

24650 Uppsatser om Order and study environment - Sida 10 av 1644

Att uträtta affärer på ett "smartare" sätt : En studie av två hotellkedjors tillämpning av Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction and research question:  This study investigates the widely discussed notion ?Corporate Social Responsibility? and its practice in the tourism industry. In the contemporary society more companies are realizing the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its potential as a means of differentiation.  The author?s interest in this particular phenomenon was awakened after reading about the business case of Scandic Hotels. This is a company that nowadays is referred to as ?Scandinavia?s leading hotel chain?.

En miljo?ja?mfo?relse av traditionellt stambyte kontra relining av tappvattenro?r : Med hja?lp av livscykelanalys

This study was a final thesis, for the bachelor program in civil engineering at theUniversity of Uppsala, which was made on behalf of Riksbyggen in Uppsala. Acomparative study of two stain renovation methods; tradition pipe replacement andrelining was done with an environmental perspective. A simplified life cycleassessment (LCA) was done according to the International Organization ofStandardization (ISO) with the LCA tool Eco-indicator 99, in order to be estimate theimpact on the environment. LCA is a method that follows a product or a system?from the cradle to the grave?, which means that all the environmental impact over alifetime is considered.The work was executed by using a stairway with nine apartments in a house called?Uppsala Hus 9? as a reference object, which was provided by Riksbyggen.

Hälsobeteende bland sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor : En studie om oregelbundna arbetstider på Ålands hälso- och sjukvård

In our everyday life we are faced with many choices that have consequences on the environment. One of these is the food we choose to eat since food production has a big impact on the environment. In organic production the aim is to have a natural production process, where environmental impacts are minimized. By choosing organic food it is therefore possible to contribute to a better environment. A large number of meals are served every day in the public sector, which makes it an important player in the consumer sector that could make a major difference for the environment..

Inkludering och språkutveckling i klassrummet för andraspråkselever ? utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to investigate what five primary teachers in five different schools with many second language students have for an idea about inclusion, language development, practices and environment of the multilingual classrooms. In my study I discusses teachers 'views on the multilingual classroom, inclusion, development of language in a language developing classroom environment and the importance of language skills has for multilingual pupils' language development and learning of the Swedish language. The method used was unstructured interviews using a digital recording device. The results showed that for these five teachers, meeting second language learners was in there everyday teaching, while it is a challenge to motivate and support them on their level. The teachers work diligently to find a balance and a working classroom environment for the multilingual classroom where all students, regardless of conditions, background, experience, knowledge and language could be offered an equal opportunity to education. .

Delegering av arbetsmiljöuppgifter : - En studie av arbetsmiljöuppgiftsfördelningen på Metso Paper Karlstad AB mot bakgrund av gällande rätt

Delegation of assignments regarding the work environment is a complex topic that is difficult to illustrate. It is not explicit mentioned in the law and the established practice are ambiguous and vague. This has caused a lot of confusion, not only for private companies but also for executives within public administration.Metso paper Karlstad Inc. gave us the assignments to investigate their delegation system and to analyze the need of change before a planed readjustment. The purpose of this essay is therefore to investigate how the proposed delegation system is constructed and whether it fulfills the demands established by Swedish law.

Arbetet med ensamkommande barn : En kvalitativ studie ur ett personalperspektiv

Unaccompanied children that arrives in Sweden are usually placed in homes for care and residence, called HVB. It is the municipality's responsibility to provide adequate care and protection for the children. The aim of the study is to examine how a workgroup on a HVB home for unaccompanied children is working to meet the needs of the children, and how the workgroup improves the children?s integration process. The study also aims to examine the emotional labour of the workgroup, which illustrates how they can manage their own emotional behavior when working with the unaccompanied children.The study is based on a qualitative approach with detailed descriptions of five semi-structured interviews with the workgroup and assistant managers.

Ekologisk dagvattenhantering på parkeringsytor : Lösningsförslag för Eurostop köpcentrum i Halmstad

Stormwater from trafficked areas often contains high pollution levels. In traditional stormwater management design, stormwater is first transported away through piped networks, and then in most cases passes through oil separators before finally reaching the recipients. While this traditional method removes certain pollutants from the stormwater, it does not reduce the total flow, as in the case of ecological stormwater management. In the ecological method the stormwater is not simply transported away, but is recirculated through infiltration, percolation, and detention. The aim of this study is to investigate possible advantages of ecological management designs, in contrast to traditional management.

