

24650 Uppsatser om Order and study environment - Sida 7 av 1644

Barnens trädgård : Barnsjukhusets utemiljö - Uppsala

The outdoor environment at Children's hospital, the University Hospital, Uppsala, is used by sick children at the Children's hospital, their families and the hospital staff. The staff at the Children's hospital wanted to render the site more attractive and available. This graduation thesis is a proposal about how the outdoor environment at the Children's hospital can be improved. The aim is to design an environment for the sick children, their families and the hospital staff that will serve as a place for relaxation and privacy, as well as for play and movement. In order to find support for the redesign of this site I read literature about theories concerning healing environments, healing gardens, children's play and designs for children.

Arbetsmiljö i stora mjölkkobesättningar :

Earlier studies have shown that musculoskeletal disorders among animal keepers are more frequent than in other occupations. Most of the farms have expanded and the farmers who used to work alone have suddenly become a work manager with several employers. There are only a few studies made on the work environment in dairy farms. Our study is based on a questionnaire and is a part of a project called large dairy herds. The study is based on data from the persons who milk most of the time. The questions they had to answer were about the work environment, musculoskeletal disorders and the psychosocial environment. The results of the survey are presented in diagrams and figures. It was common that the dairy producer themselves answered the questionnaire.

Små barns lärande i skogsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagogerna inom I ur och skur arbetar med de yngsta barnens lärande i skogen

The purpose of the survey was to find out how early childhood teachers work with the curriculum of I Ur och Skur with children between 1-3 years in the forest and how such educators are using the outdoor pedagogy in the forest environment in preschool.In order to answer the study's aim and objectives interviews were performed with six teachers in I Ur och Skur kindergartens.What emerged from this study is that forest excursions are a central part of the curriculum and is seen as their educational place. The teachers are working to create a feeling of security among the youngest children of enjoying the woods and also to raise an interest in the children. Natural materials are used during the forest stay and no other toys or materials.The results reveal that educators work to get the smallest children to use and develop their imagination at play and at the same time they are involved with the children in their discovery of the woods. With the smallest children in kindergarten it involves being on the level of children and as a teacher to have the flexibility to change the forest stay environment if needed..

Säljytan - En studie om hur butikschefer arbetar med butikens säljyta

Unaccompanied children that arrives in Sweden are usually placed in homes for care and residence, called HVB. It is the municipality's responsibility to provide adequate care and protection for the children. The aim of the study is to examine how a workgroup on a HVB home for unaccompanied children is working to meet the needs of the children, and how the workgroup improves the children?s integration process. The study also aims to examine the emotional labour of the workgroup, which illustrates how they can manage their own emotional behavior when working with the unaccompanied children.The study is based on a qualitative approach with detailed descriptions of five semi-structured interviews with the workgroup and assistant managers.

Förskolans lekmiljö : En studie om hur pedagoger tänker om lekmiljöernas betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande

The purpose of my study is to describe how educators think about the play environment, the nature and its importance for the children's development and learning in preschool. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four active educators. The results of the study show that the teachers regarded the children's interests to a great extent when the different play environments were structured. They are also based on different themes that they have seen that the children were interested in, such as the fire station, hair salon or shop and café. Educators designing not only these play areas for different types of play for the children, but the different environments also have a learning purpose. The outdoor environment however attracts greater interest from children, to where they have more space to move freely in and outdoors, there are no limits to the children.

Regeringens miljösatsningar och deras förhållande till en hållbar livsstil hos det svenska folket : En studie av biståndssatsningars påverkan på hållbar livsstil i givarlandet

Swedish government aid is divided into three main themes: democracy and human rights, the environment and climate, and gender equality and women's role in development. These three themes in aid are considered by the government to be vital in order to fight poverty and create fair and sustainable development. This study will examine two of the four focus areas designated under the theme of "environment and climate". The study observes the relationship between projects in energy and water and how it promotes a sustainable lifestyle. A survey on environmental habits will be conducted.

Utbrändhet - En litteraturstudie om utbrändhetsfaktorer bland sjuksköterskor

The aim of this literature study was to find out how nurses experience their work-situation and work environment and which the risk factors where. We also wanted to examine what kind of influence those risk factors had on nurses work satisfaction. This was done by the following question: What are the risk factors that can lead to burnout in work environment of nurses? The method was by critical examination of ten scientifically articles. The articles were critically studied by the criterions of Polit, Beck & Hungler.

