

532 Uppsatser om Organ procurement - Sida 25 av 36

Koll på läget? Efterfrågan på kontorslokaler i Göteborgsområdet 2011-2014

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Träbyggnadssystem utifrån äldre träbyggnadstekniker - förslag på förtillverkade byggsatser

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Vårdpersonalens inställning till psykospatienternas rökning

SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund:Till intensivvårdsavdelningar (IVA) kommer patienter med livshotande tillstånd som leder till svikt av vitala organ. Målet med vården är att övervaka, behandla och ge omvårdnad till patienterna. Behandlingar och åtgärder som utförs på IVA kan påverka patienten båda under tiden på IVA samt efter utskrivningen till andra avdelningar och sedan i hemmet. Patienter kan påverkas både fysisk och psykiskt efter vården på IVA. Posttraumatisk stressyndrom (PTSD) kan vara en av konsekvenserna efter vården på IVA.Syfte:Att belysa de psykiska besvär patienter kan uppleva efter att ha vårdats på IVA samt belysa riskfaktorer som kan leda till utveckling av PTSD efter vistelsen på IVA.Metod:Metoden var en litteraturöversikt där artikelsökning gjordes i Pub Med, PSYCINFO, Cinahl samt Scopus.

Livsstilscoacher : - en utvärderingsstudie av delprojektet Livsstilscoacher

SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund:Till intensivvårdsavdelningar (IVA) kommer patienter med livshotande tillstånd som leder till svikt av vitala organ. Målet med vården är att övervaka, behandla och ge omvårdnad till patienterna. Behandlingar och åtgärder som utförs på IVA kan påverka patienten båda under tiden på IVA samt efter utskrivningen till andra avdelningar och sedan i hemmet. Patienter kan påverkas både fysisk och psykiskt efter vården på IVA. Posttraumatisk stressyndrom (PTSD) kan vara en av konsekvenserna efter vården på IVA.Syfte:Att belysa de psykiska besvär patienter kan uppleva efter att ha vårdats på IVA samt belysa riskfaktorer som kan leda till utveckling av PTSD efter vistelsen på IVA.Metod:Metoden var en litteraturöversikt där artikelsökning gjordes i Pub Med, PSYCINFO, Cinahl samt Scopus.

En innerstad tillgänglig för alla. En utredning av kommersiella fastigheter i Göteborgs stadskärna

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Anestesi av ödlor

The anatomy and physiology of reptiles and mammals are in many ways different, and will therefore possibly complicate anesthetic administration. Lizards are ectothermic and one should keep in mind that a decrease in the lizard?s environmental temperature may result in reductions in anesthetic metabolism. Respiratory depression is a profound problem because lizards lack a diaphragm, making inhalation and expiration completely active processes. This, in combination with cardiac shunting and breath holding makes the effects of anesthesia unpredictable.

En studie av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet ? Implementeringsprocess, effektmål, nyckeltal & Goal Evaluation Model

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Arkitektur som trygghetsökande åtgärd. En studie om hur den byggda miljön påverkar tryggheten i Fittja

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

En omvärldsanalys av hyresbostaden: En undersökning om hur Stena Fastigheter kan bygga fler billiga hyresbostäder

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Akutsjukvård : cirkulationsrubbningar-symtom, orsaker och åtgärder

The cardiovascular system is one of the three major body systems. When an animal in a critical state arrives at the animal hospital, it is important to know the normal parameters in order to assess the patient?s cardiovascular status. Triage is a process where you considerate the patient?s condition instead of check in time, or other criteria.

Analys av logistiska flöden samt förslag till finansiell besparing vid alternativa transportsätt

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Internationell Upphandling av Byggmaterial : En studie över materialimportens potentiella tillämpning hos medelstora och stora byggentreprenörer

High housing- and construction costs is a fact in Sweden today. Prices on building materials more rapidly than producer price index for industrial goods. Prices tend to rise during market boom but does not adapt during diminishing demand. The effects of fading demand can rather be deduced through discounts and quotations. During 1992-1998 when the Swedish construction sector found it self in severe crisis the prices of construction materials kept rising more rapidly than PPI for industrial merchandise.

Big Room som projekteringskoncept, en fallstudie av NCC Projektstudio.

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Principer för en lyckad hyresgästanpassning - En studie om faktorer som bidrar till kontrollerade kostnader och goda relationer

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Gränshinder i anläggningsbranschen. En studie inom vinterväghållning.

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

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