

9048 Uppsatser om Organization and personnel management - Sida 10 av 604

Bibliotekspersonalens arbete med boksamtal för barn i 9-14 års ålder

The main aim of this thesis is to study how and in which way the library personnel works with reading groups and their view of reading groups. I also want to study which role the governing- and policy documents have in the library personnel?s work. The following questions were asked.Which similarities and differences between the different library personals outlooks and acting can be interpreted from the following aspects:? Promoting reading, book selections and the leader's role?? To talk about personal subjects and to create possibilities for personal growth and increased empathy?? To promote language development and reading comprehension?The methods used in the study are a combination of interviews and observations.

Ledningsstrukturer inom terroristorganisationer - En fallstudie om ISIS

Since events of September 11 and the subsequent conflicts surrounding the event, the war against terrorism has been constantly present. It has been used several methods and strategies to address these threats, including a method current in use, the targeting method. The method refers to use few but precise attacks to knock out key functions within these organizations, mostly individuals in the higher command and control structures within these organizations. The effectiveness of the method has been put in question when the majority of the terrorist organizations continue their strife, in some cases even increasing its intensity. The purpose of this study is to investigate which role the higher command plays in these organizations ability to wage war.

Vägen till ett lyckat kvalitetsarbete med ISO 9001 : en studie av kritiska framgångsfaktorer för mindre företag ur ett globalt perspektiv

More than 90 % of all business activity in the world market consists of small and midsized companies today. Recent studies have shown that there has been an increase in small companies? certification to ISO's management standards. Smaller organizations tend to have more limited amounts of resources at their disposal than larger ones. This can result in difficulties during the implementation process of ISO 9001.

Göteborgs stadsmuseum mellan teori och praktik - En diskursanalytisk studie av museiverksamhet i en ökat marknadsorienterad omvärld

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to research how the Göteborg City Museum places their organization in a context of culture policies andmuseology.The discursive analysis constitutes the methodical frame for this thesis. According to the analysis of this thesis, since an increasing influence of a market-­oriented discourse, an antagonism between a sociological pathos and a market-­oriented instrumentality seems to be the major theoretical clash at the museum. Inside the organization though, the personnel lacks broader insights concerning these theoretical conflicts, but the stressed economic situation creates no room for further theorization. There is a risk to get caught in a market-oriented discourse where there is no time to reflect on the effects of the discourse because of the lack of time that the discourse itself generates.

Manuell kontanthantering i begränsad omfattning : Strategi och styrning på funktionsnivå inom bankbranschen

In today?s ever-evolving society the use of cash is replaced by digital services in the banking sector. Some local banks restrict manual cash handling while others remove it completely. This essay examines how management accounting is affected by restricted cash handling. The theory clarifies that management accounting strategies create guidelines and provides specific framework for employees and managers in the organization.

Vilken funktion har belöningssystemet i en organisations ekonomistyrsystem? : en jämförelse mellan två storbanker

Two of Swedens´s major banks, SEB and Handelsbanken, which appears in the same industry and have similar strategy. Both banks can achieve a similar result despite the fact that their reward system looks quite different. An issue that arises from this observation is the relative reward system to the rest of the economy control system.Our purpose of this paper is therefore to examine the reward system in the organization's financial management systems. We wonder if the reward system may be a function of economic control system, or part of the system, or perhaps made independent of the system and then gradually adapted?In our study, we choose to assume a reward system has three functions to manage, motivate and compose the employee group.

Hur skapar man ett leende? : En uppsats om personalmotivation

Our purpose with this paper has been to analyse and discuss how motivation of the personnel affects the service quality in service companies. This has been done through two studies; a literature study with existing theories and an empirical study on the divisions of Lyckohjul and Shopping at Liseberg. In the introduction of this paper we put the question of research; why is there a need for work of motivation in service companies. When collecting information we used literature briefing, a questionnaire study and depth interviews. The literature briefing focused on the well-tried and most dominating theories on the subject motivation.

Organisationsplan för Skanska Direkt Värmland

AbstractSkanska Sweden has decided to split the organization that earlier handled both large and small projects into two different subsidiaries. A consequence of this is that all construction service handling will from now on be enforced under the name Skanska Direkt AB. The management of Skanska sees this as an opportunity to develop the organization and in the long term achieve higher earnings.   The task which Skanska in connection with the reorganization wanted to be investigated was a proposal on how the organization of work with the insurance work in the future should look like.The organization that is handled is from production manager to professional workers and includes damage handling that has been obtained from insurance companies in the southern and northern parts of Värmland. The purpose with this work is to present a different kind of view to the problem with developing this branch of the company. The main target was to work out a proposal of an organizational plan for the damage handling in Skanska Direkt AB that is possible to apply, less sensitive for dismissals, results in higher earnings, obtains higher customer satisfaction and also a staff stab that develops their skills at their own.The report and work progressed as following:Opening theory study of strategies to obtain the objectives set.Restructuring of existing organization with theories as support.Interviews with the actors involved to verify feasibility of the developed organization plan  Organization chart, the result of work means that some workers at each location shall be responsible for a small group of workers and work independently. They shall manage the process of invoicing and calculate costs at the same time as they work out on the workplace.