Musikens oanade effekter - En studie om musik i dagligvarubutiker

The retail industry is complex and when it comes to the in-store environment conventional marketing tools seldom find their way. The impacts of in-store atmospherics on customers and the psychological impact the store environment has on their decision-making are rather remarkable. An in-store atmospheric that often is used in order to affect customers is music, in fact it is one of the in-store elements that has been investigated more carefully. Nevertheless, in spite several studies on music and its impact as an in-store atmospheric on customers, it is not yet obvious what applies. To bring some clarity on the subject this study is aspiring to explain what applies when it comes to playing music in grocery stores.

Den mobila förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogernas tankar kring den fysiska miljön och dess påverkan i barns lärande

This study deals with teachers ideas about the physical environment of a mobile preschool and how it affects children?s learning. The essay describes how the preschool bus is decorated and how a normal day works in the mobile bus. The survey was based on the following questions:Are there disadvantages and advantages in terms of physical environment in the mobile preschool from an educator based perspective?What are the teacher?s thoughts about the impact on children?s learning in terms of the physical environment on the bus?Summary: To answer my questions I have participated in activities during the day and I have used the interviews to find out the teachers thoughts.

"Vill du röra på dig får du gå ut" : En studie om pedagogers syn på barns stillasittande i skolans tidigare år

This study aims to discover pedagogues perceptions of children?s sedentary behavior linked to the school and its activities. Questions that the study sought to answer was: What do pedagogues think of when they hear ?sedentary children?. How do the pedagogues look at their own and the schools responsibility? Advantages and disadvantages with sedentary behavior? Relationship between physical activity and sedentary behavior and the impact of environment connected to sedentary behavior? The study is qualitative and implemented through seven interviews with pedagogues in the schools earlier years.

Den stressade eleven : En enkätstudie om stressorer som utsätter barnen för stress

Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.

Institutionella omgivningen i förändring

The purpose of this thesis was to examine relevance of the proposition made by new insitutionalists about institutional and technical environment. This proposition originaly made by Meyer & Rowan (1977) has two core assumptions: The first is that all organizations are controlled by combinations of types of demands; technical demands for efficient production and institutional demands to adept to cultural and normative expectations. The second assumption is that there exists a few organizations dominated almost entirely by one typy of demand. Organizations dominated by institutional demands are said to live in an institutional environment, while technical organizations is said operate in a technical environment. This thesis has examined if these assumptions are still applicable in describing organizational interaction with the environment.

Den som sig i leken ger får leken tåla

Social enterprises are increasingly gaining ground as an organisational form in Sweden, however the institutional structures for financing these types of organisations are yet to be established. With its usual origin within the civic society, social enterprises prioritise a higher goal than to maximise economic profit, which often causes these organisations to be dependent upon resources from external constituents within its institutional environment. The aim of this study was to examine how a social enterprise, which derives from the civic society, acts to mobilise resources from constituents in its institutional environment. This was executed through a case study of Jordbro Världsorkester (JVO) - a typical organisation in the civic society which takes the form of a social enterprise - by identifying how assets were used to gain resources in strategic responses to institutional processes and examining how institutional processes affects how JVO acts. Throughout the study, qualitative interviews were conducted with JVO and constituents in its institutional environment and a theoretical framework was developed which explains how capital is used to gain more capital in an emergent strategy of strategic responses as the organisation gets in contact with institutional processes from its institutional environment.

Mobbning - En fallstudie av en antimobbningsplan och dess effektivitet ur elevens perspektiv

The purpose of my essay is on one hand to research and evaluate the measures that one intermediate school in Sweden, uses in order to prevent bullying and stop it in the event that one pupil happens to get bullied or harassed. In other words, I would like to show how that school is capable of creating a safe environment. Qualitative research is used to obtain these findings.On the other hand, I also wish to examine what pupils at the school think about these measures and how they perceive the attitudes of the school?s teachers and management regarding the prevention of bullying. In order to acquire this information quantitative research is used.The conclusions that I draw after conducting my research are as follows:1- Regarding the ?Anti ? bullying Performance Plan?, my essay shows that school teachers and management actively work in order to maintain a safe environment and as a result bullying is successfully prevented the school.

Reading the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in terms of the issue of Terrorism : An analysis on the evolution of the CFSP of the EU under the issue of Terrorism

In the post Cold-War era, world politics was transforming itself through its emerging complex issues such as terrorism and influential and interdependent actors such as the European Union. In this new era, the European Union was developing its Common Foreign and Security Policy pillar both to present a coherent and unified EU policy and to prove its political potent in order to become an influential actor on world politics. On the other side, security environment was also transforming its content through emerging actors and issues. As one of the most prominent actors of the world politics, the EU was influenced by the transformation of security environment, whose economic ?soft power? proved necessary but insufficient for being a global power in this emerging security environment.

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