Ordning och reda i skolan : En diskursanalys av uttrycket ordning och reda

In media the debate about discipline and order in school is widely heard. A politician, some teacher or a representative from the teacher´s union, most often speaks these words. The interest for these issues seems to be persistent.This study is primarily about the expression ?discipline and order?. The aim is to find out how the expression ?discipline and order? is used in the investigated material.

Konstens roll i rummet - Om konstens inverkan på uppfattningen av en arbetsmiljö

The concept of art infusion has become more and more used in the field of marketing and product advertising, and the phenomenon has been subject to research. The purpose of this paper is to study how the perception of an office environment is influenced by different kinds of art settings. The study is made as a survey in which the respondents have been exposed to working environments, only differentiated by the existence of different kinds of art or non-existence of art in the presentation. There are many conclusions to draw from the study, the most important is that the presence of art gives positive spillover effects on the surrounding environment..

Finns det samband mellan grönområden i närmiljö och ungas hälsa?

The objective of this master thesis was to study the relation between public green open space and health among adolescents in Uppsala municipality, Sweden. The aim of the study was to investigate if there is an association between the access to green open space in the living environment and adolescent´s health, in terms of fysical activity, self- reported health and overweight. The public health questionnaire ?Liv och Hälsa Ung 2009? provided data together with a map over public green space, where the measure taken into account is the proportion of public green space in the living environment. The study includes 3423 adolescents, 12-19 years old.

Rektorers psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The purpose of this study is to review the legal situation of the psychosocial work enivronment for principals. The purpose is also to get an increased understanding for how the principals work environment can affect people involved in the swedish school. The psychosocial work environment is explained through studying European law, national law and case law. The principals work situation is studied by different sources, for example from the Work Environment Agency and a report from the Swedish School Agency. The legal dogmatic method has been applied with the legal sociology method to analyze the material.

Arbetsmiljöplanens väg från administration till produktion : Så kommuniceras och efterföljs arbetsmiljöarbetet i byggbranschen

The construction industry is one of theindustrieswithmostinjuredinSweden. There is reason to believe that there are deficienciesinhow the work environment iscommunicatedbetweendifferent parties. Interest in theworkenvironment has increasedin recent years,whichmakes problems and shortcomingsin this subject highlighted to a greater extent. There are severalways to workwithwork related health on the building sites. The Work Environment Plan isa tool that earlyin the planning of the project call attention to the risks and as far as possible prevents them. The purpose of this report is to improve how the workenvironmentreaches the production and how it is applied in everyday work.

Högläsningens roll i barns språksocialisation : en undersökning om förskolebarns litteracitets- och språkutveckling

According to the Swedish preschool policy documents all children should have the same opportunities to develop their early language skills regardless of their social background. The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers work with children's early literacy and language development with focus on reading aloud. The reason is to investigate how the preschool teachers work to create an environment that stimulates children's literacy and language development. Another intention is to study how often reading aloud occurs in the children's home environment and what the preschool teachers thoughts are about that. The study is based on interviews with four preschool teachers and surveys that were answered by parents.

Säkrare arbetsmiljö på byggarbetsplatser : Hur brister på arbetsplatser borde åtgärdas för att kunna arbeta på en mer hälsosam arbetsmiljö

Work Environment problems on construction work sites are very extensive and discussed. The construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries in Sweden. The construction industry occupies about 290 000 employment (2009), and the investment was 250 billion SEK. This report will investigate the issues of the work environment and offer advice on how these can be measured and imporved. The study includes review and analyses of occupational injury statistics, interviews, inspections and audit and review of the literature.

Att vara i en intensivvårdsmiljö - patientens perspektiv

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a special unit for patients who is in the need for emergency life-sustaining measures and every patient has complex medical- technical equipment. The experiences of a critical illness and the needs of critical care are experienced in different ways. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences from patients in the ICU and how this experience has an influence on the patients. The method was a study of literature with a qualitative inception based on eight scientific articles and the analysis of content has been inspired by Graneheim and Lundman (2003). The result of the study is presented by four categories: to loose the ability to make themselves understood, to be forced to adjust to the environment of caring, to have the lack of connection with reality and to be in an intensive care environment, The results showed that patients in the ICU are affected by the attitude from the staff, the equipment around them as well as the sounds and lights in the environment there.

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