Rällsögårdens missbruksprogram : En studie om klienter och personals erfarenheter av programmet och dess genomförande

The aim is that on the basis of interviews with personnel and clients examine whichexperiences they have of the drug abuse programme and its implementation. To be able toanswer the aim following question has been formulated: (1) What do the personnel and clientthink about the drug abuse program arrangement? (2) In which extend is the programimplemented as thought? (3) How do the personnel assesses the client?s participation? (4)How does the client?s think about their own participation in the program? (5) Do the client?sthink that the program have been helpful in their personal development? A qualitativemethod was chosen and has used a semi structured interview. Total has ten interviews beenimplemented on Rällsögården, five with clients and five with personnel. The study'sinterpretation framework builds on research around drug abuse treatment and theories andmethods that lie to shallow for the drug abuse programme.

Kunskap och organisatoriskt lärande inom Apoteket AB

This paper aims to provide a description of how knowledge can occur in Apoteket AB, anorganization that is operating on the Swedish pharmacy market. The purpose of this paper isalso to describe how the organizational learning occurs in the organization, and how theoutcome of this learning can be stored in the organizational memory. This subject is ofinterest since Apoteket AB experience changes in their external environment in that they nolonger have monopoly to sell pharmaceuticals on the Swedish pharmacy market. Earlierresearch claims that organizations need to develop new knowledge in order to take action, andthis development needs to be supported by the management within the organization.The collection of primary data was done by two qualitative interviews with employees withinthe organization of Apoteket AB.Our conclusions are that knowledge can occur in many forms, such as tacit and explicitknowledge. The vast majority of the knowledge within the organization is the information thatcan be found in the electronic database Aponet within Apoteket AB, and that is useful for theemployees in their daily work, and therefore is known as explicit knowledge.

Konfigurationshanteringsverktyg (CM-verktyg) och CM-kriterier, dess tillämpning för presentation av migreringsdata

The purpose of this thesis is to present and describe which criteria, according to the systemfamily Configuration Management, should be met when developing a CM-tool to handlemigration data.ACT is a tool developed by Microsoft to gather information about, analyze, test and mitigateapplications in a network when migrating the IT-infrastructure of an organization to a newoperating system. The organization that is being studied wants to present the data about theanalyzed applications in such a way, that a customer can choose what to mitigate and migrate.The goal is therefore to develop a prototype (CM-tool) that will present this data.The study has shown that ACT lacks certain requirements stated by the organization when itcomes to presentation. But when it comes to the rest of the functions, ACT performs as expected.The investigation resulted in specifications and technical solution for the new CM-tool. CMcriteriafor migration data was put forth and parts of the prototype were also developed..

Implementering och kommunikation av ekologisk h?llbarhet. En fallstudie om utmaningar och strategier i fordonsindustrin

The purpose of the study is to explore the internal implementation and communication of ecological sustainability within an organization and to identify obstacles and challenges that may arise. To address the study's purpose and research questions, a qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews were used. Respondents were selected from two different units within a large global organization operating in the automotive industry. The study's findings indicate that the organization's sustainability efforts are extensive and integrated across several departments. It is also evident that sustainability initiatives are primarily driven by upper management within the organization, although there is room for lower hierarchical levels to provide some feedback.

Talent Management. En studie av det praktiska arbetet med Talent Management i fem företag

Globalization and demographic changes are forcing today?s companies to be more competitive in order to reach success. The increasing competition is proving a challenge for companies to recruit and retain competent, talented staff. To meet these challenges, Talent Management was developed during the 1990s and supplies a new and innovative way to deal with personnel management. Due to Talent Management being a relatively new theory, there is at present no generally accepted definition of the theory.

Sjuksköterskors och läkares delaktighet i kvalitetsutveckling : En fallstudie vid Karlskoga lasarett

The purpose of this master's degree thesis was to develop an understanding of how hospital management, in the case studied, worked to achieve changes in an organization influenced by differing professional cultures. To gain insight into the conditions that may have contributed to nurses and physicians developing appropriate attitudes and behaviours, which may have affected the organization's ability to achieve the Swedish Quality Award 2012. A qualitative single case study was conducted at Karlskoga Hospital, with focus groups as well as individual depth interviews. The results of the case study showed the following conditions provided nurses and physicians the potential to develop appropriate attitudes and behaviours, which may have influenced the hospitals ability to achieve the Swedish Quality Award:  Responsibility and influence over the development processes.Participation in management teams and quality development groups as well as individual fields of responsibility.Training programs that have given insights and skills in quality management related to clinical practice.Nurses and physicians as key individuals gave legitimacy to development process, and served as management advisors.Collaboration between all kind of employees and responsibilities.Committed management.    .

Kulturellt implementeringsarbete : -En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie av organisationskultur inom ett svenskt bygg- och anläggningsföretag

Organizational culture has been described as a shared perception of reality and values ??within a group of individuals. Within the group's shared values ??about what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior and shared values ??make it easier for individuals to understand what is expected of them. If the desired culture from the management team is not consistent with the culture of the employees there might be a collision.

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