal mechanisms of Sweden?s and Finland?s crisis management were through the method of process tracing. Taking its theoretical stance in Allison?s & Zelikow?s three models of decision making, the thesis compares the course of events of the first two critical days in Sweden and Finland to establish what mistakes were made during this critical period.

Motorcykelhjälm : Underlätta avtagandet efter en olycka

In my degree project I have focused on how to make it easier for ambulance personnel to remove a motorcycle helmet after an accident. During my research I have interviewed ambulance personnel from different cities and a trauma surgeon to get a better understanding of how they work today and the problems they experience. Some of the problem areas are that you need a lot of force to remove the helmet, that the padding catches the ears and that the chin guard catches the face. Since ambulance personnel always assume that there is a neck injury after an accident, all these problems make it difficult to remove the helmet safely.The result is a motorcycle helmet with a focus on safe removal after an accident, to reduce the risk of worsening a neck injury. The solution suggested is that a small part of the back of the helmet is detachable, to make the opening larger.

En studie i Culture management

Culture Management Cultural management administration producent KKE management.

Mitt och Ditt Sverige : Att vara invandrare i Samhall

The theme of this bachelor thesis in sociology has been developed through the perspective of ?grounded theory?, where the writers starting point touched the subject of integration in the organization Samhall in Sweden, an organization that hires disabled individuals that do not have enough working abilities to be hired any place else. From there, the methodology moved into a qualitative research through interviews with first generation immigrants hired at Samhall, where the result presented clear patterns of integration problems such as identification with an organization that does not have a normal way of working, the feelings of security which led to an unwillingness to leave the organization (which actually is the main goal of Samhall) and the stigmatized presumptions of the organization as such that makes it even harder to get a regular job on the open work market. These patterns were then put together with theories of stigma, cultural sociology and organizational identification, which three were the theoretical framework of this thesis. This study has contributed with an enlightenment of how it is to be an immigrant in a state governed organization and the consequences that follow when integrating an immigrant in a work disabled working environment. .

The Cost Saving Potential of Standardization, -a study at a global packaging company

To introduce a standardized component assortment takes a lot of effort in order to make real cost savings. The rationalization effect itself is important, but perhaps even more important is to state the aim of the standardization efforts in a well-defined way. How can an organization assure that they are working in a proper way? How do they know that their efforts are being interpreted into the whole organization? And, how do they know that the standardization efforts actually save money? Different components differ heavily e.g. in technical complexity and quality issues.

Avancerad hjärt-lungräddning med mekaniska eller manuella kompressioner : Uppfattningar hos ambulanspersonal om kompetens, övning, patientrisk och överlevnad

Study objectives:Examine ambulance personnel?s perceptions of skills / training and knowledge with regards to the existing mechanical / manual compressions and frequency of training during a work shift. Do ambulance personnel think that mechanical compressions increase survival? Are there concerns that the device could damage the patient?Design: A cross-sectional study, quantitative approach with qualitative elements was conducted.Methods:Questionnaire form, which was answered by 44 ambulance personnel in an ambulance organisation in Sweden. Participants were on a scale of 1-5 to select how they agree with the claims of the study form and also submit their own comments.

Ledarskap och delaktighet : en fallstudie om ledarskapets betydelse för medarbetarnas delaktighet

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att studera fenomenen ledarskap och delaktighet i en kommunal verksamhet, mer specifik avses att undersöka ledarskapets betydelse för medarbetarnas delaktighet. Avsikten med föreliggande studie är således att studera vad i ledarskapet som ledarna och medarbetarna uppfattar påverkar delaktigheten, och hur dessa faktorer påverkar delaktigheten, stödjande eller hindrande. Den teoretiska referensramen presenterar en forskningsöversikt över ledarskapsforskning, delaktighetsbegreppets komplexitet samt faktorer i ledarskapet som påverkar medarbetarnas delaktighet.Empirin har inhämtats genom tio kvalitativa intervjuer på två enheter inom en kommun belägen i Östergötland. Resultaten visar fler olika faktorer i ledarskapet som påverkar medarbetarnas delaktighet. Faktorerna som framkommit i studien som verkar stödjande är; visa intresse, förtroende, tillgänglighet, tillåtande, belöning och engagemang.

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